IE Freeze when running applet on JRE 1.4.2_06

When i run my applet on IE 6 with JRE 1.4.2_06 and try to close IE window it freezes the IE window, while if i run the same code in 1.4.1_05 it works fine.
The OS is windows 2000 Professional and IE is 6.0.2800.1106.
Also the same applet works fine on Windows XP with IE 6.0.2900.2180 SP2 with JRE 1.4.2_06
Please help....

The difference between the 2 is that the public JRE can be accessed from the command line using just "java ....", because the Registry maintains the pointers to it. You can use the other one (inside the JDK), but you have to provide explicit directions to it - via full paths, ie "C:\...\bin\java ....". This JRE doesn't jhave any Registry entries associated with it.
Once accessed, the 2 work identically.
If the jars are used only by programs that you execute via "java ...", there isn't a need to put a copy in the JRE that's in JDK_HOME.

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    There's really no need to submit to Apple, it's just a round file cabinet on the other end, especially with 10.6 or earlier.
    This sure sounds like a resource problem...
    See if the Disk is issuing any S.M.A.R.T errors in Disk Utility...
    Open Activity Monitor in Applications>Utilities, select All Processes & sort on CPU%, any indications there?
    How much RAM & free space do you have also, click on the Memory & Disk Usage Tabs.
    Open Console in Utilities & see if there are any clues or repeating messages when this happens.
    In the Memory tab, are there a lot of Pageouts?

  • JRE freeze when loading applet twice, through VSAT network

    Here is a good one for you guys I think ...
    What I got:
    I have a java web application, runing with Tomcat 5.5.
    I use a Apache HTTP Server 2.0.52 for my statiques ressources (html, etc ...), and the modjk connector 1.2.13 to forward all the dynamic requests from the client to the application server.
    One of my html pages contains a signed java applet.
    Basically, this applet control a scanner and send the scanned image to the web application server.
    This applet:
    - use some swing components
    - use the netscape.javascript.JSObject to call javascript functions
    - use the morena API (which include a native library) in order to control a TWAIN scanner
    - format the scanned image into a JPEG image
    - send the formatted image to the web server, using an HttpURLConnection
    (I use a servlet on server side to get the uploaded image)
    - wait for the server response, that tells my applet if the upload has been successfull or not
    Some additional infos:
    - I use morena
    - I use JRE to run the applet
    - JRE on client side is configured as follow:
    - no applet caching
    - network parameters: "use the browser parameters"
    My problem is:
    - Through a LAN network, the applet works perfectly ...
    - Through an internet network (I use a VSAT / IDIRECT network), I can load and run my applet the first time
    but when I try to run my applet for the second time (without closing the browser), it just doesn't start, and the JRE crash
    (i.e. the java console freeze ..., just like if it was waiting for something ...)
    nothing happen after that, and I have to kill my JRE / Browser
    the funny stuff about it is that the applet works fine (even through VSAT network) when I don't upload the scanned image on the server
    load and run ok as many time as I want ...
    => seems that something's going wrong during the uploading process
    What I have already tried:
    1/ getting rid of the Java - Javascript communication (JSObject seems to have heaps of bugs ...)
    => no changes
    2/ be careful to close correctly my HttpURLConnection, with a HttpURLConnection.disconnect()
    => no changes
    3/ put the morena jars directly on the client side (in the lib/ext directory of the JRE):
    the morena API use a native library, and apparently, a native library can not be loaded by 2 different ClassLoader
    just to avoid any "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError"
    as shown on
    => no changes
    4/ have a closer look on the http apache server, just to get rid of the error
    "OS 64)The specified network name is no longer available. : winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed."
    as shown on the bug 21425 in
    => no changes
    5/ use the upgrade version of the JRE
    => no changes
    ANY HELP ?
    and as usual, I had to fix this problem for yesterday ... :)))
    Any ideas about that ?
    need more infos ?: just let me know
    Here is the piece of code I use to upload the image from the client to the web server:
    * Upload de cette image sur le serveur, apr�s passage au format JPEG
    * @param imageSelectionnee BufferedImage image � transf�rer
    * @throws ComposantNumerisationException exception pouvant etre lev� lors de l'upload
    public void uploadImage(BufferedImage imageSelectionnee)
        throws ComposantNumerisationException {
        // connexion http au server
        HttpURLConnection connexionServer = null;
        // flux de sortie, permettant d'envoyer les donn�es vers le serveur
        OutputStream fluxSortie = null;
        // parametres pour le libelle de l'exception
        ParametresProprietes parametres = null;
        // flux d'entr�e, pour lire la r�ponse du serveur
        BufferedReader fluxEntree = null;
        // r�ponse du serveur
        String reponseServeur = null;
        // image au format JPEG
        BufferedImage imageFormatJPEG = null;
        try {
            /* conversion de l'image au format JPEG */
            imageFormatJPEG = this.formatterImage(imageSelectionnee);
            /* ouverture d'une connexion vers le serveur */
            connexionServer = this.ouvrirConnexion(imageFormatJPEG);
            /* ecriture des donn�es dans le flux de sortie, vers le serveur */
            // cr�ation d'un outputStream
            fluxSortie = connexionServer.getOutputStream();
            // transfert des donn�es vers le serveur
            ImageIO.write(imageFormatJPEG, Constantes.TYPE_IMAGE, fluxSortie);
            /* lecture de la r�ponse du serveur */
            // cr�ation d'un flux de lecture sur le flux d'entr�e
            fluxEntree = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
            // lecture de la r�ponse du serveur
            reponseServeur = fluxEntree.readLine();
            // v�rification du succes de l'upload, en fonction de la r�ponse du serveur
            if (!reponseServeur.startsWith("REPONSE")) {
                /* cas ou le message retour ne commence pas par "REPONSE":
                 * ce n'est pas la r�ponse de la servlet
                 *  => Tomcat nous a redirig� vers la page d'authentification */
            } else if (reponseServeur.compareTo("REPONSE:OK") != 0) {
                // la r�ponse du serveur indique qu'il y a eu un probl�me lors de l'upload
                throw new IOException(reponseServeur);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // cr�ation des parametres pour ce libelle d'erreurs
            parametres = new ParametresProprietes();
            parametres.ajouterParametre("0", e.toString());
            throw new ComposantNumerisationException(
                    proprietes.getPropriete("ERREUR_UPLOAD", null),
                    proprietes.getPropriete("ERREUR_UPLOAD_TECH", parametres),
        } finally {
            try {
                // fermeture de ce flux de sortie
                if (null != fluxSortie) {
                // fermeture du flux de lecture de la reponse
                if (null != fluxEntree) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            // fermeture de la connexion
            if (null != connexionServer) {
    * Ouverture d'une connexion vers la servlet d'upload de l'image
    * @param image BufferedImage image � transf�rer
    * @return HttpURLConnection une connexion http
    * @throws IOException exception IO
    * @throws ComposantNumerisationException exception
    private HttpURLConnection ouvrirConnexion(BufferedImage image)
        throws IOException, ComposantNumerisationException {
        // url du server
        URL urlServer = null;
        // connexion http au server
        HttpURLConnection connexionServer = null;
        // signature
        String signature = null;
        // g�n�ration de la signature de l'image � transf�rer
        signature = this.genererSignatureImage(image);
        // construction de l'url du serveur � appeler pour cet upload
        // en incluant un parametre pour transmettre la signature de l'image � transf�rer
        // + identifiant du passeport d'urgence courant
        urlServer = new URL(this.urlServeur + this.action +
                            "?" + Constantes.PARAM_SIGNATURE_IMAGE + "=" + signature +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_IDDEMANDE + "=" + idDemande +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_CODEMAJ + "=" + codeMaj +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_TYPEDEMANDE + "=" + typeDemande);
        if (null == urlServer) {
            throw new IOException(proprietes.getPropriete(
                                "ERREUR_UPLOAD_CREATION_URL_SERVEUR", null));
        // ouverture d'une connexion http, gr�ce a cette url du server
        connexionServer = (HttpURLConnection) urlServer.openConnection();
        if (null == connexionServer) {
            throw new IOException(proprietes.getPropriete(
        // param�trage de cette connexion
        // m�thode de transmission = POST
        // autorisation de lire les donn�es venant du serveur
        // autorisation d'�crire des donn�es vers le serveur                         
        // pas d'utilisation de caches
        // sp�cification du type des donn�es que l'on envoie vers le serveur
        connexionServer.setRequestProperty("content-type", "img/jpeg");
        return connexionServer;
    Here is the piece of code I use on server side to get the scaned image from the client:
    * Lecture des donn�es en provenance de l'applet
    * @param request HttpServletRequest
    * @return ByteArrayOutputStream buffer contenant les donn�es lues
    * @throws TechnicalException exception
    * @throws FunctionalException si erreur fonctionnelle
    private ByteArrayOutputStream lireDonnees(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException {
        // stream de sortie sur l'image
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
        // id du passeport d'urgence au format Integer
        // image issue de l'applet
        BufferedImage image = null;
        try {
            /* r�cup�ration de l'image */
            image =;
            if (null == image) {
                logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-16", null));
                throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-16",
                        null, "", true, false, false));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-13", null));
            throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-13",
                    null, "", true, false, false));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-16", null));
            throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-16",
                    null, "", true, false, false));
        return baos;
    * Ecriture de la reponse � envoyer � l'applet
    * @param response HttpServletResponse
    * @param erreur Message d'erreur
    * @throws IOException exception
    private void ecrireReponse(HttpServletResponse response, String erreur) throws IOException {
        // r�ponse � envoyer � l'applet
        String reponseServer = null;
        // flux de reponse
        PrintWriter fluxReponse = null;
        // construction de la r�ponse � envoyer � l'applet
        if (null == erreur) {
            reponseServer = "REPONSE:OK";
        } else {
            /* cas ou il y a eu une exception lev�e lors de la reception des donn�es */
            reponseServer = "REPONSE:ERREUR:" + erreur;
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(THIS_CLASS +
                    "Envoie de la r�ponse � l'applet, indiquant si l'upload s'est bien d�roul�: " +
        //envoie de la r�ponse a l'applet
        fluxReponse = response.getWriter();
    here is the traces I get when the applet doesn't work, through a VSAT network:
    Java Plug-in 1.5.0_01
    Utilisation de la version JRE 1.5.0_01 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    R�pertoire d'accueil de l'utilisateur = C:\Documents and Settings\assistw
    network: Chargement de la configuration du proxy d�finie par l'utilisateur ...
    network: Termin�.
    network: Chargement de la configuration du proxy � partir de Netscape Navigator ...
    network: Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier de registre : C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Mozilla\registry.dat
    network: Termin�.
    network: Chargement de la configuration proxy du navigateur ...
    network: Termin�.
    network: Configuration du proxy : Configuration du proxy du navigateur
    basic: Le cache est d�sactiv� par l'utilisateur
    c:   effacer la fen�tre de la console
    f:   finaliser les objets de la file d'attente de finalisation
    g:   lib�rer la m�moire
    h:   afficher ce message d'aide
    l:   vider la liste des chargeurs de classes
    m:   imprimer le relev� d'utilisation de la m�moire
    o:   d�clencher la consignation
    p:   recharger la configuration du proxy
    q:   masquer la console
    r:   recharger la configuration des politiques
    s:   vider les propri�t�s syst�me et d�ploiement
    t:   vider la liste des threads
    v:   vider la pile des threads
    x:   effacer le cache de chargeurs de classes
    0-5: fixer le niveau de tra�age � <n>
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s enregistr�
    basic: R�f�rence au chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=1
    basic: R�cepteur de progression ajout� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@77eaf8
    basic: Chargement de l'applet...
    basic: Initialisation de l'applet...
    basic: D�marrage de l'applet...
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    security: Acc�s aux cl�s et au certificat dans le profil utilisateur Mozilla : null
    security: Chargement des certificats AC racine depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\cacerts
    security: Certificats AC racine charg�s depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\cacerts
    security: Chargement des certificats JPI depuis C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
    security: Certificats JPI charg�s depuis C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
    security: Chargement des certificats JPI depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\trusted.certs
    security: Certificats JPI charg�s depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\trusted.certs
    security: Chargement des certificats depuis la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificats charg�s depuis la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Recherche du certificat dans le magasin de certificats permanent JPI
    security: Recherche du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Obtenir l'objet de stockage des cl�s de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: Obtenir l'objet de stockage des cl�s de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: Recherche du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: D�terminer si le certificat peut �tre v�rifi� � l'aide des certificats de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals> (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    ( <all permissions> <all actions>)
    ( \C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    ( localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    ... [check certifications]
    security: La v�rification du certificat � l'aide des certificats AC racine a �chou�
    security: Aucune information d'horodatage disponible
    basic: Modalit� empil�e
    basic: Modalit� d�sempil�e
    basic: Utilisateur s�lectionn� : 0
    security: L'utilisateur a accord� les droits d'acc�s au code pour cette session seulement
    security: Ajout du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificat ajout� dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Enregistrement des certificats dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificats enregistr�s dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals> (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    ( <all permissions> <all actions>)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission javaplugin.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission http.agent read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    ( rma_phileas connect,accept,resolve)
    ( localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals> (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    ( <all permissions> <all actions>)
    ( \C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\lib\ext\Smorena.jar read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    ( localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    Morena - Image Acquisition Framework version
    Copyright (c) Gnome s.r.o. 1999-2004. All rights reserved.
    Licensed to "XXX".
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageOutputStreamSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageOutputStreamSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageTranscoderSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageTranscoderSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/flux/protected/ avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/flux/protected/ avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    basic: Arr�t de l'applet...
    basic: R�cepteur de progression supprim� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@77eaf8
    basic: Jonction du thread d'applet...
    basic: Destruction de l'applet...
    basic: Elimination de l'applet...
    basic: Sortie de l'applet...
    basic: Thread d'applet joint...
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s non enregistr�
    basic: Recherche d'informations...
    basic: Lib�ration du chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=0
    basic: Mise en cache du chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913
    basic: Taille de cache du chargeur de classes courant : 1
    basic: Termin�...
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s enregistr�
    basic: R�f�rence au chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=1
    basic: R�cepteur de progression ajout� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@1e16483
    basic: Chargement de l'applet...
    basic: Initialisation de l'applet...
    basic: D�marrage de l'applet...
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"

    A workaround would be: don't use IE9. You want a solution, not a workaround.
    I think at this juncture you are best of creating a new bug report and be sure to reference the old closed one. It doesn't look entirely related though, your symptoms are different from what is described in it (freeze VS a crash). You tried this on several systems right? Also on machines on a different network?

  • How to switch between jre 1.5.0 and 1.4.2 when running applet in browser?

    I have JRE 1.5.0_05 and 1.4.2_04 installed and currently applet in browser is always run under jre 1.5. How to run the applet under jre 1.4.2 in browser?
    Thanks a lot

    Thanks for the info. I was thinking that the note didn't work for me, apparently I didn't use the conventional APPLET tag.
    Is there other way to switch JRE if I'm not using APPLET tag?

  • 1.5 sometimes freezes when running statements with F9

    I had noticed occasional freezes when hitting F9 with 1.5.0 production (ie three or four times last week), but after upgrading to 1.5.1 today (fresh install, migrated preferences) I have had four or five freezes when hitting F9. The UI completely freezes before showing the progress bar and there is no redraw, but it isn't using any CPU (and CPU is 95%+ idle), nothing appears on the console (started using <SQL Dev Install>\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.exe) and if I leave it long enough the memory usage drops from 150K+ to back between 1K to 4K (sometimes quickly, sometimes not).
    I am on Win XP SP 2, using SQL Developer with JDK 1.6.0_04.
    Initially, I upgraded to 1.5.1 from 1.5.0 as a Check for Updates, but tried the clean install (including renaming preferences directory) after the first freeze.
    Has anyone else seen this? Can someone from the SQL Dev team provide any help? Is there something else I can do to help narrow this down?

    Same thing in very similar circumstances - query with bind variables previously executed, freezes on execute without showing bind variable window. Using no appreciable CPU in this state, but after a minute or so memory usage started to increase in 4 or 8K chunks.
    I've also been seeing this intermittently in all builds of 1.5.
    Oracle SQL Developer
    Build MAIN-53.38
    Copyright © 2005,2008 Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    IDE Version:
    Product ID: oracle.sqldeveloper
    Product Version:
    Component     Version
    =========     =======
    CVS Version (External)     (CVSNT) 2.0.51d (client/server)
    Java(TM) Platform     1.5.0_06
    Oracle IDE
    Versioning Support
    Name     Value
    ====     =====
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    java.home     D:\sun\java\jdk1.5.0_06\jre     C:\Temp\
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    d:\graphviz\2_12\graphviz\bin;v:\tools\bin;d:\sun\java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin; d:\pldoc\0_8_3_1;d:\graphviz\2_12\Graphviz\bin;C:\Program Files\CVSNT\
    java.naming.factory.initial     oracle.javatools.jndi.LocalInitialContextFactory     Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
    java.runtime.version     1.5.0_06-b05     Java Platform API Specification
    java.specification.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.specification.version     1.5
    java.util.logging.config.file     logging.conf
    java.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.version     1.5.0_06     mixed mode     Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM     Java Virtual Machine Specification
    java.vm.specification.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.specification.version     1.0
    java.vm.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
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    jdbc.library     /D:/oracle/client/10_2_0_1/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar
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    sun.boot.library.path     D:\sun\java\jdk1.5.0_06\jre\bin
    sun.cpu.endian     little
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    user.dir     D:\oracle\tools\sqldev\1_5_0_53_38\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin
    user.home     C:\Documents and Settings\macmilp
    user.language     en     pmacmillan
    user.timezone     Europe/London
    Name     Identifier     Version     Status
    ====     ==========     =======     ======
    Check For Updates     oracle.ide.webupdate     Loaded
    Code Editor     oracle.ide.ceditor     Loaded
    Database Connection Support     oracle.jdeveloper.db.connection     Loaded
    Database Object Explorers     oracle.ide.db.explorer     Loaded
    Database UI     oracle.ide.db     Loaded
    Diff/Merge     oracle.ide.diffmerge     Loaded
    Extended IDE Platform     oracle.javacore     Loaded
    External Tools     oracle.ide.externaltools     Loaded
    Feedback     Loaded
    File Support     oracle.ide.files     Loaded
    File System Navigator     oracle.sqldeveloper.filenavigator     Loaded
    Help System     Loaded
    History Support     oracle.jdeveloper.history     Loaded
    Import/Export Support     oracle.ide.importexport     Loaded
    Log Window     oracle.ide.log     Loaded
    Mac OS X Adapter     Loaded
    Navigator     oracle.ide.navigator     Loaded
    Object Gallery     Loaded
    Object Viewer     oracle.sqldeveloper.oviewer     Loaded
    Oracle IDE     oracle.ide     Loaded
    Oracle Microsoft Access Browser     oracle.sqldeveloper.thirdparty.access     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - MS Access     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.msaccess     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - MySQL     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.mysql5     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - SQLServer     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sqlserver2005     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation Core     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation MS Access     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.msaccess     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation MS SQL Server     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.sqlserver     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation MySQL     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.mysql     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation Sybase     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.sybase     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation UI     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.gui     Loaded
    Oracle MySQL Browser     oracle.sqldeveloper.thirdparty.mysql     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer     oracle.sqldeveloper     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Extras     oracle.sqldeveloper.extras     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Reports     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer SearchBar     oracle.sqldeveloper.searchbar     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer TimesTen     oracle.sqldeveloper.timesten     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Server Browser     oracle.sqldeveloper.thirdparty.sqlserver     Loaded
    Oracle Sybase Browser     oracle.sqldeveloper.thirdparty.sybase     Loaded
    Oracle XML Schema Support     oracle.sqldeveloper.xmlschema     Loaded
    PROBE Debugger     oracle.jdeveloper.db.debug.probe     Loaded
    Peek     oracle.ide.peek     1.0     Loaded
    Replace With     oracle.ide.replace     Loaded
    Runner     oracle.ide.runner     Loaded
    SQL Worksheet Window     oracle.sqldeveloper.sqlworksheet     Loaded
    Search Bar     oracle.ide.searchbar     Loaded
    Snippet Window     oracle.sqldeveloper.snippet     Loaded
    Sybase 12     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sybase12     Loaded
    Sybase 15     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sybase15     Loaded
    Tuning     oracle.sqldeveloper.tuning     Loaded
    VHV     oracle.ide.vhv     Loaded
    Versioning Support     oracle.jdeveloper.vcs     Loaded
    Versioning Support for CVS     oracle.jdeveloper.cvs     Loaded
    Versioning Support for Subversion     oracle.jdeveloper.subversion     Loaded
    Web Browser and Proxy     oracle.ide.webbrowser     Loaded
    oracle.ide.dependency     oracle.ide.dependency     Loaded
    oracle.ide.indexing     oracle.ide.indexing     Loaded
    Thread dump:
    Full thread dump Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode):
    "worksheet" prio=6 tid=0x2e5f1cf0 nid=0xcec in Object.wait() [0x30e3f000..0x30e3fce8]
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x033d4858> (a java.awt.EventQueue$1AWTInvocationLock)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(
    - locked <0x033d4858> (a java.awt.EventQueue$1AWTInvocationLock)
    at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(
    at oracle.dbtools.sqlworksheet.sqlview.SqlEditor$2.construct(
    - locked <0x06b38170> (a oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection)
    - locked <0x06b38170> (a oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.utils.NamedSwingWorker$
    "IconOverlayTracker Timer" prio=6 tid=0x2d76ca38 nid=0xb8c in Object.wait() [0x3153f000..0x3153f
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x06cffe60> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    - locked <0x06cffe60> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    "pool-1-thread-1" prio=6 tid=0x2e5bbad8 nid=0x354 waiting on condition [0x3103f000..0x3103fa68]
    at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
    at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
    at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(AbstractQ
    at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    "Timer-2" prio=6 tid=0x2e601b18 nid=0xd20 in Object.wait() [0x30d3f000..0x30d3fae8]
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x06abcbd8> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    - locked <0x06abcbd8> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    "TextBufferScavenger" prio=6 tid=0x2e7f2008 nid=0xdc4 in Object.wait() [0x30aaf000..0x30aafd68]
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x068e0780> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
    at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    - locked <0x068e0780> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
    at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    at oracle.ide.model.TextNode$FacadeBufferReference$
    "IconOverlayTracker Timer" prio=6 tid=0x2e801f78 nid=0x700 in Object.wait() [0x2f26f000..0x2f26f
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x060a9968> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    - locked <0x060a9968> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    "IconOverlayTracker Timer" prio=6 tid=0x2e803d08 nid=0x33c in Object.wait() [0x2f16f000..0x2f16f
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x060a99e0> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    - locked <0x060a99e0> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    "TimerQueue" daemon prio=6 tid=0x2d926be8 nid=0xef8 in Object.wait() [0x2e13f000..0x2e13fb68]
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - locked <0x058debd0> (a javax.swing.TimerQueue)
    "AWT-EventQueue-0" prio=6 tid=0x2d8f8cd0 nid=0xa10 waiting for monitor entry [0x2dfce000..0x2dfc
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.isClosed(
    - waiting to lock <0x06b38170> (a oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.controls.cellrenderers.DefaultCellRenderer.getTableCellRenderer
    at javax.swing.JTable.prepareRenderer(
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI.paintCell(
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI.paintCells(
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI.paint(
    at javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI.update(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintComponent(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(
    - locked <0x05874ed8> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(
    at javax.swing.JViewport.paint(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(
    - locked <0x05874ed8> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(
    - locked <0x05874ed8> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(
    - locked <0x05874ed8> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(
    - locked <0x05874ed8> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(
    - locked <0x05874ed8> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(
    - locked <0x05874ed8> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock)
    at javax.swing.JSplitPane.paintChildren(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(
    - locked <0x05874ed8> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintWithOffscreenBuffer(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintDoubleBuffered(
    at javax.swing.JComponent._paintImmediately(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.paintImmediately(
    at javax.swing.RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions(
    at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$
    at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    "AWT-Windows" daemon prio=6 tid=0x2d8df4e8 nid=0xbb4 runnable [0x2ddcf000..0x2ddcfce8]
    at Method)
    "AWT-Shutdown" prio=6 tid=0x2d8df0f0 nid=0x8e8 in Object.wait() [0x2dccf000..0x2dccfd68]
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x05872240> (a java.lang.Object)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x05872240> (a java.lang.Object)
    "Java2D Disposer" daemon prio=6 tid=0x2d87d8d0 nid=0x8ec in Object.wait() [0x2dbcf000..0x2dbcf9e
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    - locked <0x058722c8> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
    at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    "Low Memory Detector" daemon prio=6 tid=0x00c74c70 nid=0xa48 runnable [0x00000000..0x00000000]
    "CompilerThread0" daemon prio=6 tid=0x00c73328 nid=0x9ac waiting on condition [0x00000000..0x2d0
    "Signal Dispatcher" daemon prio=6 tid=0x00c72768 nid=0x6a4 waiting on condition [0x00000000..0x0
    "Finalizer" daemon prio=8 tid=0x00c68818 nid=0x960 in Object.wait() [0x2cebf000..0x2cebfce8]
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    - locked <0x058201f0> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
    at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$
    "Reference Handler" daemon prio=6 tid=0x00c67d60 nid=0xd0 in Object.wait() [0x2cdbf000..0x2cdbfc
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    at java.lang.ref.Reference$
    - locked <0x05820270> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
    "main" prio=6 tid=0x00858ae0 nid=0x874 waiting on condition [0x00000000..0x0012fb70]
    "VM Thread" prio=6 tid=0x00c283c8 nid=0x5d8 runnable
    "VM Periodic Task Thread" prio=6 tid=0x00c72440 nid=0x674 waiting on condition
    Message was edited by:

  • Can I set JVM memory size when running applets?

    I have downloaded an applet that renders panoramic images and
    I have a problem with Java memory. I remember that default maximum
    size that applet can use is 70MB, and the problem is 70MB is
    not enough when rendering big images. It is OK when I add
    "-Xmx -Xms" parameters in the Java Control but I cannot tell
    everyone who wants to see my images to go control panel, add
    parameters etc..
    So my question is...
    Is it possible add "-Xmx -Xms" parameters inside the applet file
    so that these parameters run automatically when executing applet?
    Thanks in advance for your reply!

    I have downloaded an applet that renders panoramic
    images and
    I have a problem with Java memory. I remember that
    default maximum
    size that applet can use is 70MB, and the problem is
    70MB is
    not enough when rendering big images. It is OK when I
    "-Xmx -Xms" parameters in the Java Control but I
    cannot tell
    everyone who wants to see my images to go control
    panel, add
    parameters etc..
    So my question is...
    Is it possible add "-Xmx -Xms" parameters inside the
    applet file
    so that these parameters run automatically when
    executing applet?
    Thanks in advance for your reply!
    HyungA potential workaround I would try is is use ByteBuffers

  • 20" iMac freezes when running Google Earth

    This is the only problem I've ever had with my Mac and it is consistent. After running Google Earth for about 10-15 minutes the screen freezes and I have to force shutdown and reboot to rectify the problem.
    I did some temperature measurements at the vent in the back and noticed a considerable temperature rise when running Google Earth. I think my graphics card is getting a serious workout and may go into thermal overload.
    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Hi dicoll
    I can think of two thing that might cause the issue you describe:
    _The first is how much ram is installed in your iMac?_
    If your system is running low on available ram and paging out to the HD, when your running Google Earth it will cause the program to hesitate and or freeze. Try using the Activity Monitor, to monitor your ram usage and also to check for a failed process.
    _The second is what you describe as a thermal issue!_
    To monitor temp's and fan speeds for a thermal issues there is the iStatPro widget. (Note the temp. for the GPU Diode)
    And then for monitoring and adjust the fan speeds there is smcFanControl Application.

  • Load oracle jdbc driver error when run applet via the web

    Hi All,
    I have built an applet which connect to database via jdbc thin driver. It works fine when I run it through the applet viewer, but got a problem when run it through the web.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/jdbc/driver/OracleDriver
    I am using jdev9i 9.0.4 and jdk 1.4.2. The jdbc version is 9.0.1
    I have added both the and in the class path and also pack them together with my applet class. Here is the code
    public class MyApplet extends Applet
    implements Runnable
    public void start()
    if(theThread == null)
    theThread = new Thread(this);
    Retrieve R = new Retrieve();
    this.MyMap = R.retrieveDesc();
    public class Retrieve
    public Retrieve()
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    conn=DriverManager.getConnection("", User, Password);
    connectStatus = true;
    public HashMap retrieveDesc()
    return map;
    I have also built one HTML page NewApplet like this
    <TITLE> My New Applet</TITLE>
    <APPLET CODE="MyApplet.class" CODEBASE="menu" ARCHIVE="" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=485>
    <!--General Settings-->
    <param name="bgcolor" value="255,255,255">
    Any advice is highly appreciated

    Well you haven't "packed" them correctly. Why don't you just add the driver bits to the soucebase tag? or something like that anyway...

  • Is it possible to run applet without JRE

    hello friends,
    Presently I hava developed chating application. Now I want to download my applet on client side and run ther wether client's computer has JRE or not.
    so is it possible to run applet on computer which doesnt have JRE?
    Thanks in advance

    Not unless you create an executable file and jam the whole JRE into it.

  • Run applets without JRE

    Hello to all developers,
    I know that to run applets in IE we should have the JRE installed on our machines. But is there any way that we can run applets without the JRE being installed on our machines. I have also heard of something called as the Microsoft JVM. How can we use it to run the java applets.
    Thanking in advance.

    The Microsoft JVM is extremely outdated and not recommended at all. You can't really run a Java applet without a JVM, and I'm not sure if any but the one Sun makes comes with a browser plugin.

  • Computer freezes when running RESMAN with VME crate powered down

    I have lost the whole day today (thankfully it was only one day) trying to fix this annoying problem, I'm posting here in case someone runs into this same thing in the future.
    Ok, the problem I was able to reproduce was:
    1. Run RESMAN with the crate powered--> OK
    2. Power down crate.
    3. Run RESMAN: the whole computer freezes in the "Searching for Statically Configured Devices" step, no way to recover (reboot necessary)
    Although this is the problem I was able to reproduce, the system also froze sometimes when not running RESMAN and powering down the crate for cards insertion or extraction.
    My system:
    - VME crate
    - VME-MXI-2 in slot 0
    - MXI-2 Cable
    - PCI-MXI-2
    - Windows XP Pro SP3
    - NI-VXI 3.1.1 and 3.7, MAX 2.?, 3.1.1, 4.6.2, 4.7.4
    It turns out MXI-2 cables are not symmetric, when I switched both ends between PCI and VME, everything worked as it should.
    Here's another post of someone that had a similar problem (and whose answer didn't solve mine):​comp-gets-freeze-when-I-tried-to-run-RESMAN/m-p/17​...
    Here's a page that describes the error:​B6C7D862564800051EC9F
    I was not able to find that page (I found it when I had already solved the problem), probably because you would never expect that a cable whose appearance is completely symmetric is in fact orientation dependent. And, no, my cable (NI original) doesn't come with any labels identifying its ends.
    And here are some keywords to ease the discovery of this post using different terms
    PC Computer Windows XP hangs freezes locks crashes Resman MAX Measurement and Automation Explorer MXI orientation dependant VME crate switched off powered down

    This wouldn't happen to be a seagate GoFlex drive would it? I've had similar problems with that line of drives, sometimes to the point where everything stops working, and if I manually unplug it, the system catches up and starts working again.

  • My iphone 4S 64gb factory unlocked keep freezing when running especially the music and photo app; and it keep rebooting itself after every total battery drain; i'm on ios 5.1

    i upgraded to the ios 5.1; and i realized that each time i have a comple battery drain and the phone goes off; when i connect the iphone to charge; it keeps rebooting itself. And the phone freezes when in the middle of applications; i have to stop the app and start it several times before it works; i have an iphone 4S 64gb factory unlocked

    At first drain the battery till the iPhone gets off for many times isnt really a good thing read this:
    after that I think the only way that will help you is restore the iPhone and the bad news are that you should do it without restore a backup after cause you're problem could be saved in the backup of the phone too so you must manually reinstall apps, preferences etc etc

  • Problem running applet with JRE 1.3.X

    I've developed an applet that works fine with MS JVM and JRE 1.4, but fails under JRE 1.3.x.
    Anyone knows what i've todo to my applet to get compability with JRE 1.3x too.

    Are you compiling under 1.3x and then trying to run in MS and 1.4? If so please tell the errors you are getting when you compile or what you're having problems in.
    You're question is like me saying I have a feild full of volvo's from various years and I have a box of replacement parts from vaious years--but not nessisarally the same years as I have cars, which ones do I need to fix them? (impossible to say isn't it without more info)
    or as I usually say: "My crystal ball is in the shop, please supply specific information for what you want answered."

  • I have an Iad2 and ever since ios6-there are issues.I get occasional lock-ups and have to reboot. The WSJ app freezes when running their videos to the end. The only work-around is to stop the video before it's over. Worse than windows me !!!!!

    My Ipad2 worked perfectly before ios6 upgrade. It now freezes occasionally and I have to reboot to get it to work. Also the WSJ app will now freeze if I try and run one of their videos that is imbedded in the article. My only work-around is to stop (press done) before the end of the video or I have to do a total reboot. The problems remind me of Windows ME . Will Apple resolve these issues or become more like Microsoft. Hopefully there will be a restore button in the future like Microsoft was forced to do because a lot of upgrades are just terrible. Am I crazy or are there other people having the same issues with ios6, or could this just be a coincidence and my ipad2 is starting to fail just when ios6 arrives ?

    I know this will not help but, the bluetooth headset I purchased for my wife works great and it pairs with our car and our sound bar in the livingroom (Motorola Droid Razr) 98.72.16.XT912.Verizon.en.US
    However I did not upgrade over the air but from a android web site and placed it on my external sd card. I believe this made the difference in why we had no issues and upgraded functionality has been great.
    Please note when I mention these bluetooth devices I mean the Razr connects with no problems.
    It also had no internet issues and none of the problems others have complained about in other threads.
    unfortunately when you say thousands have these issues I cannot say that is accurate. The hope is when large numbers of owners have updated to the Jelly Bean and are complaining inmase then Motorola will issue a patch to verizon to get out to the affected users.
    Of course now that Google owns Motorola Mobility and has laid off loads of workers it may never issue an os patch.

  • Getting AccessControlException when running Applet in AppletViewer

    I'm using Java 1.5, and NetBeans 4.1, when I try to run my applet in the AppletViewer in NetBeans I get the error message 'AccessControlException', which comes from me trying to access a text file on the local system to read from. I have checked the applet policy which reads,
    grant {
    Which looks fine to me? So I don't understand why I haven't got permission to access files??

    Thanks Sir!
    But it is also not working i.e "The IE gives a memory error and then terminate...."
    then from a sun tutorial exampl i used following HTML file which is working fine.
    <title>Chat Swing Applet</title>
    <body BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#000099">
    Running Swing Applet
    <!-- CONVERTER VERSION 1.1 -->
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
    var info = navigator.userAgent; var ns = false;
    var ie = (info.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 && info.indexOf("Win") > 0 && info.indexOf("Windows 3.1") < 0);
    <COMMENT><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"><!--
    var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 && ((info.indexOf("Win") > 0 && info.indexOf("Win16") < 0 && java.lang.System.getProperty("os.version").indexOf("3.5") < 0) || (info.indexOf("Sun") > 0) || (_info.indexOf("Linux") > 0)));
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
    if (_ie == true) document.writeln('<OBJECT classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" WIDTH = 500 HEIGHT = 450 codebase=",1,2,0"><NOEMBED><XMP>');
    else if (_ns == true) document.writeln('<EMBED type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.2" java_CODE = "Client.class" java_CODEBASE = "./Chat" java_ARCHIVE = "*.class" WIDTH = 400 HEIGHT = 50 pluginspage=""><NOEMBED><XMP>');
    <APPLET CODE = "Client.class" CODEBASE = "./Chat" ARCHIVE = "*.class" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=450 ></XMP>
    <PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = "Client.class" >
    <PARAM NAME = ARCHIVE VALUE = "Client.class" >
    <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.2">

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