IllegalException :JDOM comment: Comment data cannot start with a hyphen

This morning i noticed that JDOM cannot read a XML document that has a comment with syntax <!-- -. If you look closer i have 3 hyphens instead of 2 which is the normal syntax of a comment begining.
But my fate, i ended up having a big XML file with comments all over the document like this
<!-- -============ Browse ======================= -->
Watching this comment there is a space followed by a 3rd hyphen. Don't know why the document owner did like this.
I was looking for a better way to do a search and replace of the <!-- - to <!-- before i open the document for JDOM parsing. Coming from C# world, i know there is a XMLDocument doc = new XMLDocument() class where we can load a file in memory and do some edits and save the document. Is there any API like that in Java, and whats the best search replace strategy?
Any help would be appreciated.

-su option starts the JDeveloper in single user mode. The system directory will be created inside the JDev installation itself (as opposed to the normal - Documents and Settings folder).
You don't need to start the JDev with that option always. That suggestion was because you were getting the error.
As far as the error is concerned, I believe it is something to do with space in folder - "Documents and settings". You might want to check out that registry entry NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation again. My guess is, you would've set the registry entry before the installation, but you might need to restart the machine after setting that registry entry to take effect. And then could've started the installation.

Similar Messages

  • RSA decryption Error: Data must start with zero

    Because of some reasons, I tried to use RSA as a block cipher to encrypt/decrypt a large file. When I debug my program, there some errors are shown as below:
    javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Data must start with zero
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.doFinal(
         at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.engineDoFinal(
         at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(
         at RSA.RRSSA.main(
    From breakpoint, I think the problem is the decrypt operation, and Cipher.doFinal() can not be operated correctly.
    I searched this problem from google, many people met the same problem with me, but most of them didn't got an answer.
    The source code is :
    Key generation:
    package RSA;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    public class GenKey {
          * @param args
                     * @author tang
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                 try {
                      KeyPairGenerator KPG = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
                      KeyPair KP=KPG.genKeyPair();
                      PublicKey pbKey=KP.getPublic();
                      PrivateKey prKey=KP.getPrivate();
                      //byte[] publickey = decryptBASE64(pbKey);
                      //save public key
                      FileOutputStream out=new FileOutputStream("RSAPublic.dat");
                      ObjectOutputStream fileOut=new ObjectOutputStream(out);
                      //save private key
                          FileOutputStream outPrivate=new FileOutputStream("RSAPrivate.dat");
                      ObjectOutputStream privateOut=new ObjectOutputStream(outPrivate);
         }Encrypte / Decrypt
    package RSA;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import javax.crypto.Cipher;
    //import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
    //import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
    public class RRSSA {
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] argv) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                //File used to encrypt/decrypt
                 String dataFileName = argv[0];
                 //encrypt/decrypt: operation mode
                 String opMode = argv[1];
                 String keyFileName = null;
                 //Key file
                 if (opMode.equalsIgnoreCase("encrypt")) {
                 keyFileName = "RSAPublic.dat";
                 } else {
                 keyFileName = "RSAPrivate.dat";
                 try {
                 FileInputStream keyFIS = new FileInputStream(keyFileName);
                 ObjectInputStream OIS = new ObjectInputStream(keyFIS);
                 Key key = (Key) OIS.readObject();
                 Cipher cp = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");//
                 if (opMode.equalsIgnoreCase("encrypt")) {
                 cp.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
                 } else if (opMode.equalsIgnoreCase("decrypt")) {
                 cp.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
                 } else {
                 FileInputStream dataFIS = new FileInputStream(dataFileName);
                 int size = dataFIS.available();
                 byte[] encryptByte = new byte[size];
                 if (opMode.equalsIgnoreCase("encrypt")) {
                 FileOutputStream FOS = new FileOutputStream("cipher.txt");
                 //RSA Block size
                 //int blockSize = cp.getBlockSize();
                 int blockSize = 64 ;
                 int outputBlockSize = cp.getOutputSize(encryptByte.length);
                 /*if (blockSize == 0)
                      System.out.println("BLOCK SIZE ERROR!");       
                 int leavedSize = encryptByte.length % blockSize;
                 int blocksNum = leavedSize == 0 ? encryptByte.length / blockSize
                 : encryptByte.length / blockSize + 1;
                 byte[] cipherData = new byte[outputBlockSize*blocksNum];
                 //encrypt each block
                 for (int i = 0; i < blocksNum; i++) {
                 if ((encryptByte.length - i * blockSize) > blockSize) {
                 cp.doFinal(encryptByte, i * blockSize, blockSize, cipherData, i * outputBlockSize);
                 } else {
                 cp.doFinal(encryptByte, i * blockSize, encryptByte.length - i * blockSize, cipherData, i * outputBlockSize);
                 //byte[] cipherData = cp.doFinal(encryptByte);
                 //BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
                 //String encryptedData = encoder.encode(cipherData);
                 //cipherData = encryptedData.getBytes();
                 } else {
                FileOutputStream FOS = new FileOutputStream("plaintext.txt");
                 //int blockSize = cp.getBlockSize();
                 int blockSize = 64;
                 //int j = 0;
                 //BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
                 //String encryptedData = convert(encryptByte);
                 //encryptByte = decoder.decodeBuffer(encryptedData);
                 int outputBlockSize = cp.getOutputSize(encryptByte.length);
                 int leavedSize = encryptByte.length % blockSize;
                 int blocksNum = leavedSize == 0 ? encryptByte.length / blockSize
                           : encryptByte.length / blockSize + 1;
                 byte[] plaintextData = new byte[outputBlockSize*blocksNum];
                 for (int j = 0; j < blocksNum; j++) {
                 if ((encryptByte.length - j * blockSize) > blockSize) {
                      cp.doFinal(encryptByte, j * blockSize, blockSize, plaintextData, j * outputBlockSize);
                      } else {
                      cp.doFinal(encryptByte, j * blockSize, encryptByte.length - j * blockSize, plaintextData, j * outputBlockSize);
    }Edited by: sabre150 on Aug 3, 2012 6:43 AM
    Moderator action : added [ code] tags so as to make the code readable. Please do this yourself in the future.
    Edited by: 949003 on 2012-8-3 上午5:31

    1) Why are you not closing the streams when writing the keys to the file?
    2) Each block of RSA encrypted data has size equal to the key modulus (in bytes). This means that for a key size of 1024 bits you need to read 128 bytes and not 64 bytes at a time when decrypting ( this is probably the cause of your 'Data must start with zero exception'). Since the input block size depends on the key modulus you cannot hard code this. Note - PKCS1 padding has at least 11 bytes of padding so on encrypting one can process a maximum of the key modulus in bytes less 11. Currently you have hard coded the encryption block at 64 bytes which is OK for your 1024 bits keys but will fail for keys of modulus less than about 936 bits.
    3) int size = dataFIS.available(); is not a reliable way to get the size of an input stream. If you check the Javadoc for InputStream.available() you will see that it returns the number of bytes that can be read without blocking and not the stream size.
    4)[]) does not guarantee to read all the bytes and returns the number of bytes actually read. This means that your code to read the content of the file into an array may fail. Again check the Javadoc. To be safe you should used DataInputStream.readFully() to read a block of bytes.
    5) Reading the whole of the cleartext or ciphertext file into memory does not scale and with very large files you will run out of memory. There is no need to do this since you can use a "read a block, write the transformed block" approach.
    RSA is a very very very slow algorithm and it is not normal to encrypt the whole of a file using it. The standard approach is to perform the encryption of the file content using a symmetric algorithm such as AES using a random session key and use RSA to encrypt the session key. One then writes to the ciphertext file the RSA encrypted session key followed by the symmetric encrypted data. To make it more secure one should actually follow the extended procedure outlined in section 13.6 of Practical Cryptography by Ferguson and Schneier.

  • Javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Data must start with zero

    Actually, I didn't write the entire codes, most of it was written by someone here, and I only tried to add a method. Here:
    public class RSAEncrypt {
        private KeyPair keys;
        private Cipher rsaCipher;
        public RSAEncrypt() throws GeneralSecurityException {
            KeyPairGenerator keygen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
            keys = keygen.generateKeyPair();
            rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
        public byte[] encrypt(byte[] message) throws GeneralSecurityException {
            rsaCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keys.getPublic());
            return rsaCipher.doFinal(message);
        public byte[] decrypt(byte[] encryptedMessage) throws GeneralSecurityException {
             rsaCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keys.getPrivate());
             return rsaCipher.doFinal(encryptedMessage);
         * @param args
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
             String message = "The quick brown fox ran away";
             System.out.println("Message: " + message);
             byte[] encrypted = new RSAEncrypt().encrypt(message.getBytes());
            System.out.println("Cipher Text: " + HexBin.encode(encrypted));
            byte[] decrypted = new RSAEncrypt().decrypt(encrypted);
            System.out.println("Decrypted Text: " + decrypted);
    }The idea is that the program should encrypt the String, "The quick brown fox ran away," which it does. But when it gets to this line:
    byte[] decrypted = new RSAEncrypt().decrypt(encrypted);i get the error: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Data must start with zero.
    But here's the funny thing: If I edit the codes so that the encryption and decryption are done in the constructor, it works! Here:
    public class RSAEncrypt {
        private KeyPair keys;
        private Cipher rsaCipher;
        public RSAEncrypt() throws GeneralSecurityException {
            KeyPairGenerator keygen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
            keys = keygen.generateKeyPair();
            rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
            rsaCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keys.getPublic());
            String message = "The quick brown fox ran away";
            byte[] cipherText = rsaCipher.doFinal(message.getBytes());
            System.out.println(new BASE64Encoder().encode(cipherText));
            rsaCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keys.getPrivate());
            byte[] decryptedText = rsaCipher.doFinal(cipherText);
            String dText = new String(decryptedText);
         * @param args
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
             new RSAEncrypt();
    }So, I'm confused. The Data must start with zero error is coming up when I pass encrypted data to a method for decryption, but it doesn't come out when I run everything in one method or in the constructor. Why???
    Also, when performing RSA encryption (or decryption) on a plaintext stored in a file (not a big file, just a file with probably one or two lines), this is what I do (and it works):
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey);
    CipherInputStream cis = new CipherInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File("message.txt")),cipher);My question is, I do see some people doing this as well:
    cipher.doFinal(byteArray);The fact that I don't have this in my code when encrypting data from a file, that's ok, right? I don't need to do a ".doFinal()" method, do I?
    Edited by: glenak on Aug 19, 2010 4:26 AM

    glenak wrote:
    I don't quite understand, but if you mean this:
    String message = "The quick brown fox ran away";
    System.out.println("Message: " + message);
    RSAEncrypt rsaEncrypt = new RSAEncrypt();
    Creates and instance of RSAEncrypt with a new random RSA key pair.
    byte[] encrypted = rsaEncrypt.encrypt(message.getBytes());Encrypts with the random public key created in the first instance.
    System.out.println("Cipher Text: " + HexBin.encode(encrypted));
    RSAEncrypt rsaDecrypt = new RSAEncrypt();Creates and second instance of RSAEncrypt with a new random RSA key pair nothing to do with the first instance.
    byte[] decrypted = rsaDecrypt.decrypt(encrypted);Attempts to decrypt the ciphertext created with the public key of the first instance using the private key of the second, and totally unrelated, instance.
    System.out.println("Decrypted Text: " + decrypted);I still get the "Data must start with zero" error.
    If you could show me an example of what you mean, it would help very muchNo example is required. You cannot encrypt with the public key of one key pair and expect to decrypt with the private key of a totally independent key pair.

  • "User names cannot start with a number" error while adding a user

    Is it possible to use WL Portal 7.0 admin framework to manage users with all numeric
    user id ?
    I got an error "User names cannot start with a number" while trying to add users
    with all numeric user ids. I am using "portalAppTools" web app provided with WL
    7.0 out of the box.
    What "out the box" functionality do I need to change to make this happen ? Thanks

    The problem is that when we have user groups starting with a number, then the search
    feature doesn't work for user groups (case # 466837 with BEA).
    So, which brings me to the following question:
    a. Should the search feature work?
    b. What is the limitation? I mean, it is designed not to allow user groups starting
    with a number. So, there must be a reason for this. So, if we change "disallowFirstCharDigit",
    will it have any impacts on Portal?
    As an aside, it seems somewhat strange that the Portals can start with a number!
    Thanks in advance
    "Ture Hoefner" <replyto@newsgroup> wrote:
    Hello Shah,
    Search your tools web app for the file. In
    installation, it is at:
    It starts with this:
    # Messages and other properties used by usermgmt jsp tools
    # Name properties - UserBean and GroupBean
    disallowedCharacters: ~`!$%^&-*() {}[]|\\/?<>,:;+="'
    disallowFirstCharDigit: true
    Ture Hoefner
    BEA Systems, Inc.
    "Shah Sidi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3db0a001$[email protected]..
    Is it possible to use WL Portal 7.0 admin framework to manage userswith
    all numeric
    user id ?
    I got an error "User names cannot start with a number" while tryingto add
    with all numeric user ids. I am using "portalAppTools" web app providedwith WL
    7.0 out of the box.
    What "out the box" functionality do I need to change to make this happen?

  • The package name The Gallbladder-4.itmsp contains an invalid character(s).  The valid characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash, period, underscore, but the name cannot start with a dash, period, or underscore

    I have an iBook on itunes and I am trying to upload a new version of the book. I am following the workflow through iBooks Author and when I fell out all of the infromation for the package on iTunes producer i then hit the deliver button and I get the following error message:
    The package name The Gallbladder-4.itmsp contains an invalid character(s).  The valid characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash, period, underscore, but the name cannot start with a dash, period, or underscore.
    As far as I can tell the file that is being referenced does not meet the criteria axpressed in the erro message and in fact that file has been created by iBooks Author so one would think there shouldnt be an error.
    I also get the following to error messages:
    Apple's web service operation was not successful
            Unable to authenticate the package: The Gallbladder-4.itmsp
    Would ove any help.

    Thank you so much for your help.
    For anyone that would like to check out this book it can be downloaded at:
    Please check out our free medical education blog by Jeffrey Eakin using iBooks Author at:

  • "This device cannot start" with SoundBlater M

    I purchased a SoundBlaster MP3+ external sound card for my laptop, since my onboard one is dead. When plugging it in to my computer, it recongizes it as a USB Composite Device. But, it tells me that that a problem occured with installation, this device may not work properly. In the deci've manager, it shows up in the USB controllers with an exclimation mark, which it telling me "This device cannot start. (Code 0)."
    I cannot figure out why this is doing this. I plugged it in 2 other computers, desktop, and laptop, and it worked fine, without any error. It is just this laptop that is doing this.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I have the same exact problem on my Dell Inspiron 8600 running WinXPProSP2.
    When I connect the USB SB MP3+, Windows goes through the usual contortions to recognize the device... Found New Hardware: USB Audio -> Found New Hardware: USB Composite Device -> Error: "A problem occurred during hardware installation" message and then a few seconds later, "A USB device has exceeded the power limits of its hub port" message flashes by.
    When I go to ControlPanel.System.Hardware.DeviceManager.Uni'ver salSerialBusControllers" I see a new "USB Composite Device" entry highlighted with yellow exclamation (!). When I open that entry, the Device Status indicates: "This device cannot start. (Code 0)".
    There's no further explanation anywhere of what Code 0 means. Trying to uninstall/reinstall driver per Windows Troubleshooter suggestions doesn't help. Unplugging device and pluggin in again doesn't help. Rebooting with device plugged to computer doesn't help. Installing Creative's drivers for device doesn't help.
    Have you had any luck yet?

  • Cannot start with OCCI

    Hi. Here is code:
         Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment();
              occi::Connection *conn = env->createConnection("userName", "Password", "dbName");
    catch(SQLException e)
         dwSize = e.getErrorCode();
         return dwSize;
    At the "line env->createConnection("userName", "Password", "dbName");" my code always crushes with SQLException which has no info about an error.
    Actually, i need external authentication (userName=NULL) but cannot start even such a way. Any thoughts?
    Thanks a lot! :)

    Further to what Sumit has already said...
    Actually, i need external authentication...
    To do this just set the username to an empty string. Something like this:
    user = "";
    passwd = "";
    db = "orademo";
    env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
      con = env->createConnection(user, passwd, db);
    catch (SQLException& ex)
      cout << ex.getMessage();
      // handle error or exit or...
    }If you want to use the default database as well you can set the db to an empty string too.

  • Iphone 3gs device cannot start with latest itunes.

    I downloaded the latest itunes in my desktop. When I tried to connect my iphone 3gs it says iphoe cannot be used because apple mobile device is not started. I have restarted my system after download, but i don't know what went wrong. My iphone was working perfectly & it's software version is 4.3. Can someobody help me pls.

    This is a reasonably common error on a PC when there is a problem with either a USB device, your USB cables or hardware, or the system drivers.
    In a case where, as you say, the device works properly with other computers, the problem is more likely to be with the hardware or drivers on the computer you're trying to connect to.
    See this site for some hints:
    I found it via a web search; I don't have any connection to that site.
    The good news is that your iPhone is probably fine.

  • WWAN AutoConfig cannot start with error 5 : Access is denied

    first , when i start my lenovo S110 windows7 , i need to repair my system . i just click 'repair' then my laptop start like usually . i try to connect my mobile modem but still show 'connection terminated' . then i try to connect with wifi (wireless) but
    the internet bar still not connected . i just trying my luck to open google and surfing even the internet bar show not connected ( red X ) . i dont believe it that i can online while the internet bar still not connected . i try another way , try to google
    my connection problem with another computer . then , i found that my WWAN AutoConfig not start . i try to fix it by myself . but it still not working . when i start the WWAN AutoConfig , it show error 5 means access was denied . i dont know what to do . please
    help me :'(
    ( sorry , broken english )

    From your description, it should be the permission issue.
    Make sure you logon with an account that have administrator privilege to start the service.
    And then open the command prompt with administrator, run this command:
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • OBIEE 11g opmnctl services cannot start (ping failed in ready callback)

    The BI server is up and running
    The platform is Linux, searching forums it's due to /etc/hosts and it is defined as localhost.localdomain localhost <servername>.<domain> <servername>
    All OPMN services cannot start with error messages (ping failed in ready callback).
    Any idea is highly appreciated !!!

    Make sure static ip r u using? If u used to installed dynamic
    Ip it throw this kind off issue . I have face this same issue in obiee11.1.1.3 with dynamic ip address
    Note: u shoud use static ip ( configure look back adopter )

  • "HTTPS hostname wrong" for a hostname starts with a number

    Does anyone know about why HttpsClient throws the error for a hostname starts with a number. I have no problem with other hostname but only for the hostname starts with a number. The certificate works fine with Browser. I am sure the hostname in the certificate and in the request are exactly the same.
    I know how to skip the hostname verification, but I don't want to do that for security concern.
    Can sun develpoer shed some light how to verify the hostname in HttpsClient? HTTPS hostname wrong: should be

    I looked at the RFCs you mention, and they do seem to indicate that host/domain names cannot start with digits...however if you look at RFC 1123 closely it says:
    This section contains general requirements that may be applicable to
    all application-layer protocols.
    2.1 Host Names and Numbers
    The syntax of a legal Internet host name was specified in RFC-952
    [DNS:4]. One aspect of host name syntax is hereby changed: the
    restriction on the first character is relaxed to allow either a
    letter or a digit. Host software MUST support this more liberal
    Host software MUST handle host names of up to 63 characters and
    SHOULD handle host names of up to 255 characters.

  • ESS - Cannot Start Transaction

    After maintaining infotyp 0105 and subtyp 0001, I'm getting and error message as folows (after clicking on almost all the functions, e.g. Personal Data):
    Cannot Start Transaction
    The Internet Transaction Server could not start the Transaction "pzxx" because of the following error. You are not authorized to use Transaction PZXX.
    Appreciate if someone could help me on this. Thank you.
    Best Regards,
    Hapizorr Rozi Alias

    Dear Srinivasa,
    I found your blog "What is UDDI?". I liked!
    I have a question about UDDI.
    I had configured the UDDI on server host XXXXX and can access it though
    the links (the UDDI works):
    - http://<host>:50100/uddiclient
    - http://<host>:50100/uddi/api/inquiry
    - http://<host>:50100/uddi/api/publish
    But when I try to enter virtual URL http://uddi.<domain>.net/publish I
    receive the message error "HTTP 404 - File not found Internet
    Information Services"
    Could you help me?
    Thanks a lot!

  • ID3 comment data won't clear on iPhone.

    I have some songs that have a little advert in the ID3 comment field and I removed them using two different ID3 tag editors and as well as the iTunes Get Info option, it's blank in everyone as well as when I right click the song in the folder and check the Detals tab under properties it's clear as well, so I delete the songs on my iPhone and put them back on and same advert is still there even though I have four different sources telling it's blank. The only way I was able to get rid of it was by clearing ALL of the ID3 tag data, and obviously that is not very useful and I do not feel like rebuilding all the ID3 tag data for every song. My theory is that the first time I put the songs on my phone it had the advert and it just stays even after you delete it and add again with blank comment data. So im just looking for suggestions because it is kind of an eyesore when I start playing my tracks.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    You're welcome.
    Contact them anyway.
    After contacting your carrier and there is no problem on their end with your account - they may want to reset your account which will require powering the iPhone off, if there is no change after resetting network settings on your iPhone and/or after doing a reset which is similar to a computer restart, try restoring the iPhone with iTunes from the iPhone's backup.

  • How do you import Comment data

    Hi folks
    Is there a way to import bulk amount of comment data to it's corresponding table (tech name : /1CPMB/* )
    If so, could you please provide me any kind of technical tips or related document.
    Thanks in advance.

    No, I wasn't talking about copying comments from one version to another within application.
    I have mentioned importing comment data to it's corresponding text table starting with a tech. name /1CPMB/...
    Just like importing transaction data with using 'import transaction data' package which uploads the data from the
    CSV file.
    We have a situation where we need to import actual transaction data and comments at the same time
    in order to let our end users to explore the trans. and comment data in a single
    BPC  custome made template.

  • Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook Window. The set fo folders cannot be opened. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profil

    Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook Window. The set fo folders cannot be opened. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize your folders with your Outlook data file (.ost)
    OK. This is a new outlook setup on a laptop. The mail account is on a MS Exchange Server 2010. The user can log on to their laptop no problem with their AD login and password. To setup the outlook profile we have checked the name OK. When we click finish
    and try to start outlook we get the above error message. It is driving me pots as I have tried also of things. I have tried to connect without catching the files. The error message then says that the Exchange Server is down, yet we checked the name OK and
    I can log on to the MS Exchange server and see the setup.
    What else is it that I need to look at as I have tried everything. I will add that they one service I see not running is the Exchange RPC service. If I try to start it, it fails saying Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services
    or programs.
    What can I do?

    The major cause of this problem is a corrupted Navigation Pane settings file – profilename.xml, where “profilename” is the name of your Outlook profile. A good sign that the
    file is corrupted is when the size of the file is shown 0 KB. No one knows the precise reason why this takes place, but all versions of Outlook from 2003 to 2013 may get affected.
    Other causes may be when you run Outlook in the compatibility mode, or if you are using a profile generated in an older Outlook version, or if the Outlook data file (.pst or .ost)
    was removed or damaged as the result of faulty uninstallation or reinstallation of MS Outlook.
    Follow the steps given below to resolve this problem
    1. Recover Navigation Pane configuration file
    2. Repair your Outlook PST file using Inbox Repair tool
    3. Create a new Outlook profil and import data from the old PST file
    4. Turn off Compatibility Mode
    5. Start Outlook in Safe Mode
    For more info, you can visit

Maybe you are looking for