Illustrator Art History Swatches

Hi there,
Does anyone know how the illustrator developers decided on the colors used in the swatches that make up the art history default swatches? Do you know if an algorithm of some sort was used, or if the colors were chosen just on a subjective idea of what colors were used in artworks created during that era?
Or, does anyone know the best person to contact in order to find this out?

I am trying to continue to paint with the Art History Brush. As per the picture caption you can see how much I need to finish (image with out background).
Duplicating the Background layer and taking a new Snapshot in the History panel works but it doesn't fill in all the white spaces as something is in the first layer that was created yesterday.

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    Depending on which program is used to open the file here's what I get
    Open with AICS3, It tells me that an new version was used but it will open. Everything is a single color (576) but in preview mode there is a clipping mask around the letter that is the wrong color.
    Open in AICS4, There is no clipping mask, everything is one color (576)
    Open in Acro 8 and 9, The file is two color with the odd colored letter
    Do you have the original AI file to look at?

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    If you don't make the new snapshot with the icon but with the palette menu, you will get a window with 3 options.
    Try which of the three solves your problem.
    Sorry, my  menu is in german, but you see the position.
    :-) miss marple

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    Thanks a lot Grant ...
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    Or ...
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    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I had nearly given up hope of working this out and there was no mention of the solution in anything I have read about the AHB and Snapshots.
    On a PC, Alt is the the key.
    Much obliged.

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    Thank you!

    How do they crete a new document?
    When you open something from somewhere, then there are just the swatches whoever left in the document.
    When you instead Use File > New and then select a standard document profile, you get the default swatches.
    Startup Profiles – A Great tool to Customize your New Documents « Adobe Illustrator blog

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    "FAQ: Why are my vector graphics (e.g., from Illustrator) jagged or soft?"

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