Image displays Black

I have an image that displays black on the slide in my Captivate 4 project when it is published. I have attached both the slide and the image properties.

Hi again
Methinks it's time to save the image as a different format. Perhaps .GIF, .JPG or .BMP.
Once in a blue moon I have an issue with PNG format. But by and large they simply work. Note that some applications use .PNG as their native format. Adobe Fireworks is one example. And in Fireworks you may use different layers like in Photochop. Sometimes the additional data isn't easily understood by other applications such as Captivate. I know Adobe RoboHelp HTML has similar issues with PNG format.
Cheers... Rick
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    Why ?

    I have a few questions concerning the problem. Where does the image come from, is it read in or is it from the harddisk. When the image is read in, which hardware do you use? I think you taked off the lens aperture and checked the contrast!? Check if the "vision image display" is correct licensed. Which Version is used from the "vision image display"? You can also check, when there is used any hardware if the drivers are the same on both systems. The current version is 2.6. With your answers, we should get a solution for the problem.

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    drdanwindisch wrote:
    Sometimes After straightening and cropping 1/2 or 3/4 of the displayed image (from a Nikon RAW image) is blacked out! I am using version 2.1 of aperture. Apparently the file is fine and is straightened and cropped (I can see the full picture cropped and straightened in the browser), but the display isn't working when I double-click to open that picture. Frustrating. Any ideas/fixes? I have 2GB of RAM so memory shouldn't be a problem.
    I know that you know this but straitening and cropping are supposed to black out the parts of your image that are cut off by the very nature of those operations. Assuming you are not really asking "hey why do the straiten and crop tools work like they are supposed to", some screen shots of what you are talking about would help get your question answered properly.

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    i cant believe this problem is still happening. same exact issue here. photoshop cs6 and CC run like **** on my macbook but run smooth on windows 7 on the same exact hardware, macbook pro 2.5ghz core i5, 16gb ram and intel hd 4000. ive talked with applecare about this, adobe support (who hasn't called me back twice now) and no response on how to fix this. its absolutely ridiculous that we are having to go through this much trouble to get this problem fixed. ive brought it up over 5 times now and no solution except for the usual suggestions (turn off hardware acceleration, delete your preferences, yada yada). same hardware, mac osx photoshop cc lags, windows photoshop runs fine.. something is wrong with the mac version of photoshop cs6 and CC adobe please fix this as soon as possible.

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    I think the difficulty is that because it doesn't affect everyone they can't recreate it and so can't fix it*. If you want to report it the place to report bugs is at (this is a user-to-user forum so Adobe won't see it).
    * Mind you with a release cycle of only twelve months it's very rare to see any updates other than to Camera RAW.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
    If this post or another user's post resolves the original issue, please mark the posts as correct and/or helpful accordingly. This helps other users with similar trouble get answers to their questions quicker. Thanks.

  • How do you change the location of a small image within an IMAQ image display?

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    Attachments: ‏102 KB

    Marty_M wrote:
    I have an image that exactly fills the display. But then I want to extract a portion of the image and display that small piece, but have it be in the same location as it was before, not centered in the display (essentially I want to crop the image but leave it in the same location). I tried the 'Image Center Position' property node for the image display, but is resets itself to the center of the display. Can anyone offer any suggestions?
    You misused the Image Center position property : it works only on images larger than the display area. Have a look at the simplified version of your sample vi.
    One way to achieve your objective will be to create a black (or white) background image, with the same size as the original image and to paste the small piece over this BG.
    Happy New Wires
    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        
    Crop_Pic_Test[2].zip ‏22 KB

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    This is the page

    In your browser > Options > configuation settings, do you have all of the options checked for javascript and images to show, background images, etc.?
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  • Why are images displayed in Photoshop different than the same images displayed in Indesign?

    My images imported to Indesign do NOT display as the images in Photoshop.
    They seem to display under different color profiles.
    The images in Indesign are more desaturated than the images in Photoshop.
    This is a problem because now I don't know which image appearance to trust!
    How can you get the Indesign images to look like the images in Photoshop?
    I use Photoshop CS4 and Indesign CS3.
    I import the images from Photoshop to Indesign for exporting to a PDF as the base for Blurb printing (
    I use the CMYK profile Blurb_ICC_profile.icc:
    The images in PS4 are converted to Blurb_ICC_Profile (CMYK).
    Both in PS4 and ID3 the color settings are
                               Working spaces:
                                  CMYK: Blurb_ICC_profile
                               Color management Policies:
                                   CMYK:  Preserve Embedded Profiles.
    The images are imported into Indesign by drag and drop from Bridge CS4. In Bridge it says that the images have color profile CMYK, Blurb_ICC_profile.
    I also do get "Unsynchronized: Your Creative Suite Applications are not synchronized for consistent color."  And I don't seem to be able synchronize between CS3 and CS4, or whatever. I do NOT depend on any synchronization.
    The settings above should be enough to show the images consistently in Photoshop and Indesign.
    Should not Adobes own applications be able to keep color consistency?

    Hi WA Veghe,
    >First: DO synchronize, makes sure you have the same profile settings and color mange settings.
    I don't seem to be able to synchronize between CS4 (Photoshop) and CS3 (Indesign).
    It seems I have to do without synchronizing..
    >I do not seem to find HOW you are diplaying images on you screen: with Soft proofing?
    What happens if you soft proof in Photoshop and InDesign on screen: View > Proof colors. Do you proof with the same profiles, both simulate paper and black on?
    I can simulate Proof Colors (working CMYK), but not simulate Paper, both in Indesign and Photoshop.
    Problem is: SAME settings in Photoshop and Indesign BUT the image displayed in Photoshop is brighter and more saturated.
    So which image should I correct after?
    thanks for all help

  • Images going black

    I use a Dual G5 2.5GHz with 2 GB ram. I shoot my images with a Nikon D200 in raw format. The G5 has a ATI Rad9800 XT with 256 MB DDR using a 23 inch Apple display. I have two internal 250GB 7200rpm drives plus 3 external 250GB LaCie drives.
    I'm running the latest version of OSX.
    Ever since I upgraded to Aperture 1.2 I have been experiencing images going black after I have been working for 5-10 minutes and using the crop tool or even the exposure tool. I thought version 1.5 would eliminate the problem.
    Is it my system? Should I add more ram? De-frag the hard drive?
    Do I have to upgrade my video card?
    Could all of my external firewire drives be causing any problems?
    (Maybe I should try Aperture with all of the drives off ??)
    It's just getting a little frustrating having a lot of images to work with and then running into the blacked out image with high regularity.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated !

    I also have the same problem (Dual 2.0GHz G5 with 2.5GB RAM and Radeon 9650 gfx card at 1920x1200 res screen - all my photos are RAW Canon 20D).
    It almost seems like a problem with how the graphics card handles it's image overlays. I find the black image will often appear if I try and switch between images before the previous one has completed its display adjustments (i.e. the status monitor is still showing heavy CPU usage). I find that clicking and slightly resizing the display window shows the photo again until I let go of the mouse button, at which point it goes black again. Sometimes instead of black I have a solid grey fill instead.
    Once the black image effect has started I also find that the handles when resizing an image or text area in the photo book editor disappear.
    I also find though that the loupe tool never seems affected so I often end up using that for a while rather than having to restart Aperture again!

  • PS CS5 Image Display Differs From Used ICC Profile In Win 7

    on my Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine, I just calibrated my Dell SP2309W monitor using an i1DisplayPro and basICColor 5, creating a ICC v2 profile (I am aware of the problems under Windows with ICC v4 profiles).
    It created the ICC profile and applied it to be used by Windows. I double checked under COLOR MANAGEMENT that the new ICC profile is being used. Although I can see that the new ICC is being used (desktop appearance changes), there are a few issues I am experiencing:
    (1.) Windows Photo Viewer
    The thumbnails in Windpows Explorer look fine (they DO use the new ICC profile), when I double click a jpeg and open the image it DOES NOT use the new ICC profile. When I click the PLAY SLIDESHOW button (starting the slideshow) in the opened image in Windows Photo Viewer, the images DO use the new ICC profile.
    (2.) Internet Browsers
    All current internet browser (Firefox, IE, Safari and Chrome) DO use the new ICC profile and display the image correctly.
    (3.) Photoshop CS 5
    When I open the same image - that Windows Photo Viewer does not correctly displays (according to the new ICC profile) - in Photoshop CS5, I get the same image display that Windows Photo Viewer gives me (when not thumbnail or not in slideshow mode) - it appears to be the sRGB display.
    My color settings in PS CS5 are: North America General Purpose 2 > sRGB IEC 61966-2.1.
    When I go to View > Proof Setup > Monitor RGB I get the image display using the new ICC profile.
    Why does the image look different in PS than my calibrated monitor should output ?
    I was under the impression (please correct me if I am wrong), that the sole purpose for calibrating my monitor was to get a uniform display across (ICC aware) applications. Even when one applies different color spaces to a document in PS, I thought the output on my calibrated screen done by the graphic card should always be according to my calibration and the settings in the ICC profile being used.
    What Am I doing wrong or what am I misunderstanding ?
    Any help or input is appreciated !
    - M

    A note on monitor calibration: calibrating your monitor will not guarentee that every application will display color correctly, it's more of a step along the pipeline, and for the preview part of a color workflow it's the last step.  Here's how color translation follows for an ICC workflow when previewing to a monitor:
    Image Color Numbers > Document Tag or Workspace Profile > Monitor Profile
    For non-color managed applications, if the original document is or isn't tagged with a color profile it will be translated directly to the monitor profile anyway.  This is the equivalent in Photoshop of selecting "Monitor" in soft proofing.  Selecting monitor in softproofing will bypass the tagged or workspace profile to translate colors directly through the monitor profile.
    For most automatic color managed applications (like Firefox), the image will be translated through the tagged profile and then sent through the monitor profile.  If the image is untagged or the profile is unrecognized, the colors get sent directly to the monitor profile.
    For Photoshop, a tagged document will have its profile respected and then sent to the monitor.  An untagged document will be assigned the workspace profile, which acts like a temporary document profile, and then gets sent to the monitor.  This is often why users will notice Photoshop behaves differently from other applications.  It's usually a case of the workspace coming into play.  By default the workspace profile is set to sRGB.  You can change this in Edit > Color Settings.
    The purpose of the workspace is originally for printing workflows, as a way of keeping consistant color translations when dealing with both tagged and untagged documents.  For web output workflows it can be useful for viewing everything through sRGB, which is typical of the average monitor output (not so with newer wide-gamut monitors, another source of confusion...) combined with the fact that originally most web browsers were not color managed.  Hence viewing everything through sRGB is pretty close to what most monitors see and what untagged/unmanaged docs will look like.
    Monitor calibration is useful only because it brings your monitor output to a "known state".  In traditional workflows the monitor was always a middle-man, a preview device which was useful for getting an idea of what the printed output would look like before you print it.  Since print colorspaces are often smaller than display spaces, it's feasible and useful to narrow down the monitor/display space and calibrate it to a known state, so that even if it doesn't totally match the print, you'll get used to its differences/limitations and they'll be consistent so long as the calibration is maintained.
    For web output, your final output is often another user's computer monitor, which can have any form of behavior (most standard monitors are pretty close to sRGB, or use sRGB as an operating system workspace (default monitor profile).  Wide gamuts behave differently, but I'm not sure if there's a particular ICC space that they closely match, or if different wide-gamuts are even that close to each other in their display color spaces.
    Hope this helps!

  • Image display control scrolling does not work properly when zoomed in

    I am using a ROI on an image in the image display control. When zooming into the image to fine-adjust the positioning of the ROI, the image scrolling does not work properly. As far as I understand, the image should scroll automatically when the ROI is leaving the visible area. However, the scrolling behaviour seems to depend on the origin of the Labview panel, not the origin of the image display control, which might require to move the ROI way out of the visible area before the scrolling takes place. In other words: the coordinate system of the image display control is shifted with respect to the true visible image area, depending on where you place it on the front panel. As a consequence, when clicking on a ROI which is in the visible area, but is outside of what Labview thinks is the visible area, it might immediately jump to the left border of the image, making the positioning of the ROI really difficult.
    Has anyone noticed this behaviour, and what would be a reliable solution to avoid this? 

    no, I am not talking about the tools palette. Just place an image control with some image in it on a new VI front panel. Then, use the rectangle from the tools and select a ROI in the image. If you zoom in (using the magnification glass), and then grab the ROI and move it around, the image scroll with the ROI. So far, so good. If you now place the image control elsewhere on the panel, or add new control above it, resize the panel, etc. , this scrolling when moving the ROI will not work correctly if the origin (0,0) of the panel is far away from the image control.
    I have attached a VI for simplicity (although there is hardly any code in it).
    If you make a ROI and try to move it down, you will notice that scrolling starts if you move the mouse out to about 10cms below the image (depens on your screen, of course). After that, if you click on the ROI, the scroll bars and ROI might jump up to the upper end of the image. Imagine how annoying this is if you try to finely adjust the ROI position. 
    I think it is a bug in the implementation of the image display control.
    Attachments: ‏818 KB

  • Why does moving the mouse over an IMAQ image display slow the GUI down so much?

    I have a large application with several vi's running simultaneously under labview 8.6.1.  When I mouse over an image display control in one of the vi's, everything slows down a shocking amount in all the other vi's.  The windows task manager does not show a large increase in CPU use.  My pc is has a quad cpu with 4GB of RAM, and the CPU and memory loads do not appear to be terribly taxing to the system.  However, many of my vi's apparently come almost to a standstill if I just move the mouse in a circle around my image control.
    This looks like it is largely a GUI display issue.  If I make a new vi and put a while loop in it that only displays the iteration loop number to an indicator, I can see the iterating occurring, then stopping totally when I mouse inside the image display control.  When I stop moving the mouse inside the control, or when I move it outside the control, the interation loop number jumps up, as if it had been incrementing behind the scenes the whole time.  So only display of the interating was halted.
    This problem occurs even if the vi with the image control is not executing.  If the vi with the image control is open but not running, and I mouse over the image on it, the other guis all come to a screeching halt.
    Does mousing in the image display control really utterly crush all other guis in all other labview windows?  Is this an issue inherent to the image display control?  If so, is there anything I can do about this? 
    Also, this issue is not entirely limited to display.  I started looking at it in greater detail because this issue also exposed what I think is a race condition in my code.  I have a vi that acquires an image from a ccd and puts it into an IMAQ image.ctl.  This image then gets passed up to a vi up the call chain, and is put on a queue and sent over to be de-queued by a vi that has the image display control.  Here's the kicker:  when I mouse over the image display control, the image successfully gets acquired inside the subvi, and if I probe the wire leading to the output IMAQ image display.ctl, I see the image.  If I simultaneously probe the wire coming out of the subvi one level up the call chain, the image gets lost about half the time.  This only happens if I am mousing in the image display control IN A TOTALLY DIFFERENT AND SEPARATE VI.  If I bump up the priority of the ccd image acquisition vi to 'highest priority', the problem only happens about 1% of the time, and I really have to mouse around to make it happen.  Still, it's disturbing that mousing in the GUI in one window results in a failure of a separate subvi to simply pass an image up the call chain.  I understand that IMAQ images are referenced rather than passed by value, but I don't see why there should be a failure to pass the image up the call chain.  I've looked for a race condition, but can't find one.

    I have finally been able to replicate the behavior that you are seeing on another computer once the image was large enough.  Here are a few notes about this behavior:
    First. The UI only slows down when the images are large, 16 bit images.  The reason why this is unique to 16 bit images is that they can only be displayed on the front panel as 8 bit images.  The workaround that Weiyuan suggested to change the 16 bit display mapping hints towards the root of the problem...that any time a mouse runs over the indicator, Windows asks the entire image to re-draw (having a separate indicator overlapping the image will create the same behavior).  With a 16 bit image, not only does the image have to re-draw on the screen but the 16 bit pixels need to be mapped to 8 bits.  When setting the 16 bit display mapping to Full Dynamic, this requires mor computation/pixel than 90% dynamic or one of the other mapping schemes.
    This is expected behavior if your program is running and you're trying to display a large 16 bit image.  To fix this behavior there are a couple options:
    Change the 16 bit display mapping to something other than full dynamic.  You can choose which 8 bits to display or if you want to map the bits. 
    Resize the image just for viewing purposes on your front panel (since you aren't going to view every single pixel of you image on the screen). You can use the IMAQ to do this.  This will allow you to take your 1500x1500 pixel image and only display a 500x500 pixel version.
    If you are interested in viewing small details of the large image, consider just displaying a smaller region of interest at a time.
    Let me know if any of these solutions work for you.  Good luck on your application.
    Zach C.
    Field Engineer
    Greater Los Angeles

  • 27 inch thunderbolt display blacks out after Thunderbolt Firmware Update 1.2

    Bought 2 new 27 inch TB displays for two different machines and after a couple of days the Thunderbolt Firmware Update 1.2 appears on my Mac Pro with one of the displays installed. So I install the firmware update.  Now my display blacks out periodically and I keep getting Graphic Display Errors with a request to sent the errors to Apple. Running a 32 GB Mac Pro (late 2013 circular style) I have three monitors connected (two 20 inch cinema displays and the new 27 inch display). This machine is supposed to be able to handle three 4k monitors or 6 standard TB displays.  I've seen the posts about the blacking out with this monitor but I didn't have any problems before the firmware update and now I've got them pretty regularly.  I had the blacking out problem on an earlier monitor and took one of the monitors back and Apple gave me another one and this is the replacement.  Same problem, but this one only started after the update. I'm hoping someone from Apple reads these messages and can let me know what's up.
    BTW, I also have an older 27 inch Apple monitor that ran perfectly on this machine so I'm disappointed that I spent all this money and now get the blacking out issue.
    Mac Pro (Late 2013)
    Processor 3.7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5
    Memory 32 BG
    Graphics AMD FirePro D300 2048 MB

    I have my Thunderbolt display connected to my MacBook Pro and have been experiencing the same issue, getting worse over time.  The folks at my local Apple store did not know what to do about it.  So, I looked around and tried different thing.
    The one thing that seems to be working is to System Preferences > Build-in Display > uncheck “Automatically adjust brightness.”
    I hope this helps.

  • Is this a bug of Outlook 2007 about images displaying in signature?

    I've done many tests and researched on website or MS KB. But still got no solution.
    My issue is:
    I make a signature with images linking from website which can be easily accessed.
    I setup this signature in Outlook 2007, when I compose a new mail, and choose the signature I set. It won't show the images with a high percentage rate, meanwhile, I try to get into "Signature"-"Signature...", 
    Outlook2007 gets stuck, then you can not close Outlook or open Internet Explorer unless you kill the process of OUTLOOK.exe.
    1. Test are done under a clean XP system and Office 2007 standard fresh installed. Also there are some other staffs who help me test the signature that report the same issue on Office 2007.
    2. Images are rendered in 96dpi. They are all in very small size stored on website, can be easily accessed without network connctivity problem.
    3. The signature is made by simple HTML language not by Outlook signature setup wizard. but in this case,  you can ignore which method I use to create the signature. The images in signature can be displayed well in Outlook 2003 &
    2010. Also I have tried insert images using "link to file" in Outlook signature setup wizard, got same issue.
    4. Don't suggest me to store the images locally. These images should be updated after a period. You can not ask the company staffs to update these images manually by themselves. and even if the images are stored locally, the images won't be shown
    in Outlook 2007 with a high percentage rate.
    5. I've tried setup signature with or without an account profile, got same issue.
    6. I 've tried without an accout profile, just copy the signature file to Outlook signature folder, unplug the network cable, and "new mail" then load the signature, of course, the images won't be shown because network connection doesn't exist,
    and then when I try to get into "Signature"-"Signature...",  the Outlook interface also gets stuck. So I think Outlook 2007 may have some problem on detecting the network connectivity.
    7. It is not possible to upgrate the version of Office. Since Office 2007 isn't out of date and is powerful enough for us, no one want to pay more money just to avoid this issue.
    I don't know why I cannot upload a screenshot for troubleshooting. If needed. I can send a mail with screenshot attached.
    So far to now, I still get no solution, I think this is a bug of Outlook 2007, because the same signature, there is no problem on Outlook 2003 & 2010. Hope someone of MS staff can see this article and report to technical support center.
    I would appriciate anyone's kindly help but please consider that you understand what I am talking about. I don't want to waste time for each of us.
    thanks in advanced.

    What kind of problem about the display image in signature?
    How do you add the image into the message body when you send the message?
    Does it show correct through Web-based access?
    Outlook 2007 doesn't support some of Style Element, you may reference the link as below:
    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    Thanks for your reply,  I know that some Style Elements won't be supported in Outlook, but this is not the reason.
    Please refer to my post previously, I post it but get no response.

  • How to find out embedded raster image is Black&White or Color image?

    Is there any possibility to find out the embedded raster image is Black&White, Gray image (or) Color image in "illustrator cs3" without using color mode shown in "document info" pannel. Kindly advice me, the possibilities and solution. And also any scripts avilable for this?

    Or you could select the embedded image, and open the Window>Document Info panel. Select Embedded Images from the fly out menu on the Document Info panel. This should give you the color mode and more info on the embedded file in question.

Maybe you are looking for