Image resolution resizing

This may be the wrong place for such a posting, or perhaps iPhoto is the wrong applicaiton, but how can I change the image resolution to make the file size smaller? I have a 1Mb image that I need to upload to a website that has a maximum upload file size of 500kb, I don't want to crop the image and lose part of the picture, so how do I reduce the file size? Thanks for any suggestions you may have.

Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
You can do this upon export of the file from iPhoto. Select the photo in the library and do File > Export > File Export. In the dialog box you have the option to scale image no larger than x pixels. Type in a number, and the other dimension will be automatically entered to constrain the proportions of the image. Export to your Desktop for convenience when uploading to the website. You can check the size of the export in the Finder. It may take a bit of trial and error to determine the correct pixel dimensions to get the file size that you want. After you have uploaded the export you may delete it, since iPhoto retains your file in the library.

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    Thanks in advance.

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    Pramod SR

    1. You need to resample.
    2. You can automate the process.
    Open one of the images.
    Go to Image > Image Size
    Set the units to Percent (100)
    Change the resolution to 300 ppi (not cm!)
    Make sure Resample is checked
    2. automation
    Test the above steps to make sure it works.
    Record the steps as an action.
    Make a droplet from the action.
    Drag the folder with the images to the droplet.

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    image resolution, Please check the below links. They should give you a clear idea about Resizing and resampling images. ain_Resizing_and_resampling_images
    Understanding Resize vs. Resample | Learn Photoshop CS6 | Adobe TV
    ~ Arpit

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    Thank you for responding. Someone from Foray contacted me and explained what to do. They want the image size of two photographs to be as close as possible to the same. If there is disparity, I am to find a number in pixels that is somewhere between the high and low of the two photos…a common denominator. When the photos are resized to that resolution they should fit on top of each other almost identically. 
    [contact information removed by moderator]

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    Thank you.

    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var graphics = doc.allGraphics;
    var image, horRes, verRes;
    for (var i = 0; i < graphics.length; i++) {
         image = graphics[i];
         try {
              // The resolution of a graphic after it has been resized.
              horEffRes = Math.round(image.effectivePpi[0]);
              verEffRes = Math.round(image.effectivePpi[1]);
              // The native resolution of a placed graphic.
              horActRes = Math.round(image.actualPpi[0]);
              verActRes = Math.round(image.actualPpi[1]);
              $.writeln((i+1) + " - " +;
              $.writeln("Effective resolution - " + horEffRes + "x" + verEffRes + " ppi");
              $.writeln("Actual resolution - " + horActRes + "x" + verActRes + " ppi");
         catch (err) {
              // vector graphic
              $.writeln((i+1) + " - " + + " - Resolution is unavailable");

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    Firstly, your better off using liststyles than paragraph list styles, I screwed around a long time before I had to set everything to liststyles rather than paragraph ones. So dont worry about that.
    The first issue, of not seeing the style - it is there, if you open the Styles tab on screen (click in a topic to get the cursor, then Format > Styles), not just the dropdown like youve shown youll see a list of all your styles, almost, it will show paragraph styles, click the drop-down and select All available styles, this will display your list styles as well!
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    mine looks like this
    li.NumberList {
        font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 10pt;
        color: #524C45;
        list-style: decimal;
        margin-bottom: 6pt;
        margin-top: 6pt;
    As for printed formats not indenting lists, this is an issue. So far I have found no way around it because you cannot map a  list styles in RH to a list style in Word. This has also created errors for line spacing and indents - and  I found the indents are severly messed up when using list styles in snippets. Everytime I create printed documentation I have to manually fix it, a pain but it doesnt take too could use macros etc to speed it all up for you.
    Submit a Wish Form.
    Hope it helps.

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    Please help!

    It varies based on what you ordered and whether it is in stock or has to be assenbled and shipped from China. Your email conformation should give an estimate of when the items are expected to be shipped or available for pick up if you are having it sent to a local Apple Store.

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    To find the current resolution of your image, follow these steps:
    With your image open in Photoshop, Image > Image Size (Like you've already done earlier).
    Check the resolution as shown above. If it doesn't show 300, enter 300, hit OK and 'Save' your image.
    Open the file and check again. If it still shows 72, post back with more details of the type of file you're trying to open in Photoshop and if possible, a screenshot so we can help.

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    2- All image resolutions in a HiRes pdf. I see a custom check profile called "resolution of color & grayscale images is between..." but I want image resolution is ...
    3- Flag any RGB images used.

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  • Continuous tone image resolution lower than specified

    The following message was posted in the incorrect forum; no legitimate solution to the problem was ever posted. I am re-posting it, as this is the same exact problem I am having, right down to the OS and version of Acrobat. Could someone please explain to me what this means and whether or not I should be concerned about it? I will also get two different kinds of results... one is a single number effective ppi on this error, such as 199, (which results in 200ppi if run through PitStop), and a two-number effective ppi, which we haven't been able to decipher, such as 501.357/179.55ppi (which should be a hi-resolution image).
    Amy Carolyn Watson
    >Nikola Viereckel - 09:45pm Dec 9, 2007 Pacific
    >Hi - I have recently discovered the above error message when I
    >check my distilled press quality pdf in preflight. I am using
    >a PC and Version 7.0 of distiller and acrobat. The images are
    >300dpi and are in my documents at 100% or lower, so there should
    >be no resolution issues. The pdf itself looks fine, but the
    >preflight does not. I find if I export out of InDesign (CS2)
    >then I do not get the same error message, but this is not my
    >preferred way to create pdfs for print.
    >Any ideas? I the only thoughts I have had is to reinstall
    >the program. Thanking you in advance for your help.

    > All text should export as vector, since it's all on a layer above any kind of image.
    Is there any transparency in the text, though? If you float text over
    an image with transparency, it MUST be exported as an image. If it is
    floated over vector art with transparency, it MIGHT.
    It's easy to assume that just because something is on top, it doesn't
    ever need to be flattened. This is not in fact true.
    >I am a little concerned: is this a flaw in the Acrobat Program?
    You mean in its preflight? Unlikely, it isn't rocket science to
    calculate ppi, so the numbers are probably right.
    >Where is this "Continuous tone image resolution" turned on/off? Why is it important?
    That's probably a reference to Distiller settings. I think we've
    established that you aren't using Distiller.
    >Is InDesignCS2 flattening to low transparency settings, even though my settings dictate high?
    You'd probably need to ask in the InDesign forum. But bear in mind
    that the flattener is free to use lower resolution if it thinks that
    is all that is needed for particular effects.
    Maybe you could reopen the PDF in Illustrator, and use that to select
    the images in the flattened page. Might illuminate what is going on.
    Aandi Inston

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    Iatrogenic huh! Cool!
    Anyway, I'm not real clear on what it is you are trying to accomplish. Despite your obvious vocabulary skills, there seems to be some disconnect relative to what you are trying to accomplish. You are right that "exporting a version" in Aperture is roughly equivalent to what happens in ACR when you "Open" a RAW image into Photoshop. In both cases you have, hopefully, already done the adjusting of parameters you want prior to "exporting", or "opening". When you "open" or "export" you wind up with an "image" composed of pixels, whereas in the RAW adjustment phase you are just working with a temporary thumbnail and a set of mathematical instructions. Big difference, I suppose is that when you "open" and image from ACR into CS2, the resulting image is truly just pixels and has not had a "file type" applied to the file yet, until you "save" it, while in Aperture, if you "export" a file to CS2, or to the desktop, you end up with the file type already applied. Presuming you "export" a 16 bit TIFF or PSD, there is no operational difference.
    I could be wrong, but with the new Bayer Demosaicing algorithms in Aperture 1.1, and the Camera RAW adjustments, you should be able to come up with an adjusted image that is VERY close if not identical to one done in ACR, with the possible exception of lens abberation adjustment. I was very critical of the RAW adjustments in 1.0.1, but I am very happy with the capabilites in 1.1. That said, I think there is still some room for improvement in user friendliness of some of the adjustments such as Levels.

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