IMessage voice freezes while sending

HHave someone encounter problems in iPad while sending a voice in iMessag. It does not send it because it freezes. In fact can't send it. I did sing out and reset network settings but still can't send and still freezes at the moment to click the up arrow to send.
any one has this problems and what did you do to fix it.

See it freezes,,,turn grey,,, sometimes, I'm able to record and swipe up but the voice message is not sent,,

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    I have this question too.  I am using iPhone 5 with iOS7 upgrade on AT& freezes during send of texts (all types, simple text only msgs and pics have same problem).   Dual button reboot fixes for a bit then re-occurs. 

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    I have a third generation iPod touch, newest software version, wifi is on, address in contacts, phone number in contacts. I can start to send a message, it gets close to the end and then fails to deliver. I have read the trouble shooting guide and followed all directions. I can send from my iPad just fine, but not the iPod.  Any ideals?

  • I cant reboot. Shutdown freezes at sending SIGTERM to processes

    I could use some advice. For the past 4 months or so I have not been able to do a full shutdown or reboot. When I run the shutdown -r now or reboot commands the process starts but freezes at Sending SIGTERM to processes. At this point I can switch to diffrent terminals with Ctrl+Alt+F? but I cant type.The only thing I can do is hold my power button down to shut off. I have been searching online  fore awhile and restored my rc.shutdown script to the original backup I have from months ago but I am still having the same issues. Ill attach my local and shutdown scripts
    Thanks for taking a look.
    # /etc/rc.local: Local multi-user startup script.
    #/bin/plymouth quit --retain-splash
    alsactl -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state restore
    #rm /tmp/.X25-lock
    mount LABEL=Backup /home/ahron/Dropbox/Backup
    mount LABEL=FatBackup '/home/ahron/Backup Images'
    #su ahron -c "vncserver -geometry 800x600 -alwaysshared -localhost -dpi 96 :25"
    # /etc/rc.shutdown
    . /etc/rc.conf
    . /etc/rc.d/functions
    # avoid staircase effect
    stty onlcr
    echo " "
    printhl "Initiating Shutdown..."
    echo " "
    run_hook shutdown_start
    [[ -x /etc/rc.local.shutdown ]] && /etc/rc.local.shutdown
    run_hook shutdown_prekillall
    run_hook shutdown_postkillall
    stat_busy "Saving Random Seed"
    install -TDm 0600 <(:) $RANDOM_SEED
    if [[ -r $POOL_FILE ]]; then
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=$RANDOM_SEED count=1 bs=$POOL_SIZE &>/dev/null
    [[ $TIMEZONE ]] &&
    status "Saving Time Zone" \
    cp --remove-destination "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime
    # Write to wtmp file before unmounting
    halt -w
    status "Deactivating Swap" swapoff -a
    # stop monitoring of lvm2 groups before unmounting filesystems
    [[ $USELVM = [Yy][Ee][Ss] && -x $(type -P lvm) && -d /sys/block ]] &&
    status "Deactivating monitoring of LVM2 groups" \
    vgchange --monitor n &>/dev/null
    # if we don't have devtmpfs support, /dev is mounted as tmpfs, so don't unmount it
    status "Unmounting Filesystems" \
    umount -a -r -t nodevtmpfs,notmpfs,nosysfs,noproc,nodevpts -O no_netdev
    run_hook shutdown_postumount
    # Kill non-root encrypted partition mappings
    if [[ -f /etc/crypttab && $CS ]] && grep -q ^[^#] /etc/crypttab; then
    stat_busy "Deactivating encrypted volumes:"
    # Maybe someone has LVM on an encrypted block device
    # executing an extra vgchange is errorless
    [[ $USELVM = [Yy][Ee][Ss] ]] && vgchange --sysinit -a n &>/dev/null
    do_lock() {
    stat_append "${1}.."
    if $CS remove "$1" &>/dev/null; then
    stat_append "ok "
    stat_append "failed "
    read_crypttab do_lock
    [[ $USELVM = [Yy][Ee][Ss] && -x $(type -P lvm) && -d /sys/block ]] &&
    status "Deactivating LVM2 groups" vgchange --sysinit -a n &>/dev/null
    status "Remounting Root Filesystem Read-only" \
    lsof /
    mount -n -t ext4 --verbose -o remount,ro /dev/sda3 /
    reboot -d -f -i
    run_hook shutdown_poweroff
    # Power off or reboot
    if [[ $RUNLEVEL = 0 ]]; then
    printhl "${C_H2}POWER OFF"
    poweroff -d -f -h -i
    printhl "${C_H2}REBOOTING"
    # if kexec is installed and a kernel is loaded, use it
    [[ -x $(type -P kexec) ]] && kexec -e &>/dev/null
    # End of file
    # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:
    Last edited by ahronzombi (2011-11-12 17:10:43)

    So installing the testing initscripts seems to fix the reboot command, but still the most commonly used command shutdown -r now still wont do a full reboot.
    # /etc/rc.local.shutdown: Local shutdown script.
    #killall dropbox
    #umount /home/ahron/Dropbox/Backup
    #killall Xvnc
    #fuser -vm /
    # Check local filesystems
    fsck_all() {
    fsck -A -T -C"$FSCK_FD" -a -t "no${NETFS//,/,no},noopts=_netdev" $FORCEFSCK
    # Single-user login and/or automatic reboot after fsck (if needed)
    fsck_reboot() {
    # $1 = exit code returned by fsck
    # Ignore conditions 'FS errors corrected' and 'Cancelled by the user'
    (( ($1 | 33) == 33 )) && return 0
    if (( $1 & 2 )); then
    echo "********************** REBOOT REQUIRED *********************"
    echo "* *"
    echo "* The system will be rebooted automatically in 15 seconds. *"
    echo "* *"
    echo "************************************************************"
    sleep 15
    echo "***************** FILESYSTEM CHECK FAILED ****************"
    echo "* *"
    echo "* Please repair manually and reboot. Note that the root *"
    echo "* file system is currently mounted read-only. To remount *"
    echo "* it read-write type: mount -n -o remount,rw / *"
    echo "* When you exit the maintenance shell the system will *"
    echo "* reboot automatically. *"
    echo "* *"
    echo "************************************************************"
    sulogin -p
    echo "Automatic reboot in progress..."
    umount -a
    mount -n -o remount,ro /
    reboot -f
    exit 0
    mount_all() {
    mount -a -t "nosysfs,no${NETFS//,/,no}" -O no_netdev
    umount_all() {
    # $1: restrict to fstype
    local mounts
    while read -r target fstype options; do
    # match only targetted fstypes
    if [[ $1 && $1 != "$fstype" ]]; then
    # don't unmount API filesystems
    if [[ $target = /@(proc|sys|run|dev|dev/pts) ]]; then
    # avoid networked devices
    IFS=, read -ra opts <<< "$options"
    if in_array _netdev "${opts[@]}"; then
    done < <(findmnt -runRo TARGET,FSTYPE,OPTIONS / | tac)
    umount -r "${mounts[@]}"
    remove_leftover() {
    stat_busy "Removing Leftover Files"
    # handle this separately until we declare the non-symlinks obsoleted
    [[ ! -L /var/lock ]] && rm -rf /var/lock/*
    if [[ ! -L /var/run && -d /var/run ]]; then
    find /var/run/ \! -type d -delete
    ln -s /run/daemons /var/run/daemons
    /usr/lib/initscripts/arch-tmpfiles --create --remove && stat_done || stat_fail
    bootlogd_stop() {
    [[ -f /run/ ]] || return 0
    touch /var/log/boot
    kill $(< /run/
    rm -f /run/
    sed -i -r -e 's/\^\[\[[0-9]?;?[0-9]?[0-9]?;?[0-9]?[0-9]?[ms]//g' \
    -e 's/\^\[(\[1?[0-9][0-9]|%)G//g' -e 's/\^\[\[0;1//g' /var/log/boot
    # Custom hooks in initscripts #
    # Hooks can be used to include custom code in various places in the rc.* scripts
    # Define a hook function in a functions.d file using:
    # function_name() {
    # add_hook hook_name function_name
    # It is allowed to register several hook functions for the same hook
    # Is is also allowed to register the same hook function for several hooks
    # Currently, the following hooks exist:
    # sysinit_start: at the beginning of rc.sysinit
    # multi_start: at the beginning of rc.multi
    # single_start: at the beginning of rc.single
    # shutdown_start: at the beginning of rc.shutdown
    # sysinit_end: at the end of rc.sysinit
    # multi_end: at the end of rc.multi
    # single_end: at the end of rc.single
    # sysinit_udevlaunched: after udev has been launched in rc.sysinit
    # single_udevlaunched: after udev has been launched in rc.single
    # sysinit_udevsettled: after uevents have settled in rc.sysinit
    # single_udevsettled: after uevents have settled in rc.single
    # sysinit_premount: before local filesystems are mounted, but after root is mounted read-write in rc.sysinit
    # sysinit_postmount: after local filesystems are mounted
    # shutdown_prekillall: before all processes are being killed in rc.shutdown
    # single_prekillall: before all processes are being killed in rc.single
    # shutdown_postkillall: after all processes have been killed in rc.shutdown
    # single_postkillall: after all processes have been killed in rc.single
    # shutdown_postumount: after filesystems are unmounted
    # shutdown_poweroff: directly before powering off in rc.shutdown
    # Declare add_hook and run_hook as read-only to prevent overwriting them.
    # Too bad we cannot do the same thing with hook_funcs
    if (( RC_FUNCTIONS_HOOK_FUNCS_DEFINED != 1 )); then
    declare -A hook_funcs
    add_hook() {
    [[ $1 && $2 ]] || return 1
    hook_funcs[$1]+=" $2"
    run_hook() {
    [[ $1 ]] || return 1
    local func
    for func in ${hook_funcs["$1"]}; do
    declare -fr add_hook run_hook
    # Function for setting console font if required
    set_consolefont() {
    [[ $CONSOLEFONT ]] || return 0
    stat_busy "Loading Console Font: $CONSOLEFONT"
    #CONSOLEMAP in UTF-8 shouldn't be used
    [[ $CONSOLEMAP && ${LOCALE,,} =~ utf ]] && CONSOLEMAP=""
    local i
    for i in /dev/tty[0-9]*; do
    setfont ${CONSOLEMAP:+-m "${CONSOLEMAP}"} \
    "$CONSOLEFONT" -C ${i} &>/dev/null
    if (( $? )); then
    elif [[ $CONSOLEMAP ]]; then
    cat <<"EOF" >>/etc/profile.d/
    if [ "$CONSOLE" = "" -a "$TERM" = "linux" -a -t 1 ]; then printf "\033(K"; fi
    if [[ $DAEMON_LOCALE = [yY][eE][sS] ]]; then
    if [[ -r /etc/locale.conf ]]; then
    parse_envfile /etc/locale.conf "${localevars[@]}"
    export LANG=C
    # set colors
    if [[ $USECOLOR = [yY][eE][sS] ]]; then
    if tput setaf 0 &>/dev/null; then
    C_CLEAR=$(tput sgr0) # clear text
    C_MAIN=${C_CLEAR}$(tput bold) # main text
    C_OTHER=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 4) # prefix & brackets
    C_SEPARATOR=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 0) # separator
    C_BUSY=${C_CLEAR}$(tput setaf 6) # busy
    C_FAIL=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 1) # failed
    C_DONE=${C_MAIN} # completed
    C_BKGD=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 5) # backgrounded
    C_H1=${C_MAIN} # highlight text 1
    C_H2=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 6) # highlight text 2
    C_CLEAR="\e[m" # clear text
    C_MAIN="\e[;1m" # main text
    C_OTHER="\e[1;34m" # prefix & brackets
    C_SEPARATOR="\e[1;30m" # separator
    C_BUSY="\e[;36m" # busy
    C_FAIL="\e[1;31m" # failed
    C_DONE=${C_MAIN} # completed
    C_BKGD="\e[1;35m" # backgrounded
    C_H1=${C_MAIN} # highlight text 1
    C_H2="\e[1;36m" # highlight text 2
    # prefixes:
    PREFIX_HL=" >"
    # Source additional functions at the end to allow overrides
    for f in /etc/rc.d/functions.d/*; do
    [[ -e $f ]] && . "$f"
    # Exit current shell if user is not root
    need_root() {
    (( EUID )) && printf 'You need to be root.\n' && exit 1
    # Quit script if it's not running by root
    # This can be disabled in scripts sourcing functions by setting NEED_ROOT=0
    # A local call to need_root can be done to ensure part of script need root privilege
    (( ${NEED_ROOT:-0} == 1 )) && need_root
    # End of file
    # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:

  • IMessage voice message is not active in iOS8

    I am using an iPhone 6 and have read the previous question entitled "iMessage voice message is not active in iOS8"  and applied the suggestions but it has not corrected my problem.  I made sure iMessage was turned on in my settings/Messages.  I made sure my called phone number was also an iPhone 6 with the same iMessage turned on in similar fashion.  Both phones are identified as iPhones in contacts with the phone numbers  but I don't believe that has anything to do with the issue cause it sometimes works fine with phones defined as mobile.  I am current on IOS8.02.

    Thanks for your information. That really gives me some hints to figure out what's going on of my iMessage.
    OK, here is my trial test after all the replied suggestions above.
    (1) It seems the voice/video memo function will be ONLY enabled automatically when sender and receiver are all iPhone(iMessage app) users.
    (2) In my case, if I choose a receiver who is a iPhone user too, then the voice/video memo function button is working nicely.
    (3) The receiver doesn't need to run iOS 8. I have tried iOS 6 iOS 7 friends, there is no problems at all.
    (4) In conclusion, you have to find another iPhone user to experience new function just like the same requirement of Facetime.
    Problem solved , I hope my question could help other confused user as well.

  • Iphoto freezes while viewing pix

    Iphoto almost always freezes while looking thru pix - the coloured ball comes up and stays like that, I either have to option-apple-escape or I think I can force quit and then the iphoto send error report box comes up, any ideas?

    Rebuild your library - launch iPhoto while depressing the option (alt) and command (apple) keys - use the first three options
    If this doesn't work download iPhoto Library Manager - - and use its rebuild function - this will create a totally new library so it if does not do it you will still have your original library

  • Iphone 5c freezes while texting

    My iphone keeps freezing while texting for about 15-20 seconds.  Especially if I go back to correct a text and move the cursor.  I've tried resetting all settings and problem is still persisting.

    Did you try restarting your phone? Do you have space left on your phone or is it close to the limit? (this tends to make phones slower). Is it happening only when you text or also when you search something on Safari or send a tweet or anything?

  • N73 freezes when sending a message

    Hi , my Nokia N73 Phone freezes when sending a message. Other unctions are working fine.
    The phone software is updated with latest version.
    Need help guys!!!

    update you stuff and try code number two, you will lose all phone data but it might help your issue
    *#7780# - Restore factory settings - resets all the settings to the default ( you will not lose any data)
    Make sure you back up your data as you will lose all of it when you perform option 2 or 3 on this list.
    *#7370# - Reformat your phone
    This you perform as a last resort. Nothing else is working. Turn off your phone, hold the following buttons while pressing the power button. (the default code is 12345)
    re-flash - hold the following buttons *, 3 (number button) and talk/green key. turn on the phone and do not release those buttons until you see the Nokia boot up screen.
    If these codes are not working the only thing for you to do is contact your Nokia Care Center/Service.
    You know what I love about you the most, the fact that you are not me ! In love with technology and all that it can offer. Join me in discovery....

  • Can not get my voice mail while in canada

    Hello i can not get my voice mail while in canada.. help   call forwarding is off.. when i dial my 10 digit number and hit send it says call ended.... but as soon as i cross back into the us it works just fine .. all was good till approx 6 weeks ago..  i have not added any thing or removed any thing either.

    While in Montreal PQ I don't receive voice mail notifications and *VM does not work. However if I dial my ten digit phone number I can retrieve my voice mail.
    Also when I get to my hotel I can dial my phone and retrieve that way.
    Another way is to use the backdoor Verizon voicemail number then follow the prompts to enter your cell number and password code.
    It is not toll free but I have never been charged for using it.
    Of course I don't know if it even is still available.

  • Lumia 900 crashing/freezing while roaming in Canad...

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    rusted74 wrote:
    Hi there, I am experiencing the same issues. Was wondering if your hard reboot worked? 
    Hi. 'Same' may not be the exactly similar. Please provide us details regarding your case. Does it happen randomly or when accessing certain apps on the phone? What connections are enable on the phone (Bluetooth, tap+send, data connection, WiFi)? How about the background apps running on the phone?
    Ensure that the software of the phone is updated. Latest update is the 'Black Update' currently rolling out globally:
    Aside from the phone's software, it's also important to check that all system apps are up-to-date. Please refer here:
    Hi, mmansour.
    To verify, the issue starts after updating the phone to Black. Correct? Or have you been encountering the issue prior updating the phone? After updating the software to Black, make sure that all system apps are updated as well. You may refer to the above link for the system apps.

  • Once in awhile my screen will freeze while I'm watching a video. Lately it's happening more often, I'm watching a video and it'll freeze BUT I can still hear the dialogue. Only solution I've found so far is to do a hard shut down. HELP!!

    Once in awhile my screen will freeze while I'm watching a video. Lately it's happening more often, I'm watching a video and it'll freeze BUT I can still hear the dialogue. Only solution I've found so far is to do a hard shut down. HELP!!

    Hi there, im also having this problem, i tried running most of the games on my system, and some that are considered "high end" games, are giving me the exact same problem, but other games are running and im able to message fine, i also got some friends to send me messages, and i can recieve messages perfectly, also i noticed moving the actual window around on the screen or just closing down skype also lags. I have 16GB of ram and 4.4Ghz Octa-Core CPU, i checked my load while on the high end games and it there was more than enough hardware usage left like normal for skype to run, and skype wasnt taking any extra up than before. I also checked by bandwidth and i was having no problems with that as skype would lag even on offline games. 
    I have tried re-installing under a different directory and still the same problem persists, this has only been a problem within the last 24hrs and i haven't installed any other programs that could affect this at the moment.
    *UPDATE* I tried downgrading to an older version of skype, Problem Still persists

  • Error while sending a rpc request to c# web service

    I am having problem using dii client, while sending a request to c# webservice. error follows
    [java] Endpoint address = http://localhost/webservice/default.asmx
    [java] expected 1 parameter(s) but received: 2. Expected parameters:
    [java] String_2:{}string Got parameters:
    [java] java.lang.String
    [java] java.lang.String
    [java] at com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.soap.SOAPRequestSerializer.checkPara
    [java] at com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.soap.SOAPRequestSerializer.doSeriali
    [java] at com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.ObjectSerializerBase.serialize(Objec
    [java] at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._writeRequest(Streamin
    [java] at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(StreamingSender.
    [java] at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.CallInvokerImpl.doInvoke(CallInvok
    [java] at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.BasicCall.invoke(
    [java] at testmsws.HelloClient.main(Unknown Source)
    the c# webmethod requires 2 input parametes. I set 2 parameters to call and invoking method
    QName QNAME_TYPE_STRING = new QName(NS_XSD, "string");
    call.setOperationName(new QName(BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE, "GetDetails"));
    call.addParameter("String_1", QNAME_TYPE_STRING, ParameterMode.IN);
    String[] params = { "02", "2004" };
    String result = (String)call.invoke(params);
    please give me a hand here if anybody know how to resolve this error

    I am having problem using dii client, while sending a
    request to c# webservice. error follows
    call.setOperationName(new QName(BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE,
    call.addParameter("String_1", QNAME_TYPE_STRING,
    ParameterMode.IN);Do you need another call to addParameter here?
    String[] params = { "02", "2004" };
    String result = (String)call.invoke(params);

  • MSI P35 Neo-F (MS-7360): Computer randomly freezes while playing games

    Hi there,
    I have reached the end of my technical knowledge right now and I'm not even sure if this area of the forum is appropriate. The problem:
    While playing higher-end games like Crysis 2, Anno 1404, Mass Effect 2 etc. my computer randomly freezes and the last few milliseconds of sound are being looped on my speakers (kind of like a buzzing sound).
    By "freezing" I mean that my computer becomes unresponsive to any action other than pressing the Reset-Button or holding down the Power-Up-Button (no reaction to Ctrl+Alt+Del, Alt+F4, Alt+Tab, no mouse movement... you get it).
    There's no exact timing as to when these freezes occur. The fastest freeze happened after less than a minute of playing a game, slowes one (just today after switching to my newer case with better cooling) took about 2 hours.
    This freeze only occurs while my System is under load. No freezes while browsing the web, using office programs, listening to music or watching videos.
    System Specs:
        Mainboard: MSI P35 Neo-F (MSI-7360)
        CPU: Intel Core2Quad Q6600 @2.4GHz
        RAM: 4x 1GB DDR2-800 Corsair XMS2
        Graphics: Gainward GeForce GTX 560 Ti, 1GB GDDR5 VRAM
        PSU: Antec High Current Gamer 620W (upgraded from Xilence XP600, 600W)
        New CPU Cooler: Arctic Freezer 13 Pro (upgraded from OEM Intel Boxed Cooler)
        New Case: Zalman Z9 Plus w/ 4x 120 mm Fans (Upgraded from a Case with only 1x 250mm side Fan)
        2 Western Digital HDD (1x 2TB, 1x320 GB)
        1 DVD Reader/Burner (unimportant for that error I guess)
        OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit
        2 Screens: 1x 24" Asus VS248H and 1x 21" LG Flatron Wide W2240T
    Since this error is bugging me for quite a while now and since this is not the first forum I'm trying to get help from, here's a list of steps i already took to get rid of it, obviously to no good use:
        reinstalled games where the freeze occurred
        updated all Drivers (including cleaning old versions in safe mode; also tried older drivers)
        updated BIOS to v1.A0
        Reinstalled Windows
        bought new Case and CPU Cooler to improve Air Flow/Cooling
        checked Seating of all components (took out, cleaned, reapplied thermal grease where neccessary, re-inserted)
        cleaned old case of dust (obviously no problem in the new case, which is 2 days "old")
        ran 7 sequences of Memtes86+ without any errors
        ran Prime95 without any errors for about 45 Minutes
        ran Furmark for 15 Minutes under full load (burn-in test) without any problems, even though my graphics card hit the 100°C frequency-cut level
        ran Furmark and Prime95 simultaneously without any problems
        took records of component temperatures and system voltages without noticing anything unusual (at least not after i switched to the newer PSU, which is about 1 Month old - yet didn't resolve the problem)
        tested with cyclic removal of 1 RAM device to further rule out RAM malfunction
        tested with only 2 RAM devices in dual channel mode (Slots 1 and 3)
        tried to reduce RAM clock (800 MHz --> 667 MHz) to no avail
        checked S.M.A.R.T. values of HDDs, no issues reported
        tested without any background programs
        raised/lowered voltages to RAM, CPU and Chipset in BIOS to increase logic circuit stability/decrease heat production
    I need to mention: After I transferred my system to the new case, i was able to play longer than average compared to my old case. So I am guessing that improper cooling was part of the problem, yet improving cooling obviously didn't resolve it.
    Since these freezes are really annoying and nobody could help me resolve this so far, I'm hoping to find some new ways of narrowing down the problem or even getting rid of it here.

    Quote from: Bernhard on 10-July-12, 13:15:30
    Lets be realistic. A system with a 560TI is recommended to have a around 31Amps under full load, a CX500 would be sufficient.
    Have you monitored your CPU and memory utilisation ?
    As suggested before, test the GPU in another computer to see if the behaviour is the same.
    Whew, I thought for a second there that my common sense had left me when I saw that 60-Amp-Post ^^
    Yes, I monitored CPU and RAM usage, there is no recognizeable pattern to be seen and it almost never happens under full load.
    I will see if a friend of mine can test my GPU on his computer, and I will test it underclocked right away.
    Though one more question regarding that: Should I only underclock GPU Core Clock or both Core and RAM clock?

  • While send/receive email, I have received an error message "Sending of password d"? However with same login details, I am able to login with other application.

    While send/receive email, I have received an error message "Sending of password d"?
    However with same login details, I am able to login with other application.
    I have changed password still the issue remains as it is.

  • Azure Sql DB Export to Storage Container fails with "An error occurred while sending the request"

    I've built a new VM from which I'm running PowerShell scripts to backup my databases.  It had worked before on an old server for several months, and worked once on the new server, then I upgraded my Azure PowerShell cmdlets, and haven't been able to
    get it to work again.  The new version is
    Below is my source code, with sensitive stuff replaced with ?'s.  When I display the $stctx and $dbctx, they seem to have reasonable values.  I added the IP address of the server as an exception to the db firewall, and I've installed SQL Server
    Mangement Studio and verified that I can connect to the database.  I have a feeling there's something simple I've overlooked.
    Here's are both error messages:
    Start-AzureSqlDatabaseExport : An error occurred while sending the request.
    At C:\Users\Public\PublicCmds\test.ps1:29 char:1
    + Start-AzureSqlDatabaseExport -SqlConnectionContext $dbctx -StorageContext $stctx ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Start-AzureSqlDatabaseExport], HttpRequestException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Database.Cmdlet.StartAzureSqlDatabaseExport
    Start-AzureSqlDatabaseExport : Error while copying content to a stream.
    At C:\Users\Public\PublicCmds\test.ps1:29 char:1
    + Start-AzureSqlDatabaseExport -SqlConnectionContext $dbctx -StorageContext $stctx ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Start-AzureSqlDatabaseExport], HttpRequestException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Database.Cmdlet.StartAzureSqlDatabaseExport
    Here is the source code:
    if ($dbname -eq $null) {
    write-host "Database code must be specified"
    $password = "????"| ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
    $servercredential = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("????", $password) 
    $dbsize = 1
    $dbrestorewait = 10
    $dbserver = "????"
    $stacct = $dbname
    $stkey = "????"
    $stctx = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $stacct -StorageAccountKey $stkey
    $dbctx = New-AzureSqlDatabaseServerContext -ServerName $dbserver -Credential $servercredential 
    $dt = Get-Date
    $timestamp = "_" + $dt.Year + "-" + ("{0:D2}" -f $dt.Month) + "-" + ("{0:D2}" -f $dt.Day) + "-" + ("{0:D2}" -f $dt.Hour) + ("{0:D2}" -f $dt.Minute)
    $bkupname = $dbname + $timestamp + ".bacpac"
    write-host "db context"
    write-host "storage context"
    write-host "Backup $dbname to $bkupname"
    Start-AzureSqlDatabaseExport -SqlConnectionContext $dbctx -StorageContext $stctx -StorageContainerName databasebackup -DatabaseName $dbname -BlobName $bkupname

    Hi Brad,
    Mentioned script, with appropriate values, works on my system.
    I'm able to export an Azure SQL database to blob storage. Am using version of cmdlets, so this the same version mentioned in this problem description.
    Can you please try using Add-AzureAccount and check if that helps. This is indicated in a different third-party blog."
    Does it work from a different machine with newly downloaded credentials.
    Does it work for a newly created database (so minimal database size).
    If above do not work, we may require additional details like RequestID, StorageAccountName, ServerName so an MS ticket may be more appropriate.
    Girish Prajwal

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