IMessages don't come through on Wifi

I have one friend on the same carrier as me (cspire), with same phone as me (iPhone 5) and when he sends out a picture or group message it wont come through unless I have mobile data turned on.  Wifi is on and connected all the time.  I have sent and received iMessages to and from others on wifi.  At times I'll turn on mobile data when I'm away from wifi and a flood of messages from this one friend will come through.
Any ideas?  Something set wrong on his phone?

On your iPhone, go to Settings > Messages.  Make sure iMessage is turned on and you can see options for Read Receipts, Send as SMS and Receive at.  If you don't see these options, turn off iMessages and then back on, the options should appear (apparently there's a bug that prevents the extra iMessage options from appearing when you first open the settings).
Tap on the option for Receive at and enter the email associated with your Mac iMessaging.  Once entered, you should receive imessages on both your phone and your Mac.  You may need to send/receive a couple of messages to get it to work.

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    Try Mixing Down the audio before export.
    This info may help;
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    because  the Root Folder of the Remote's definition (in the files menu on the right, remote view) is only a / and doesn't correspond with the name of the local root folder in the files menu on the right.
    It should not correspond with the local root folder name.
    Is it the slash that is causing the problem?
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    Ask your host what is the name of the root folder for the website - it should be something like "htdocs" or "httpdocs" or "public_html" or "wwwroot" or "www" or something like that, depending on whether your host is a *nix or Windows server.  That information was given to you when you first secured the web hosting account.  Put that name into the Root Directory field of the remote site definition.  Then it should work.

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    IF you have restored your iPhone and still have these problems, you have a defective iPhone and there is nothing anyone here can help you with -- you have to contact Apple for service.

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    Download this zip file:
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    Kenneth Benson
    Pegasus Type, Inc.

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    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    You can sign out of imesssage and facetime and wait a few seconds and retry again on both. Or sign out and restart phone and sign back into both.
    Have you tried to do a hard rest? Holding power and home till the phone restarts and release after seeing the apple logo.
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    michelletu1031 wrote:
    But what if I don't use the data plan for imessage and use wifi instead?
    If you are using wifi, you are not using a data plan. You will not be charged.
    And you cannot send SMS over wifi. You can only send iMessages (to people with Macs/iDevices and iMessage enabled).
    I was wondering if you texted someone through imessage on wifi, will that charge you any money?
    Messages is the app.
    iMessage is type of message that goes over wifi or cell data.
    Open the Messages app and add a phone number or appleID, the line to enter you message will display Text Message (and a green Send button) or iMessage (and a blue Send button).
    If it's a text message (green) it will be sent as SMS and you will be charged, even if you are on wifi.
    If it's an iMessage (blue) and you are on wifi, it will be sent over wifi (no charge).
    If it's an iMessage (blue) and you are NOT on wifi, it will be sent over cell data or sent as an SMS.

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    I'm completely fine with data usage if I choose to send pics.
    But if I have my iMessage off I can send a text my husband and he will receive it, but I do not get the texts he sends to me.

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    Associate your mobile number with your Apple ID, if you haven't already done so.
    Sign out of iMessage on the Mac: Messages ▹ Preferences ▹ Accounts ▹ Sign out.
    Sign out on the iPhone: Settings ▹ Messages ▹ Send & Receive ▹ Apple ID ▹ Sign out.
    Then, on the phone, tap Use Your Apple ID for iMessage.
    Sign back into iMessage on both devices and test.
    Credit for this solution to ASC user SmittyLove and to Glenn Fleishman of

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    Hi EmilyWick123!
    Here is an article that will help you address this question about linking your Apple ID and phone number:
    iOS and OS X: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    Can anyone help?

    Check to see if you have cellular data enabled for mail.
    Go to Settings > Cellular and check the apps under "USE CELLULAR DATA FOR:"

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    how to find IMEI, etc

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