IMovies clips transfered to IWeb aren't playing on PC's.

I moved a few IMovies clips to IWeb. After publishing to IWeb everything looks and plays good on my computer. Friends computers are just showing blank squares where the movie should be. On my home movies, I used ITune songs for background music. Would this effect and or block others from seeing my home movie clips. If so, how can I post my home movies clips from IMovie for friends and family to see on IWeb. If I use my own CD's, the music needs to be downloaded to ITunes, before I can transfer the music to IMovie. It's so easy to move a "You Tube" clip to my IWeb page for viewing. I can't understand why it's so difficult to view a IMovie clip on my IWeb page. I think it might have something to do with this five computer authorization for ITune songs. If this is the case, then using my own CD should solve the problem. But again my own CD music must be downloaded to ITunes first, before I can move it to IMovie.

When you buy music from iTunes you are paying for the right to play it.
When you put this music on a website, you are distributing it. To do this you have to be the copyright holder or pay a license fee.
The new m4p file extension is copyright protected under the Digital Rights Management scheme (DRM).
I don't know what happens when you try to use an m4p file as the sound track for a movie.
I do know, that if you put it on a website as a music file, and somebody else tries to play it they will be encouraged to pay for it via iTunes. To be able to to pay and play, they will need to have the latest versions of iTunes and QuickTime player installed on their computer.
Music on a commercially distributed CD is also copyrighted - as you will see from the label and packaging. Its relatively easy to rip this and convert it to other formats but that still doesn't give you the right to distribute it.
All this is nothing new to low budget film makers. That's why there is a huge amount of music available for that purpose if you look in the right place. Try Googling "royalty free music".

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    In FCE use File>Import>Files and navigate to the iMovie clips and import them.
    You will have to render them to make them work properly.
    Here is the manual's info:-
    To open an iMovie project:
    1 In Final Cut Express, choose File > Open.
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    being rendered first.
    Message was edited by: Ian R. Brown

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    //I know! Sorry, it get's crazy trying to explain this problem!//
    Hi Karsten,
    Thanks for your suggestion, however, I have already done this. This PowerMac G4 seems to be almost beyond hope, I am just trying to grab my photos and some files that I haven't backed up in a few months.
    Things I have already done...
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    Have put the Laptop in Target Mode and tried to use the G4 as the primary drive, tht didn't work that way either, it didn't recognize the drive.
    Used Disk Utility to verify and repair the drive. It couldn't repair the drive,
    Tried mounting the drive in Disk Utility and that didn't work.
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    I have used an ethernet cable and tried to network then, no luck. My G4 mounts my PB, but not the other way around.
    Nothing seems to be recognizing my drive on the G4. I always get an error message.
    So, I opted to upload and download, my last resort. Can't use iDisk since my PowerMac G4 is OS 10.2.8, you need 10.3 and later. I would buy the OS and upload, but the drive won't read it.
    I have some web space and was using ftp and that was moving my documents and photos, now I just need to somehow move the movies.
    Have I confused you move in this longer post?
    I appreciate your help.

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    Any idea what can be causing this one clip to have audio failure? And how to get the clips' audio playing again so the iSync .Mac hompage clip can be replaced?
    Related to this problem (?): Several months ago upgraded to QT 7 and previous QT 6.5.2 iMovie wouldn't load, found here in discussions to uninstall 7 and redownload 6.5.2, which I did and iMovie loaded/played OK.
    Recently updated iTunes. Wondering if that caused this problem and how to uninstall that update if it is the cause.

    A bizarre false alarm. After spending 3 hours running utilities, checking download reinstallers info. etc., turned out to be hardware connection. Had fitted a mono plug to a stereo plug for mono recorder monitoring for both ears. Original track on video was in mono feeding out on one channel. That channel wasn't the one the mono plug was feeding through, hence no audio on the mono clips. Yes, should have set the audio to mono on the original mono iMovie clips.
    A reminder to check every little hardware issue first.
    E Mac   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

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    Thanks for the tip. I check the external drive and it was formatted as MS-DOS. I can reformat the drive as Mac Extended (Journaled) or Mac Extended, but did not see the HFS options you mentioned. However, now knowing that that may have been the problem, I transfered only the iMovies I knew would fit on a DVD from the external to the hard drive. Then I opened the copies and did a Save As. The new files loaded fine into iDVD. After loading them, I created a disk image to compress and prepare a final DVD file. I was then able to burn it to a DVD.
    Thanks again!

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    God Bless You,
    Its very simple, you can download pixelpipe to upload it straight from the phone, or just connect your iphone to your computer (if you have a mac, then go to iphoto, and the video should be there). I'm not sure how you would do it on a pc.

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  • Certain MP3 Files not transfered because They Cannot Be Played on This iPod

    I've been using iPods for awhile, and besides the usual iTunes for Windows glitches, I haven't had many problems. Yesterday I tried to transfer an album I had added to my iTunes library over to my iPod (will play in itunes, did not buy from Apple store, fits iPod codec requirements (256kbit MP3s)), and I recieved the message that the files will not be transfered because they cannot be played on this iPod. I tried updating everything, and then even reinstalling everything, and nothing worked. I cannot get these files that play perfectly in iTunes and other programs and fit the description of what works with an iPod to do just that, work with my iPod. Any suggestions?
    AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 1.92 GHz, 1GB RAM   Windows XP Pro  

    First make sure your iPod software is up to date, the latest is Updater 2006-03-23. you can get it at
    Also you may want to go here to follow some suggestions on songs that play in iTUnes and won't transfer to iPod
    Play the songs in another player and see if there corrupt or something
    You may want to try a thrid party program on the net to convert the files, or you could do a 2 step process of having Windows media player convert them to WMA files, then opening iTunes and having iTunes convert the files from WMA to MP3 or whatever format you have iTunes to Import files. this converting my degrade the sound slightly, but atleast you would be albe to add them to your iPod and you most likly won't notice THAT much of a difference

Maybe you are looking for