Import from MiniDV, first clip has todays date

I'm going through old MiniDV tapes and importing them to iMovie 11 on Snow Leopard. I'm importing using both automatic and manual but the effect is the same on both.
The tapes are mostly from 2001-2006 but the first days clips of each import always go into the event library under the current year (2011) not the year it was shot. All subsequent days filming is named after the event with an appended "- Day X" in the correct year. Right clicking the clip and "adjusting the date" has no effect, the correct date (2001-2006) is shown, and adjusting it again doesn't move the clip in event library, it stays in 2011.
I've seen others reporting the same or similar but I've not found a solution for this for mini dv tape imports yet.
Any tipsor pointers appreciated

I quote QuickTimeKirk:
”Open the Audio MIDI Setup application (Utilities
Try changing the settings to 44100Hz (CD Quality) or
to 48000Hz (typical of the iMovie formats).
Others call this the GarageBand fix. Opening GB also
resets the Audio MIDI Setup.”
I've changed the microphone and the line-in settings to 48000 Hz but the problem still remains.
What else could it be?

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    Go back one level, so you get the forum and not just this message, and do a SEARCH for MPEG4 or MPEG-4
    Premiere does not like to edit that type of file, so you should convert to DV AVI type 2 - or use different software to edit

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    export back to tape? not supported any more with vers7/iMovie08 anymore..
    you can only export Projects.. drag your clips into a Project..

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    Thanks, Deborah
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    #### Thanks for the quick reply!
    Do they show up when you play back the clips in iMovie and do you see them on the cam's LCD screen as well?
    ##### Checking just now in iMovie and it doesn't appear to show anything wrong and it didn't have any blue screen effect on the LCD when I had played it on the camcorder before importing.
    The key word that alerts me is "used" Canon HV30. Drop outs are a sign that the video heads in the cam are dirty. They will clog with tape material after varying hours of use, depending on a number of factors, re-using tapes being the biggest cause. Also, re-used tapes will develop drop outs because they are shedding the magnetic material that makes up images on the tape.
    You may need to clean the tape mechanism with a head cleaning tape. Be VERY careful not to over use this as they are very abrasive to tape heads if used too much. Generally, five seconds per use is recommended.
    ##### I have a head cleaner on the way that I ordered. So, when I clean the heads, only do so for five seconds AND don't clean that often OR just don't clean for more than 5 seconds with each use and clean as often as I like? ALSO, I'm coming from a camcorder that used DVD-RAM that I downloaded, reformatted, and then re-used over and over with no more expense. Not the case with miniDV? You HAVE to use each 60-minute tape only once EVER? Might make my cost-conscious foolish brain re-think taping a lot of things.
    I have to ask this - why are you using iMovie 08 to process your video? You have a great cam there and you will get better results and better editing features in iMovie HD6. iMovie 08 is meant more for sending videos to the web and less for DVD production.
    iMovie HD6 works well with iDVD 08.
    ####### I'm a bit of a newbie to video production an a switcher, too. I learned iMovie 08 so quickly and easily and love its fast output of a pretty good-looking production in a short amount of my time editing. I went ahead and downloaded HD 6, but haven't played with it yet, because I wanted to move up to all those extra features I've been hearing about in regard to effects, transitions, etc. To speed my process along, does it make sense to import into 08, do a quick and dirty editing job with just basic cross-dissolve transitions and then export (what format settings?) to a movie to be then imported into HD 6 for fancier editing? Or is it possible to import a 08 project into HD 6 and thus prevent any picture quality loss? Or is importing into HD 6 originally and working only there, thus bypassing and not even using 08 at all, the best use of the Canon HV30's quality? (I just really like 08's scrubbing, and quick selection & import of clips from the event browser into a project with the project set to automatically insert cross-dissolves.)
    Thanks again, Deborah

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    is there anyway to instruct iMovie to break the clips down?
    You have to do that manually by Command-T or by "Split Clip at Playhead" -menu command.

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    Are you still having this issue? I have the same thing; certain clips are "there" but just won't play. Did you investigate your sample rate? I have certain music clips that were not resampled and are at 44.1 in a 48 sequence. they play fine, export, compress etc. and all of them export to STP multitrack, except for one piece which will not play.

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    Hi Paula!
    The exclamation points are due to iTunes not being able to find your music. This can be caused from either music being deleted from the computer or if the music folder has changed locations.
    iTunes does not actually store the music in the program. All music is saved on the hard drive of your PC. iTunes just creates a link to their location and if that link is broken the exclamation points appear.
    I see you're using a windows computer, the best way to locate these songs and add them back in to iTunes is to search for them.
    You can click on your start menu, then in the search field type either the title of a particular song or .M4P
    This should locate the music for you. Once you locate all the music or the one in particular you can right click on it and select properties. In properties you will be able to see the location.
    An example of a location is, C:User Name/Documents and Settings/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media
    Once you have that location you can go back to iTunes, click on a song with an exclamation, it will ask you if you would like to locate the file. Say yes and then direct the path to that song and after you select the appropriate song for that 1 file iTunes will ask you if you would like it to locate the other songs that are missing. Just say yes and your library will be back!

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    bnn is right. Also make double sure you have turned on the Advanced Tools under the iMovie Menu > Preferences. Choose the General Tab and click the checkbox beside Show Advanced Tools. This will enable that pop-up menu that includes Cutaways as an option.

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    If someone out there could answer my questions soon I would really appreciate it.
    All the best,

    welcome csoste to the  boards..
    ehm, what is your question....... ?
    (and: if iM5 is in use, why posting in the iM≤4 section of this board... ?)
    anyhow, usual workflow to import from miniDV:
    connect camcorder to powerline..
    connect 4/6pin firewire cable to Mac
    set camera to play
    set iM to 'Import from camera' (manual for iM5 here: )

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    It is bizarre. I have not found anyone online having the same issue. I am using Premier Pro CC.
    I will probably have to erase the application and reinstall, but I was hoping there was a simpler option.

    here are two posts. Don't know if they will help you. I thought I saw posts like yesterday and day before. The links don't look like they will work, but they are a copy and paste from browser window. audio after first clip audio after first clip

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    On our old Mac running iMovie 08 the date of the event was shown in small text under the name of the event (in the Event Library panel). So at least we could see the days date even though the event names were all the same. But in iMovie 11 the date isn't shown. Is there a way to show the date?
    Thank you

    Sorry there has been a misunderstanding.
    When importing video into iMovie one of the options is to split days into seperate events. This is what I've done and iMovie has split my movie clips into 157 seperate days, which is great. But in the left hand panel, called 'Event Library' all my 157 events have the same name which isn't great and worse in iMovie 11 the date of the event isn't displayed under the events name (in iMovie 08 it didn't matter too much that my events all had the same name, because the date of the event / clip was displayed under the events name).
    My questions are:
    - is it possible in iMovie 11 to display the date underneath the events name in the Event Library panel (like in iMovie 08)?
    - is it possible to import video and split days into separate events and for the events to be automatically named with the date of the day they were taken?
    Thanks for any help

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    mac G4 desktop   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    .. I have a sony camcorder that finalizes disks so you can view them on dvd players...
    iM supports only import from miniDV, not these point-shot-play-DVDcorders-devices..
    Import from DVD:
    DVDs are in a socalled delivery format (mpeg2), which isn't meant and made for any processing as editing...
    for using the iLife apps, you have to convert'em first, in recommended order, choose one of the following tools/workarounds:
    * DVDxDV (free trial, 25$, Pro: 90$)
    * Apple mpeg2 plugin (29$) + Streamclip (free)
    * Cinematize >60$
    * Mpeg2Works >25$ + Apple plug-in
    * Toast 6/7 allows converting to dv/insert dvd, hit apple-k
    * connect a miniDV Camcorder with analogue input to a DVD-player and transfer disk to tape/use as converter
    non of these apps override copyprotection mechanisms as on commercial dvds...

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    You can't because any transition by definition has to overlap parts of the two clips either side of it. 
    If this causes the audio of the first clip to end prematureley a solution is to detach the audio from the first clip.  The audio track will then be editable separately and can continue through the overlap part of the video.

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    This is basic editing 101:
    Place the main video clip on track V1. Next, untarget the audio tracks. Next, place the B Roll clips (cutaway shots) on track V2, positioning them along the Timeline where you want them to go.

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