Import saved as document

I was recently importing video from cameras. I accidentally closed out of the import screen before clicking on "stop import." I was able to locate the saved program on the hard drive, but it is appearing as a document. Is there a way to convert this file and get it back into FCP? Any insights would be VERY helpful!

Dear mattmaguy3391,
Welcome to the Support Communities! 
I can’t tell from your post if you imported more than one file from more than one camera.
What is the format of the original footage?  Where you transcoding or using proxy?
If you Right click or Control click on the file, and choose “Get Info” - what type of file did you end up with?
If there is only one file and it wasn't imported properly, it may require re-importing from the camera.
In the import window, if you choose the “Show clips in Filmstrip view” icon (bottom left corner of the window) instead of List view … you will be better able to see visually how the import is progressing, clip by clip.  (You will see a blank circle on each clip that fills in to dark as the import finishes.)
If you look under Cameras at the top left corner of the import window  — to the right of the camera you will see the same empty circle that gradually gets darker, showing the progress of the entire import.  When the total import is complete, you will see the eject icon next to your camera.
Click on the article below for this screen shot and additional information:
FCPX:  Import from file based cameras

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    In Apples Mac 101 Support article entitled: "Using a scanner (Mac 10.6) last modified on March 15, 2011, states: "Item 6. Click Scan to scan. Note: The scanned items will become JPEG images with 300 dpi"
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    hmossfry wrote:
    Ok - I received a response from tech support (it's been a while, but I figured that this might be helpful to someone else with this issue).
    Drumroll, please:
    "Office 10 came out after Dreamweaver CS5 & is not supported"
    Unfortunately, the free Adobe technical support is staffed by who are not technical experts. The answer that you received is complete nonsense.
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    Like you, I have Windows 7 64-bit. I also have Office 2010 installed.
    I have just created a test document in Word 2010, and saved it on my desktop. I then opened Dreamweaver CS5, made sure the focus was in Design view, and then selected File > Import > Word Document. The file was correctly imported.
    As I said before, it's important for the focus to be in Design view. The following screenshot shows an attempt to access Import > Word Document when the focus is out of Design view. The option is greyed out.
    I then clicked inside Design view to ensure the focus was in the correct place. As the following screenshot shows, the options for Word and Excel are no longer greyed out.
    Importing Word documents in Dreamweaver CS5 on Windows 7 64-bit definitely works with Word 2010. If it's not working on your system, there's a problem with your installation. It's not a bug in Dreamweaver or lack of support for Office 2010.

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    Perhaps a list of the Word formats Pages does NOT like would be helpful.

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    Hi Ganesh,
    Could you please share your solution?
    Edited by: Hoops on Jun 13, 2011 10:51 PM

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    How much free space is on your hard drive?
    Have you emptied the trash?
    Disk space is not 'freed' for re-use by deleting files until the trash is emptied.
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    It's also possible that your hard drive is beginning to fail. If Disk Utility cannot verify the hard disk, I would recommend making a backup of important files immediately to CD or DVD. (I use Time Machine, but that didn't become available until OS X 10.5)

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    Here is an image:
    Dreamweaver Menu

    Good catch! Thanks, Alan.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Alan" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:C5B334E2.31EDC9%[email protected]..
    > your first screenshot-
    > shows an icon in the bottom bar for OpenOffice.
    > Does that machine have Word installed?
    > Dreamweaver doesn't import the .doc file directly, it
    uses part of Word to
    > do it. If Word is not installed, the Word import into
    dreamweaver will not
    > work.
    > --
    > Alan
    > Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

  • The report terminated with error:  REP-110: File test2. cannot be opened. REP-1070: An error occurred while opening or saving a document.

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    The report terminated with error:
    REP-110: File test2. cannot be opened. REP-1070: An error occurred while opening or saving a document. REP-0110: File test2. cannot be opened. .
    When checked Environment using url 'http://host:port/reports/rwservlet/showenv?server=your_repserver_name"
    found below
    Reports Servlet Environment Variables
    Security Mode Non-secure
    HTTP Environment Variables
    SERVER_PORT   8888
    SCRIPT_NAME   /rwservlet
    SERVER_SOFTWARE   undefined
    GATEWAY_INTERFACE   undefined
    SERVER_PORT_SECURE   undefined
    ACCEPT   image/jpeg, application/x-ms-application, image/gif, application/xaml+xml, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/, application/msword, */*
    REMOTE_HOST   test-wam-app
    REMOTE_USER   undefined
    AUTH_TYPE   undefined
    PATH_INFO   showenv
    QUERY_STRING   server=RptSvr_test-wam-app_wamtest
    PATH_TRANSLATED   undefined
    CONTENT_LENGTH   undefined
    CONTENT_TYPE   undefined
    AUTHORIZATION   undefined
    USER-AGENT   Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0; .NET4.0E; .NET4.0C; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; InfoPath.3; MS-RTC LM 8)
    REMOTE_IDENT   undefined
    REFERER   undefined
    Oracle Reports Services - Servlet Environment Variables  Select to jump to the top of the page  Return to Top
    KeyMapFile   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/user_projects/domains/WamTest/config/fmwconfig/servers/WLS_REPORTS/applications/reports_11.
    DBAUTH   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates/rwdbauth.htm
    SYSAUTH   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates/rwsysauth.htm
    server   rep_wls_reports_test-wam-app_wamtest1
    DIAGNOSTIC   yes
    ERRORTEMPLATE   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates/rwerror.htm
    ENCRYPTIONKEY   reports9i
    DIAGHEADTAGS   undefined
    DIAGBODYTAGS   undefined
    HELPURL   undefined
    RELOAD_KEYMAP   undefined
    Oracle Reports Services - Server and Engine Environment Variables  Select to jump to the top of the page  Return to Top
    PATH   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/java/jdk1.6.0_23/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/../lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/lib:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/lib:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/opmn/lib:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/lib
    ORACLE_HOME   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome
    TNS_ADMIN   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/instance1/config
    RW   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports
    REPORTS_PATH   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/samples/demo:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/integ:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/printers:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/instance1/reports/fonts:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/samples/demo:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/integ:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/printers:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/instance1/reports/fonts:
    REPORTS_TMP   /tmp
    REPORTS_TAGLIB_URI   /WEB-INF/lib/reports_tld.jar
    java.class.path   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/jlib/rwrun.jar
    ORACLE_HOME is on mount point u03, checked but no mention of mount point /u01.
    Dont know from where /u01 came. Could you please help me re configuring the env pointing to /u03.
    Reports server is up though without any issues.

    Ensure that the report name is correct. Also ensure that the report exist in REPORTS_PATH environment variable. Otherwise run the report including the reports path.
    report=<reports directory>/test2.rdf

  • Problem with importing saved .json backup file in fresh installed firefox 3.6.8? Message "unable to process the backup file", when i choosed option "Restore" from menu "organize your bookmarks" !?

    my problem is with importing saved .json backup file in fresh installed firefox 3.6.8? Message "unable to process the backup file", when i choosed option "Restore" from menu "organize your bookmarks" !?
    Normally that i followed all instructions from your support site, and that i tried many things, but nothing helped :( !?
    my .json file isn't corrupted cause it was saved on another partition before formatting my OS.
    Please don't tell me that my bookmarks are lost :( cause i had many important things in that bookmarks, on 100.s pages :( ....
    Thanks in advance!

    Can you restore that JSON backup in a new profile?
    Did you make sure that it is really a JSON backup and that there is no missing or hidden other file extension?
    A JSON backup starts with: {"title":"","id":1,"dateAdded"
    A HTML backup starts with: <!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
    You can try if you can restore that JSON backup in a new profile.
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems
    See Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile (be careful not to copy corrupted files)
    Please for administration of this support site, make possibility to quote someone's answer, on this way is dificult to answer somebody who wrote some suggestion!
    No, i can't restore JSON backup in new profile, even on fresh installed OS XP SP3, with fresh installation of latest version of firefox!
    I tried restoring json backup in new profile, but nothing, i couldn't restore, cause that stupid error from screen shot which i posted again appears !
    Man i'm not totally noob i repeat 2nd time here, and normally that i know to create new profile, and that i tried that, but that didn't help!
    I can't believe that FIREFOX has not good support team, and doesn't care for yours users, this will not give me more reason to use in future firefox
    like borwser, if i don't have good support, and when i have problem like this, to loose all my very important bookmarks and passwords on them, and
    firefox support won't to help me to solve my problem!
    If somebody from firefox support team read this, i can give you Remote desktop access to my computer to try solve this problem, like other serious company
    like HP, Dell , etc. give remote desktop support to their users!
    Corel are you from firefox support team? Please don't write same suggestions, cause i know to read, and i understand well if you write once some suggestion!

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    I thank you so much in advance!

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