Importing then exporting Avi in premiere 6.5

Ive been given an edit by my friend in AVI format. He wants me to add titles and export for Vimeo, Does anybody know:
1. the best project settings and
2. the best export settings for Adobe Premiere 6.5?
I want the file to stay as high quality as possible, so i want to compress it to AVI, just under 500mb.
These are the specs of the original AVI file:
Format: DV, 720 x 576 (768 x 576), Millions, 16-bit integer (little Endian), Stereo, 32.000 kHz
FPS: 25
Data Size: 593.17 MB
Data Rate: 29.84 mbits/s
Duration: 0:00:02:46:84
Normal Size: 768 x 576 pixels
Current Size: 768 x 576 pixels (actual)
Any help would be appreciated

You are in the wrong forum altogether. ;) This is the Lounge (no technical topics)
and for Premiere Pro. There is a separate forum for 6.5:
Premiere 6.5 and earlier for Windows forum
Vimeo gives some recommendations for a compression format which they seem to like best:
General Compression Guidelines for Vimeo

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    If you would like to test the tuning and setup of your Premiere installation go to our Premiere Pro BenchMark PPBM, the Instructions page has the download file.  This single download can test Premiere 6, 7 or 8 with the identical benchmark.  We maybe able to tell you why you are having problems.



    I could be wrong, but IIRC, it was not until PrPro 2.0 that H.264 was added. Check me out on this.
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    Actually yes and ingest via the Media Browser. That is the best way.
    For now: Rename folder the footage is in and see if you can relink.

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    First, you need to ask in
    Second, when you go there, you need to provide more information
    AVI is a wrapper, what is inside YOUR wrapper?
    Codec & Format information, with 2 links inside for you to read
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... A screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing for screen shot instructions
    Free programs to get file information for PC/Mac
    This forum is about the Cloud as a delivery process, not about using individual programs
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll

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    ascreenwriter wrote:
    I've just finished shooting what I am considering to be my directorial masterpiece.  Shot it on the Canon 5D (1080p, 24fps), and the footage looks amazing.  Now I am ready to start editing and have been using premiere lately, but I have yet to figure out the proper pipeline.  I want to know the best way to retain resolution before I delve into this project.
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    1. Follow the advice above. Also use the Media Browser to import the footage in case you have spanned media files. Import files with the Media Browser.
    2. It largely depends on what you wish to ouput to: Blu-ray, web, etc. This FAQ gives the best answer: What are the best export settings?
    3. Use the Replace with Adobe After Effects Composition function.

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    Many thanks in advance
    Nobby Clark

    If you use distort and scale it will wreak havoc with the quality.
    You are in Oz so you are working in PAL with 4:3 video clips that have pixel dimensions of 720x576, right? What are the dimensions of your Flash player's window?
    Edit the clips in a 4:3 FCP Timeline. Use a superimposed letterbox mask to help you reframe the image below it vertically. Take the result to Compressor, crop the mask off and generate your Flash files.

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    While I was aware the the current driver for the MXO2 hardware was not compatible with Windows 8, hard to imagine that a CODEC would be incompatible, as one would think those are pretty universal in nature.
    Please see Page 11 at this link, "Windows 8 Support" -  parts of it MIGHT resolve your issue - s_7_1.pdf
    Jeff Pulera
    Safe Harbor Computers

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    Hey there Antonio7,
    You can transfer your iTunes purchases from your iPod nano to your computer with this article:
    Re-download or transfer your iTunes Store purchases from an iPhone, iPad or iPod to a computer
    Transfer your purchases to your computer
    Before you transfer your purchases, make sure that your computer is authorized with the same Apple IDaccount you used to make the purchases. Learn how to authorize your computer using iTunes.
    If you bought the iTunes Store content on your device using multiple Apple ID accounts, you'll need to authorize the computer for each one.
    To transfer purchases from your device to a computer:
    Connect your device to the computer. Wait for its icon to appear in iTunes.
    Go to File > Devices. If you're using iTunes for Windows and can't see the menu bar, learn how to turn on iTunes menus in Windows.
    Choose Transfer Purchases from [device name].
    ​​This feature works only for content bought from the iTunes Store. Any items that you imported from audio CDs or received from other sources won't copy from your device to the iTunes library. However, all podcasts from your device's Podcasts app and copies of all PDFs and books from your device's iBooks app will transfer to the computer. Learn how to transfer media to your iTunes library.
    Then you can sync the music to your iPod touch in the same way you sync music to any device:
    Sync your iPhone, iPad and iPod with iTunes using USB - Apple Support

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