Importing types with namespace

I'm trying to import types from another schemadocument like this:
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="file://path/to/file"
when using imported types like:
<xsd:element name="TEST" type="db:testType"/>
validator informs: "Unknown namespace URI" and db's path.
In imported file itself is defined:
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
Is there any way to fix this?

since the source code wasn't provided
and the lecturer refused to do so - instead, he told
my class to go back to SDK 1.3. And you might also keep in mind that the lecturer might be incompetent since he refused to provide and updated version and could not provide a suggestion on how to do it with 1.4. So be careful about everything he tells you.

Similar Messages

  • Updating import declarations with duty types and message types

    Hi All,
    I am a GTS developer. There are configuration changes in the system . As a result, the import declarations and presentation documents created in 2014  and 2013 have to be updated with :
    1.)  Replace old duty types with new ones in the logistic costs tab.
    2.)  Replace old message types with new ones in the communication tab.
    Any pointers on how to go about , regarding the table links between the duty types and declarations, message types and declarations , Function modules would be very helpful.  Thanks much in advance.
    Best Regards

    Hi SK,
    That's a strange request.  Of course the configuration changes invalidate the old Declarations, but your attempt to re-write history isn't likely to achieve much.
    Since the messaging cannot be repeated, it makes no sense to update the documents.  And similarly, since the Declarations cannot be re-sent, updating the Duty Types will have no effect.
    But if you must do it, here are some tips:
    For the duty calculation, you need to update entries in table /SAPSLL/LEGCULC.  Assuming the the Duty Types haven't been re-named, you should loop through the entries and use MOVE-CORRESPONDING to copy the values from the configuration tables /SAPSLL/TLC_ASC (key = LAUNR) and /SAPSLL/TLC_AAR (key = TLC_AAR, matching /SAPSLL/LEGCULC-TLC_AART).  First check that all relevant fields have the same name, considering the Data Elements involved.
    For the messages, you need to update entries in table /SAPSLL/LEGMES.  However, I have no idea which fields your esteemed Application Consultant might have changed there, so can't immediately advise what should be copied.
    In both cases, the link to the Customs Declarations is that GUID_MOBJ = /SAPSLL/CUHD-GUID_CUHD, and MOBJT = 'O' (that's the letter, not number zero).
    Hope that helps.

  • The type or namespace name 'PrincipalContext' could not be found

    I am attempting to retrieve a user's full name from AD with the code below in .aspx using C#. I am using Sharepoint Designer 2010. I keep getting the error 'An error occurred during the compilation of the
    requested file, or one of its dependencies. The type or namespace name 'PrincipalContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?). What am I doing wrong?
    @using System.IO;
    @using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;
    @using System.DirectoryServices;
    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <script runat="server">
        string fac1;
        string userid;
        string fname;
        string lname;
        string fullname;
        protected void btnShowInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                userid = GetHTTPContext();          
            catch (Exception ex)
                Response.Write(ex.Message + "<BR>" + ex.StackTrace);
            using (PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain));
                    WindowsPrincipal principal = (WindowsPrincipal)User;
                    UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, principal.Identity.Name);
                    fname = user.GivenName;
                    lname = user.Surname;
                    fullname = user.Name;
                    Response.Write(fname + "  " + lname)
        private string GetHTTPContext()

    I was able to fix the error by importing the namespaces and including the assemblies. That got me past the 'PrincipalContext' error.
    Now I am getting an error on the line 'UserPrincipal user =...':
    An error occurred during the
    compilation of the requested file, or one of its dependencies. The name
    'context1' does not exist in the current context
    Here is the code:
                using( PrincipalContext context1 = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain)); 
                    WindowsPrincipal principal = (WindowsPrincipal)User;
                    UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context1, principal.Identity.Name);

  • Why XPath didnot work with Namespace ?

    Dear all,
    When I parsing a xml document with Namespace by XPath , it didnot work well , but if I remove the part of Namespace , it worked well , I am not sure if I processed with right steps , any help is appreciated :
    My parser : jdom-b9
    jdk : 1.4.1
    My code is like :
    import java.util.*;
    import org.jdom.*;
    import org.jdom.input.*;
    import org.jdom.output.*;
    import org.jdom.xpath.*;
    public class XPathTest {   
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, JDOMException {
            if (args.length != 1) {
                System.err.println("Usage: samples.XPathTest [test.xml]");
            String filename = args[0];
            PrintStream out = System.out;
            SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
            Document doc = File(filename));
            Element root = doc.getRootElement();          
            XPath path = XPath.newInstance("//Worksheet");          
            // or use :
            //Namespace ns = root.getNamespace();
            List elementNames = path.selectNodes(doc);
            if (elementNames.size() == 0) {
                out.println("This xml contains no element <Worksheet>");
            } else {
                out.println("This xml contains " + elementNames.size() + " <Worksheet> :");
                Iterator i = elementNames.iterator();
                while (i.hasNext()) {
                    out.println("\t" + ((Element);
    }and test.xml :
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
    <Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet2">
      <Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount="12" ss:ExpandedRowCount="38" x:FullColumns="1"
       x:FullRows="1" ss:DefaultColumnWidth="54" ss:DefaultRowHeight="14.25">
       <Column ss:Width="63"/>
       <Column ss:Width="76.5"/>
       <Column ss:Width="103.5"/>
       <Column ss:Width="123"/>
       <Column ss:Width="136.5"/>
       <Column ss:Width="83.25"/>
       <Column ss:Width="39"/>
       <Column ss:Width="76.5"/>
       <Column ss:Width="103.5"/>
       <Column ss:Width="90"/>
       <Column ss:Width="76.5"/>
       <Column ss:Width="90"/>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">PORT_CODE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">EFFECT_DATE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">END_DATE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">ENCODE_SCHEME_PORT</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">PORT_NAME</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">COUNTRY_CODE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">IS_RT</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">DATA_SOURCE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">LAST_UPD_DATE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">LAST_UPD_USER</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">BP_UPD_DATE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">PROVINCE_CODE</Data></Cell>
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Worksheet Name="Sheet2">
       <Column Width="63"/>
       <Column Width="76.5"/>
       <Column Width="103.5"/>
       <Column Width="123"/>
       <Column Width="136.5"/>
       <Column Width="83.25"/>
       <Column Width="39"/>
       <Column Width="76.5"/>
       <Column Width="103.5"/>
       <Column Width="90"/>
       <Column Width="76.5"/>
       <Column Width="90"/>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">PORT_CODE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">EFFECT_DATE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">END_DATE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">ENCODE_SCHEME_PORT</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">PORT_NAME</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">COUNTRY_CODE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">IS_RT</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">DATA_SOURCE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">LAST_UPD_DATE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">LAST_UPD_USER</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">BP_UPD_DATE</Data></Cell>
        <Cell><Data Type="String">PROVINCE_CODE</Data></Cell>
    </Workbook>The output of test.xml is : This xml contains no element <Worksheet>
    The output of test1.xml with no namespace part is :
    This xml contains 1 <Worksheet> :
    WHY ????????????????????????????

    I do not use jdom but I had similar problems. You can try "//:worksheet". The prefix for the default namespace might be "". it fixed my problem.

  • Different Message Type, Different Namespace, same structure

    we have the scenario:
    We have a message type (with our namespace) in a regular file-tofile scenario.
    The sender is sending us an xml-file from his PI that  has exactly the same structure and same xsd.
    Except, that his message type name and namespace are different.
    What is the scenario to get his message type and namespace mapped to my message type and namespace in a regular file-to-file scenario?

    Hi, you could also remove namespaces with XMLAnonymizerBean, then you only need to adapt the message type.
    Alternatively you can import the external definition of the message and create a mapping for that. You can reuse your existing message mapping, just do a copy and change the message type in the signature. Then you can correct structural inconsistencies automatically in order to adjust the mapping to the changed namespace and message type. Or even better, create a mapping template for the structure which you use in both message mappings. Like this, you have a separate interface and mapping for the file and thus a clear separation of message flow.
    Regards, Martin

  • Managed c++ class - The type or namespace name could not be found

    I have a managed c++ class library project with the following attribute:
    That library is used from a C# project. If I change the C# framework to 4 they both compile fine.
    If I set the C# framework to 3.5 the managed C++ class is not recognized and the C# project compilation fails with the following error :
    Error XXX The type or namespace name 'XXX' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\XXX.cs 19 7 XXX
    Any idea about weird behavior? shouldn't it just work?
    The C# project is using basic stuff, the same for the C++ project.
    Javier Andres Caceres Alvis

    Hello there,
    After searching for a while I found this: "Everything is ok when I use for example .net 4.5 in c# and c++, but c# must be using 3.5 version. I read that I need to build c++ library in older visual studio (i tried 2005 and 2008)" here:
    I think that part of that statement is true because when I inspect the added reference (i.e.: the managed C++ project reference -also known as wrapper- from the C# class library) I see in the property tab that the runtime property value is v4.0.30319
    -this is very weird, because the managed c++ project is set to compile with v3.5 and the same with the C# project but it seems that if VS2008 or VS2010 is not present then is compiled with the default version.
    Javier Andres Caceres Alvis

  • The type or namespace name 'VisualStudio' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

    we are using VS 2013. i have created new build definition and run that created build its getting failed and showing error message as "The type or namespace name 'VisualStudio' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly
    reference?)" and "The type or namespace name 'WinComboBox, UITestControl, WinTitleBar.....etc' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)". in the error log is showing the error number are "error CS0234
    & error CS0246". 
    Actually i have created build for automation execution from MTM lab environment. i have to assign the build to the test plan. once the build is passed , i will assign to the test plan and run with automation options. 
    if i build the solution its getting successfully build. but when i run the created build definition it show the error message's.  
    Could you guide me how to resolve the above error's ? 
    Thanks in Advance...

    Hello Divakar Ponnada,
    I have checked the error CS0234 from here:
    It means your project cannot find the proper reference to your type "Visual Studio" from the namespace Microsoft.
    May I ask this question, does your build definition means something like the following blog described?
    "A build definition is the mechanism that controls how and when builds occur for team projects in TFS. "
    If that is the problem, may I ask whether your build agent is in the same machine where you build your application?
    The build agent will first search for the reference from its local GAC and if it cannot find it, the error like you said will reports. Please manually build your project from your build agent machine to see the result, or install Visual Studio to your build
    agent machine. In that way I think your problem may fixed.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • The type or namespace name 'Optimization' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web'

    App_Start\BundleConfig.cs (1): The type or namespace name 'Optimization' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
     Global.asax.cs (4): The type or namespace name 'Optimization' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
     App_Start\BundleConfig.cs (8): The type or namespace name 'BundleCollection' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    I'm getting the above errors when attempting to create a remote build.
    I've tried the solution found here ( but no luck.

    I have an mvc project in Visual Studio 2013. I'm hosting it on Visual Studio Online. 
    The project builds fine on my local machine/Visual Studio 2013. When i try to do a build on Visual Studio Online (i created a build definition there), i get similar errors. 
     App_Start\BundleConfig.cs (2): The type or namespace name 'Optimization' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
     App_Start\FilterConfig.cs (2): The type or namespace name 'Mvc' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
     App_Start\RouteConfig.cs (5): The type or namespace name 'Mvc' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
     Controllers\HomeController.cs (5): The type or namespace name 'Mvc' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
     Controllers\HomeController.cs (9): The type or namespace name 'Controller' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
     Global.asax.cs (5): The type or namespace name 'Mvc' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
     Global.asax.cs (6): The type or namespace name 'Optimization' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
     App_Start\BundleConfig.cs (9): The type or namespace name 'BundleCollection' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
     App_Start\FilterConfig.cs (8): The type or namespace name 'GlobalFilterCollection' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
     Controllers\HomeController.cs (11): The type or namespace name 'ActionResult' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
     Controllers\HomeController.cs (16): The type or namespace name 'ActionResult' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
     Controllers\HomeController.cs (23): The type or namespace name 'ActionResult' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
     C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1697): Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "System.Web.Helpers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35,
    processorArchitecture=MSIL". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
     C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1697): Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "System.Web.Optimization". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this
    reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
     C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1697): Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "System.Web.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL".
    Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
     C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1697): Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "System.Web.WebPages, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35,
    processorArchitecture=MSIL". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
     C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1697): Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "System.Web.WebPages.Deployment, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35,
    processorArchitecture=MSIL". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
     C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1697): Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35,
    processorArchitecture=MSIL". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
     C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1697): Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "WebGrease". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required
    by your code, you may get compilation errors.
     C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1697): Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Antlr3.Runtime". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference
    is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
     C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1697): Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Newtonsoft.Json". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference
    is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
     C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1697): Assembly strong name "System.Web.Mvc, Version=__MvcPagesVersion__, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL" is
    either a path which could not be found or it is a full assembly name which is badly formed. If it is a full assembly name it may contain characters that need to be escaped with backslash(\). Those characters are Equals(=), Comma(,), Quote("), Apostrophe('),

  • Error on new windows 8.1 project: The type or namespace name 'Foundation' does not exist in the namespace

    I upgraded to win 8.1 and VS 2013. I created a new Windows 8.1 C# grid  project and tried to compile it and I'm seeing the  following error: Error 1 The type or namespace name 'Foundation' does not exist in the namespace [my namespace](are
    you missing an assembly reference?)
    The errors are in navigationhelper.cs line 59  
    [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.WebHostHidden] // Foundation has the squigglies
    public class NavigationHelper : DependencyObject
    and app.xaml.cs line 68 ==> rootFrame.Language = Windows.Globalization.ApplicationLanguages.Languages[0]; which causes this error: Error 2 The type or namespace name 'Globalization' does not exist in the namespace [my namespace] (are you missing
    an assembly reference?)
    Windows phone and mvc projects are working fine and I've installed all the updates and even tried to fix vs 2013.
    Any help Is greatly appreciated.

    I did some more investigation and noticed that if I create an app with a "." in the name then this problem occurs. For example create a windows store project with the default name "App1": this will compile.
    However if I name the project "App1.Forms" to correspeond with the default namespace I want, then this problem occurs.  Still investigating but anyone should be able to repro it with that step.

  • In OBIEE 11g How to Change  Import Type Local Machine to Remote Machine

    Hi All,
    I Have Installed OBIEE 11g Client tools in my Machine and server is in Other Server.when i tried to Import metadata i am getting Connection Falied error.
    When i tried to import metadata in import type option i can see only one option Local Machine that is also in Disable mode.
    how to make import type option to Remote.
    Thanks and Regards
    Kiran Kumar

    In BI EE 10g, there was no Oracle Client bundled along with BI EE. So, BI EE will use your Oracle DB Home client to connect to the database. So, when you try to connect to the database through the Repository or BI Server, it will try to find the tnsnames entry in the Oracle Client of BI EE 11g instead of your database. There are 2 options to work around this
    Copy your tnsnames.ora and Paste it to
    1. Drive:Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_BI1}network\admin
    2 Drive:Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\network\admin
    TNS File like,
    DBName =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Your Server IP)(PORT = 1521))

  • Importing issues with Final Cut Pro X. Green flash and twitches while play back

    Hello, I'm having some importing issues with Final Cut Pro X and I can't find any solution whatsoever. Perhaps my importing settings are wrong?
    Anyways, I've done a lot of recordings on eye TV and HD PVR with some videos that are about 3 hours long. I exported them into H.264 files, which turns them into mpeg-4 files with AAC audio. Then I import them into final cut pro X and I notice it takes a long time for them to render the videos and I notice that there are some green screens and twitches while I play through the video.
    Here is a screenshot of the green screen that I'm talking about:
    Could it be my 2 video graphics card that is causing this kind of issues? Or is there any solution to fix this?
    In the past, I've used iMovie 09 and it worked out perfectly. However, the new iMovie 11 is terrible because it automatically optimzie my 3 hour long videos into making the importing process to (144 hours long to import). Is there any way to get iMovie 09 back or am I stuck on dealing with this Final Cut Pro X issues?
    More information:
    My Hauppauge HD PVR settings are set to custom. Video Constant Bit Rate, the average bit rate: 13.5 Mbps. The audio is AAC.
    My project settings for video properties is set to custom, 720P HD Format, 1280 x 720 Resolution and 30P Rate. The audio and render properties is set to custom, audio channels is stereo, audio sample rate is 48kHz and the Render Format is Apple ProRes 422.
    I export the video as a quicktime movie. The export setting is H.262.
    The summary of the export is:
    File type: Quicktime movie
    Estimated size: 397GB
    H.264, Width and height: 1280 x 720. Framte rate: 30 fps

    My Hauppauge HD PVR settings are set to custom. Video Constant Bit Rate, the average bit rate: 13.5 Mbps. The audio is AAC.
    My project settings for video properties is set to custom, 720P HD Format, 1280 x 720 Resolution and 30P Rate. The audio and render properties is set to custom, audio channels is stereo, audio sample rate is 48kHz and the Render Format is Apple ProRes 422.
    I export the video as a quicktime movie. The export setting is H.262.
    The summary of the export is:
    File type: Quicktime movie
    Estimated size: 397GB
    H.264, Width and height: 1280 x 720. Framte rate: 30 fps

  • Unable to create the type with the name 'MSORA'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)

    I am attempting to use the Integration Services Import Project Wizard within Microsoft Visual Studio and am getting this error
    Unable to create the type with the name 'MSORA'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)
    upon Import.
    Can anyone shed some light for me on this cryptique error message?
    Thanks for your review and am hopeful for a reply.

    If you have the SSIS and SSDT (BIDS) installed then
    I believe the DTS assemblies got derigistered, a typical outcome of corrupted software, so a full re-install would be the best option. VS +SQL Server  + more
    Otherwise, as a quick fix try to
    reference the SSIS assemblies, like Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS.dll + more.
    They are by default in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<number>\SDK\Assemblies.

  • Unable to create the type with the name 'ODATA'

    On a test server with VS 2012 and SQL 2012 installed, I have created an SSIS project in project deployment mode. In the packages of the project I use the Odata source for SSIS. The packages run fine in VS 2012. But when I deploy the package to the Integration
    Services catalog on the same server as where I am running VS 2012 I get a deployment error:
    ‘Failed to deploy project. For more information, query the operation_messages view for the operation identifier '25084'.  (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 27203)'
    When I read this message from the SSISDB database, I see the problem with ODATA.
    use SSISDB
    select * from catalog.operation_messages where operation_id = 25084
    --Failed to deploy the project. Fix the problems and try again later.:Unable to create the type with the name 'ODATA'.
    As I said: the packages with the Odata run without error when tested from within VS2012 on the SAME server. When I deploy the project from Visual Studio I get the error. 
    For completeness: I have also tried deployment from VS2012 to another server where the SSIS Odata source has bene deployed. Also to no avail.
    Jan D'Hondt - SQL server BI development

    The next possiblity for me was to convert the project to Package deployment and see what the result I get. I have converted my project with package connections from project deployment to Package deployment. Then I deployed the package on the server in MSDB
    catalog from SSIS. I.e. I connect with SSMS to Integration Services as an administrator and under the MSDB folder I added a new folder for my package. I then imported the dtsx into the mdsb package store. The Import worked. Still from within SSMS and connected
    to the Integration Services, i right-clicked on the package in the MSDB store and selected 'Run package'. In the Execute Package dialog window, I clicked on 'Execute' and the package actually ran. The Odata connector was opened, it read the data and imported
    into my database.
    This experience made me realize what the real culprit  was: The OData connector is a 32-bit connector in SQL Server 2012. 
    To prove this: with SSMS I connected to the SQL database server and in the Integration services catalog, i right-clicked on the package that was deployed in Project deployment mode, then selected 'Execute...'. In the execute dialog windo in the 'Advanced'
    tab I checked 32-bit runtime. And the package ran.
    To wrap it all up:
    The Project deployment will work, but not with the Odata source as project connection. The Odata connection must be defined in each package as a package connection.
    Run the deployed packages in 32-bit mode on the server
    Jan D'Hondt - SQL server BI development

  • How can I get the element value with namespace?

    I tried to get a element value in xml has namespace but i can't.
    I removed the namespace, i can get a element value.
    How can i get a element value with namespace?
    --1. Error ----------- xml ------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    *<TaxInvoice xmlns="urn:kr:or:kec:standard:Tax:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformation:1:0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:kr:or:kec:standard:Tax:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformation:1:0">*
    --2. sucess ----------- xml ---------remove namespace---------------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    ---------- program ------------
    procedure insert_table
    l_clob clob,
    wellformed out boolean,
    error out varchar2
    l_parser dbms_xmlparser.Parser;
    xmldoc xmldom.domdocument;
    l_doc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
    l_nl dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    l_n dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
    l_root DBMS_XMLDOM.domelement;
    l_node DBMS_XMLDOM.domnode;
    l_node2 DBMS_XMLDOM.domnode;
    buf VARCHAR2(30000);
    xmlparseerror exception;
    TYPE tab_type is Table of xml_upload%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab tab_type := tab_type();
    pragma exception_init(xmlparseerror, -20100);
    l_node_name varchar2(300);
    l_parser := dbms_xmlparser.newParser;
    l_doc := DBMS_XMLDOM.newdomdocument;
    dbms_xmlparser.parseClob(l_parser, l_clob);
    l_doc := dbms_xmlparser.getDocument(l_parser);
    l_n := dbms_xmldom.makeNode(l_doc);
    l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectNodes(l_n, '/TaxInvoice/TaxInvoiceDocument');
    FOR cur_tax In 0..dbms_xmldom.getLength(l_nl) - 1 LOOP
    l_n := dbms_xmldom.item(l_nl, cur_tax);
    t_tab(t_tab.last).ed_id := '5000000';
    dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_n, 'IssueID/text()', t_tab(t_tab.last).tid_issue_id);
    dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_n, 'TypeCode/text()', t_tab(t_tab.last).tid_type_code);
    FORALL i IN t_tab.first .. t_tab.last
    INSERT INTO xml_upload VALUES t_tab(i);
    wellformed := true;
    when xmlparseerror then
    wellformed := false;
    error := sqlerrm;
    end insert_table;

    l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectNodes(l_n, '/TaxInvoice/TaxInvoiceDocument');try to change as follow
    l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(l_n,'/TaxInvoice/TaxInvoiceDocument','xmlns="urn:kr:or:kec:standard:Tax:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformation:1:0"');Edited by: AlexAnd on Aug 17, 2011 12:36 AM

  • Oracle 11g AQ : problem enqueue user-defined type with varchar2 attribute

    I have a problem enqueuing a user-defined type to the queue on Oracle 10g.
    I'm using jdbc driver (ojdbc5.jar, version as they provide package.
    The type is following:
    (id integer,
    label varchar2(100),
    code integer,
    today date
    )I have created a java class for this type with jpub utility supplied with oracle 11g client package:
    jpub -user=scott/tger -url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:sid-sql=FIXED_T5:ru.invito.FixedType -compile=falseIt generated and files. Don't understand why i need the latter (FixedTypeRef).
    Then in test app:
    package ru.invito;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import java.util.UUID;
    import junit.framework.TestCase;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver;
    import oracle.sql.Datum;
    import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
    import oracle.sql.StructDescriptor;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
    public class AqTest extends TestCase {
         protected Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
         public void testEnqueue() throws Exception {
              OracleDriver dr = new OracleDriver();
              Properties prop = new Properties();
              prop.setProperty("user", Config.USERNAME);
              prop.setProperty("password", Config.PASSWORD);
              OracleConnection connection = (OracleConnection) dr.connect(Config.JDBC_URL, prop);
              enqueueMessage(connection, "INVITO.FIXED_T5Q", null);
         private void enqueueMessage(OracleConnection conn, String queueName, AQAgent[] recipients) throws SQLException,
                   IOException {
              logger.debug("----------- Enqueue start ------------");
              AQMessageProperties props = makeProps(queueName);
              AQMessage mesg = AQFactory.createAQMessage(props);
              String msqText = String.format("Hello, %s!", queueName);
              FixedType data = createData(36, msqText);
              Datum d = data.toDatum(conn);
              STRUCT s = (STRUCT) d;
              debugStruct("s", s);
              String toIdStr = byteBufferToHexString(s.getDescriptor().getOracleTypeADT().getTOID(), 20);
              logger.debug("s.toIdStr: " + toIdStr);
              StructDescriptor sd = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("INVITO.FIXED_T5", conn);
              logger.debug("sd.toXMLString(): " + sd.toXMLString());
              AQEnqueueOptions opt = makeEnqueueOptions();
              // execute the actual enqueue operation:
              conn.enqueue(queueName, opt, mesg);
              logger.debug("----------- Enqueue done ------------");
         private void debugMessageId(AQMessage mesg) throws SQLException {
              byte[] mesgId = mesg.getMessageId();
              if (mesgId == null) {
                   throw new IllegalStateException("message id is NULL");
              String mesgIdStr = byteBufferToHexString(mesgId, 20);
              logger.debug("Message ID from enqueue call: " + mesgIdStr);
          * @return
          * @throws SQLException
         private FixedType createData(int ID, String label) throws SQLException {
              FixedType data = new FixedType();
              data._struct.setNChar(1);// initializes the flag for 'label' field
              Date today = new Date();
              data.setToday(new Timestamp(today.getTime()));
              return data;
          * @param string
          * @param s
          * @throws SQLException
         private void debugStruct(String string, STRUCT s) throws SQLException {
              logger.debug(s + ".debugString(): " + s.debugString());
              logger.debug(s + "s.dump(): " + s.dump());
          * @return
          * @throws SQLException
         private AQAgent makeAgent() throws SQLException {
              AQAgent ag = AQFactory.createAQAgent();
              String agentAddress = null;
              try {
                   agentAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
              catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                   logger.error("cannot resolve localhost ip address. will not set it as AQ Agent address");
                   agentAddress = "NA";
              return ag;
         private AQMessageProperties makeProps(String queueName) throws SQLException {
              final String EXCEPTION_Q_TEMPLATE = "AQ$_%sT_E";
              final int DEFAULT_DELAY = 0;
              final int DEFAULT_EXPIRATION = -1;
              final int DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 0;
              AQMessageProperties propeties = AQFactory.createAQMessageProperties();
              propeties.setExceptionQueue(String.format(EXCEPTION_Q_TEMPLATE, queueName));
              // propeties.setRecipientList(null);//should not set
              return propeties;
          * @return
          * @throws SQLException
         private AQEnqueueOptions makeEnqueueOptions() throws SQLException {
              AQEnqueueOptions opt = new AQEnqueueOptions();
              // these are the default settings (if none specified)
              return opt;
          * Form the AQ reference
          * @param buffer
          * @param maxNbOfBytes
          * @return
         private static final String byteBufferToHexString(byte[] buffer, int maxNbOfBytes) {
              if (buffer == null)
                   return null;
              int offset = 0;
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              while (offset < buffer.length && offset < maxNbOfBytes) {
                   String hexrep = Integer.toHexString((int) buffer[offset] & 0xFF);
                   if (hexrep.length() == 1)
                        hexrep = "0" + hexrep;
              String ret = sb.toString();
              return ret;
    }The output is following:
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:49,863 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - ----------- Enqueue start ------------
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,348 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - [email protected](): name = INVITO.FIXED_T5 length = 4 attribute[0] = 36 attribute[1] = Hell
    o, INVITO.FIXED_T5Q! attribute[2] = 1 attribute[3] = 2008-07-03 19:09:49.0
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,363 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - [email protected](): name = INVITO.FIXED_T5
    length = 4
    ID = 36
    CODE = 1
    TODAY = 2008-07-03 19:09:49.0
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,363 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - s.toIdStr: 507ccce5b6e9f572e040007f01007203
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,363 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - sd.toXMLString(): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <StructDescriptor sqlName="INVITO.FIXED_T5" >
      <OracleTypeADT sqlName="INVITO.FIXED_T5"  typecode="0" tds_version="1"
               is_embedded="false" is_top_level="true" is_upt="false" finalType="true" subtype="false">
          <attribute name="ID"  type="INTEGER" >
            <OracleType typecode="2" />
          <attribute name="LABEL"  type="VARCHAR2" >
            <OracleType typecode="12" />
          <attribute name="CODE"  type="INTEGER" >
            <OracleType typecode="2" />
          <attribute name="TODAY"  type="DATE" >
            <OracleType typecode="0" />
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,379 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - sending............
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,395 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - Message ID from enqueue call: 511ff143bd4fa536e040007f01003192
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,395 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - ----------- Enqueue done ------------But when dequeueing the 'label' attribute is lost:
    dequeue_options     DBMS_AQ.dequeue_options_t;
    message_properties  DBMS_AQ.message_properties_t;
    message_handle      RAW(16);
    message             fixed_t5;
      dequeue_options.navigation := DBMS_AQ.FIRST_MESSAGE;
         queue_name          =>     'fixed_t5q',
         dequeue_options     =>     dequeue_options,
         message_properties  =>     message_properties,
         payload             =>     message,
         msgid               =>     message_handle);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ID   : '||;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Label: '||message.label);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Code : '||message.code);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Today: '||;
    ID   : 36
    Code : 1
    Today: 03.07.08
    Could anyone tell me what is wrong with the setup/code?
    Why 'label' not saved in queue, though i saw it is not empty in STRUCT?

    Thank you for the reply!
    I have enqueued:
    [main] 2008-07-04 15:30:30,639 DEBUG [ru.invito.UserDefinedTypeAqTest$1] - [email protected](): name = INVITO.FIXED_T5
    length = 4
    ID = 41
    CODE = 1
    TODAY = 2008-07-04 15:30:30.0and in table (select * from FIXED_T5QT) the 'label' is blank:
    Q_NAME     FIXED_T5Q
    MSGID     51310809B5EA3728E040007F01000C79
    CORRID     b8f38fd3-4fa6-4e0f-85d1-2440d02d655e
    PRIORITY     0
    STATE     0
    LOCAL_ORDER_NO     0
    CHAIN_NO     0
    CSCN     0
    DSCN     0
    ENQ_TIME     04.07.2008 15:28:44
    ENQ_TID                       4012
    RETRY_COUNT     0
    STEP_NO     0
    USER_DATA.ID     41
    USER_DATA.CODE     1
    USER_DATA.TODAY     04.07.2008 15:30:30I must point to a strange thing: when the FixedType instance is created (via new operator) and then the setLabel("....") called as:
    FixedType data = new FixedType();
    // hack: proper initialization for 'label' field
    Date today = new Date();
    data.setToday(new Timestamp(today.getTime()));
    Datum d = data.toDatum(connection);
    STRUCT s = (STRUCT) d;
    logger.debug(s + ".debugString(): " + s.debugString());
    logger.debug(s + ".dump(): " + s.dump());and if i comment line (data._struct.setNChar(1);) the debug messages for created STRUCT also shows empty value for label.
    But if i explicitly call data._struct.setNChar(1) then debug contains the label i defined in call to the setLabel method.

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