In which header file does BOOL type defined

Can anyone tell in which system header file does 'BOOL' type got #define'd or typedef'ed.
Because i get the following error, while doing a make.
parse error before 'BOOL'.

Hi There,
The C language is case sensitive,
so if you are looking for the definition, you need to use lowercase bool or uppercase BOOLEAN
The best way to search is
cd /usr/include or /usr/include/sys
and grep for the word pattern. These are
the standard header files.
eg. grep BOOL /usr/include/*.h
If you use grep -i BOOL /usr/include/*.h,
this will ignore the case and prints everything that
it finds that matches BOOL.
Developers Technical Support
Sun Microsystems,

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    I don't have 1.6 to verify but your statements about what is generated for 1.7 for the header appear correct.
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    You might want to look at the release notes for 1.7.
    If you need a solution you could add a post javah step that renames the file.

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    Click this button to add a new row of hierarchical appearance settings to the grid.
    Use this grid to define hierarchy appearance settings. Each row in the grid represents a level of the hierarchy. For example, the appearance settings you define for the first row apply to the top level of hierarchy, the settings you define for the second row apply to the second level, and so on.
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    Click this button to add a new row of hierarchical appearance settings to the grid.
    .topic 16811
    Use this grid to define hierarchy appearance settings. Each row in the grid represents a level of the hierarchy. For example, the appearance settings you define for the first row apply to the top level of hierarchy, the settings you define for the second row apply
    to the second level, and so on.
    .topic 16813
    Click this button to delete the selected row of hierarchical appearance settings from the grid.
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    Any help that anyone can provide me with would be very much appreciated.
    Thank you,

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    Bill Lane
    Test Engineer
    Takata, INC.

    Hello Bill!
    The DAT format was never able to store text channels (TDM is able today). Please refer to the DAT format description on your DIAdem CD or in this post.
    Your idea to convert it to a numeric value is the right way. The error message must come out of the header. Do you convert all properties to numeric values? See page 4-6 and following in the header description or search for the word 'normal' in the created header file.
    Matthias Alleweldt
    Project Engineer / Projektingenieur

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    #define MEM_1   0xC
    #define MEM_2   0xD
    #define MEM_3   0x18
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    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "scrmem.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    void getOffset (int var);
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
     return 0;
    void getOffset (int var)
     printf("The address of MEM_1 is %x", var); 

    kaycea114 wrote:
    Where do you think I should use the string? 
    The way that getOffset is currently defined in the DLL, I have to connect an integer input into the LabVIEW function.  This prevents me from entering in: MEM_1 as the input to the LabVIEW function.
    Are you suggesting that I change getOffset to receive a String parameter ("MEM_1")?  Does that mean I need to do a string compare (line by line) through the header file to get the offset?  It seems like doing this search through the header file would degrade performance, but if that's the only work around, then I'll do it.
    Please advise.
    Well, what you want to do is indeed entering a string and getting back the assigned integer. That is what the C preprocessor is doing too although there it is done only once at the preprocessor stage of course and not at runtime anymore. But LabVIEW is not a C preprocessor.
    What you did so far seems to be to define getOffset() that accepts an enum that needs to be created from the C source code to then return the assigned constant. That's of course not very helpful.
    And writing a VI that could parse the C header file and create a name/constant array is really a lot easier than doing the same in C. You don't even need to parse the file each time again, but can instead cache them in an uninitialized shift register (LV2 style global).
    Even more easy would be to create from that data a ring control using property nodes and save it as custom control and voila you have the most direct lookup you can get in LabVIEW and it works just as comfortable as using the define in C code. It would mean that you need to seperate your header file possibly into several different files to only get related constants into the same ring control, but that is easily done.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    A clear cut answer might help the community. 

    Hi Ananda Vardhana,
    What about your issue now?
    If you have resolved it, you can share the solution here, which will be beneficial for other members with the same issue.
    If you did not, whether you can provide us more information as Barry said for resolving this issue?
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    902029 wrote:
    From which log files that Oracle tells you that a session has successfully connect or unsuccessfully connected. Does the listener.log contain this information? Thank you.It depends upon how exactly "success" is defined.
    Listener reports status = 0 (success) in listener.log,
    even though connection to DB fails with incorrect password.

  • Does arch install library and header files into system when using abs?

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    This make a lot of unuseful packages are left in the system.....
    In arch linux , when I using abs to make a package, does these packages are left in the system ?
    How abs separates the compile-time depends and the runtime depends ????
    Last edited by iamybj (2010-03-22 01:24:57)

    tomk wrote:
    The PKGBUILD has a depends array and a makedepends array. Anything that's required at runtime goes in the depends array, and must be installed for the application to run successfully. Anything that's only required at buildtime foes in the makedepends array, and can be removed from the system after the application has been built.
    man PKGBUILD and various wiki pages for more details.
    Anything that's only required at buildtime foes in the makedepends array, and can be removed from the system after the application has been built.
    Who remove them ? user or the abs ??
    I think the best method is file dependence , not package dependence.....
    Software is arranged by package. but its dependence is file. When Install a package, pacman check its file dependence, and install the packages which include those files....
    If a  not explicit installed package 's file does not required by any other packages , it can be removed automatically !
    In this situation ,pacman can find packages that not needed after compilation, and remove them.
    Last edited by iamybj (2010-03-22 03:15:06)

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    Hi ballen6721,
    Thank you for the post.
    This issue can occur if the newly installed hardware device is incompatible with the system.
    Based on the current situation, I suggest trying the following steps to troubleshoot the issue:
    Method 1 Device Clean Boot
    Please unplug all unnecessary devices such as sound card, printer, network card and TV card.
    Method 2: Startup Repair from the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE)
    1. Insert the Windows Vista installation disc into the disc drive, and then start the computer.
    2. Press a key when the message indicating "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD …". appears.
    3. Select a language, a time and currency, and a keyboard or input method, and then click Next.
    4. Click Repair your computer.
    5. In the System Recovery Options dialog box, choose the drive of your Windows installation and click Next.
    6. At the System Recovery Options Dialog Box, click on Repair your computer.
    7. Click the operating system that you want to repair, and then click Next.
    8. In the System Recovery Options dialog box, click Startup Repair.
    Method 3: Use the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) to run System Restore ============================================
    1. Insert the Windows Vista installation disc into the disc drive, and then start the computer.
    2. Press a key when the message indicating "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD …". appears.
    3. Select a language, a time and currency, and a keyboard or input method, and then click Next.
    4. Click Repair your computer.
    5. In the System Recovery Options dialog box, choose the drive of your Windows installation and click Next
    6. At the System Recovery Options Dialog Box, click on System Restore.
    7. Follow the System Restore Wizard instruction and choose the appropriate restore point.
    8. Click Finish to restore the system.
    Note: If you computer is an OEM one, the method to enter WinRE can be different, you may contact your OEM to consult how to enter WinRE.
    Can we start the computer now?
    If the issue persists, please help confirm the following points:
    1. What hardware changes have you made recently?
    2. Can we enter Safe Mode now?
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Best regards,
    Tim Quan
    Microsoft Online Community Support

  • "the file header checksum does not match the computer checksum." Pavilion P6000

    HP Pavilion P6000
    Windows 7 64-bit
    The file is possible corrupt.  The file header checksum does not match the computer checksum
    I was previously getting blue screens saying things like "Memory_Management"

    I see you have damaged both your hardrive(hardware) and your operating sytem (corrupted too, software)
    You may want to run an diagonstic test of your hard drive complete before trying to reinstall windows.
    Press ESC right after power button and repeatdley and look for Diagnostic test and start up test and hard drive test.
    Please report results.
    Sorry because of different timezone I might not be able to help/reply you right away.IF that happens I deeply apologize!
    **Click the White thumb if you like the answer.**
    **Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem and only solves your problem, if you have any more questions please ask, this also helps others to solve related issues.**
    Feel yourself like home here, we are all happy to help, if you have an question reply or start a topic or pm me or an expert.

  • Using live HTTP header get This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below

    Im using ReloadEvery 3.6.3 & Live HTTP Headers 0.16 plugin's for playin mobsters on myspace. After capturing the the script, editing & placing in the address bar I recieve a message: Failed Security. This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. There was nothing on the Tree. I know the script was edited correct cause it works on the other PC's. Operating system is win7 & Firefox is current. Thx.
    == The first time

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    I guess, that is not the problem.
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    greetings Marsian

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