Inconsistant exporting issues MK2

Dear Forum
I have a report that calculates a boolean value for the supression of a GF section.
When i run the report through CR and export to pdf the output is fine. When i export to excel i get a series of ghost records appearing that are supressed in the pdf or CR version.
It appears that when you export a report to excel the order of precedance in which formulas are calulated is inconsistant to other exporting formats.
I am wondering iof other users have experienced any thing similar and if so have a workaround.
Thank you all in advance
Paul Marks.
Please ignore my other thread it is very difficult to follow. Apologies to all.

Yes that was my prefered method. Sorry this does not answer the issue.
With Kind Regards

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    There is a mention of loading an iFrame in the error, do you have iFrames on the form that generates this error?
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    Thanks for the response!
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    What do you mean by a better routine?
    A better compression routine than H.264.
    Is the quality better than H.264?
    Does this use an MOV wrapper?
    Also, would it import correctly into PPro?
    we would import files into PPro exported out of FCP and would get a red pixelated glitch during preview and export. Does this codec solve this problem as well if it is an MOV wrapper?
    I don't know anything about FCP.
    Sorry for all the questions, just want to get things right before diving into a new codec.
    It's harmless, and free.
    Download it and run some tests.

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    is there someway that it was reformatted by the Iomega drive being daisy chained to it?
    No. That is not possible -anyway, reformatting erases everything on a drive.
    You would have noticed that first.
    You can download the [NTFS-3G driver|> which will let you read, write and even reformat the clients drive as NTFS on the Mac. All reasonably modern Windows PCs work with this disc format and you won't run into the file size limitations associated with FAT formatted drives.

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    you can read the
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    section of
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    Thank you for your reply!
    I check exported GIFs in various browsers and XnView viewer.
    It's definitely not a preview  issue - i have 32Gb of RAM and Nvidia Quadro 4000 GPU on my system.
    I believe the issue is with transparency, because i'm able to export GIFs with solid background just fine
    GIF export dialogue window has 'Transparency' checkbox, so it looks like it should be possible to export an animated GIF with transparent background, but for some reason i'm getting all frames at the same time
    thank you

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    Anyone else is experiencing this weird issue?
    -thank you
    Photoshop CS6 Extended
    Windows 7x64 SP1

    Thank you for your reply!
    I check exported GIFs in various browsers and XnView viewer.
    It's definitely not a preview  issue - i have 32Gb of RAM and Nvidia Quadro 4000 GPU on my system.
    I believe the issue is with transparency, because i'm able to export GIFs with solid background just fine
    GIF export dialogue window has 'Transparency' checkbox, so it looks like it should be possible to export an animated GIF with transparent background, but for some reason i'm getting all frames at the same time
    thank you

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