Incorrect search highlights in RH10

When I search for a word, the search result highlights only a part of it. Any idea why? And how can I rectify it?

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    From a usability standpoint, gray is a really bad color for highlighting. People are used to yellow, so if they saw that they would know what it means. Other colors would also send the correct message. But I kept getting emails from people asking me what's wrong with the online help because their screen was peppered with gray splotches.
    So I went in and changed the highlighting color in the Webhelp > Search > Search Options dialog. All was well, until the next time I compiled the project. The color choice reverted to gray. Apparently you must go in and make your color choice EVERY TIME you update a project. If Adobe had chosen any color but gray as the default, I'd just leave it.
    This is a problem because my project consists of one parent and about 20 child projects. I went in and changed the search highlighting color in all 21 projects, only to learn that the ones I'd since updated were displaying their highlights in gray. So users were getting blue highlights in some search results topics, and gray in others. It shouldn't do this.
    If there's a fix, please advise.
    Thank you!

    Hi there
    Hopefully Peter won't mind my offering another possible suggestion.
    Try creating a new Single Source Layout. Just right-click the Single Source Layouts pod and create a new layout. My thought here is that perhaps the file holding the recipe for that layout may have somehow become a bit corrupt and creating a new SSL recipe may make things finally "stick".
    Cheers... Rick
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    Thanks in advance.

    As a matter of fact, I ran into this sitation yesterday (a
    tiny square box above all list items).
    I did the only thing that occurred to me: I deleted six image
    map hyperlinks on a workflow graphic, and then re-created them.
    All fixed! I have no idea if this'll help you or not.
    Good luck,

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    of "span" under Character.
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  • Error 'this.node.parentNode is null or not an object' with search highlight in certain topics

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    Be sure that 'Zoekresultaten markeren' (search highlight) is
    Type 'activa'
    Click the topic 'activa'
    An error is displayed in the bottom left corner:
    'this.node.parentNode is null or not an object'
    If search highlight is not used, the error is not displayed.
    Any ideas?

    I think I have it, but it's almost unbelieveable.
    In the activa topic, the word is highlighted up to a point.
    Coming to the next instance of activa, you have this code:
    <li class=p-BulletedList><p
    class=BulletedList><b><span style="font-weight:
    normal;">V:</b> v</span>aste activa waarop wordt
    afgeschreven (Dit is de standaard waarde) . . . </p>
    Note the superfluous <b> and </b> tags,
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    Suppose this is a valid string. Because the opening tags are
    <b><span . . .>,
    the closing sequence should be
    I'm not sure exactly why the error does what it does.
    Perhaps this is a simple html error that happens to come in
    an awkward place, or
    Because the browser expects </span> first, it treats
    </b> as text, so the <b> never gets closed, which
    confuses the search highlight script.
    I've run into something like this before. Repeated
    application, changes and deletion of font attributes in
    approximately the same place sometimes results in confused tags.
    Similarly, when you apply a build tag to styled text, and perhaps
    change the font attribute, opening and closing tags get confused.
    It may depend on the precise locations where you started and ended
    your highlights during editing.
    You'd expect this to be a harmless html error, but in this
    case, it breaks the highlight code, I believe.
    You're in a better position to test this than I am, so I
    await your results.

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    Note: PTSMR_ICMS.html is the home page.
    Thank You!

    1)Thanks for your reply Peter. I answered your questions in
    << parens>> within your answer below.
    2)If I cannot resolve the problem, would removing the js file
    allow Help to work (I know I won't get the search highlight).
    Nothing to do with the script. Open the js file in a text
    editor to see what it contains.<<Nothing that I see but I'll
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  • Hide search highlight once in a topic?

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    RH version:
    SSL: Multiscreen HTML5 - Desktop screen profile only
    IE version: 9
    Is there a built-in widget/thing to add a button to a topic to hide the search highlighting? To be clear, I want the search highlight on, but I want users to be able to turn it off once they have found the topic they need. I've done a little searching in the help and online, so I suspect there isn't, but want to make sure.
    If there isn't a built-in function, does anyone know if there is a way to add my own button/javascript? I can read other's code and do a little bit of scripting, but only really basic stuff.
    Thanks for your help

    The widget does the highlighting by reading the url. You will find ?rhsearch=searchstring added to the URL. Once the highlighting is applied, you can remove it with lots of JavaScript. An easier solution may be to create a button to reload the page without the highlight option in the url. A button could do:
    document.location = location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname
    Kind regards,

  • MDC error message -  'incorrect search policy'

    Having re-installed Mountain Lion on my MDC and Clients and NOT deleted any Xsan Sys Prefs and KeyChain passwords, finally managed to get all my clients Authorized OK.
    Then attached my Retina Display MBP through a Thunderbolt to FC convertor box (Promise SanLink) to the FC switch ... the RetDisp MDC mounts the SAN Vol just fine and can read and write to it OK (terrific being able to attached 28TB of fast FC storage to my MBP!) ... however, on the MacMini MDC now get an error message for the RetDisp MBP saying 'incorrect search policy' for the laptop.
    Blaidd Drwg has already supplied in the previous thread a link to a useful Apple KB article which I'll share here:
    "Incorrect search policy":
    I am using XSAN to manage accounts and log-ins and not Open Directory ... will see if this fixes the problem.
    This KB fixed the problem .... you have to change the search directories on the client not on the MDC ... then it's fixed straight away on the MDC.
    Being able to have my RetDisp MBP laptop access the FC XSAN volume is sweet! .. running Resolve 9 on it and grading 5k EPIC files is pretty amazing .. Thunderbolt to HD SDI BMD box and into a calibrated reference monitor to give accurate colors plus Tbolt RedRocket card in Sonnet enclosure .. unreal.
    Nesxt step .. adding a Win 7 PC through StorNext FX2 ... should be fun :-)

  • Search highlights from external highlight server

    In Acrobat Reader 9, under Edit > Preferences > Search, the "Enable search highlights from external highlight server" option is by default set to false. For those of us who use third party search engines to search PDF files on the web, this is a disaster. The only way to enable hit highlighting in this situation is to have users change their settings manually, which is a lot to ask of people who are not tech savvy.
    Does anyone know of a solution to this problem? Would Adobe change the default settings to true in future versions? Is there some kind of workaround?

    Why did Adobe change the defaut? I am installing dtSearch and it works great in Adobe 8 and below. But Adobe changed version 9 changed and so now the hits do not show and the "Jump to next Hits" and "Jump to previous Hits" does not show on the Adobe toolbar.
    My problem is that this makes dtSearch look bad - like their search page is no good.
    If I create web pages using dtSearch, the users will not know enough to set the Enable search highlights from external highlight server.
    Even if I put a big note on the web page, I know that people will not read it and they will think that the web page is buggy.
    I sure wish Adobe would put this back and make Enable search highlights from external highlight server the default.

  • Incorrect Search Policy on new Backup MDC

    Hi Folks,
    I'm adding a backup MCD and it's getting the error 'incorrect search policy'. Running Xsan 3, 10.8.2 on both mini's.
    Any ideas?

    Have you seen this?
    Xsan 2.2: "Incorrect search policy" appears in Xsan Admin
    I believe this still applies even though you're on Xsan 3.

  • Is there a way to NOT have the data from a formatted search highlighted

    Hi all,
    I have a formatted search that returns a big chunk of data, some comments that are then added to. When the fs is fired, it returns the data, but all of the data is highlighted so when the user starts typing they overwrite the data that was just returned. I know they could just hit the right arrow key or click their mouse at the end, but they don't do that half of the time. I also know they could use ctrl-z or undo when they do this, but they don't do that either. It would just be nice if they could fire the fs and when the data is returned, the cursor would be at the end of the data.
    Any thoughts?

    I don't think there are any options for you to change default system behavior like this.  What you may do is to change your FMS logic to get only one record if possible. Post your query here if you can.

  • Incorrect Search results number

    I'm currently working at search center and recently I've noticed that the number of search results in "About xx results" can vary a a lot.
    I've found the similar question here: - the given answer seemed good untill I tried to check the logic and to calculate results count in my test environment.
    So, I have 45 total results. One of this results has duplicate. The results are shown by 10 per page. The duplicated results is shown at the first page. If I click on the next pages, I see the following (Im sorry for this clip2net logo, this is not an advertising:)
     about 41
     about 43
    about 44
     44 results total
    I can't get, why it shows 41 and even 43 on the first 2 pages, while there is only 1 duplicate that might be hidden...
    Please help me to understand this logic.
    Any help or info would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Martynenko,
    I understand that the results count is incorrect in SharePoint Search Results web part.
    It is by design that the number on search result web part is a very rough number related to the mechanism within search engine.
    It is not accurate because the accurate count of the
    search result is not the main target for
    search engine.
    If we need the accurate number of some specific type of files, we can use the
    SharePoint search APIs to get the
    search result, and this is same as the result from web part.
    Or you can set the query to include the duplicates.
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Change default setting for search highlight?

    Is it possible to keep the highlight feature in the search (RH 7) enabled, but change the default for the Highlight search results box to be unchecked?

    If you enable highlighting, the box the end user has is selected by default and you cannot change that. If you want that option added in a future version, submit a feature request.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Incorrect Search Results

    We have a PDF file of 1 page created through SAP (ERP Application). The PDF has a name "AD" which is displayed and printed. When we search the PDF using search option for name "ZZ", it gives the search results by selecting name "AD". Also, the PDF is sent to Blackberry device of "AD" with details of "ZZ".
    This is similar to mirror image but I have no idea as to how to view this.

    Hi Martynenko,
    I understand that the results count is incorrect in SharePoint Search Results web part.
    It is by design that the number on search result web part is a very rough number related to the mechanism within search engine.
    It is not accurate because the accurate count of the
    search result is not the main target for
    search engine.
    If we need the accurate number of some specific type of files, we can use the
    SharePoint search APIs to get the
    search result, and this is same as the result from web part.
    Or you can set the query to include the duplicates.
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Case-insensitive Search-Highlighting doesn't work..

    I've got a poblem using the character-highlighting in report regions...
    There are some html-tags in the searched data, perhaps this can cause some problems?
    They work, but they don't highlight case-insensitive...
    Where could be the error?
    Message was edited by:

    Lucky enough the forum itself works again ;)
    Keep cool, otherwise they "improve" again the forum and it will be down for a whole week!
    In any case, this kind of posts should be directed to the Members Feedback forum... (Community Feedback (No Product Questions)

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