Infinite loop when using the set language context API(This would be useful for f

Hi below is the code when execute goes into the infinite loop
Can any body throw light on this...
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure draw_custom_login_page
site2pstoretoken in varchar2 default null
,p_error_code in varchar2 default null
,ssousername in varchar2 default null
,p_cancel_url in varchar2 default null
,p_submit_url in varchar2 default null
var_bannergif                          varchar2(80);
var_bannertitle                     varchar2(4000);
var_bannerinfo                     varchar2(4000);
var_linkname                          varchar2(4000);
var_loginuser                     varchar2(4000);
var_loginpwd                     varchar2(4000);
var_loginbuttton                     varchar2(4000);
var_listlangcaption                    varchar2(4000);
var_optioneng                         varchar2(4000);
var_optionspanish                    varchar2(4000);
var_optionfrench                varchar2(4000);
p_nls_language                varchar2(5);
l_url                                   varchar2(4000);
l_language                               varchar(2000);
ex                                         exception;
     -- for setting the browser language
                    --if (owa_cookie.get('NLS_LANGUAGE').vals.count = 0) then
               -- if persistent NLS cookie is not found
               -- get the preferred browser language from environment
               --l_language := substr(wwctx_api.get_http_accept_language,0,2);
                    --end if;
                              l_language := substr(wwctx_api.get_http_accept_language,0,2);
                              l_url :='portal30_sso.draw_custom_login_page';
                              if (owa_cookie.get('NLS_LANGUAGE').vals.count = 0) then
                                   -- set portal language and redirect instead of just redirect
                                   wwctx_app_language.set_language(p_http_language =>
                                                  l_language,p_nls_language => wwnls_api.http_to_nls(l_language),
                                   p_nls_territory => wwnls_api.territory_from_http_language(l_language),p_requested_url => l_url);
                    end if;
     when others then
               htp.p('Error Occurred');
     ----up to here
--for retrieving the NLS Language Equivalents
     var_bannergif                := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uitext','banner_gif',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_bannertitle                := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uitext','banner_message',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_bannerinfo                    := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uitext','banner_info',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_linkname                    := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uilink','link_name',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_loginuser                    := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uilogin','login_name',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_loginpwd                    := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uilogin','login_password',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_loginbuttton                := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uilogin','login_button',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     --for filling up the list box
     var_listlangcaption          := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_listlang','listlang_caption',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_optioneng                    := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_listlang','listlang_optioneng',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_optionspanish               := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_listlang','listlang_optionspan',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_optionfrench           := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_listlang','listlang_optionfrench',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
--Up to here
htp.p('<META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type>');
htp.p('<STYLE>.bodytext {COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; fontFamily: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica}');
htp.p('.header1 {');
     htp.p('FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; fontFamily: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica');
     htp.p('.large {');
          htp.p('FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 18pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; fontFamily: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica}');
     htp.p('.small {');
          htp.p('FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; fontFamily: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica');
     htp.p('<BODY leftMargin=0 topMargin=0 MarginWidth="0" MarginHeight="0"> ');
     htp.p('<TABLE background="/images/h_wave.gif" border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="100%">');
htp.p('<TD height=36>  </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>');
     htp.p('<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=7 cellSpacing=0 width="100%">');
htp.p('<TD height=36><IMG alt="" border=0 height=45 width=140 src="/images/'||var_bannergif||'"></TD>');
     htp.p('<TD height=36 align=right valign=top>');
     htp.p('<form name="cbs_language_select" action="PORTAL30_SSO.wwctx_app_language.set_language" method="POST">');
     htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_http_language" value="">');
htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_nls_territory" value="">');
htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_requested_url" value="portal30_sso.draw_custom_login_page">');
     htp.p('<select name=p_nls_language value="null" onChange="javascript:fn_cbs_lang_submit(p_nls_language)">');
     htp.p('<option selected>'||var_listlangcaption||'</option>');
     htp.p('<option value="us">'||var_optioneng||'</option>');
     htp.p('<option value="e">'||var_optionspanish||'</option>');
     htp.p('<option value="f">'||var_optionfrench||'</option>');
     htp.p('</TD> ');
     --htp.p('<DIV align=center>');
     htp.p('<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=6 width=100%>');
     htp.p('<TD border=0 width=30%> </TD>');
     htp.p('<TD width=50%><span class=large>'||var_bannertitle||'</span>');
          htp.p('<P class=bodytext>'||var_bannerinfo||'<P>');
     --htp.p('Oracle''s financial applications to leverage the power of a single');
     --htp.p('integrated database with common data standards and core processes. This');
     --htp.p('tool empowers employees at their desktops, enabling them to requisition');
     --htp.p('goods and services, as well as pay bills and personal expenses online via');
     --htp.p('a Web browser.');
     htp.p('<P align=center><A');
     --htp.p('<TD class=bodytext height=25>  </TD>');
     htp.p('<TD width=20% valign=top align=right >');
                    htp.p('<TABLE cellpadding=5 BGCOLOR="#F2F2F2"');
                    htp.p('<TR><TD align=right>');
                    htp.p('<p class=small><b>'||var_loginuser||'</b> <input class=small type=text size=15 name=user value="">');
                    htp.p('<P class=small><b>'||var_loginpwd||'</b> <input class=small type=password size=15 name=password value="">');
                    htp.p('<TR><TD align=right>');
                    htp.p('<input class=small type=button size=15 name=cmd_login value='||var_loginbuttton||'>');
          htp.p('<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>');
                         htp.p('var l_http_language = new Array()');
                         htp.p('var l_nls_territory = new Array()');
                    htp.p('l_http_language[1] = "en"');
                    htp.p('l_nls_territory[1] = "AMERICA"');
                    htp.p('l_http_language[2] = "fr"');
                    htp.p('l_nls_territory[2] = "FRANCE"');
                    htp.p('l_http_language[3] = "de"');
                    htp.p('l_nls_territory[3] = "GERMANY"');
                    htp.p('l_http_language[4] = "ja"');
                    htp.p('l_nls_territory[4] = "JAPAN"');
                    htp.p('l_http_language[5] = "es"');
                    htp.p('l_nls_territory[5] = "SPANISH"');
                                             htp.p('function fn_cbs_lang_submit(field){');
                                                            --htp.p('alert (document.cbs_language_select.p_http_language.value)');
                                                  htp.p('if ( field.selectedIndex != 0 )');
                                                  htp.p('document.cbs_language_select.p_http_language.value = l_http_language[field.selectedIndex]');
                                                            htp.p('document.cbs_language_select.p_nls_territory.value = l_nls_territory[field.selectedIndex]');
          exception when others then

Hi below is the code when execute goes into the infinite loop
Can any body throw light on this...
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure draw_custom_login_page
site2pstoretoken in varchar2 default null
,p_error_code in varchar2 default null
,ssousername in varchar2 default null
,p_cancel_url in varchar2 default null
,p_submit_url in varchar2 default null
var_bannergif                          varchar2(80);
var_bannertitle                     varchar2(4000);
var_bannerinfo                     varchar2(4000);
var_linkname                          varchar2(4000);
var_loginuser                     varchar2(4000);
var_loginpwd                     varchar2(4000);
var_loginbuttton                     varchar2(4000);
var_listlangcaption                    varchar2(4000);
var_optioneng                         varchar2(4000);
var_optionspanish                    varchar2(4000);
var_optionfrench                varchar2(4000);
p_nls_language                varchar2(5);
l_url                                   varchar2(4000);
l_language                               varchar(2000);
ex                                         exception;
     -- for setting the browser language
                    --if (owa_cookie.get('NLS_LANGUAGE').vals.count = 0) then
               -- if persistent NLS cookie is not found
               -- get the preferred browser language from environment
               --l_language := substr(wwctx_api.get_http_accept_language,0,2);
                    --end if;
                              l_language := substr(wwctx_api.get_http_accept_language,0,2);
                              l_url :='portal30_sso.draw_custom_login_page';
                              if (owa_cookie.get('NLS_LANGUAGE').vals.count = 0) then
                                   -- set portal language and redirect instead of just redirect
                                   wwctx_app_language.set_language(p_http_language =>
                                                  l_language,p_nls_language => wwnls_api.http_to_nls(l_language),
                                   p_nls_territory => wwnls_api.territory_from_http_language(l_language),p_requested_url => l_url);
                    end if;
     when others then
               htp.p('Error Occurred');
     ----up to here
--for retrieving the NLS Language Equivalents
     var_bannergif                := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uitext','banner_gif',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_bannertitle                := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uitext','banner_message',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_bannerinfo                    := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uitext','banner_info',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_linkname                    := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uilink','link_name',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_loginuser                    := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uilogin','login_name',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_loginpwd                    := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uilogin','login_password',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_loginbuttton                := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_uilogin','login_button',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     --for filling up the list box
     var_listlangcaption          := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_listlang','listlang_caption',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_optioneng                    := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_listlang','listlang_optioneng',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_optionspanish               := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_listlang','listlang_optionspan',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
     var_optionfrench           := portal30.wwnls_api.get_string('CBS','banner_listlang','listlang_optionfrench',wwctx_api.get_nls_language);
--Up to here
htp.p('<META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type>');
htp.p('<STYLE>.bodytext {COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; fontFamily: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica}');
htp.p('.header1 {');
     htp.p('FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; fontFamily: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica');
     htp.p('.large {');
          htp.p('FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 18pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; fontFamily: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica}');
     htp.p('.small {');
          htp.p('FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; fontFamily: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica');
     htp.p('<BODY leftMargin=0 topMargin=0 MarginWidth="0" MarginHeight="0"> ');
     htp.p('<TABLE background="/images/h_wave.gif" border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="100%">');
htp.p('<TD height=36>  </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>');
     htp.p('<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=7 cellSpacing=0 width="100%">');
htp.p('<TD height=36><IMG alt="" border=0 height=45 width=140 src="/images/'||var_bannergif||'"></TD>');
     htp.p('<TD height=36 align=right valign=top>');
     htp.p('<form name="cbs_language_select" action="PORTAL30_SSO.wwctx_app_language.set_language" method="POST">');
     htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_http_language" value="">');
htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_nls_territory" value="">');
htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_requested_url" value="portal30_sso.draw_custom_login_page">');
     htp.p('<select name=p_nls_language value="null" onChange="javascript:fn_cbs_lang_submit(p_nls_language)">');
     htp.p('<option selected>'||var_listlangcaption||'</option>');
     htp.p('<option value="us">'||var_optioneng||'</option>');
     htp.p('<option value="e">'||var_optionspanish||'</option>');
     htp.p('<option value="f">'||var_optionfrench||'</option>');
     htp.p('</TD> ');
     --htp.p('<DIV align=center>');
     htp.p('<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=6 width=100%>');
     htp.p('<TD border=0 width=30%> </TD>');
     htp.p('<TD width=50%><span class=large>'||var_bannertitle||'</span>');
          htp.p('<P class=bodytext>'||var_bannerinfo||'<P>');
     --htp.p('Oracle''s financial applications to leverage the power of a single');
     --htp.p('integrated database with common data standards and core processes. This');
     --htp.p('tool empowers employees at their desktops, enabling them to requisition');
     --htp.p('goods and services, as well as pay bills and personal expenses online via');
     --htp.p('a Web browser.');
     htp.p('<P align=center><A');
     --htp.p('<TD class=bodytext height=25>  </TD>');
     htp.p('<TD width=20% valign=top align=right >');
                    htp.p('<TABLE cellpadding=5 BGCOLOR="#F2F2F2"');
                    htp.p('<TR><TD align=right>');
                    htp.p('<p class=small><b>'||var_loginuser||'</b> <input class=small type=text size=15 name=user value="">');
                    htp.p('<P class=small><b>'||var_loginpwd||'</b> <input class=small type=password size=15 name=password value="">');
                    htp.p('<TR><TD align=right>');
                    htp.p('<input class=small type=button size=15 name=cmd_login value='||var_loginbuttton||'>');
          htp.p('<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>');
                         htp.p('var l_http_language = new Array()');
                         htp.p('var l_nls_territory = new Array()');
                    htp.p('l_http_language[1] = "en"');
                    htp.p('l_nls_territory[1] = "AMERICA"');
                    htp.p('l_http_language[2] = "fr"');
                    htp.p('l_nls_territory[2] = "FRANCE"');
                    htp.p('l_http_language[3] = "de"');
                    htp.p('l_nls_territory[3] = "GERMANY"');
                    htp.p('l_http_language[4] = "ja"');
                    htp.p('l_nls_territory[4] = "JAPAN"');
                    htp.p('l_http_language[5] = "es"');
                    htp.p('l_nls_territory[5] = "SPANISH"');
                                             htp.p('function fn_cbs_lang_submit(field){');
                                                            --htp.p('alert (document.cbs_language_select.p_http_language.value)');
                                                  htp.p('if ( field.selectedIndex != 0 )');
                                                  htp.p('document.cbs_language_select.p_http_language.value = l_http_language[field.selectedIndex]');
                                                            htp.p('document.cbs_language_select.p_nls_territory.value = l_nls_territory[field.selectedIndex]');
          exception when others then

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    What are you trying to do? You are adding the textPane to the panel and then overriding the paint() method. The textPane will never be painted if you do this.
    In Swing, you should override the paintComponent() method, not the paint() method. See the Swing tutorial on Painting:
    Don't forget to read the "Working With Graphics" link at the bottom.

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    DarrylBurke wrote:
    mreddy, it's good to see the aliens returned you to Earth, even if it took them 2 years 4 monthslol ...
    to the OP ... you cannot do it ... unless ... you envoke swings or awt and add keylisteners . the only other way to accomplish this is using 3rd party libraries , like Jcurses ...
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    You don't need a session var.
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    we use use set functions on heirarchies with aggregate functions mostly .
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    Page 147,d.bmk
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    public void setfullscreenmode (boolean mode)
    but when try in my application it error and other
    actually i don't know where i should put this code

    i also found the coding it use like
    setFullScreenMode (true);
    but when i apply it error because cannot resolve the symbol.
    my question is which one i should use; declare the
    public void setFullScreenMode (boolean mode);
    first or use
    setFullScreenMode (true) ;
    or other way ..what i need to do to use setFullScreenMode

  • I am using the wrong language to access a secure website. How can I change it to English?

    I am trying to access my university account from a computer in Germany and while I can access some features, such as e-mail, it is not allowing me access to my secure faculty account. The message I am getting is that I am using the wrong language, i.e. German, to access my account. How can I change the language to English, since the computer automatically uses German.

    Put the link of the website into Google translate at [|en|], then click the translate button. You will then get a link on the right hand side of the page which will take you to a translated version of the page.

  • I have a iphone 5 and I can login with my apple id to purchase music. However, when I try to login into icloud using the very same username and password that I use in the apple store it does not work to enter icloud, so what what gives???

    I have a iphone 5 and I can login with my apple id to purchase music. However, when I try to login into icloud using the very same username and password that I use in the apple store it does not work to enter icloud, so what what gives???

    I could do that, however when I select the icloud button (or whatever the heck it is) I am asked to enter the apple id and password. So if you are suppose to create another one for icloud you'd think it would give you the option at this point which would be logical.

  • Is there a way to transfer or copy all my apps to another iPad with a different account? I was required in my job to use the one at work, but I would like to also see my current set ups and apps as in my personal one. Thank you so much!

    Is there a way to transfer or copy all my apps to another iPad with a different account? I was required in my job to use the one at work, but I would like to also see my current set ups and apps as in my personal one. Thank you so much!

    What I suggest is that you try to pair your apple ID with you company ipad and see if it works.
    Here is why::
    I believe that the Apple rules let you. They are something like:
    -- for a shared iDevice, you may put the app on one device
    -- for a device you use exclisively, you may put the app on five (or some number) of iDevices
    I'm not lawyer, so how you interpred this is a question.
    Now, you need to figure out how to do this.
    In the past at least, apple used this terminalogy.
        Layered. combines personal & institution.
    It depends on how your company has configured the iPad.
    I have read where you can have upto three apple id per device.

  • I had set my phone to use the pattern screen lock but now it is asking for a PIN.

    I had set my phone to use the pattern screen lock but now it is asking for a PIN.
    I turned my phone on this morning and instead of the pattern lock that I've been using with this phone since I purchased it, it is now asking for a PIN that I do not know.
    I contacted Samsung but they told me that my carrier would be able to reset the PIN for me remotely. I've been trying to find a way to chat with Verizon support but it keeps sending me to self help troubleshooting. It was so easy to get a live person on Samsung support, how do I get a real person on Verizon?

    Thanks deb2too, I'll keep the number for future reference. I was able to unlock the phone via

  • I have been having a issue with getting the colors on my monitor to match the colors fro my print lab. I now have the monitor calibrated to match the prints but when I open elements it doesn't use the same colors. If i have it use the calibrated profile b

    I have been having a issue with getting the colors on my monitor to match the colors fro my print lab. I now have the monitor calibrated to match the prints but when I open elements it doesn't use the same colors. If i have it use the calibrated profile by changing the color management settings, the color picker no longer shows true white or black. How do I get elements 12 to honor the new calibrated settings?

    Ok so I've done what you said and this is what it's come back ....
    I don't know that these are the errors , but they're the things which don't look right ...
    Throughout the shut down there is a recurring line ;
    It says ; 1 0x100600e70.anonymous.unmount 301 PID still valid
    Then there are 2 more which I think are related ; 29 PID job has I overstayed its welcome , forcing removal.
    Then the same with fseventd 48 and diskarbitrationd 13
    Oh and on Launchd1 : System : stray anonymous job at shut down : PID 301 PPID13 PGID 13 unmount...
    Then the last process says "about to call: reboot (RB_AUTOBOOT).
    And stops ...
    Hope this means something to you ... Thanks again for your help so far :-)

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