Install Tiger on G3 Powerbook.

I work for Sprint and want to install an aircard on my customer's G3 Powerbook. The Aircard requires 10.4 (we're at 10.3.9 now).
I have my old Tiger disks; the four set CD type. When I run Disk 1, it starts as normal, asks me to restart, but logs in to OSX as normal (without continuing installation).
This is for an old lady; buying another version of this update is not an option. If that's the only way, we'll give up. But I don't see why my old Tiger CD's wouldn't work.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, mac people!!!

Hi Vincent_L!
'I have my old Tiger disks; the four set CD type."
As the Full Retail Version, of the Tiger Install DVD, is on a DVD, they may be Model Specific, unless you used the Tiger Media Exchange Program to exchange for CDs, or purchased a set LIKE THIS.
If the discs were shipped as a pre-installed system, on another model of Mac, they are model specific, and probably won't work.
Additional info in these links.
Using OS X Install CDs/DVDs On Multiple Macs
What's A Computer Specific Mac OS X Release
Software Update, Upgrade: What's The Difference?
ali b

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    By "doing the reset button thing" you likely restored the Airport Express to its default settings - which includes enabling its built in router. When that happens, you lose access to network resources on your home LAN that that Airport Express is also connected to.
    To fix this problem - run the Airport Admin Utility. Select your Airport Express, click to Configure. Click on the Network tab. Uncheck the setting to "Distribute IP addresses". Update settings to the Airport Express. Finally, restart all wireless computers. That should solve your problem.

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    PowerMac G4 733   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hi Allan,
    Thanks for your reply. In answer to your questions, yes - it's a proper version of Tiger (bought from Apple the moment it was released).
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    BomFileError 2: No such file or directory - ./System/Library/Essentials/NVDANV30Hal.kext/Contents/MacOS/NVDVNV30Hal
    Install failed.
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    The only way to definitely check the DVDs is to use them on another machine and see if you can install the SW there. Hook up an external FWHD to the iMac and give it a go. As for HW problems, run the Apple Hardware Test that came with the PB. Very strange problem. If the PB is still under warranty, maybe it's time to consider returning it or taking it into an Apple store (if one's close by).

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    Powerbook G4 Titanium   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    I don't know about the external monitor, but you can install OSX on any Firewire disk.
    To boot from that blind Mac, plug in the blind Mac to a working Mac with a Firewire cable. Boot the blind Mac holding the "t" key down (for Target). The blind machine's hard disk should appear in the other Mac's mounted disk list. Proceed to install on the Firewire mounted disk.
    Once that is done, boot from the blind Mac's hard disk and finish the setup. To do this, start it up while holding down the "t" key. Shut down other Mac and hold down the option key while starting. The "Restart" menu item may not work here, so you may need to completely shut down and start from the power button.
    Now you see the screen to choose what disk to boot from. Boot from the blind disk and your working Mac will be running from the blind Mac's hard disk and you can set it up for remote login, etc.

  • Can I install Tiger on my G4 Powerbook?

    Is it possible to install Tiger on my G4 Powerbook?
    I wanted to buy it from apple, but to be sure I tried to install my friends version of Tiger.
    Then my mac told me: "tiger could not be installed on this computer."
    What do I do?

    Yes, Tiger can be installed on your computer. However, to install Tiger you need to do some prep and make some decisions. Prep:
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now shutdown the computer for a couple of minutes and then restart normally.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger) and/or TechTool Pro (4.5.2 for Tiger) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    Read Checklist
    Tiger Installation Checklist.

  • Already searched - Want to install Tiger on G3 Tower THROUGH G4 PowerBook

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    Have anyone successfully used FireWire cables (or ethernet cable) between a G4 PowerBook and a G3 Tower and successfully installed Tiger from the DVD drive on the PowerBook onto a G3 Tower?
    No I don't want to buy an external DVD drive for this if I can do it as above.
    Thanks in advance.

    Here's an update, should anyone care.
    I've installed a 40GB hard drive in my G3 Tower along side my 6GB drive. I then used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone my 6gb drive onto my 40gb drive. Thankfully it uses the whole drive instead of just creating a 6gb partition. Anyway, so now I've booted from the new drive which has 33gb free.
    With my G3 Tower booted up I inserted my Tiger (family pack) DVD into my G4 800mhz PowerBook then rebooted and put it into Target mode by holding down the T key when booting it up. Note that the two computers were connected by a FireWire cable.
    The G3 Tower can see my PowerBook but it can't see the PowerBook's DVD drive. I was able to confirm this on the internet that Target mode will only allow another computer to view internal hard drives.
    I then tried to copy the Tiger DVD to my PowerBook's hard drive. I get a message that it can't because there are folders with permission rights that don't allow this. Maybe I'll have to get the CDs for Tiger after all. But I'd still like to do this without having to. If nothing else I might actually learn something (more).

  • Installing Tiger on Powerbook G4's new hard drive

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         So, it seems logical that I could take the .pkg update and drop it into the Target Disk Hard Drive showing up on the desktop.  Or, maybe open the hard drive symbol and drop the update into it.  After searching the Support Communities all day today, I cannot find a discussion along these lines, so here I am.  Can anyone help on this?

    2) If you look at the updater you will see it is likely only a few tens if maybe 100 MB, a full Tiger OS is several GB (it originally came on multiples CDs).
    1) I'm not 100% clear on your resources.  If your USB backup was created by cloning you could start the PB in Target mode so it appears on your iMac as an external hard drive, then clone the USB to the PB.  Here's some information:
    How To: Installing Tiger Using FireWire Target Disk Mode - r_using_firewire_target_disk_mode/
    How to use FireWire target disk mode - - includes description of hardware and software requirements.
    Target Disk Mode - Mac OS X 10.6 Help: Transferring files between two computers using FireWire -
    What to do if your Mac doesn't enter FireWire Target Disk Mode -,  also read about [Open Firmware Password Protection|] which can disable Target Disk Mode.

  • HDD crashed! How to install Tiger onto 867mhz G4 with no DVD drive??

    Hi folks.
    My trusty 867mhz G4 Quicksilver Powermac drive has finally konked out. It was running OS 9.2.2 before. Now I want to install Tiger as the OS.
    Having only a CD drive (nope, can't read or write DVD's), how do I proceed to install Tiger (I have the original install disk) onto the brand new blank hard drive?
    Possible tools that I have:
    1) last generation 1.67mhz G4 powerbook
    2) dual 2.5ghz G5 powermac
    3) Lacie external firewire DVD drive
    Things I have tried:
    1) hold down "c" while starting up the Quicksilver with the Lacie DVD drive hooked up to it, hoping I can start up from the optical drive, which contains the Tiger install disk. Result: blank white screen that goes nowhere. Found out that the Lacie needs at least 10.3.9 to run.
    I'm out of ideas.
    Can someone tell me the right way to do this?

    Thanks guys.
    Didn't sleep at all last night, BUT, I did it!
    1) Set the Quicksilver as a firewire target disk hooked up to my G4 1.67GHZ Powerbook. Result = frozen blue screen.
    3) Set the Quicksilver as a firewire target disk hooked up to my dual 2.5GHZ G5 Power Mac. Result = frozen blue screen
    So that got me thinking, the common thing about the Powerbook and Power Mac is that they both run Leopard. It makes sense to me that computers that already have Leopard installed will probably not run a Tiger installer.
    So, I whip out the oldest and slowest computer I have, which is an old 550MHZ Titanium Powerbook, complete with 1 broken hinge, flickering screen and peeled paint. It runs Tiger. I set the Quicksilver as a firewire target disk hooked up to the Titanium Powerbook.
    Voila! It works like a charm!
    So for anyone facing the same problem, one of the possibilities is: you can do it with the computer set as a firewire target disk hooked up to another computer running nothing newer than Tiger.
    Thanks again for your help guys!

  • Installing Tiger and classic on an external drive

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    Any suggestions??

    Well...I posted here cause I have leopard on the machine, and thought it was related.
    anyhow..I have a Powerbook G4 1.5 Ghz.
    I thought for sure I had booted from the Tiger retail DVD before. I guess i'll need to look for my Powerbook discs (wish me luck).

  • I need to re-install Tiger:  Will I lose my installed applications?

    I somehow lost isync and I was told that I need to re-install Tiger. What I'm worried about is whether I will lose all the applications I have installed in the appz folder, such as FCP, Entourage with all the info I have in there, including projects, thousands of mails and so forth. I know I have to back-up, but last time I backed up a project and then imported it again, I lost all the categories on events, etc and I am using those categories as a database of sorts. Secondly I don't have the all the programmes I have installed on my MAC at the moment because I'm abroad. Will I lose the documents files etc?
    Since I tempered with isync and lost it, the computer is acting strange, I would dare say, like a PC! It freezes (without blue screens), I can't go from one profile to another, especially if I have a programme like FCP open on one, FCP closes down on its own if I go to my other profile whilst I am on FCP and other strange things that never happened before.
    Bottom line, if your uncle, who has a MAC himself asks you to set up his Nokia Communicator on your mac to isync (when isync 2.3 does not recognize his communicator), do not feel compelled to help and try playing around with the root editor if you're not definetly sure you know what you're doing! I screwed up my computer and the end of my year by being nice.
    To recap-- if I re-install Tiger (10.4), will I lose my appz and their preferences and the info I have inside them? How would I back up entourage for example-- all the stuff I have in there at the moment? I am editing a documentary (I am an independent and poor documentary filmmaker) and I don't want to end up losing the sync with the render files I have-- another reason why I don't have the time to actually re-install from scratch!
    Thanks for everything whoever decides to answer my plight and Happy New Year!

    Hi Adrian,
    I have an 800Gb external HD. Would that be the same? (ie backing up my home and applications folders onto the external rather than on his MAC?-- he asked me to sync it on his because he left his up north)
    I will start off by trying to repair it using the first the OSX disk then using disk warrior (even though I have had problems with it since I upgraded to OSX 10.4).
    Then if that does not solve my friggin' problem we'll wait for the gurus.
    I don't know whether this is related but...
    I have been closing my yearly accounts yesterday-- sad prospect for the end of the year and I had created a few years back an XLs document with various sheets that have a lot of equations and links. I also hyperlinked the original receipts scans to the individual expenses on my sheet.
    Now here's what happens. End of the year arrived and I wanted to archive the 2006 workbook to another folder where I keep the yearly accounts documents. When I do that and open the workbook the hyperlinks do not work but if I put it where it was originally they work. Since all my workbooks were created from the same template they all don't work (and I can't remember for the life of me whether the problem had cropped up in the past). If I create a new document in the archiving folder and try a hyperlink it works-- if I move it to the folder where the 2006 accounts workbook was originally, it works too, but if I copy and paste even one of the formulae when the new docu is in the archiving folder or anywhere else, the hyperlink does not work any longer! I move it to the original position and voila` it works! I simply cannot understand why its doing that for me! Is there an explanation for this at all?
    Sorry for the length but wanted to explain move by move what I did.
    Thanks for the help and awaiting your reply (even on the external HD bit)
    Happy New Year.
    powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Does not show my hard drive when i try to install Tiger...

    I have a Powerbook G4 that has no operating system installed yet, so when i try to install Tiger, i have to put the DVD in while booting up. I went to the installing screen, and i agreed to everything and all, but when i got to the part where it asks where to install, my hard drive does not show up. I went to DISK UTILITY and chose to erase the entire hard drive (I dont have anything on it yet) and I also chose to repair it. It didnt have any needed repairs, so I went back to the install screen, and it still didnt show the hard drive as an option. It is a 55.9 GB hard drive, and when i erase it, the size does not change, so I know there is nothing on it yet. In Disk Utility, the details for the Hard drive says it is named CSD CAT060L, it is a Disk, the media type is Generic, and it is Internal. I have tried this many times, but the exact same thing happens. My DVD for Tiger was unopened, and new out of the box. If you need any information about what happens or anything, just ask.
    Thanks a bunch, Eshan.

    Try this:
    1. Boot from your Tiger DVD. After the installer loads select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Set the number of partitions from the dropdown menu (use 1 partition unless you wish to make more.) Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the volume(s) mount on the Desktop.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process will take 30 minutes to an hour or more depending upon the drive size.

  • How do I install Tiger on a G3 iMac via Firewire?

    I want to install Tiger on to my slot loading (CD drive) iMac, via my DVD drive-equipped Powerbook and Firewire.
    But how do I put both computers in Firewire 'target mode' to do this?

    Turn them both off, connect a 6-pin FireWire cable between them.
    Start up the PowerBook (with the mains adapter plugged in) and allow it to complete.
    Insert the installer DVD and restart from the "Install OS X" alias on the DVD, allow to complete restart again.
    Start the iMac with the T key held down and you should get moving FW symbols on it's screen and it's hard drive will mount on the PowerBook.
    Select the iMac's hard drive from the installer and complete install. The system will then reboot to the new install on the iMac.
    Shut down the iMac and the PowerBook, disconnect the cable and reboot both. You may want to hold down the option key on the PowerBook and select it's internal drive as the startup disk. You can do this in system prefs after booting anyway - I've seen this setting get confused on some target installs.
    Good luck!

  • How do I install Tiger without DVD drive?

    How do I install Tiger without DVD drive on a Powerbook?
    My Powerbook had some problems recently, the HDD and the Superdrive where gone. I replaced the HD but can not get Tiger installed here because the DVD drive isn't working. I boot right now from a FW HD. Any Ideas how to install the OS on the internal drive?
    Any ideas would be apreciated.

    See Option 2 in
    <> or Option 1 in
    It has worked for at least one person:
    "Kenichi Watanabe
    Posts: 853
    Registered: 2-Sep-2003
    Re: Using DVD drive in iMac G4 for iMac G3 in Target Disk Mode-->won't read DVD
    Posted: 26-Oct-2006 4:37 PM in response to: AJ Nealey
    Reply Email
    I just tried it between a Power Mac G5 and a PowerBook G3 (Pismo) and it worked. The G5 was Mac in Firewire Target Disk Mode. I started the G5 with the T with no DVD in the drive. I started up the G3, and the G5's hard drive appeared on the G3's desktop. I pushed the eject key (on the G5 keyboard) and the SuperDrive opened. I put in a DVD (the Tiger installation disk) and closed the SuperDrive. The DVD appeared on the G3's desktop. I restarted the G3 with the Option key held down, and the DVD in the G5 appeared as a valid startup choice."

  • Can I install Tiger this way?

    I've just bought a 300mhz Blueberry iBook with 288mb ram on ebay. I want to install Tiger on it. I have a G4 867mhz Powerbook, can I do the following:
    Put a new 40gb drive into the PB
    Install Tiger on it
    Then put the new hd into my new iBook
    I have the full procedure for removing the hd from the iBook (55 steps in and out).

    I'm not totally convinced this is appropriate. Apple doesn't support Tiger on iBook 300MHz. Panther is the highest supported OS. The OS X Installer will tailor an install to a particular machine - the one it's been run on - not sure how much though - so you may find difficulties later.288Mb is also really too small an amount of RAM for Tiger if you want to do anything other than Internet/Office use.
    However, if you do have Tiger Retail you can exchange the DVDs for CDs and use XPostFacto if you're really keen.
    Installing Panther would be much more suitable.

Maybe you are looking for