Install trial software without serial code

Just downloaded CycleLive 30-day trial; can't install as I'm required to have serial code. Any advice?

You are not normally required to have a serial number to use a trial - you get one when you purchase.  You might be reading it wrong asnd should look for an option like "Continue Trial" or something similar.

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    I am happy to report that Lightroom is working without any problems. I cannot say with any certainty what caused the problem initially for all I know it could be just a case of SH's syndrome.
    I took note in your reply about the stability issue, I will pay more attention for now to see if there is a re-occurrence of this or a similar problem and then address it at that time. I would like to mention that I did not loose any photo files or have any files corrupted due to this problem........ so I am thinking more a windows problem as you alluded to in your reply than it being a Lightroom problem.

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    Yes you can run both versions.  As long as you run the proper uninstallation process it should not affect your Creative Suite 5 installation.

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