Installed Java not recognized

I did the Java install bit, including the check to see if the proper flavor was installed for my MacBook Pro. All looked good and I am not aware of anything's not running or presenting properly. Nonetheless, it keeps alerting that Java needs installation. What to do? Thanks

I have the same issue too, kept prompting me.
So I tried to download again, but it says the Java had already been installed.
How to get rid of this?

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    Windows 7 and IE 11 ... I also use Firefox, for business only.
    Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 18:33:18 -0800
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Installed but not recognized
        Re: Installed but not recognized
        created by Mike M in Installing Flash Player - View the full discussion
    What OS?
    What browser?
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    The IPv6 stack for Windows 2000 was a research stack - right? J2SE needs the updated and integrated stack that came with Windows XP SP1 or 2003 Server. See:

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    UPDATE (Just another thought)
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    The problem is solved now.
    On installing Linotype fonts I had the same problem,
    so it could not be on Adobes side.
    Finally it turned out that Dell's graphic drivers for that notebook are malfunctioning.
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    Maybe others have the same problem, they should download the driver 178.08 from the website
    Gerhard Sachs

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      Capacity: 3.22 GB (3224993792 bytes)
      Model: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-868                 
      Revision: KB19   
      Serial Number: dE018A75
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    Have you tried to install without the driver? then install the boot camp drivers after Windows has been installed.

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    Are you launching Pages from an icon in your Dock? Installing the update does not change the Dock icons & it does not remove the older versions. Go to your Applications folder & launch the new Pages from there.

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    3. The other CDs have worked, including the first install disk.
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    1. What is going on?
    2. How do I get my computer to recognize this disk?
    3. Can I work around this problem by copying the installer package files from my G4 (which CAN read the CD) to the iBook (which gags on the CD)?
    4. Are there any other suggestions?

    I tried creating a disk image to copy the second install disk as you suggested, but about halfway through the process, I got this error message:
    "Stop. Input/Output Error"
    Does this confirm that the disk itself is corrupt? I followed the step-by-step instructions on the Apple support pages, just to be sure I did everything right.
    Sooo, if the CD has some problem with it, and yet my G4 can read it (but apparently cannot copy it), I have another question:
    Will I be able to run the installer on my G4 while using the iBook as my Target Disk ? I can't figure out how that would work. (I already have a firewire connection between the two computers.)
    Thanks for your help.

  • Flash players shows as installed but not recognized by adobe web site

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    Hi, What Inofor linked to is helpful. Some users have done this also and that has solved their issues. It sort of depends on what is causing the problem it seems. This came from a couple of other threads that used it. Maybe they didn't have the problems discussed in the link Inofor posted.
    I don’t know if somebody has suggested this or not but what I did to make Flash 10.3 work on my IE9 (32 bit on a 64bit Windows 7) was to click on the gear icon, then click on “internet options”, then “advanced”, then finally uncheck “use software rendering instead of GPU rendering” finally you must close IE9 for the settings to work"

  • Install disc not recognized

    I just put a new hard drive in my MBP 15", and need/want to install Leopard. My Leopard dvd is an upgrade disc, so I have first to install Tiger. However, when I insert my Tiger dvd, I get a flashing dark folder icon with a question mark. Presumably, the start-up info isn't found my Tiger dvd. Any ideas why? I get the same result when I try to start up from a Jaguar cd too. Pete

    Pete N wrote:
    I should add that the Tiger install disc does work on my wife's laptop--at least to the extent that I can start up from the disc, something that I can't do on my computer. I guess it's time to dive back into my computer and make sure that I didn't leave something disconnected...
    After installing the new drive, did you reset the PRAM and NVRAM?
    It's a remote possibility since you can't boot from the CDs, but worth a try.
    It's also possible that your optical drive is either bad, or as you suggest, may have a cable improperly attached.
    An improperly attached cable could also prevent the system from booting normally.
    When it boots, do you hear the normal chimes, indicating the system passsed the POST? If not, the chime count will tell you what might be wrong.
    Another test would be to see if you can boot into an external drive.

  • Leopard install is not recognizing my current OS

    Hello I am trying to install OS X v10.5 Leopard and it keeps telling me it cannot be upgraded.It also says OS X v10.4 or later could not be found on my iMac,which I have v10.4.10.Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?Thanks

    Mine installed fine choosing the "Upgrade" option. Then all the problems started. It took my iBook 15 minutes to start up. Lucky, I backed up everything before the upgrade. I zeroed data, and installed a fresh copy of Leopard, and reloaded my files. Now its been problem free, and is slightly faster than Tiger.
    I think it might be worth while to skip the upgrade, and at the very least do a clean install.
    Good Luck!

  • Tiger install DVD not recognized by G5

    Well, this one really takes the cake. I have a G5 single processor. It has a drive that supposedly will read and write both CDs and DVDs, as confirmed by Apple System Profiler. It presently is on OS X 10.3.9 (Build 7W98). The original install disks were 10.3.5.
    I just bought a Tiger 10.4 installation disk, which is actually a DVD disk. While the computer was running on 10.3.9, I inserted the Tiger installation disk per instructions. It never appeared on the desktop or finder windows. Eventually, it ejected by itself.
    I then tried to boot from the installation DVD, holding down the C key. It would not boot. It eventually ejected by itself, and the computer booted from the internal hard drive.
    I tried all the usual steps. I cleaned the DVD. I restarted the computer holding down control-s, and then ran /sbin/fsck. It said the drive is ok. I then booted from my DiskWarrior CD, and rebuilt the disk directory on the internal hard drive. Upon restarting with the internal hard drive, same result. The computer simply will not recognize the DVD at all. Yet, I put it in another Mac computer, and it did appear on the desktop (though I did not install there).
    I assumed that if there was one thing that could be counted on to boot up the computer, it would be an OS X install disk. My assumption was wrong. Yet, I can boot the computer in 10.3.9.
    Here is some more info from System Profiler:
    Machine Model: Power Mac G5
    CPU Type: PowerPC G5 (3.0)
    Number Of CPUs: 1
    CPU Speed: 1.8 GHz
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
    Memory: 512 MB
    Bus Speed: 600 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: 5.2.2f1
    ATA-6 Bus:
    Vendor ID: 0x106b
    Device ID: 0x0050
    Revision ID: 0x0000
    HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GWA-4082B:
    Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
    Model: HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GWA-4082B
    Revision: C039
    Serial Number: K2C45JI3935
    Drive Type: CD-RW/DVD-RW
    Disc Burning: Apple Supported/Shipped
    Removable Media: Yes
    Detachable Drive: No
    Protocol: ATAPI
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Internal
    System Software Overview:
    System Version: Mac OS X 10.3.9 (7W98)
    Kernel Version: Darwin 7.9.0
    Boot Volume: Mac G5 HD
    Computer Name: G5 Computer
    All I want to know is how to make the computer recognize the DVD so I can install the system update.
    Jim Lawrence
    G5 1.8, single processor    

    I solved my own problem! On the Tiger page there is a link to if your install disk suddenly ejects. I followed their instructions to update my firmware for the DVD drive, and it worked.

  • Flash Player installed but not recognized

    I have been prompted to install Flash Player 11 on Amazon.  I attempted to install it from your website.  After following all instructions, it says that Flash Player 11 was successfully installed.  However, when I go back to Amazon (or any other site that plays video) it says that I need Flash Player 11 as if I never installed it!  I tried uninstalling Flash Player using your uninstall function from your website, then attempted to install Flash Player again with the same results:  it says that Flash Player was installed correctly, but nothing seems to recognize it when I try to play video.  Please help!

    Could you try the steps outlined in the FAQs below to see if they help?
    Enabling Flash Player in Internet Explorer  
    ActiveX Filtering in Internet Explorer

  • Update installed but not recognized

    I have a numeric  alert (1)  for an update in App store. For Aperture.
    Yet the information stated I have Installed it. It is greyed out.
    I can't get rid of this annoying notification. I sign out/in.
    restart Mac.
    open close Aperture.
    but it persists.

    This is an annoying and regularly arising nuisance.   It really is time Apple did something about it.
    I've mislaid the thread link but Dah*veed wrote recently to offer the following solution.    Hope he won't mind me repeating it.
    'You could try reindexing your HDD.   The MAS uses the Spotlight indexing in determining what apps need updating.   Go to Systems Preferences / Spotlight/ Privacy; add your Hdd to the list then remove it from the list.   Spotlight will then reindex your HDD.'

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