Installing applications on Mac

I've installed Firefox browser on my G4 ibook. At least I thought I had. It's on the computer, but I just don't know where exactly, it's not in the applications folder, and I'm not that familiar with the whole Mac setup to know where it went. I used Finder but I couldn't really see where it was. I used it right when I installed it so it seems to be working, it's just not in the right place. How can I fix this?
Secondly I've got to re-install Appleworks on the same computer. I tried updating it and that didn't work, it says that the file is corrupted, how that happened I don't know. I'm used to using Windows, how do I "uninstall" that application before I re-install it from CD?
Thanks for any help

Hi Damon:
If you were using a non-admin account when you installed FireFox, then it's probably in the Users/username/Applications folder. This can cause much confusion in some programs, so it's best to install all programs with the admin account.
Although I have yet to use it, there are a lot of fans around the forum of Pacifist, an OSX utility used to install and uninstall applications. Check it out:
Hope this helps.

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    Applications either include their own installer or are provided and downloaded via a disk image.
    If an application includes an installer, you will be prompted for your admin password after double-clicking on the downloaded and then provided prompts such as where you want to install the application, etc.
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