Institutional Adobe Story

First let me say that Story is galactically awesome.
I'm a student in a vocational film program at Salt Lake Community College in Utah.  Our program is rapidly growing, and the department is in the process of switching from Final Cut Studio to Adobe products.  Consequently, I've been experimenting with Story and have already found it immensely helpful, and I have been trying to prod the faculty into exploring it further.  We currently use celtx, which is great, but I am curious as to the possible future for institutional lisence setups after this April 12th change.  I will likely pay any subscription fee, as I am in the process of building the resources for a small production company, but I would like to see future students learning on high quality tools so that the program produces people I want to work with.
Is there info in regards to this online already that I missed?  Is there anything in the works for this?  Does Adobe want to pay me to be a local rep?  Is Decakrd a replicant?  All questions I need answered!

Thank you for your kind words. Sebastian DeStefano is managing all educational sales for Story and might be the best person to speak with you.
Can you email us your email Id at adobestory at adobe so that I can introduce you to him?
Anubhav Rohatgi
Sr. Product Manager

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  • How to connect to Adobe Story?

    I work in a university environment. We recently installed Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection. I would really like to use Adobe Story as a scriptwriting and production tool, but whenever I try to open it and set it up, I get the following error message: "Failed to connect to services. Do you want to connect in offline mode?". I'm wondering whether this is an issue connected with the security around the university's system. Story looks like an ideal application for us, but unless I can get it working, I will have to use an alternative product. This is a pity, as we are very happy with our other Adobe Products.

    With the transition to a paid service the Story CS 5.5 application will not allow to you work collaboratively. We are keen to enable educational institute’s use of Adobe Story Plus and would be happy to talk to you about this further.
    Can you email me at adbestry at adobe dot com so that we can have our education business development manager get in touch with you?
    Anubhav Rohatgi
    Sr. Product Manager

  • Adobe story stuck at "ST STORY" and is not loading

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    can load in, but when hit get started the screen has "ST ADOBE STORY" and a orange bar like it is loading, but does nothing else.
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    - First update the flash player plugin ( )
      and then make sure that your browser is able to display flash content. To check this you can visit this site: Adobe - Flash Player
      Here you should be able to observe the 'Version Information' box.
    Now visit Adobe Story again in the browser and login.
    The 'St Adobe Story' animation page is a place-holder page while browser is downloading the Adobe Story application in the background. (application is of nearly 3 MB in size)
    - If you are still stuck on that page after few minutes then you can try the following to make sure that this is not an issue related to cache/cookies.
       - Open New Private Browsing Window of the browser ( In Chrome the option is 'New Incognito Window' )
       - Visit Adobe Story in that window, login and wait few minutes for application to load.
       - If you are able to login in this window then please clear your browser's cache and cookies (How do I clear my web browser's cache, cookies, and history?)
    - If it is still stuck, then please try to update your browser. ( or may be install a new browser, say firefox, and try on that one )

  • Adobe Story Script integration with Premiere Pro Doesnt allow me to embed the script

    Goal:  Embed an Adobe Story Script into Premiere Pro. (mac)
    Method:  I have a video with a verbatim transcript.
    I inport the transcript into Adobe Story and save it in the proper Adobe Story File extension (.astx)
    I save it to the Adobe cloud and I have also exported it to my desktop.
    I launch Premiere Pro and import the video that I have transcribed.
    The I try one of 3 ways to get the script to the video in PP.
    The first steps are the same as below:
    I go to Adobe Story and log in from within PP.
    I locate the file.
    I add a Scene.
    I make sure the scene is the same as it is within PP
    I drag and drop it onto the Movie file.
    Nothing appears within the Embed Adobe Story Script Meta Data field.
    I click on Analyze and the Embed Adobe Story Script script checkbox remains greyed out (Unable to select it)
    If I click Analyze then PP will analyze the script (does a decent job) but this is NOT what I want.  I want to attach the verbatim script to the video which is why I have it transcribed.
    Right click on the movie file within PP and the contextual menu allows me to attach a script.
    I locate my downloaded .astx file on my Mac and select it.
    Still nothing appears within the Embed Adobe Story Metadata field.
    I have worked with Anand from support who suggested I post this question here.
    I dont know if there are only certain Adobe templates for which this will work (ie TV script, Film etc)
    He suggested that this would most likely work only for the .mov file formats, but then discovered that it should work even for .mp4 files.
    In any case - if anyone has any thoughts, ideas, or has experience with this It would be greatly appreciated.
    17 Views Tags: premiere proContent tagged with premiere pro, adobe story scriptContent tagged with adobe story script, embed adobe story script into premiere proContent tagged with embed adobe story script into premiere pro

    You need to ask in Adobe Story and/or
    The Cloud forum is not about using individual programs
    The Cloud forum is about the Cloud as a delivery & install process
    If you will start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • Where are the Adobe Story app files stored on my computer?

    I can't afford to subscribe (especially to a program I already paid for), but I really need the files that I was working on in Story offlline before the subscription-only lockdown.  I've already talked to tech support who said there's no way I can access the Story AIR application on my PC, but I absolutely need those files, so I will dig through XML or whatever format to get the info I need.
    Please help!

    At the moment I keep getting an error saying "The application could not be installed because the installer file is damaged. Try obtaining a new installer file from the application author".
    I haven't fixed this problem yet though I've tried downloading the AIR3.3 like the other discussions say, though I don't think I even had AIR3.4 on my computer and it was working fine a month or so ago. Having said that I really want the offline files from Adobe Story as well so I can keep working on them whilst I try and fix the above problem. Any help in this area would be appreciated.

  • Why can't I sign in to my Adobe Story?

    I haven't used it in a while, but I have a few scripts in it. I just clicked on a file on my Mac with the extension ".stdoc" and it asked me to download updates in AIR. I downloaded as asked and now I get "Sorry, an error has occurred. The application cannot be installed due to a certificate problem. The certificate does not match the installed application certificate, does not support application upgrades, or is invalid. Please contact the application author."
    When I click on the program "Adobe" in my applications directory, it asks me to download a newer version and then I get the same message.
    How do I open this file with the .stdoc extension? Thank you in advance.

    Sorry for a late reply. The desktop application issue can be resolved by installing the latest version.
    - first please remove the existing Adobe Story app from your system (move it trash and please remove it from trash too)
    - then sign into, go to its home page and click on 'Install desktop application'
    (or you can download the installer directly from , and then double click on the downloaded file to install it.)

  • Known Issue while running Adobe Story desktop application for the first time on Mac OS 10.8

    You may encounter the following error message while running the Adobe Story desktop application for the first time on Mac OS 10.8:
    For resolution, please go to:

    The /Developer directory contains the compiler(s) and various tools and libraries.
    Does your user account name really contain a single quote? If so, it looks like the quote is getting eaten by one of the build scripts, which is resulting in a file path that doesn't exist.

  • Unable to install Adobe Story desktop application.

    Okay, so just as the title says I am having trouble installing Adobe Story for desktop. This is what I have been doing:
    1. Going to the site and clicking install desktop application.
    2. Saying ok to the install.
    3. Then when open and save comes up I have tried both.
    4. Saying that yes I want to install the application.
    5. Then I press continue.
    Then it always says this: The application could not be installed because the installer file is damaged. Try obtaining a new installer file from the application author.
    I have uninstalled Adobe Air then I reinstalled it. It still does not work. Any help would be appreciated.

    Can you mail us the AIR installation log file? It would help us to isolate the cause of this issue.
    You can locate this log file by following the steps mentioned at this link:
    You can then mail us that log file at DL-AdobeStory-support<at>adobe<dot>com

  • Cannot download Adobe Story Desktop Application

    Hello, and thank you in advanced. I'm getting started in writing and was thrilled to find Adobe Story, so much so I upgraded to Adobe Story Plus along with the Creative Cloud. Then, a desktop applocation? The one thing that was missing!
    So, when I go to download the Desktop Application I am prompted that I will need to install Adobe Air as well, as it is required for the installation. I have Adobe Air but I hit install anyways. It completes the progress bar and then switches to a dialoge stating: A download error occured. Try to download again?
    In response I try multiple times more. Sometimes it doesn't even complete the progress bar and just skips to the failure notification. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Adobe Air. I've logged in and logged out. I've waited several days between my attempts and I always get the same result.
    If there's anything you guys can do it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

    There is an issue with Adobe AIR installation with Chrome browser.
    Can you please try with some other browser, say firefox/safari
    Adobe Story Team

  • Adobe Story Desktop Application Won't Install

    I just recently subscribed to the Adobe Creative Cloud CS6. I'm really interested in owning the Adobe Story desktop application and have attempted to download it by clicking the Install Desktop Application button. Unfortunately, all attempts have failed.
    Upon clicking the Install button, I receive a pop-up explaining that I have to install Adobe Air for Story to work. If I click Yes, the window will then say the installation has failed and will ask to Retry. If I do this, the error repeats. How can I get this error to stop appearing?
    Please note I have the latest version of Adobe Air already installed on my computer.

    Hi CBWriter,
    Adobe Story went paid in May this year and we have now two flavours of Story - Adobe Story Free and Adobe Story Plus. The Desktop application is available to Adobe Story Plus users who value the offline capability of the product. Adobe Story Free users can continue to use the web version of Adobe Story.
      We have upgraded your account to Adobe Story Plus for one day. Please login to Story and download/install the AIR application so that you can access your offline data and take them online.

  • Unable to install Adobe Story desktop app on OS X

    Hey everyone.  I'm a recent owner of the Retina MacBook Pro and subscriber to Adobe Creative Cloud.
    I'm having trouble installing the Adobe Story desktop app on OS X 10.8.2. When I go to the Story Plus web app and try to install the desktop app, the Air installer says something along the lines of "...the installer is damaged. Request a new installer from the developer."
    Now on my previous MBP, this had never happened, and the app installed the first try. I've tried a multiple times to get this to work, but no avail. I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me get Adobe Story running as a desktop app.
    Also, one more thing: attempting to log in to the Adobe support forums sends me into a redirect loop on my notebook. I ended up having to log into here on my iPad. Not sure if that's a bug or something on my side; thought it I should point it out.
    Anyways, cheers and thanks to anyone who can help.

    I see this link on the Adobe Story forum here Please post here in the Adobe Story forum and they will help resolve your issue.

  • Adobe Story Desktop App - unable to get past login

    This problem is not present on all my home computers or laptops which leads me to believe this will be an issue with my computer.
    On my 2012 iMac I was recently able to launch, login and work inside Adobe Story Desktop. Last night I went to launch the app and installed both the application and Air update, after that I lunched the desktop app and entered my CC login details, however once I do this the 'signing in' popup appears, then disapears and leaves me at the 'learn more' & 'sign in' screen. I can't get past this.
    I have tried uninstalling the desktop app, restarting and reinstalling the app, but this has not solved the problem.
    I have opened Story inside Chrome and Firefox on the same computer and have no problems.
    I also tried using the desktop app on my laptop this morning and it still works, however I decided not to update both the app and Adobe Air as I was worried this was causing my the problem with the desktop app.
    Any help on the matter would be welcomed.

    [Please do not try these steps if you are a free user]
    I am assuming that you have remaned the 'com.adobe.adobestory' folder that is present inside 'ELS' folder and you are still facing this issue.
    If yes, then please try these steps:
    - Quit Adobe Story if it is running.
    - Open Finder.
    - Press Cmd + Shift + G and press enter after pasting this location: ~/Library/Preferences/
    - Open folder 'com.adobe.AdobeStory.**some-random-number**'
    - Open folder 'LocalStore' and rename file 'offlineAccountInfoStorage' to something else, e.g. 'offlineAccountInfoStorage12'
    - Launch Adobe Story and try to login.
    Let me know if these steps workout for you.

  • Adobe Story Script doesn't allow me to embed the script in Premiere Pro

    Adobe Story Script integration with Premiere Pro Doesnt allow me to embed the script
    Goal:  Embed an Adobe Story Script into Premiere Pro. (mac)
    Method:  I have a video with a verbatim transcript.
    I inport the transcript into Adobe Story and save it in the proper Adobe Story File extension (.astx)
    I save it to the Adobe cloud and I have also exported it to my desktop.
    I launch Premiere Pro and import the video that I have transcribed.
    The I try one of 3 ways to get the script to the video in PP.
    The first steps are the same as below:
    I go to Adobe Story and log in from within PP.
    I locate the file.
    I add a Scene.
    I make sure the scene is the same as it is within PP
    I drag and drop it onto the Movie file.
    Nothing appears within the Embed Adobe Story Script Meta Data field.
    I click on Analyze and the Embed Adobe Story Script script checkbox remains greyed out (Unable to select it)
    If I click Analyze then PP will analyze the script (does a decent job) but this is NOT what I want.  I want to attach the verbatim script to the video which is why I have it transcribed.
    Right click on the movie file within PP and the contextual menu allows me to attach a script.
    I locate my downloaded .astx file on my Mac and select it.
    Still nothing appears within the Embed Adobe Story Metadata field.
    I have worked with Anand from support who suggested I post this question here.
    I dont know if there are only certain Adobe templates for which this will work (ie TV script, Film etc)
    He suggested that this would most likely work only for the .mov file formats, but then discovered that it should work even for .mp4 files.
    In any case - if anyone has any thoughts, ideas, or has experience with this It would be greatly appreciated.
    17 Views Tags: premiere proContent tagged with premiere pro, adobe story scriptContent tagged with adobe story script, embed adobe story script into premiere proContent tagged with embed adobe story script into premiere pro

    I'm getting crazy  on this. I'm following the worflow suggested in the video (create a script in Story  with the clip transfer, import the clip to Premier, dragging the script to the clip). The clip has the scene number corresponding to the script.
    Unfortunately, nothing happens. The "attached script" is empty. And if I do the spech analysis it takes a lot of time (about three times as the original video, although I'm trying to suply a literal transcript).
    BTW, what I'm trying to do is to edit the videos from the scripts. I'm working on a documentary, with a lot of footage (30 x 2hs interviews). If I can create the script combining pieces of the inverviews in Story, and then importing it into Premiere. Anybody done something similar?

  • CS5.5 Unattended Installation, Problem with Adobe Story Install

    I am working on a silent installation package of Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection. I used AAMEE to create a silent setup with settings etc.
    This works fine except for one of the extra exceptions. I have troubles installing Adobe Story silently. Here is the the installer logfile
      2012-02-14:11:54:19] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2012-02-14:11:54:19] Commandline is: -silent -eulaAccepted -programMenu AdobeHelp.air
    [2012-02-14:11:54:19] No installed runtime detected
    [2012-02-14:11:54:19] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2012-02-14:11:54:19] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRDD11.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRDD11.tmp -silent -withRuntime -url -programMenu -eulaAccepted file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Common%20Files/enteo/RepositoryCache/50864/rev/1/Exter n$/Data/Exceptions/AdobeHelp/AdobeHelp.air
    [2012-02-14:11:54:19] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2012-02-14:11:54:19] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRDD11.tmp -silent -withRuntime -url -programMenu -eulaAccepted file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Common%20Files/enteo/RepositoryCache/50864/rev/1/Exter n$/Data/Exceptions/AdobeHelp/AdobeHelp.air
    [2012-02-14:11:54:19] No installed runtime detected
    [2012-02-14:11:54:20] Unpackaging file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Common%20Files/enteo/RepositoryCache/50864/rev/1/Exter n$/Data/Exceptions/AdobeHelp/AdobeHelp.air to C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\flaECCA.tmp
    [2012-02-14:11:54:21] Application signature verified
    [2012-02-14:11:54:21] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2012-02-14:11:54:21] Converting unpackaged application to a native installation package in C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF073.tmp
    [2012-02-14:11:54:21] Native installation package creation succeeded
    [2012-02-14:11:54:21] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1 version 3.4.980 to C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe using the source file at file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Common%20Files/enteo/RepositoryCache/50864/rev/1/Exter n$/Data/Exceptions/AdobeHelp/AdobeHelp.air
    [2012-02-14:11:54:21] Installing msi at C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRDD11.tmp\setup.msi with guid {46C045BF-2B3F-4BC4-8E4C-00E0CF8BD9DB}
    [2012-02-14:11:54:24] Installing msi at C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF073.tmp\setup.msi with guid {1E9362FB-5844-A463-42F9-F45B29B11024}
    [2012-02-14:11:54:26] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2012-02-14:11:54:26] Subprocess app installer succeeded
    [2012-02-14:11:54:26] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Commandline is: -silent -eulaAccepted -programMenu AdobeStory.air
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Installed runtime ( located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRC5B.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRC5B.tmp -silent -withRuntime -url -programMenu -eulaAccepted file:///C:/Windows/AdobeStory.air
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRC5B.tmp -silent -withRuntime -url -programMenu -eulaAccepted file:///C:/Windows/AdobeStory.air
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Installed runtime ( located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Unpackaging file:///C:/Windows/AdobeStory.air to C:\Users\w15075a\AppData\Local\Temp\fla1ADB.tmp
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Got an unexpected fatal error while unpackaging: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]
    [2012-02-14:11:54:31] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    [2012-02-14:11:54:32] Subprocess app installer failed (7)
    [2012-02-14:11:54:32] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
    Any Ideas? I checked permissions etc., everythings seems to be ok.

    Uninstall each and every bit of Adobe software on the system, including Adobe Reader etc., then try again. You may also need to delete the caps.db in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps.

  • How to run Adobe Story in Firefox

    I'm a purchaser of Creative Suite 5.5, which installed Adobe Story at the time.  I also run Chrome as my browser.
    I'm trying it out for the first time but find that I cannot use Backspace or Delete keys.
    Searching through this forum yielded the advice that I use Firefox, instead of Chrome.
    However, I'm uncertain how to run Story in Firefox.  I don't run Story from a browser... I just choose it from my Start menu and it launches Adobe Story.exe.
    Please don't tell me I have to change my default browser.  It would be inconvenient to do so for one application.
    Thanks for any help you can provide,
    Rick Gates

    AdobeStory.exe is actually the desktop application of Story. But, you can also use Story on a browser. Just launch the browser (firefox in this case) and go to You don't need to change your default browser.

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