Interesting Senario in Netweearver 7.1 64bit

Hi SAP Geeks,
I have a strange senario,
             I wrote a small  Windows 64bit application using JNI to monitor the cpu utilization of the App Servers / Web Server on a 64bit machine. This application loads when the APP Server/ Web Server is started and retreives the CPU ?Utilization of the APP Server along with the process ID.
When i deploy this sample application on Web Sphere / Web Logic / Tomcat on a 64bit machine, I get the PID and CPU Utilization of the APP / Web Servers. But when i deploy the same application on a Netweaver 7.1 64bit, This sample application is not being initialized. i.e It doesn't retreive the Pid and CPU Utilizatino.
Note : I developed both 32 / 64 bit application. 32 bit application is working in all (including Netweaver 7.1 32bit)
          64bit application is working on all app servers except Netweaver 7.1 64bit.
Can any one suggest me, what are the possibilities behind this senario. Why it is behaving differently in Netweaver 7.1 64 bit
What may be the reason for this strange behaviour ?
Looking forward for your replys,

Hi Gopi
I see that you have no recieved any suggestions.
Can you provide more information that may help?

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    the backup hard disks. If two files get recognized as being different, then one of them should be corrupt (if they didn't get modified "normally").
    My question is: will this method work to detect real file corruptions? Will it detect any kind of corruption, both copy corruptions, and "bit rot" corruptions? Will there be no problem regarding read cache? I mean: if the first file to compare gets read
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    I have already done tests by manually "corrupting" files (changing slightly the contents, while keeping size and timestamp the same), and it works (the files get recognized as different). But I'm not sure if it will work also with "real" corrupt files.
    I'm interested mostly about Windows 8 Pro 64bit and NTFS (but would like to know also in general).

    I also have Beyond Compare and have used it to check backup data.
    Yes, Windows does RAM caching.  If you have a comparison program read enough file data that you
    can be sure the RAM cache is flushed, then you can be sure that reading the file data back and comparing it with the original data is a valid way to ensure you have uncorrupted backups.
    Note that NTFS now does online recovery, so just the act of reading back the data can trigger processes inside the file system implementation that will recover the data if it should start to experience "bit rot" (weakening or failure of the
    storage medium).  But this is not strictly necessary as other operations, such as defragmentation etc., will occasionally access the disk data as well.
    Some time back I wrote a small utility that calculates a CRC-32 on all the data from all the files in a set of folders.  This is another way that re-reading all the data can be triggered, as well as producing a summary number that can be easily
    compared to determine that all is well - though one doesn't need my software to do it...  There are hash programs available that can accomplish the same things.  Search for SHA-1 programs, but beware there can be malware associated with free programs
    and download sites.
    It's good that people think about data integrity.  There's all too little of that nowadays.
    Detailed how-to in my eBooks:  
    Configure The Windows 7 "To Work" Options
    Configure The Windows 8 "To Work" Options

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    The Radeon 7000 series cards should work fine with both CS5 and CS6, but as Steve noted there is a problem with the current drivers for the card.  Until the 12.7 driver is released next month, I'd suggest using the following driver:
    Use the control panel on your system to completely uninstall your current driver before installing the 12.6 beta driver.  Please let us know if the beta driver resolves the issues you're seeing.

  • My tabs will not close. eaven when I close and reopen it.

    Closed out waterfox opened it back up numerous times still opens previous tabs

    I have unmarked the solution as you appear to have problems still.
    Make sure if you keep both browsers that you use a different Firefox profile for each browser.
    *[[Startup, home page and download settings]]
    * [[Use the Profile Manager to create and remove Firefox profiles]]
    As an aside you may be interested to know Official Mozilla Firefox 64bit for Windows is getting closer and should have a limited Release later this year, maybe even within the next couple of months.

  • RE: X1 Carbon windows 7 Professional 64bit error message

    Hi, Good Morning Everybody,  I wish somebody here would advise me of my problem, Thanks.
    Problem of Laptop
    [Message 01]
    Hi, I bought X1 Carbon and found an error message when right click on the
    1st page after startup. The error message reads
    Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library
    Debug Assertion Failed!
    Program: C:\Windows\System32\igfxsrvc.exe
    File: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ATLMFC\INCLUDE\
    Expression: 0&& "Release called on a pointer that has already been
    For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see
    the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.
    (Press Retry to debug the application)
    By right, right click should show the menu of View, Sort by, Refresh,
    ......Screen resolution, Gadgets, Personalize, but just cannot access
    into the right click menu immediately. I have to wait more 3 minutes and
    get out of the error message, then the right click menu appear. Why is
    this so?
    Please advise how to eliminate the message and have the right click menu
    immediately. Should I bring the laptop to your service center for repair
    or you can email me the steps to solve this problem.
    Regards, Simon.
    [Message 03]
    hi, head of customer service,
    below is a chat log i had online for your review. My concern is that
    everybody work for a living - if u r the specialist in this field, i
    respect that u can foresee what is going to happen if u tell somebody who
    is not a specialist to do a specialist's job. U should be able to provide
    advice n the possible outcome if things do not work out right, because it
    is the end user who needs to face it n live with it. Take for example, if
    the office building was on fire n the human instinct is to fight fire
    first. But the workers do not have the proper knowledge of fire n also
    not equipped with good PPE. This worker probably called the fire
    department to report a fire, n at the same time the fire department
    specialist at the other end of the line told that worker to
    "troubleshoot" the fire without giving him the possible outcome if the
    fire blown out of scale, what price this worker will have to pay.
    My questions are:
    a) what is the goal of having on-line chat service? Is it to resolve
    simple technical issues, that's why an average IT worker can do the job?
    b) if the end user already knew the problem he is facing and he is
    expecting the best advice/solution from an expert rather than from an
    average IT worker, would it be better for the end user to go straight to
    email? Or straight to the service center?
    c) Is there a team work spirit between your chat section and service
    center? Is it going to take a long time to communicate among themselves
    when they face the same problem real time - meaning they can't talk to
    each other over the phone to resolve the same problem which the end user
    is facing? If they can discuss over the phone, and possibly the service
    center also share the same steps to resolve the problem but could not be
    sure if something goes wrong, the os of the laptop need to be
    re-installed. Then, the end user would not have to do a double job - to
    chat online and go down to the service center only find out that it is
    the same answer. Would it be better for the chat person to do the double
    job internally for the end user?
    [Hi, I bought X1 Carbon and found an error message when right click on the
    1st page after startup. The error message reads
    Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library
    Debug Assertion Failed!
    Program: C:\Windows\System32\igfxsrvc.exe
    File: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ATLMFC\INCLUDE\
    Expression: 0&& "Release called on a pointer that has already been
    For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see
    the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.
    (Press Retry to debug the application)
    By right, right click should show the menu of View, Sort by, Refresh,
    ......Screen resolution, Gadgets, Personalize, but just cannot access
    into the right click menu immediately. I have to wait more than 3 minutes and
    get out of the error message, then the right click menu appear. Why is
    this so?
    Please advise how to eliminate the message and have the right click menu
    immediately. Should I bring the laptop to your service center for repair
    or you can email me the steps to solve this problem.
    Regards, Simon.]
    [Message 02]
    [GoToAssist (10:11:53):
    Dear Customer,
    Thank you for contacting Lenovo and showing your interest in Lenovo
    instant support program. I see you have a question on your product. I am
    going to take few moments to review the information of your product and
    message you back, right here, very soon. Please add this page to your
    favorites, in case you get disconnected or close your browser, so you may
    come back to this conversation.
    Saraswati (10:12:25):
    Thank you for contacting Lenovo Technical Support. My name is Saraswati.
    I will be happy to assist you with this issue.
    Saraswati (10:12:30):
    Hello Simon.
    Saraswati (10:12:35):
    Good Morning.
    Saraswati (10:14:47):
    Simon , Have you checked with the steps I have provided in the earlier
    session ?
    SIMON (10:14:55):
    hi, i just lost the session chatting with u. Can u show me all that again
    Saraswati (10:16:14):
    Sure , Let me paste the conversation in this session.
    Saraswati (10:17:26):
    Saraswati (06:54:46):
    Thank you for contacting Lenovo Technical Support. My name is Saraswati.
    I will be happy to assist you with this issue.
    Saraswati (06:54:59):
    Hello Simon.
    Saraswati (06:55:05):
    Good morning.
    Saraswati (06:55:35):
    Please be connected to the session while I check with the query.
    Saraswati (06:59:38):
    It appears we may have been disconnected. Please respond so that I can
    confirm our connection.
    SIMON (07:00:27):
    Hi, yes I can see u r writing....
    Saraswati (07:00:58):
    May I know the operating system installed? Windows Xp, Windows Vista,
    Windows 7 or Windows 8? Is it 32-bit or 64-bit?
    SIMON (07:02:20):
    it's windows 7 64bit, the laptop is i5-3rd gen with 4gb ram
    Saraswati (07:03:36): please click on
    the link to fix the issue.
    Saraswati (07:05:49):
    Let me help you with the latest graphics driver
    Saraswati (07:08:14):
    Intel HD Graphics Driver for Windows 7 (64-bit)
    Saraswati (07:08:25):
    Please install this link.
    Saraswati (07:09:01):
    Before installing uninstall the same form the device manager under the
    display adapter option.
    SIMON (07:10:21):
    hi, the link u recommended mentioned something like reinstall graphics
    drivers. I don't have the drivers n think it's pre-installed inside X1
    Carbon. My concern is what is the worst case it could be if I execute the
    link file n something goes wrong?
    Saraswati (07:12:28):
    Simaon , I would like to inform you that it is only the driver
    reinstallation. It will hamper the system performance. It is the driver
    provided with the preloaded OS. Hence it should not cause any issue.
    SIMON (07:12:48):
    btw, the os is windows 7 professional, hope i get it right.
    Saraswati (07:13:09):
    However please check by uninstalling and reinstalling the Microsoft
    Visual C++ .
    Saraswati (07:13:31):
    Yes , I have provided the link for the Windows 7 OS 64 bit.
    Saraswati (07:13:58):
    Please check with the above steps. This should fix the issue.
    Saraswati (07:16:32):
    Please feel free to get back to us at any moment , we will resolve all
    the issues related to the Lenovo Machine.
    Saraswati (07:17:32):
    It is been my pleasure assisting you with the issue.
    SIMON (07:18:06):
    ok, i take some time to do this, how to get back to u? do i need to
    re-boot the laptop during the process? Please don't tell me i need to
    re-install the os again if everything fail, because there r some
    3rd-party software which i do not have the original serial
    Saraswati (07:19:18):
    Please reinstall the drivers from the driver link. Then restart the
    machine and check if the issue persists.
    Saraswati (07:19:57):
    If still the issue persists then reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++.
    Saraswati (07:20:12):
    Hope this information is helpful
    Saraswati (07:20:27):
    Thank you for choosing Lenovo's chat Support. Kindly note, that there
    will be a customer satisfaction survey once you close this chat session.
    Please provide your valuable feedback for the chat session with me on a
    rating scale between 0 to 10, where 9 to 10 being satisfied with the
    service provided.
    Saraswati (07:20:33):
    Please note that the survey is only for current interaction. If you have
    any comments or feedback, please mention same under customer comments.
    Our team will take actions based on these comments to help us to serve
    you better. Thanks for your understanding & Support.
    Saraswati (07:20:44):
    Thank you again for contacting Lenovo and have a great day Simon.
    Saraswati (07:22:00):
    You may close this chat session now.
    SIMON (07:22:06):
    hi, have any of your specialist face with this problem before?
    Saraswati (07:23:22):
    We donot remember , but we would have assisted in the similar manner.
    Please check with the steps.
    Saraswati (07:23:45):
    Thank you for choosing Lenovo and have a great day ahead.
    SIMON (07:24:48):
    my worry is as i mentioned that i dont have the serials n it will be a
    great price to pay for me if i miss some steps or something just not
    right, then i would rather leave it as it is.
    Saraswati (10:17:51):
    Saraswati (07:25:43):
    You can visit the nearest service center , so that the service technician
    will help you further.
    Saraswati (07:26:29):
    Please contact on "800 6011 343 (Local number only) +603 8315 6856
    (DID)"-- singapore
    Saraswati (07:27:03):
    Contact on the above numbers the concerned team will provide you the
    address of the service center.
    SIMON (07:27:55):
    do u think the technician is more capable than any on-line chat engineers
    because they can see the real problem of the laptop?
    Saraswati (07:28:54):
    The steps I have provided should fix the issue. If you need any further
    assistance please visit the service center.
    SIMON (07:30:37):
    if they r just feedback to me with the possibilities i already perceived,
    then it's not worth the trip for me to take time off work n travel
    2 hours to n 2 hours fro your repair center.
    SIMON (07:33:51):
    My question is that "is it very difficult to comm between u and the
    service technician side, then feedback to me online? so i dont have take
    time off work n i also have to face my boss n it will look bad on me.
    Please be more considerate?
    Saraswati (07:36:02):
    Simon , I understand your concern. Please check with the steps I have
    provided and get back to us if the issue is not fixed. if you are
    doubtful that the above steps might delete any of your files then you can
    visit the service center , so that the service technician will check with
    the issue personally.
    Saraswati (07:36:47):
    Thank you for choosing Lenovo and have a great day ahead Simon.
    Saraswati (10:23:17):
    Is there anything else that I can assist you with, at this moment ?
    SIMON (10:23:26):
    ok, I will take your advice n talk to some IT guys b4 i act on it, to be
    sure that i made an informed decision. if i really have doubts, then i
    would have to suffer in silence n just live with that error message for
    the time being.
    Saraswati (10:23:53):
    Saraswati (10:24:23):
    Thank you for contacting Lenovo and have a great day Simon.
    Saraswati (10:25:09):
    You may close this chat session now.]
    Regards, Simon.

    Dev environment - i mean Visual Studio
    But fist try to check in Event viewer if there's any error message that could help to find what the actual problem is.

  • Lenovo D20, Type 4155-21G With 5x1.5tb Raid 5, Windows 7 64bit install problem.

    Id like to just document a current machine and works and see if any thing is glaringly wrong..
    Above spec machine has an onboard marrvel 66xx raid card, a raid 5 volume has been created, total useable space is around 5.5TB.
    The software in play here is the following..
    Orignal Lenovo recovery disk set, this is Rescue and recovery boot disk 1, then the OS which is Vista 32 Business, the disk label is actual 64bit but its not 64bit its 32bit.
    The machine finally has to leave with Windows 7 64bit ultimate.
    I have looked into the upgrade paths and so on and basicly you need vista 64bit ultimate in theory, certain hacks are possible such as renaming the os level or name via the registery, but this is dirverting from my post.
    Here is what has been done and what has happend.
    20th Jan.
    Start of day.
    Raid 5 volume created.
    Factory recovery completed windows vista business 32bit.
    Attempt to upgrade Windows vista business to Windows 7 ultimate from with in windows, windows 7 alerts this is not a compatable system etc.
    At this stage since the 64bit upgrade is not possible from the known good lenovo state (lenovo vista business factory desktop etc) the second disks in the "Windows 7 32bit + 64bit any time upgrade package was ran.
    The 32bit version of the Windows 7 ultimate was ran, this did complete sucessfully.
    The 64bit version of the windows 7 was attempted once more from with in the newly installed Windows 7 32 bit but again this upgrade route is not supported.
    At this stage a custom install was completed (which means a fresh install which wipes the drive) / fresh install, of the windows 7 64bit any time upgrade disk.
    For some reason the Windows 7 64bit any time upgrade key failed to be accepted.
    At this stage a second engineer repeated all steps completed to verify and on the second go around the FRESH install of Windows 64bit any time upgrade (stand alone install / custom etc) the key worked!..
    This is were it gets interesting.
    Lets recap, we have a D20 with 5x1.5tb sata hard drives in raid 5, all on the onboard marvel raid card.
    Windows 7 64bit has been sucessfully installed, and of course the next step is to install the lenovo system update tool. (version for windows 7, I understand this is fully 64bit compatable..)
    This was completed and pc doctor and one other misc application install, the system requested to restart and then ....
    The raid BIOS of the marvel card reported that the raid had become degraded..!!
    An inspection of the onboard raid information results that the disk 0 of the 5 disks, was no longer assigned to the RAID 5, with teh remaining several disks still "assigned".
    At this stage the only option is to delete the raid five array and recreate it.
    This has been done and the factory recovery process has once again been restarted and an attempt will be made to perform the custom install with hopefully the windows 7 64bit any time upgrade install detecting the previous version although I would say that it would not need to detect anything since this is now longer an upgrade but a custom fresh install.
    Further information.
    There is a System bios update from the 5th of Jan 2010, this has been burnt to cd and will be applyed against the machine shortly.
    We have had some conversation about just how it is that a disk can fatally pop out from the raid five volume like this, was it a coincidence that it coninsided with the power cycle process dirrectly after the system update installation?
    Tommorow a Windows 64bit OEM package will be applied against this machine and since we have the relivant driver file for the onboard raid card (sourced from the drivers and applications lenovo recovery disk set), there should be less of a problem in key acceptance.
    Kind of a werid situation, what looks like a possible hardware problem and a stupid microsoft upgrade qulification problem.
    Is there any thing stupid I have over looked?
    Thanks, sorry for the long post but this is the story in full.
    Note from Moderator:  Fixed formatting issue.

    21st Jan..
    The D20 has sucessfully had vista business factory reinstalled and then Windows 7 64bit installed.
    Dirrectly after the Windows 7 installation and power cycle, one of the five 1.5tb hard drives have dropped out of the raid, visable as "DEGRADED", uppon further inspection via control m, the middle drive (not drive 0 as before) drive 2 (0,1,2,3,4,5) has dropped out and is not marked as assigned, it is marked with no label or free.
    This is high strangeness, it is my understanding that the RAID technologies are transparent to the OS so it should not be in any way the Windows 7 install triggering this, the last occurance was also during a Windows 7 power cycle but dirrectly after the system update tool being installed.
    At this stage it would appear that Windows 7 64-bit used in conjunction with the supplment driver disk marked as (drivers and apps, windows xp vista, windows 7) is not able to complete and remain stable.
    I suspect a possible driver issue but if this was the case surely the windows 7 install would not progress past the first installation point where the driver disks is required to actually use and see the array via the controler.
    I will update this thread with more information as it becomes available.
    Machine delivery eta to customer is tommorow so this is not good.

  • Memory leak in Flash with Win7, IE9, 64bit

    I have been having an issue for quite some time on 2 different computers. Both of them are Windows 7 64bit and use IE9.
    Generally I have 1 - 5 tabs open in IE at any given time. Usually one of them is a tab for Yahoo Mail. Other tabs are related to whatever I may be searching for or doing at that time, so pretty varied. Throughout the day at random times I will begin to get a grey icon for anywhere on some tabs where there is supposed to be a flash video (like the ad in the right side of the Yahoo Mail tab)... When it happens I can open Task Manager in windows and I notice that 1 or two "iexplore.exe *32" processes have memory consumed in excess of 600,000K. When I end those processes I am again able to see any flash videos that need to be viewed.
    If I leave Task Manager open throughout the day I can see the memory consumption increase on various tabs until I cannot see any more flash videos or even open new tabs in IE until I end those processes. Further, the memory does not get released if I just close the tabs in IE, but I must either end the specific process or close all tabs in IE so that IE is completely unloaded.
    I have since uninstalled the Flash player and the issue has gone away. I can re-install the flash player and the issue returns. Can you please help? This has been a huge annoyance and I had hoped that it would be fixed sooner or later. Unfortunately it has not been fixed and has finally prompted me to post something....

    First, I just wanted to follow up on this thread and let you guys know that we'll continue to look into it.  I also want to clarify some player behavior, and provide tips for helping to identify a defect that we can take action on.
    Whenever you refresh/reload a tab, the browser should signal to us that our process is being destroyed, at which point we would release all of our resources and shut down.  SergeStone's comment above makes it sound like this might not be happening in a particular case.  I'm going to build out a few tests this week to explore this in more detail, and I'll follow up with results.
    Also, it's worth discussing the difference between memory consumption and memory leaks.  Flash Player is designed to consume a percentage of your available memory.  If you have a 32-bit machine with 2GB of RAM, we're going to consume a lot less memory than a 64-bit system with 16GB of RAM. 
    Not all Flash content is authored well.  If the ActionScript developer is continuously loading objects into their SWF and never releasing them (a slide-show is a good simplistic example), you'll see a steady usage increase as each new object loads in.  You should also see that evenutally, our automatic Garbage Collection process will kick in.  Memory will peak out, and then you'll see a short CPU spike as we look at all of the available objects and cull as many unused ones as possible, consumed memory will dip down significantly (as long as we can cull stuff), and then start growing again until the next time GC kicks in.  We tend to do this judiciously, as poorly-timed GC can cause games to stutter if it happens when lots of things are moving around on the display and you don't have a lot of available CPU.
    If it's our bug, it should be straightforward to fix, and I can follow up to this thread with a beta build for you guys to evaluate once we have one available.  In the meantime, it would be interesting to know if you're seeing the problem on our current Beta builds (which is where we would do the work). 
    Here's a link to the latest Beta download:
    Also, the simplest example is the most actionable.  If you can find a situation where a site in a single tab reproduces the problem, that's a quick and easy thing to deal with.  If the repro case involves opening seven tabs and waiting six hours, someone needs to repeat that over and over, until they can isolate what content experiences the problem and then iterate a bunch more with a debugger attached to try and isolate the root cause.  The more complicated the content, the more difficult that is.
    Secondly, I wanted to offer some actionable suggestions that you could use now to work around this issue. 
    Try Firefox or Chrome.  Both of these browsers run Flash Player as a separate process.
    For those of you using Performance Monitor and other tools to measure, you can directly observe the resources used by Flash Player
    For the folks concerned about Bookmarks synchronization, both Firefox and Chrome provide native bookmark syncing and import from IE mechanisms. 
    Xmarks is a really nice, free utility that provides cross-browser, cross-platform bookmark synchronization.
    Jeromie Clark

  • Windows Services not starting in OOBE after Sysprep - Windows 7 Professional 64bit

    So, I'm attempting to create an image to deploy to our Lenovo Thinkpad T540p's using Windows 7 Proffesional 64bit. At this point I'm simply setting up the image and running Sysprep /oobe/ generalize and then trying to boot into windows to make sure it works
    before we store and deploy it.
    When I do, I'm getting an error message that the services failed to start and restart the PC. I started the process listed here:
    But my issue seems to be a bit more complicated than that, as the issues for me seem to be coming from the registry key [\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\ROOT\LEGACY_KL1] as being the one that:     <Data Name="Message">(c0000022):
    Failed to process reg key or one of its descendan
    I've tried starting from the Lenovo image, or our previos image but cannot avoid this error. Any ideas? Here is the logfile in full:

    It's an image that was created by the previous tech. He appears to have modified the lenovo image (it has a bunch of lenovo bloatware still on it) and then run sysprep on it. His image works, but if I make any changes to it, it seems to break.
    Yeah, I wish I could get a hold of him and ask, but that's not really an option ><
    Edit: Interestingly enough I ran sysprep just from the image and it did the same thing...I'm not really sure what the last guy must've done to set this up

  • Problems with downgrade from Win 8.1 to Win 7 64bit on Satellite S70-A-11H

    My daughter already has a Tosh laptop with Win 7 64bit which is several years old and has seen better days, so for Christmas I bought her a new S70-A-11H notebook with Win 8.1 pre-installed.
    She hates it. In fact she will not use the new laptop at all unless it has Win 7 on it.
    For people that do not use a tablet or a Windows phone and like a desktop feeling machine Windows 8 does not work for us.
    Now I work in a niche IT role using numerous OS such as Microsoft Windows (XP, Win7, Server 2003, Server 2008) and Solaris as well as a bit of RedHat.
    Now my Win8 experience is zero.
    I thought it would be simple enough to install a retail copy of Win7 with SP1 64bit onto this notebook.
    Not so easy as it turns out.
    When I boot from the Win 7 install DVD the installer program locks up as the Win 7 logo starts to appear on the screen. If I try an install in safe mode the last driver that appears to load when the lock up occurs is disk.sys.
    So the question is how can I install Win 7 64bit SP1 onto this notebook using a retail copy of Win7?
    Any ideas would be much appreciated.

    *I found the reason for this problem* and the solution outside of this forum.
    If anyone else is interested _the issue is cause by the use of GPT partions on the 8.1 build._
    To overcome this and install a fresh copy of Win7 you can do this:
    -Shut down Windows 8 while pressing the Shift key to completely power off.
    -Power on and press F2 while the Toshiba logo is displayed to enter the UEFI Setup Menu.
    -Go to the Security tab and set the "Secure Boot" setting to "Disabled".
    -Go to the Advanced tab, enter "System Configuration" and set the Boot Mode to "CSM Boot."
    -Press F10 to save and exit.
    Go to and download gparted boot image. Make bootable gparted cd and use it to delete the GPT partitions on the HDD.
    Now just install Win7 64bit as you normally would creating whatever partitions you like during the install process. Of course you must have a new licence key for Win7 for this to work.
    To finish off you will need to download all the required drivers from the Toshiba website to suit Win7 64bit. This is quite tedious as some of the files are huge. I got just the basics that I thought I'd need and that ended up being over 1Gb of files.
    I'm so pleased I managed to get rid of that nasty Win8 interface.
    This is probably not the only way to do this, but this worked for me.

  • win2003 32bit == win2008 R1 64bit

    Hi all,
    I am evaluating the upgrade path as described. The db is around 150Gb.
    I would like to use RMAN to restore on the new binaries a full backup made in
    After restore-recover I would open resetlogs upgrade the db and, after having completed the upgrade to, I would run catcpu to complete the process.
    Some relatively new metalink notes seem to make this process feasible (752986.1 "database migration with os upgrade on windows platform" gives as an example a migration from 32bit oracle 9i on 32bit win2000 to 64bit oracle10g on 64bit win2003).
    I know I can test the full process without giving any impact on the production db, but I would be very happy if someone who already tried a similar approach could share his experience.
    Thank you very much,

    For those of you who were interested in the scenario I've described, I am happy to say that the production db migration went very smoothly.
    All was done with a minimal downtime (the longest step was running dbms_stats to gather application statistics).

  • New Macbook Pro to be 64bit?

    Are the Core 2 Duo processors that are expected to be used in the Macbook Pro 64bit? I see that the iMac is 64, but as I understand it, their C2D is a slightly different kind, no?
    MacBook Pro 17" 2gig Ram 7200rpm   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Here is an interesting read from Macworld.............
    PC World tests: Mobile Core 2 Duo okay, not great
    Laptops based on new chips deliver slight improvements over Core Duo
    By Carla Thornton, PC World
    Eight months ago, Intel rocked the mobile processor world with its first dual-core CPUs, which boosted the speed of a notebook performing two tasks simultaneously by 30 percent. Now comes Core Duo’s successor, Core 2 Duo, accompanied by Intel claims of even better performance and support for the coming era of 64-bit computing. Should you kick yourself for buying that Core Duo laptop earlier this year?
    PC World tests suggest you shouldn’t sweat it too much. Notebooks get only a small performance boost with Intel’s new processor, formerly code-named Merom, and battery life appears to remain about the same.
    Currently, Core 2 Duo mobile chips are only found in Windows-based laptops. However, Intel’s Core Duo line powers both Apple’s MacBook and MacBook Pro offerings, and it’s widely assumed that the Core 2 Duo will find its way into upcoming versions of those laptops; thus, a look at how the Core 2 Duo compares to its predecessor—even in a Windows machine—should give Mac users some idea of what to expect from future hardware releases.
    The five new Core 2 Duo mobile chips (Intel earlier released five Core 2 Duo desktop processors) are the latest descendants of Intel’s Centrino-brand processor and wireless chip set combo.
    Core 2 Duo comes in two lines: the T5000, which includes the 1.66-GHz T5500 and 1.83-GHz T5600, and the T7000, featuring the 2-GHz T7200, the 2.16-GHz T7400, and the 2.33-GHz T7600. Intel isn't saying when we'll see a version of the Core 2 Duo for ultraportables.
    Core Duo vs. Core 2
    The Core 2 Duo chip has many of the same features as its Core Duo predecessor: a 667MHz frontside bus, the 945 chip set, the 3945ABG wireless chip set, and similar clock speeds. The two biggest improvements are the doubling of Level 2 cache to 4MB in the T7000 line, and support for 64-bit processing. The latter brings Intel back on par with AMD’s Turion 64 X2 chip and means users can take advantage of upcoming 64-bit applications. Core Duo can't do 64-bit computing.
    Core Duo 2 notes for all purposes
    PC World tested three shipping notebooks with different Core 2 Duo processors and 1GB of memory: a $1,906 Dell M1210 with a 2GHz T7200 chip, a $2,059 Gateway M685-E with a 2.16GHz T7400 chip, and a $1,499 HP Pavilion dv6000t with a 1.83GHz T5600 chip.
    The biggest performance increase over notebooks outfitted with same-speed Core Duo CPUs was only 7 percent, enough to shave a few seconds off of day-to-day operations but not much more.
    The Windows XP Media Center Edition-equipped Dell M1210 turned in a WorldBench 5 score of 102, 5 percent better than the 97 earned by the average Media Center Edition notebook using a 2GHz Core Duo T2500. The Gateway M685-E scored 109, 7 percent better than t 2.16GHz Core Duo T2600-equipped HP Compaq nx9420’s score of 101. The HP Pavilion dv6000t scored 101, 6 percent better than a 1.83GHz Core Duo T2400-equipped Toshiba Satellite P105-S921’s 95 with the same 2MB of Level 2 cache.
    In sum, Core 2 Duo systems are a tad faster than Core Duo notebooks at handling everything from mainstream applications such as spreadsheets and e-mail to watching DVD movies. And they are just as impressive (and significantly faster than Pentium-Ms) at juggling multiple tasks, like ripping a CD while surfing the Net, for instance.
    Battery life a washout
    Core 2 doesn’t appear to significantly affect battery life. The Dell M1210, a 12.1-inch multimedia wide-screen model, lasted the longest: 4 hours and 23 minutes with its 9-cell battery upgrade. The Gateway M685-E, a bulky 17-inch wide-screen, lasted 3 hours and 41 minutes thanks to a 12-cell battery upgrade. That’s better than the 2.3 hours we got with a 2GHz Core Duo T2500 version of the M685-E tested earlier this year, but the older unit had a less powerful 8-cell battery upgrade.
    The HP Pavilion dv6000t, a 15.4-inch multimedia wide-screen unit and the only one in the group equipped with a standard six-cell battery, ran out of juice after only 2 hours and 10 minutes. An HP Pavilion dv2000t equipped with a 2.16GHz Core Duo T2600 that we also tested this month lasted over 7 hours—but that notebook had a 14.1-inch wide-screen display and its battery was twice as strong as the dv6000t’s.
    Intel is pricing the Core 2 Duo the same as Core Duo chips, which means the new processors won’t drive up overall notebook prices.
    Get a deal on older duos
    In fact, shoppers can soon expect a fire sale on Core Duo notebooks, said Samir Bhavnani, director of research for Current Analysis in San Diego. “It’s going to be hard for people to tell the difference between retail Core Duo and Core 2 Duo because the names and the processor speeds look so alike, so you’re going to see Intel get very aggressive with Core Duo pricing.”
    Given also that Core 2 Duo’s support for 64-bit applications won’t be important for at least another year, consumers should think long and hard about paying a premium to get a Core 2 notebook instead of a Core Duo. “Buying a 64-bit capable Core 2 Duo notebook right now is like buying a Playstation 3 when there won’t be any games for another two years,” Bhavnani said.

  • Printing from a Small Business Server to Win-7 64bit Workstatio​n

    I have a workstation with Windows 7 Pro 64bit that prints nicely to a LaserJet 2300dn with the native driver that is part of Win-7. There are 4 PCs, 3 with Win7 one with XP; all print well through the 2300dn wihich is connect to the router. On a separate network that only the Win-7 Pro 64 bit Workstation is connected to is a Small Business Server 2003. Here is where the problem is.
    When the workstation was on XP, Vista and Windows 7 Release Candidate (also 64bit) it was easy to print from the SBS through Remote Desktop. This is necessary for QuickBooks forms and checks. With the official final version of Win-7 64bit I cannot get the SBS server to print through the workstation. I have found that if I put a 32 bit driver for the LaserJet 2300dn on the workstation printing through Remote Desktop can be done....for awhile. Then the LaserJet 2300dn goes 'off-line'. The only way to get it back on-line is to reinstall the driver. But since it's a 32bit, the printer soon goes off-line again. With the 64-bit driver the printer stays on-lline but will not print from the SBS via remote desktop.
    I realize that this is more of a Windows problem than an HP driver problem, but I'm hoping someone on this forum may have a solution or idea for me to try.
    Thank you very much for any suggestions.  Anything suggested would be most appreciated.
    --Bob Harris

    *I found the reason for this problem* and the solution outside of this forum.
    If anyone else is interested _the issue is cause by the use of GPT partions on the 8.1 build._
    To overcome this and install a fresh copy of Win7 you can do this:
    -Shut down Windows 8 while pressing the Shift key to completely power off.
    -Power on and press F2 while the Toshiba logo is displayed to enter the UEFI Setup Menu.
    -Go to the Security tab and set the "Secure Boot" setting to "Disabled".
    -Go to the Advanced tab, enter "System Configuration" and set the Boot Mode to "CSM Boot."
    -Press F10 to save and exit.
    Go to and download gparted boot image. Make bootable gparted cd and use it to delete the GPT partitions on the HDD.
    Now just install Win7 64bit as you normally would creating whatever partitions you like during the install process. Of course you must have a new licence key for Win7 for this to work.
    To finish off you will need to download all the required drivers from the Toshiba website to suit Win7 64bit. This is quite tedious as some of the files are huge. I got just the basics that I thought I'd need and that ended up being over 1Gb of files.
    I'm so pleased I managed to get rid of that nasty Win8 interface.
    This is probably not the only way to do this, but this worked for me.

  • Importent6.dll fails to register on WTS (Citrix & Windows 2003 64bit)

    I am trying to install the BOE XI 3.1 client tools on a 64bit Windows 2003 R2 SP2 machine (used as Windows Terminal Server) and I get the message that importent6.dll and exportSDK.dll fail to register during the installation.
    Did anyone of you out there had a similar problem so far? Due to the error I cannot get the import wizard installed.
    Additionally it would be interesting to know if it is possible to use the import wizard XI 3.1  as a terminal server application in a WTS (64bit) environment.

    with regards to the "(x86)" folder i would not recommend installing the BOE Client Tools into that folder. Please create a own Folder (you can for sure do this on drive D:) and install it into the folder. You could create a "Program Files" folder instead of installing it into the "Program Files (x86)" Folder.
    About the Errormessage of your .dll`s please check SAP Note - 1205687
    About Windows7. Windows7 is only supported since SP3. Please use the SP3 Fill Build setup routine for the BOE Clients for installing on Windows7.

  • Interest caliculation with multiple rates on customer outstanding

    I request your help in getting solution on following senario
    Monthly following % of amounts will be recovered from customers on the
    invoice amounts from the posting date towards delay charges(interest).
    1. With in 7 days from the date of posting date                 NIL
    2. 8 - 10 days                                                             0.50%
    3. 11- 15 days                                                            1.00%
    4. 15- 30 days                                                            2.00%
      The abovoe senario checked up thru Item interest cliculations(ven/customer)
      But i could able to caliculate with one interest rate. 
      Can you please advise me how i can caliculate interest under above senario
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi narayana narayana 
    Did you find any solution to your problem?
    My client has a similar requirement.
    Let me know if you have solution with you (an oss note or customization)

  • Full 64bit program for Windows 7

    This will most likely not be possible until CS5 since it would be a complete re-compile... but it sure would be nice to have a 64bit Premiere Pro and Encore for Windows 7 64bit

    We now know that CS5 will be ONLY 64bit so the only thing to wonder about now... is when?
    General new release history is about 18 months... I personally think the rewrite to 64bit may take longer, maybe as much as 2 years
    But, whenever CS5 is released, it will also be interesting to see if it has new features, or "just" a 64bit rewrite

Maybe you are looking for

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