Interface Determination causing issue in Receiver Determination

I am having an issue with interface and receiver determination as follows:
- Inbound message may be sent to two receivers.
- Message gets sent to first receiver, fails during interface determination. There are multiple inbound interfaces found based on a set of XPATH conditions. This creates an error 'Inbound interface found more than once for outbound interface '. That is itself is <b>not </b>the issue.
- Issue is that the message is stopped from going to the other receiver even if there are no issues in the interface determination for that receiver.
Is there a way to resolve this? Appreciate any help. Thx, Duncan

Again, thanks for the replies.
<b>MONI for RD</b>
- <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV_LOCAL">
- <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_RD_PLSRV-ENTER_PLSRV">
  <Trace level="1" type="T">R E C E I V E R - D E T E R M I N A T I O N</Trace>
  <Trace level="1" type="T">Cache Content is up to date</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">Start without given receiver</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">Classic Receiver Determination via Rules.</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">Check conditions for rule line no. 1</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">...create rule engine</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T"> rule engine for Condition %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice")% EX and %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice/deliveryNote/referenceIdentification")% CE COSTCENTRE or %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice")% EX and %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice/deliveryNote/referenceIdentification")% CE INTERPLANT or %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice")% EX and %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice/deliveryNote/referenceIdentification")% CE INTERPLANT_ONESTEP or %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice")% EX and %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice/deliveryNote/referenceIdentification")% CE INTRAPLANT or %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice")% EX and %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice/deliveryNote/referenceIdentification")% CE INTRAPLANT_ONESTEP or %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:receivingAdvice")% EX or %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:inventoryActivityOrInventoryStatus")% EX</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting (new) for Extractor: XP /p2:despatchAdvice</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting values found: 0</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting (new) for Extractor: XP /p2:receivingAdvice</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting values found: 1</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">...valid Receiver with Condition: - GLR430</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">Check conditions for rule line no. 2</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T"> rule engine for Condition %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice")% EX and %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice/deliveryNote/referenceIdentification")% NE COSTCENTRE and %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice/deliveryNote/referenceIdentification")% NE INTERPLANT and %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice/deliveryNote/referenceIdentification")% NE INTERPLANT_ONESTEP and %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice/deliveryNote/referenceIdentification")% NE INTRAPLANT and %CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:despatchAdvice/deliveryNote/referenceIdentification")% NE INTRAPLANT_ONESTEP</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">...invalid Receiver: P_3PL_XML_ME_ODTH - despatchAdviceToE1EDT20</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">Check conditions for rule line no. 3</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">...valid Receiver w/o Condition: P_3PL_XML_ME_ODTH - S_HTTP</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">No Receiver found behaviour: 0</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">Number of Receivers:2</Trace>
Here, you see that both receivers are found.
<b>MONI for ID</b>
<Trace level="1" type="B" name="PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION" />
- <!--  ************************************
  <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-02-26T20:06:49Z CET Start of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION</Trace>
- <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV">
  <Trace level="3" type="T">Calling pipeline service: PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">Reading Pipeline-Service specification...</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T" />
  <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline service specification (table SXMSPLSRV)</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID = PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE =</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">ADRESSMOD = LOCAL</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">P_CLASS = CL_ID_PLSRV</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">P_IFNAME = IF_XMS_PLSRV</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">P_METHOD = ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_LOG =</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY = 0</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T" />
  <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV_LOCAL" />
- <!--  ************************************
- <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_ID_PLSRV-ENTER_PLSRV">
  <Trace level="1" type="T">I N T E R F A C E - D E T E R M I N A T I O N</Trace>
  <Trace level="1" type="T">Cache Content is up to date</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">Check conditions for (Inb: Party Srvc If) GLR430 WMMBXY.WMMBID01</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">...create rule engine</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T"> rule engine for Condition%CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p1:inventoryActivityOrInventoryStatus/inventoryDocumentType")% CE INVENTORY_STATUS</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting (new) for Extractor: XP /p1:inventoryActivityOrInventoryStatus/inventoryDocumentType</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting values found: 0</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">...invalid InbIf: WMMBXY.WMMBID01</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">Check conditions for (Inb: Party Srvc If) GLR430 WMMBXY.WMMBID01</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T"> rule engine for Condition%CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p1:inventoryActivityOrInventoryStatus/inventoryDocumentType")% CE INVENTORY_ACTIVITY</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting (new) for Extractor: XP /p1:inventoryActivityOrInventoryStatus/inventoryDocumentType</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting values found: 0</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">...invalid InbIf: WMMBXY.WMMBID01</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">Check conditions for (Inb: Party Srvc If) GLR430 WMMBXY.WMMBID01</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T"> rule engine for Condition%CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:receivingAdvice/receivingAdviceItemContainmentLineItem/purchaseOrder/documentReference/uniqueCreatorIdentification")% EX</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting (new) for Extractor: XP /p2:receivingAdvice/receivingAdviceItemContainmentLineItem/purchaseOrder/documentReference/uniqueCreatorIdentification</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting values found: 2</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">...valid InbIf with Condition: WMMBXY.WMMBID01</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">Check conditions for (Inb: Party Srvc If) GLR430 WMMBXY.WMMBID01</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T"> rule engine for Condition%CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE.MSG_GET(MSG=&_MSG&;NSP=&_NSM&;XPATH="/p2:receivingAdvice/carrier/additionalPartyIdentification/additionalPartyIdentificationValue")% CE SHUTTLE</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting (new) for Extractor: XP /p2:receivingAdvice/carrier/additionalPartyIdentification/additionalPartyIdentificationValue</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">......extracting values found: 1</Trace>
  <Trace level="2" type="T">...valid InbIf with Condition: WMMBXY.WMMBID01</Trace>
- <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_LOG_TO_PERSIST">
  <Trace level="3" type="T">Persisting message after plsrv call</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">Message-Version = 002</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">Message version 002</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="System_Error">Error exception return from pipeline processing!</Trace>
  <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_TO_PERSIST" />
- <!--  ************************************
  <Trace level="3" type="T">Persisting message Status = 014</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">Message version 003</Trace>
  <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
Here, you see that the ID runs for the first receiver. It hits an error because two conditions on the ID for the first receiver are satisfied. However, it then stops rather than allow the processing for the other receiver to continue.
Any ideas? Thx, Duncan

Similar Messages

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    Receiver1 - ReceiverA
    Receiver2 - ReceiverB
    Receiver Determination Condition : When Field1 = 100, message should flow to ReceiverA and ReceiverB
    Interface Determination Condition (ReceiverA) : When Field1=100 and Field2=50 message should flow to a specific interface in ReceiverA
    There is no Interface Determination condition for ReceiverB, for all messages having Field1=100, it should go to ReceiverB.
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    2) Field1=100, Field2=89 : Message fails to process from ECC itself throwing Interface Determination not found error. Ideally this is a positive scenario for ReceiverB and it should send the message to ReceiverB without any errors. But, this did not happen in this case
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    Hi Sherin,
    As there are two receivers Receiver A and Receiver B.You need to create two bussiness components and two communcication channels for two receivers and one Reciver Determination, two Interface Determination,two Receiver Agreement.In Receiver Determination you need to keep the below and condition.
    In the above screenshot the two receiver are Receiver B and Receiver C and Field 1 is Key_Value and Field2 is Emp_ID.
    If the Key_Value=100 and Emp_ID =22 then the message should go to both the receivers B & C by keeping the following AND condition
    If the Key_Value=100 and Emp_ID is not equal to 22 then the message should go only to Receiver B by keeping the following condition
    You need not keep any condition in Interface Determination just create 2 Interface determination for two receivers.
    Hope this helps you.

  • Receiver and Interface determination

    My senario is File to IDOC and mail.
    The condition here is the count of Idoc generated has to be sent as a mail and the mail has to  be sent only after the IDoc has been generated successfully.
    So i am using two receiver services one is for IDOC and other is for mail and  in one receiver determination I am refering TWO reciver Service without any condition.
    now  i have to use only one interface determination to maintain the order at runtime. so that the interface mapping for mail will be triggered only after the Idoc interfacemapping is successfull.
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    Plz advice.

    I think the above requirement will also work by using a simple BPM. just try with below steps.
    Steps in BPM::
    1. Receive step to receive File from a third party by using File Sender CC.
    2. SEND ASYNCH step to send IDOC generated Structure data.
    3. Before going to next step please find any constant value which will be coming into IDOC from file that
        means for example if your IDOC cotnains any field like ORDER_Generated_By or 
        GENERATED_BY:: AMAR  name is same in all the data that is coming into IDOC remember that Field
        Name name and insert it in the swtich statement condition editor.
    4. Now Insert Switch Condition with 2 branches A & B,
         a) Branch A contains control statement and this branch executes only if the condition statisfies with
            If that IDOC Field lets say name XXXX is equal to constant value AMAR then raise/throws  an alert
            mail by uising Control Step.
        b) In Branch B also you ill be including Control Step but this control Step will says that  MAIL
            INDICATION  No IDOC is generated by using another control step.
    5) Remaining all other configurations like 2 receiver agreements and every thing aare same.
    6) But you need to confgure ALert configuration settings okay.
    You can also achive this by using without BPM.::
    In ID part:: you need to enter a condition in Receiver Determination with two receiver business systems and that condition will be once the IDOC field like XXXXX(generated_by is equal to some constant like AMAR ) then it needs to active the Mail Business System.
    but this would be little but confusion and but u can achive the above requirement by using simple BPM.
    Note:: Only diadvantage will be some performance issue will come if goes through BPM but it works
              very 100 systamatic way because you can review where exactly your Scenario strucks and also
              u can check whether your IDOC generated or not whether mail sent or not in the BPM WORK
               FLOW in the BUSINESS PROCESS ENGINE.
    Amar Srinivas Eli

  • Error: Receiver Determination did not find any receivers at all

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    Error: Receiver Determination did not find any receivers at all
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    Many thanks in advance

    Hi evrybody
    I have enabled the tracing of ICO and have seen that my payload for the message mapping is ok,.
    <ns:hartgeldbest_ERP_KT xmlns:ns="">
    The issue is on detrmining the RECEIVER in the Main-XML
    <sap:Main xmlns:SOAP="" xmlns:sap="" versionMajor="3"versionMinor="1" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
    <sap:Party agency="" scheme="XIParty"/> 
    <sap:Party agency="" scheme=""/> 
    <sap:Interface namespace="">hartgeldbest_KT_async_out</sap:Interface>
    Is it possible that the receiver is overwritten due to the Content Conversion? Because if I set my Message Protocol to "File" the receiver determination will work.
    Any idea?

  • Runtime flow sequence of receiver or interface determinations is based on

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    BPM: Receive -> sync send 1 -> sync send 2 -> async send
    System A sends the sync message to System B, System b response as request to System c and System C
    response as response to System A
    Receiver/interface determinations:
           i: RD/ID: System A to IP
          ii: RD/ID: IP to System B  (Operation mapping from IP to System B)
         iii: RD/ID: IP to system C  (Operation mapping from IP to System C)
    No conditions in Receiver/interface determination
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    Source Mesage interface in 2nd RD/ID is not dependent on previous target Message interface of RD/ID. Both interfaces can be any message interfaces ?
    So you are asking me if it's possible - then I would say yes.
    Let consider this - You have received a message in the BPM and this message has to be called on two different systems synchronously. In this case Both the synch step will have the Source interface as the message received in BPM correct? Does the 2nd Synch step Source Interface is dependant on 1st Synch step Target Interface? - NO.
    I hope it clears a bit.
    I'm not understanding your other question...

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    this send step corrsponds to a receiver determination in Configuration,  and this receiver determination has 2 interface determination,
    because the send step is like,
    BPM to Receiver1, through sender message interface MI_Sender1, but there are 2 different receiver message interface namely MI_receiver1, and MI_receiver2,
    .......hence 2 interface determination and 2 interface mappings accordingly,
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    what's the reason,

    check the workitems of both sender/receiver (ack) in moni (problem might be in BPM config).

  • Receiver and Interface Determination, Sender and Receiver Agreement

    Hi Experts,
    Could you please tell me, what Receiver Determination, Interface Determination, Sender Agreement and Receiver Agreement we have to use for the below blog. [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]

    Hi Sara,
    Receiver Determination: Sender IF, Sender NS, Sender BS determine the BP
    Interface Determination: Sender IF, Sender NS, Sender BS determine your start msg IF (abstr IF) and IF mapping
    Sender Agreement: SOAP sender channel for that Sender IF, Sender NS, Sender BS
    Receiver Agreement: not reqired
    Receiver Determination: BP IF (abstr), BP IF NS, BP determine the 3rd party BS (DB)
    Interface Determination: BP IF (abstr), BP IF NS, BP determine Inbound-IF and IF mapping
    Sender Agreement: not reqired
    Receiver Agreement: JDBC receiver channel for that Inbound IF, NS and 3rd party BS
    Receiver Determination: BP IF (abstr), BP IF NS, BP determine the 3rd party BS (File)
    Interface Determination: BP IF (abstr), BP IF NS, BP determine Inbound-IF and IF mapping
    Sender Agreement: not required
    Receiver Agreement: File receiver channel for that Inbound IF, NS and 3rd party BS

  • Receiver determination(or Interface determination) and conditional routing

    I have a flat file to flat file scenario. Based on the input file content, I want to route data to the receiver.
    My source flat file contains several IDOC details. Assume two fields FIELD1 and FIELD2 in different segments of the IDOC. My requirement is if FIELD1 of an IDOC = "US" and FIELD2 of the same IDOC = "CA", then that IDOC's details needs to be passed to the receiver.
    I have implemented the above condition at interface determination.
    But the problem is:
    Assume there are 3 idocs in the input file.
    FIELD1 of IDOC[1] = 'US' and FIELD2 of IDOC[1] = 'GL'
    FIELD1 of IDOC[2] = 'UK' and FIELD2 of IDOC[2] = 'EN'
    FIELD1 of IDOC[3] = 'BR' and FIELD2 of IDOC[3] = 'CA' .
    Now none of the IDOCs in the input satisfy my requirement and hence the message mapping should not be called at all. But in my case its failing because FIELD1 of IDOC[1] and FIELD2 of IDOC[3] together are satisfying the condition and hence the message mapping is called.
    But I need to check this condition IDOCwise. Both the conditions to be satisfies in the same IDOC.
    I am thinking that contexts are not being taken care.. It just see the whole file together and not IDOCwise.
    Can someone help me on the same. Please let me know if more information is required.

    Shobha HB wrote:
    > I have a flat file to flat file scenario. Based on the input file content, I want to route data to the receiver.
    > My source flat file contains several IDOC details. Assume two fields FIELD1 and FIELD2 in different segments of the IDOC. My requirement is if FIELD1 of an IDOC = "US" and FIELD2 of the same IDOC = "CA", then that IDOC's details needs to be passed to the receiver.
    > I have implemented the above condition at interface determination.
    > But the problem is:
    > Assume there are 3 idocs in the input file.
    > FIELD1 of IDOC[1] = 'US' and FIELD2 of IDOC[1] = 'GL'
    > FIELD1 of IDOC[2] = 'UK' and FIELD2 of IDOC[2] = 'EN'
    > FIELD1 of IDOC[3] = 'BR' and FIELD2 of IDOC[3] = 'CA' .
    > Now none of the IDOCs in the input satisfy my requirement and hence the message mapping should not be called at all. But in my case its failing because FIELD1 of IDOC[1] and FIELD2 of IDOC[3] together are satisfying the condition and hence the message mapping is called.
    > But I need to check this condition IDOCwise. Both the conditions to be satisfies in the same IDOC.
    > I am thinking that contexts are not being taken care.. It just see the whole file together and not IDOCwise.
    > Can someone help me on the same. Please let me know if more information is required.
    > Thanks,
    > Shobha
    The ideal solution to your scenario is to redesign the interface as below;
    1. Receive the file.
    2. Do a 1: N mapping (this should split your message into multiple Messages)
    3. On this message you can do the required check. Now only the required field for the particular IDoc will be part of the check and it will not mix with other Idocs.
    Will this do? Else please provide more details

  • Interface determination and Receiver Determination

    Any one can give the clear idea about Interface determination and Receiver Determination????????

    HI Gabriel
    <b>Interface Determination</b>
    An InterfaceDetermination specifies which interface is to be used for the inbound process of a message.
    Interface Determination is to specify which inbound interface of a receiver a message is to be forwarded to. We also specify which interface mapping from the Integration Repository is to be used for processing the message. Here it will know which kind of mapping you are using etc.
    <b> ReceiverDeterminatioin.</b>
    A ReceiverDetermintaion defines on or more receivers for a sender and an outbound interface.
    Receiver Determination is to specify which receivers a message is to be sent to.
    <b>** REward Points if found useful **</b>


    Hi Team
    I am having doubts regarding the Interafce Determination and the receiver determination. In pur landscape in our objects, some times i am seeing a Condition is being defined in the Interafce Determination  and sometimes  am seeing a Condition is being defined in the receiver determination . could you please let me know the differences between the above two.
    thanx in advance.

    Hi Nabhinav,
    Condtions in receiver determination - These conditions are evaluated and executed to determine the receivers for this incoming message.
    Condtions in Interface determination - These conditions are evaluated and ececuted to determine the Interface mapping to be called in order to map the source message to the target message.
    Please take a loot at these links for more details:
    Also, search the SDN before posting you query.
    Regards, Gaurav.

  • Extended Receiver Determinatipon and Interface Determination?

    Where exactly (In which business cases) we can implement or required Extended Receiver Determination and Interface Determination?

    There are only two modes standard and Extended, Enhanced receiver determinatrion is Extended receiver determination only.
    Enhanced(Extended) receiver determination  -->
    Whenever list of receivers is determined dynamically at runtime, using a message mapping then it is called enhanced.
    Enhanced Interface Determination--> It is when you want the target interfaces to be defined dynamically based on the multimapping, that is called enhanced interface determination.
    Refre SAP help for more detail
    Edited by: Sudhir Tiwari on Dec 5, 2008 6:34 AM

  • Receiver determination Vs Interface determination

    Hi Experts,
          What is the difference between Receiver determination and Interface determination?
    In both the case we specify sender -> outbound interface -> Receiver Service -> Interface mapping
    Can't we use only interface mapping? Why SAP is providing these two determinations?

    ><i>In both the case we specify sender -> outbound interface -> Receiver Service - Interface mapping</i>
    In receiver determination you only mention the Sender Service, Sender Interface and Reciever Service. You do not mention the Inbound Interafce and interface mapping. You do this in the Interface Determination.
    The split between Receiver Determination and Interfacedetermiantion is so that you can add send the same message to Multiple Receivers and then fior each of the receivers , if needed you can add multiple Inbound Interafces / mappings!!
    And you can add multiple conditions as well!! makes sense to me!

  • Receiver Agreement and Interface determination

    I have an input file that generates two output files. The two output files go to the same interface. One output file will have header and the other will have details. I want to kow how many receiver determination, interface determination, sender agreement and receiver agreements we need to create

    Hi Ajith,
    As perception, I understand that you would like to like to split the input file into two as Header and Details. For this requirement, you should need Integration Directory (Configuration) as below:
    1. Need to Two Receiver agreements.
    2. One Receiver determination.
    3. One sender agreement.
    4. One Interface determination ( Type: Enhanced)

  • Need of creating receiver determination and interface determination

    what is the need of creating interface determination where as providing all the details in Receiver determination?

    The loose coupling between the Interface mapping and receiver determination have provided the compatibility for reusability.
    The Interface determination maintained and just linked to receiver determination so you could have multiple receiver determinations with common interface determination or vice-versa.
    If you provide all the information in receiver determination then, it would be very dfficult to have the various mappins for multiple receivers maintained in receiver determination.
    Interface determination is applied at runtime to all messages to be processed. Thus from security point of view of transaction of data. its preferable.

  • Receiver Determination and Interface Determination

    Please, can anyone explain what is the concept of 'Receiver determination' and 'Interface Determination'?
    Harikumar. S

    >>>>Receiver determination
    its about finding the receiver system for particular source system and outbound interface.
    Suppose,you want to send data from file->XI->SAP and CRM based on some condition
    in this scenario you need to determine whether to send file data to SAP or CRM system,this decision you will do in Receiver determination
    in Receiver determination screen you need to provide the following details
    1.Source system(ex: File system)
    2.Outbound Interface(File Message Interface)
    3.condition and receiving system(ex:if some x field value in source payload is 1 go to SAP elseif '0' go to CRM system)
    >>>>>>Interface Determination
    suppose in above scenario you determined the receiver i.e SAP,you will have number of IDOCs (Inbound Interfaces)in SAP.
    so to which IDOC you will send file data?This decision you will make in Interface determination(we can it as Inbound Interface determination).if you find the IDOC is CREMAS then how will transfer file structure data to IDOC structure? answer is Message Mapping
    From all the above decisions you need to provide following details in Interface determination screen
    1.Source System
    2.Outbound Interface
    3.Receiver System
    4.Inbound Interface(IDOC type)
    5.Message Mapping(i.e file to IDOC)
    Even in Interface determination you can specify the condition to select Inbound Interfaces(ex.IDOCs)
    if you have any doubts please lets know.

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