Invoking a Java Method from Peoplecode

We are tasked to do a Single Sign On from a third-party to PeopleSoft HRHD using 3DES encryption method based from the email of the user from the third party. We managed to get the java program that was used to encrypt the email and use this to process the decryption on the Peoplesoft side.
First, are we correct in enabling the SignOn Peoplecode and then creating a Record Peoplecode that process the encrypted string that was passed via the URL?
Supposing we are correct in this first step, how do we call this java method? We have placed the java class in the PS_HOME/appserv/classes directory and we are somehow stuck on this part of the Peoplecode.
&oDecrypt = CreateJavaObject("SSOCrpyto");
The decryptString part of the Java class is constructed like this.
public String decryptString(byte[] message) throws Exception {
...code here...
We are not familiar on how the parameter is passed when the datatype in java is an array of byte[] (If I understood it correctly).
Thank you.
Jeremy Leung
Edited by: 934351 on May 15, 2012 12:36 AM

Hello Hakan and Jim. Thank you for your replies. I, however, was wondering where do the method decryptString come in, in the Peoplecode? Pardon me if I post the entire Java class here. I am not very well-versed with the Java language, but upon reading most Java-related programs regarding Encryption/Decryption they are identical with the Java class pasted below.
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
public class SAPSSOCrypto {
     public byte[] encrypt(String message) throws Exception {
          final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("md5");
          final byte[] digestOfPassword =
          final byte[] keyBytes = new byte[24];//Arrays.copyOf(digestOfPassword, 24);
          for (int j = 0, k = 16; j < 8;) {
               keyBytes[k++] = keyBytes[j++];
          final SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "DESede");
          final IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(new byte[8]);
          final Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
          cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, iv);
          final byte[] plainTextBytes = message.getBytes("utf-8");
          final byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(plainTextBytes);
          // final String encodedCipherText = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder()
          // .encode(cipherText);
          return cipherText;
     public String decryptString(byte[] message) throws Exception {
          final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("md5");
          final byte[] digestOfPassword =
          final byte[] keyBytes = new byte[24]; //Arrays.copyOf(digestOfPassword, 24);
          for (int j = 0, k = 16; j < 8;) {
               keyBytes[k++] = keyBytes[j++];
          final SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "DESede");
          final IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(new byte[8]);
          final Cipher decipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
          decipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, iv);
          // final byte[] encData = new // sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(message);
          final byte[] plainText = decipher.doFinal(message);
          return new String(plainText, "UTF-8");

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    First, make sure cls is valid.
    In case you're not sure, once you remove the extra comma you'll be invoking:
    class WhateverClassClsActuallyPointsTo {
      static String doSabreCall( String a, String b );
    }You might want to check out Jace at It's a free, open-source toolkit/library that's designed to handle this exact problem. You can use a tool, proxygen, to automatically generate a C++ proxy for your class, and then call it straight from C++. Your C++ code would look like:
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    Here's a way I have done what you are asking about:
    What you want to do is make all of your linking happen at runtime, rather than at compile time. This way, you can edit the PATH variable before the jvm.dll gets loaded.
    Following is some code that I used to handle a dll of my own in this manner. You can decide if you want to write a "wrapper" dll, or if you find it simpler to approach the jvm.dll in this way.
    // Define pointer type for DLL entry point.
         typedef void JREPDLL_API (*EXECUTEREQUEST)(char*, Arguments&);
    // Set up path, load dll, and pass everything off to it.
    HINSTANCE javaServer = javaServer = LoadLibrary("jrepdll.dll");
    if (javaServer != NULL) {
    EXECUTEREQUEST executeRequest = (EXECUTEREQUEST)GetProcAddress(javaServer, "ExecuteRequest");
    if (executeRequest != NULL) {
    if (argc == 1)
         // Execute the request.
         executeRequest("-run", args);
         // Execute the request.
         executeRequest("-console", args);
    Here's some code for how to edit the PATH:
              // Edit the PATH environment variable so that we use our private java.
    char *appendPt;
    char *newPath;
    char *path;
              char tmp[_MAX_PATH];
              // Get the current PATH variable setting.
    path = getenv("PATH");
              // Allocate space for an edited path setting.
              if (path != NULL)
                   newPath = (char*)malloc((_MAX_PATH * 2) + strlen(path));
                   newPath = (char*)malloc((_MAX_PATH * 2));
              // Get upper part of path to desired directories.
              strcpy(tmp, filepath);
              appendPt = strstr(tmp, "dbin\\jreplicator");
              appendPt[0] = '\0';
    sprintf(newPath, "PATH=%sjava\\jre1.2.2\\bin;%sjava\\jre1.2.2\\bin\\classic", tmp, tmp);
    // Append the value of the existing PATH environment variable.
    // If there is anything, append it.
    if (path != NULL) {
         strcat(newPath, ";");
         strncat(newPath, path, (sizeof(newPath) - strlen(newPath) - 2));
    // Set new PATH value.

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    (My JNI is rusty, and the tutorial is gone),
    Something like (Pusdo code, see JNI Spec: Accessing Fields and Methods ):
            JNIEnv * g_env, jobject g_obj;
         void OnHotKey(void *)
              // cut from the example posted above
              jclass cls;
              jmethodID mid;
              cls = (*env)->FindClass(env,"my.Class");
              if( cls == NULL ) {
              mid=(*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "onHotKey", "()V");
              (*env)->CallVoidMethod( obj, mid );
         CHotkeyHandler hk;
         JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gui_Gui_activateGlobalHotkeys
         (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj) {
              int err, id;
                 hk.RemoveHandler(id = 0);
              hk.InsertHandler(MOD_CONTROL | MOD_ALT, 'A', OnHotKey, id);
              // We need this in OnHotKey
              g_env = env;
              g_obj = obj;
              err = hk.Start("calc.exe");
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                   printf("Error %d on Start()\n", err);
         JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gui_Gui_deactivateGlobalHotkeys
         (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj) {
              int err = hk.Stop();

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    "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would
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    Well, you seem to be defining a C program with some imbedded java, or a java program with some native C methods. So which is it?
    o If it is a C program, then you have two things to do (with respect to java):
    - Start a java JVM.
    - During your processing, periodically call into your JVM to process data made available by your C program.
    o If it is a java program, then what you want to do -- I guess - is call a native method to start up an asynchronous (C) process, then have that asynchronous
    process periodically call back into java to process results.
    Overview of JNI (which you need to flesh out with some further study):
    o There is the socalled invocation API, which is used to get java started.
    o There is the definition of java native methods, which are then implemented in a C library (DLL on Windows), which library is loaded up at runtime by the java program, allowing the native methods to be called.
    o There are JNI methods available from C that allow you to look up objects and methods, and invoke those java methods.
    Two references:
    o Essential JNI by Rob Gordon.

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    If you want a very heavy and inefficient solution you can try this:
    - Make your java classes "web services" - it usually requires setting up a web container like Tomcat
    - Call the web services in your C# program.
    Sometimes my solution could work (for instance, if your Java classes can't be rewritten in C# in a short time, and if they are infrequently called, and if they do a lot of work inside, and if you already has a web container properly set up in your environment).

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    function confirmAddRecord() {
    cHours =document.getElementById('frmP:ChargeHours').value;
    cSTime =document.getElementById('frmP:ChargeStartTime').value;
    var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to add Record?")
    if (answer){
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    return false;
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    Message was edited by:

    That depends on the nature of your parameters. I guess you calculate the params on client and then want to submit them. In this case and if you don't want to use Ajax simple add some <input type="hidden"> elements (of course there correspondend components dependent of your framework) and store the params there. If the javascript isn't invoked by a button click, you can use a button nevertheless. Set visible="false" and call
    (or maybe doClick() dependent on your framework).

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    This sounds like a JDeveloper/ADF issue that is not related to JHeadstart. Can you please log a TAR at MetaLink ( ), or ask this question at the JDeveloper forum at ?
    Sandra Muller
    JHeadstart Team
    Oracle Consulting

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <obi-action-config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="afconfig.xsd">
    <name>WaterMark EJBS</name>
    <description>WaterMark BIEE</description>
    <displayname>Web Services and BPEL Processes</displayname>
    <displayname>Mixed Services</displayname>
    <displayname>Java Services</displayname>
    <description>Account used to access WLS JNDI.</description>
    Please help me to resolve this issue

    1. check your t3 port no, in my case it's 7001.
    so i changed "<jndi-url>t3://localhost:9704</jndi-url>" to "<jndi-url>t3://localhost:7001</jndi-url>"
    2. if you run obiee above, you don't need below.
    so please drop this line.
    3. restart your server and check there's no error log when loading ActionFrameworkConfig.xml.
    Good Luck !!!

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    The class path setting is incorrect. Ensure that the class path is set correctly. If this happens on the server side, verify that the custom classes or jars which this BPEL process is depending on are deployed correctly. Also verify that the run time is using the same release/version."
    Referred the scac.log:
    SAXParseException in file +project_path+\composite.xml
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 29, Column 32>: XML-24535: (Error) Attribute '' not expected.
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrorHandler(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrors1(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(
         at oracle.soa.scac.ValidationFaultUtil.validateStreamWithSchema(
         at oracle.soa.scac.ValidationFaultUtil.validateCompositeWithSchema(
         at oracle.soa.scac.ValidateComposite.validateWithSchema(
         at oracle.soa.scac.ValidateComposite.doValidation(
         at oracle.soa.scac.ValidateComposite.main(
    May 19, 2010 6:46:29 PM com.collaxa.cube.CubeLogger info
    INFO: LibClasspath=E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\..\oracle_common\modules\commonj.sdo_2.1.0.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\..\oracle_common\modules\oracle.fabriccommon_11.1.1\fabric-common.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\..\oracle_common\modules\oracle.xdk_11.1.0\xmlparserv2.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel-common.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel-exts.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel-thirdparty.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel-validator.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\fabric-client.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\fabric-ext.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\fabric-runtime.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\oracle.soa.fabric.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\soa-infra-tools.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.ext_11.1.1\./classes
    May 19, 2010 6:46:37 PM com.collaxa.cube.CubeLogger info
    INFO: validating "RHMEDIInboundProcess.bpel" ...
    May 19, 2010 6:46:37 PM com.collaxa.cube.CubeLogger warn
    WARNING: CubeProcessor.compileGeneratedClasses() classpath is: E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\jdev\extensions\;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\fabric-runtime.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\oracle_common\modules\oracle.fabriccommon_11.1.1\fabric-common.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.mediator_11.1.1\mediator_client.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\oracle_common\modules\oracle.mds_11.1.1\mdsrt.jar;C:\JDeveloper\mywork\InboundEDI_RnD\parseInboundEDIXML\classes\com\onerheem\integration\EDIInboundProcess\parseInboundEDIXML.jar;;C:\JDeveloper\mywork\InboundEDI_RnD\RHMEDIInboundProcess\SCA-INF\classes;C:\JDeveloper\mywork\InboundEDI_RnD\RHMEDIInboundProcess\SCA-INF\classes;C:\JDeveloper\mywork\InboundEDI_RnD\RHMEDIInboundProcess\SCA-INF\gen-classes;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\..\oracle_common\modules\commonj.sdo_2.1.0.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\..\oracle_common\modules\oracle.fabriccommon_11.1.1\fabric-common.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\..\oracle_common\modules\oracle.xdk_11.1.0\xmlparserv2.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel-common.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel-exts.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel-thirdparty.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel-validator.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1\orabpel.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\fabric-client.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\fabric-ext.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\fabric-runtime.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\oracle.soa.fabric.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1\soa-infra-tools.jar;E:\Softwares\OracleFMW\jdeveloper\soa\modules\oracle.soa.ext_11.1.1\./classes
    Any suggestions to rectify the same?

    I wud suggest you to make a jar of ur java class and include it in the project libraries of BPEL and make use of java embedded activity this way it works.
    have a luk at below link:

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    Hi, Can we invoke a java application from python. If yes, can any of you post a sample python script. Also please specify any links if you find useful for this. I do not want to use either Jython or any others for this. I would like to do it particularly from Python.

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    OK. So, I think we can all conclude that you don't need to call any Java method, can't we? And, that wfUpdateMetadata is the command that will update your metadata.
    Now, the question is what are its arguments. It has two - the first is the name of a custom metadata field to be updated (let's suppose that one field is called xMinorVersion, and the other xMajorVersion), the other is the new value, e.g. <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", "New value.")$>As for new value - do you insist on using strings? Since you want to increase the value, it would be more convenient to work with numbers. For instance, with integers you could go with <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", xMinorVersion + 1)$>With strings you will need to convert it to numbers and back to strings. Besides, what happens if you have more than 100 minor versions? (you mentioned you want to add 0.01, but that would finally increase the major version, wouldn't it?) So, I think these two numbers are independent (perhaps, with exception that increase on the major version set the minor version to .00).
    If you want to present it, you can use profiles that will construct for you the representation 2.304 out of MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 304

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    How to call a java method from xsl, i have a xsl file which will call the java method and retrieve the value and display it to the user. but its work well when i set xalan.jar and xerces.jar and the java class files in my classpath and run as
    java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in navigate.xml -xsl nav-exst.xsl -HTML -out navoutpage.html[b]
    in the command prompt but when i deploy it as web application it gives error as
    [b]Namespace 'MyPack' does not contain any functions[b]

    OK. So, I think we can all conclude that you don't need to call any Java method, can't we? And, that wfUpdateMetadata is the command that will update your metadata.
    Now, the question is what are its arguments. It has two - the first is the name of a custom metadata field to be updated (let's suppose that one field is called xMinorVersion, and the other xMajorVersion), the other is the new value, e.g. <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", "New value.")$>As for new value - do you insist on using strings? Since you want to increase the value, it would be more convenient to work with numbers. For instance, with integers you could go with <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", xMinorVersion + 1)$>With strings you will need to convert it to numbers and back to strings. Besides, what happens if you have more than 100 minor versions? (you mentioned you want to add 0.01, but that would finally increase the major version, wouldn't it?) So, I think these two numbers are independent (perhaps, with exception that increase on the major version set the minor version to .00).
    If you want to present it, you can use profiles that will construct for you the representation 2.304 out of MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 304

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    An internal error occurred while calling 'submitReport' API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270) We get above mentioned error message at any point in WebI Rich Client. DataSource: Teradata 12.0 (Local machine) BO XI 3.1 Client installed on local machine Universe

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    Hi I am experiencing troubles when using my Samsung StoryBoard (1,5 TB, eSata/USB2.0) with the Satellite A500-1GB (Windows 7 64bit): a) When using the eSata connector (preferred): The drive is recognized by the system, and I can read the directory in

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