IOS 4 update problems and questions

i have tried 5 times now to install the new os 4 update and keep getting stuck on the "backup" bar for about 2 hours then it says "theres been an error continue without backup?" . what do i do? also i have the iphone 3G and ive been reading on these forums its best not to install?? what should i do guys/gals??
p.s. seriously considering switching to verizon and getting a droid incredible
Message was edited by: drendon

ya i think im just going to forget about the update ugh! =) so what do you guys think of the droid incredible??

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    Welcome Kabbo,
    I see you agree that MC III is far from perfect. Perhaps you can try the combination of Media Portal and Ir2Key. Just read some of the other posts including "WinIRX.ocx internals/usage" by ddookie.  Another possibility is to try Dscaler, but this program is only for watching TV.
    Regarding the processor fans: its normal that only one of the two shows up in PcAlert; when you look closely to both fans you'll see that one has only a two-wired connection.
    The problem of a fan not shutting down is new to me, I suppose you have checked the connections to your mobo?

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    For Igor or anyone who can help me :-)
    Hello Igor,
    Thanks for all your help concerning my mapping deployment problem! Now it’s working better ;-)
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    - procedure WB_OLAP_LOAD_DIMENSION
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    PLS-00201: identifier 'DBMS_AWM.CREATE_AWDIMLOAD_SPEC' must be declared
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    Best Regards:
    PS Sorry for my poor English ;-)

    Answered in your "Getting RPE-01008 when deploying mappings" post.

  • OS 10.3.1 Update - issues and question on how to uninstall / rollback

    Up front, I'm trying to remain calm, professional, objective. Pretty sure I've missed the mark, but, then, read on...
    I'm having some issues with OS 10.3.1 update. Before anyone says search the boards, I have. For hours. On various websites. I'd appreciate (but am not hopeful for) an official response from BlackBerry.
    1. I am using a Z30. Carrier is Rogers Wireless (Canada) Updates are set to off. Yet, unbelievably, the update came down anyway, when I was driving, didn't know until I got home. Device rebooted and now 10.3.1xxxx is on my smartphone.
    1. The screen blacks out. EVERY TIME I wake it, the display is zoomed in. I have to gesture and gesture and gesture to get the display to fit the screen so I can unlock the phone.
    2. The home screen is not customisable, and is the default. Now I have to swipe to get to either the hub or my applications. Twice the work = 1/2 the productivity.
    3. The much-vaunted Assistant does what, exactly? All I know is when I did voice dialing via Bluetooth earpiece, the call would (75% of the time) be made. The other 25% of the time, I have to tell it "Call Mom Home" is not the same as "search battery charge". Yeah, my bluetooth is a very expensive, highly-rated one that has no issues in recognition with any other device. Now, the Voice part (Assistant?) doesn't make ANY calls. At best, it offers me suggestions, usually not related (Linda <> Tom) and wastes my time reading out multiple PHONE NUMBERS. Good grief, If I knew the darn phone number, I'd just tell it, Call (phone number). It'd be faster than sitting through all that. Otherwise, Voice Assistant whatever doesn't do much of anything for me. I have it set, as far as I can tell, to do the minimum, not interact with everything on my phone.
    4. Although the new Camera app now (finally!) renders colours more-or-less correctly, whereas before everything was tinted blue, I'm not a fan of the new positioning of the controls. Putting the video button beside the "Take picture" button is ridiculous. The touch sensitivity is so off, that I find myself recording video rather than taking a wanted picture --- and the moment is lost. I really miss being able to tap the screen to take a picture. Now I have to aim for a small dot at the bottom. If I wanted an iPhone, I would have bought an iPhone!
    5. More on the Camera front, it's now difficult to get to photos. As in, I touch the icon to bring up the list of photos, and the latest shot never appears. I have to swipe to find it. And in a different direction now.
    6. In the Hub, especially, the "select multiple" used to be right in the middle of the menu. Now I have to scroll down to find and activate it.
    7. What's with the honking battery drain? More tinkering required on my part to get it back to the 4-day standby I used to enjoy?
    1. I was really hoping this latest update with display the NUMBER of the phone entry. Such as Work 1, Work 2, etc. I find it useful to assign direct number always as Work 1, then toll free as Work 2, Main reception as Work 3, Home as Work 4, and so on. Then it's easy to use (or used to be) voice dialling to call the number I want without knowing what the number actually is. I was also hoping the update would eliminate that so offensive message "next time, just say call xxxxx Mobile 2" or whatever. Which I darn well would, if there was anything in the contacts to display the sequence of numbers.
    2. Calendar. Seriously, why can't I set a reminder for somewhere between 3 and 7 days???? I'm so tired of setting one for (7-3) days, doing the calculation in my head to bypass weekends or other events) then having to update the reminder when I get to the BlackBerry-approved 3 day range. Other smart phones allow any custom setting. Allow me to also ask, put the custom reminder FIRST. Don't make us scroll all the way to the bottom to find it!
    3. Allow me to put my most-used icons on the fricking HOME SCREEN! I don't care about the cutesy pictures. I care about getting my job done as quickly and conveniently as possible.
    4. Fix the darn voice control mechanism. I bought expensive Bluetooth pieces. All I want to do is do voice dialling. That's it.
    5. Give me some control over the spell check. There's no way to edit the words that are "learnt" through monitoring usage.
    6. Enough with the US-marketing. Mountain Time is Mountain Time. Not US-Mountain Time. I'm not picking something like that, I don't care who that offends. It's as dumb as as settting time zones (as Apple used to) to "Calgary, Alberta." I don't live in Calgary. I do live in the GENERIC Mountain time Zone.
    7. Speaking of, I also speak English. Not US-English with US-spelling. How about giving Canada some love
    8. Give me the option to rollback the update. Or at least choose which parts I want.
    9. Expand support for file formats. At this point, I can only load documents onto my smartphone if they're Adobe or Microsoft Office. Here's the thing - I operate in the Corel WordPerfect universe. So the Z30 is limited in what I can / can't do with it. Why on earth can't I just copy my FILES to my phone? Even if I can't edit them, I can use the whopping 64 GB memory chip as a flash drive to take my files with me when I travel. I don't always take a computer ...sometimes I use what's at destination. Plus having them on the phone SHOULD allow me to email them or send in other ways...whether or nor BlackBerry can read them.
    Better - release an immediate UPDATE to fix these problems and add the features I've noted above. Surely I'm not the only one struggling with the built-in limitations of the interface and info-displays.
    Please tell me how I can rollback / uninstall / whatever this "update".
    I shudder to think the only solution is to backup, restore, then reload the Z30. Others have tried and have not been successful.
    The only reason I'm still on BlackBerry is that the issues and to an extent a difference in perspective regarding phone layout / features are still less problematic on BB Z30 than they are on ios or android platforms. Absolutely in my opinion. But then, I'm the one with a frustration level well into the redline.
    Thanks for reading. I'll be even more grateful for some resolution.

    #2) You can turn off the blank home screen by going to Settings >Display and turning off "Show Wallpaper When All Apps Are Closed."
    1. Please thank those who help you by clicking the "Like" button at the bottom of the post that helped you.
    2. If your issue has been solved, please resolve it by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!

  • IOS 6 update, problems with connecting to MacBook

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    Can I even install Mountain Lion on my macbook?
    If I can't install the new macbook software can i revert my iphone 4 back to its original software, or another version, so it will still work with my current version of itunes (10.5)? I could stand loosing the updates i got with the IOS 6 software if it meant being able to connect my phone to my computer again.

    If you hold down the option key and, under the Apple menu, select "System Information"->"Network">"Wi-Fi" do you see that an AirPort card is installed? If not, your card may be dead or it may have been jostled loose.
    Call back,
    MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), OS Mavericks 10.9.4, 16GB Crucial RAM, Crucial M500 960GB SSD, 27” Apple Thunderbolt Display

  • Udev kernel 2.6 boot problems and questions

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    Failed to start udev Kernel Device Manager
    Although I followed the requirements for undev related to the kernel 2.6
    Why am I trying to install and older kernel? Well, the my reason is simple: my laptop keyboard that it's so annoying.. Every once and then it's not recognized at boot and it force me to reboot the system even for 4 or 5 times consequintely..
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    I notice that in /usr/src there is a a new directory eithe the new kernel called  linux-3.9.5-1-ARCH, well if I try to build the kernel inside thi directory I get a message
    linux-3.9.5-1-ARCH]# make
    scripts/ /usr/src/linux-3.9.5-1-ARCH/arch/x86/syscalls/Makefile: No such file or directory
    make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/src/linux-3.9.5-1-ARCH/arch/x86/syscalls/Makefile'.  Stop.
    make: *** [archheaders] Error 2
    The linux-headers are seems to be correctly installed to me...
    Any Idea or explanation or suggestion would be very appreciated.
    Thank you

    Arch userspace is too new to survive with an older kernel. This isn't going to end well for you.
    If you want your keyboard to function properly, I suggest you file bugs against the relevant parties and work with them to get actually get it fixed rather than go down this bizzare rabbit hole.
    edit: even our LTS kernel (3.0.x) is too old for Arch userspace.
    Last edited by falconindy (2013-06-14 15:00:23)

  • K7N2-L motherboard problems, and questions!

    I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I think it is.
    I have a K7N2-L motherboard that is giving me fits! I can't find this board in the data base to try and trouble shoot my issue, either.
    Here's my questions:
    Problem 1) There are three empty spaces in the floppy drive connection (plug) of this motherboard. Two of the spaces are in the second row, and are side by side, and don't appear to have ever had pins installed. This may be normal. These two empty spaces (blue X's) correspond to spots that don't even have holes through the motherboard to even install any pins. However, the third missing connector pin does appear to have had a pin soldered into it (red X), but now there is no pin. Also, when I attempt to start the system, the motherboard does post and will allow you to enter the BIOS set up. However, at the same time, I get a "Floppy Drive - FAILURE" warning during this part of the start up. This indicates to me that the drive is not being detected, and it may be caused by the suspected missing pin (red X). Here is a crude visual of the floppy plug lay out in question. The green I's indicate existing pins, and the X's the missing pins. The blue X's are the ones that appear to never have had pins, but the red X appears to have had a pin, as it's soldered, but is missing. Please, note the notch at the top of this crude illustration for proper orientation of the plug. If you have any info on this, please, give me some insight as I can't find any way of referencing this problem.
    -----------   -------------  ^ motherboard edge is here ^
    I I I I I I I I I I I I I I X  I I
    I I I I I I I I I I I I I I X X I
    Floppy Connector Layout
    Problem 2) It's possible this problem is a BIOS problem, and could be corrected with a BIOS update. However, since I don't currently have a floppy drive, I can't update the BIOS. I've set the BOOT priority in the BIOS as, 1-Floppy; 2-CD-Rom; 3-HDD0. However, the board selecting the devices in the proper order, and thus I can't get any of my drive to boot from either a CD or a Hard disc. I do know that the processor I'm using is good, as it came out of another operating system board. The processor is an AMD Duron 1800/266 FSB. Here's what is being seen with the BIOS with regards to the processor. If, in the BIOS, I set the FSB to 100MHz the processor shows as a 1200MHz processor instead of an 1800. However, when I reset the BIOS FSB to 133MHz (as it should be) the BIOS now shows the processor as a 1900+. Neither of these is correct. Any ideas as to what may be going on?
    Thanks in advance.........

    I just checked 8 motheboards that I have laying around from MSI, Asus, Intel and Biostar.  The pin location that you have marked in red does not have a pin in it.  The ones that you marked in blue do have pins in them.  If you are not the original owner, it may be that someone tried to replace a couple of broken pins and gave up.
    A bios update should take care of the failure to recognize your Duron 1800.  I have provided a link where you can see the later bios revisions.

  • IOS 5 Upgrade Problems and Solutions

    Thought it might be good to have a repository thread for folks having difficulty with the upgrade to iOS 5.
    Here's what I experienced:
    The download was fast (fast wired internet) but the install was long and buggy.  For some reason many of my apps didn't show up after the initial install and my music/podcasts/videos were all missing.
    Turns out the phone had a large block of memory reserved (listed as OTHER) after the inital install.  I did a sync without music to get the missing apps back on the phone, put the missing apps back in their proper folders, then synced one more time to put my music/podcasts/videos back on the phone.  All was fixed!
    Anybody else have problems and solutions they can share?

    bbcamaro68 wrote:
    Hey i was having the same issues i tried contacting apple but got no where, it wouldnt let me restore and back up i keep getting the same error message. 
    went on my iphone under settings and restored back to factory settings, (not data just the factory settings for iphone) 
    and this fixed the problem, ios 5 update with no further problems. 
    hope this helps. 
    Was this just for the Interal Error with no number reference or for the 3200 reference? I tried this with the plain Internal Error to no avail. I have an appointment with Apple in 45 min so hopefully I can return good news. Here's hoping!

  • IPod touch 5th generation iOS 8 update problem

    I have an iPod touch 5th generation with 32GB. This morning I started the ios8 update. Everything was going fine for a while, but now it's like it's stuck. The bar indicating how close it is to being done is almost full, but it's been like that for hours. I can't turn it off or do anything else.
    Even if it's because I don't have enough memory, shouldn't I be able to cancel it or something? I didn't have this problem with the last update so I have no idea what is going on or how to fix it.

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable       
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                     

  • After iOS 8 update, iBooks and Frequent locations.

    So after the iOS 8 update I noticed iBooks taking up space up to 6MB when I do not have any iBooks. Also I noticed freque

    Try some basic troubleshooting:
    (A) Try reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    (B) Try reset all settings
    Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings
    (C) Setup as new (data will be lost)
    Settings>General>Reset>Erase all content and settings

  • Software Update Problem and Apps Failing to Launch

    Ok, so, I have done a lot of hunting around to resolve this problem, (possibly problems) and tried some of the few fixes I have found, (though all were not exactly describing my problem). Said fixes were mentioned on here and on other sites/forums. Apologies if my post is described and resolved elsewhere. I couldn't find it.
    Firstly, my spec:
    27" iMac
    Lions OSX (10.7)
    3.1 Ghz Intel Core i5
    16GB 1333 MHz DDR3 (installed by myself after purchase)
    (Let me know if you need to know more to understand my computer further)
    This computer is absolutely brand new. All I have done so far is the initial set up and installed Google Chrome and various Adobe software (CS5). Also, I did encounter a Java Runtime error and I appear to have fixed this issue by manually downloading the latest Java software.
    I noticed a problem quite early on when apps were failing to launch/crashing. Frustratingly this isn't black and white. All apps, (both Apple software and third party software (mentioned above)) seem to do a random combination of:
    + Failing to launch - icon bounce a few times and then nothing (no error/dialog box)
    + Crashing - Instantly crashing when opened (typical crash dialog box)
    + Closing down - Open for no more than 5 seconds and then completely closing down (no error/dialog box)
    + Opening fine - An application that was doing one of the above three, but now (for what ever reason) working fine
    For more clarity (though this isn't a rule), this is what each individual software (currently) does that I have tested:
    Mail - Crashing, but now opening fine
    Chrome - Crashing, but now opening fine
    Facetime, Address Book, iCal - Opening fine
    Photoshop - Opening fine, (though I have yet to click around and do anything substantial. Basically it appears to stay open)
    Illustrator - Failing to launch
    Dreamweaver - Crashing
    iTunes, iPhoto - Closing down
    But, like I say, this hasn't been consistent, (for example, Chrome has gone through a process of not working, working, not working and now working).
    To maybe resolve this I have tried to Software Update. It finds various updates and I download them. Download seems fine, but after clicking restart to install said updates, only a second in and an error dialog box appears stating that the update files may be corrupt. It then just restarts without updating.
    First idea (prompted by a pre-existing forum thread), was to delete files found in Library > Caches. After doing this and restarting, nothing appeared to be fixed/resolved.
    Second idea (again, prompted by a pre-existing forum thread), was to repair disk permissions in Disk Utility. After doing this and restarting nothing appeared to be fixed/resolved.
    Any ideas?

    AppleCare's Express Lane. Do note that if you're within 50 miles (80 KM) of an Apple repair station, you're eligible for onsite repair since yours is a desktop machine.

  • PlayBook .. problem and question

    I have a problem and a question 
    the problem is i connect my bold 9700 with the playbook by the bridge. it connected sucsseful and i can open the files, messeges, notes, calendar.. etc. the problem is the bbm cant opened. it stuck in the loading wheel screen. i wait for more than 30 min. but nothing happened.
    the bbm version is
    the bridge in the bold is
    the playbook software is

    Well, I'm surprised that this is playing you up. Anyway, before doing anything else I'd try deleting ALL bluetooth associations on the BB and the PB, uninstall the Bridge App. Reboot both devices and try again. You never know...
    If it STILL doesn't work:
    I'd suggest a couple of things.
    1 - I'm running with no trouble - give that a go. Backup first, obviously.
    2 - Try installing and connecting the Bridge before you restore all of your data and apps. If it works, then restore and try again.
    I'm working on the assumption that either that particular OS is causing trouble (unlikely), or that there is something on your phone that is meddling with the Bluetooth connection somehow.
    Good luck!
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!

  • T30 Problems and Questions

    Ok I have a T30 that I do not know what could cause the problem and thought I could post the question here and see what other users could recommend trying.
    First off all Keyboard functions work properly.
    Second the power button and such works properly
    Now the led lights for power, hard drive activity, battery indication, these do not work. 
    I think the power button and these LED's are on the same board, although I could be wrong. But it just seems odd that none of the LEDs including the ones on the lower side of the display are working.
    Any ideas on what could cause this? Anything I can check? All assistance greatly appreciated.

    It's been years since I've last opened a T30. And even back then, I was not playing around with the fuses.
    To make one thing perfectly clear: these fuses are *NOT* meant to be user replaceable and you're looking at a board level repair involving components that are beyond tiny. Unless you're very experienced with a soldering iron, you may just want to get a replacement board or an entire barebone today's prices, that's what I would do.
    Good luck.
    In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
    Collecting dust: T60
    Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
    Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

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