IOS 7.0.3 upgrade hoses Numbers Spreadsheets

I got a notice that IOS 7.0.3 was available for my iPad.  I read the details of what the upgrade does, and decided to install it.  Then when I went to open a Numbers spreadsheet, a message was displayed saying that after I open the spreadsheet on the iPad, I will not be able to open it on a Mac until and unless I install Mavericks on the Mac as well as a new version of Numbers.
BE WARNED.  I myself do not have Mavericks because upgrading is a major pain.  I am holding off pending the possible purchase of a new MacBook Pro.  If that is your situation as well, DO NOT install IOS7.0.3.

I took my phone in to the Apple store. It turns out my Exchange and iCloud accounts were screwing each other up, so I couldn't connect to both servers. To get around it, I had to delete my Exchange account, and now it works like a charm.
If you go this route, you may want to take screen shots of your Exchange server info and email them to yourself before deleting the account.

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    Thank you.

    You can use file sharing.
    You can also use iCloud to sync files between the two apps on your computer and iPad.

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    There is a chance the spreadsheets were made with a Numbers or AppleWorks version so old that it's not compatible anymore with the latest Numbers version (yes this can happen)

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    Hi Rick,
    Sometimes you see problems like that if the document is stored in Dropbox, which so far doesn't play nicely with Numbers 3 documents.  If it does happen to be in Dropbox try moving it elsewhere.
    You also sometimes see that if you have it in iCloud and are syncing with other Macs or with iOS devices and a sync "conflict" didn't resolve properly (i.e. it wasn't closed on one machine and was changed on another).
    If you have the document in iCloud (which with Numbers 3 is now a good option) then on your Mac you may be able to recover it via Finder by holding down the option key and in the menu Go > Library > Mobile Documents > com~apple~Numbers.
    Also, if you haven't already, it may help to update to Numbers 3.0.1 (released yesterday).  It is supposed to have squashed some bugs.
    My experience with 3.0 is a little different from Jerry's. It was clearly a rushed product. But I don't have a lot of complex legacy Numbers spreadsheets that would get messed up on import (which seems pretty buggy) and generally find that simple and clear (not simplistic) spreadsheets more often than not are the most effective spreadsheets. I like the fact that many "nice but not necessary" features no longer clutter up the interface and make syncing a nightmare, and that Apple will reinstate some really crucial ones. And the fact that Numbers finally works well on mobile, a big productivity enhancement (think data entry) that MS can't match (yet).

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    (I posted this in the Numbers forum but didn't get answers, I hope someone in this forum has the answer. Should be straightforward.)
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    Document-Related Data Migration
    The iCloud infrastructure is more robust and reliable when documents and data are transferred between user devices and the server. When a user installs iOS 8 and logs into the device with an iCloud account, the iCloud server performs a one-time migration of the documents and data in that user’s account. This migration involves copying the documents and data to a new version of the app’s container directory. The new container is accessible only to devices running iOS 8 or OS X v10.10. Devices running older operating systems can continue to access to the original container, but changes made in that container do not appear in the new container and changes made in the new container do not appear in the original container.
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    Normal "documents in the cloud" syncing should still continue between devices running iOS 8 and devices running iOS 7 and Macs running Mavericks (or earlier) as long as you do not enable iCloud Drive on your iOS 8 device(s).  As mentioned in the support document, migration to iCloud Drive breaks breaks documents in the cloud syncing as iCloud drive is a completely different system.  (For a time I was running iOS 8 on my iOS devices without iCloud Drive enabled and had no problems syncing iWork documents between them just as they did when running iOS 7.)

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    When I try to open one I get an error message that says "You need a newer version of Numbers to open this spreadsheet."
    I have the latest version.
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    It sounds like you may have mre than one version of Numbers installed on your Mac. and that the older one is attempting to open these files.
    If you were previously using Numbers '09, and upgraded to Numbers 3, the older version will still be on the Mac, enclosed in a folder named iWork '09, found in your Applications folder.
    Numbers 3 will also be in the Applications folder, but not enclosed in another folder.
    The two versions have different feature sets, and I would caution against removing the earlier version before ensuring that any features you have been using and that you need are supported in Numbers 3. Both versions can coexist on the same machine (and according to reports, can both be running at the same time).
    To ensure that you are launching the newer version, make sure you have it's icon on the Dock, and that you use that icon to start the launch. The icons for the two versions are similar—both are vertical bar graphs in 3D format. The difference is in the number of bars—three for Numbers '09 and four for Numbers 3. Once you ahve launched the needed version, use File > Open (or File > Recent items) to locte and open the file.

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    This is an iOS question in an OSX app discussion, but I'll give an opinion. iOS devices are personal, and can be passcode protected themselves. It's reasonable to assume that once the file is opened on that personal device, it will always open on that device without further verification.

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    Not according to Apple.
    From the document you referred to:
    iCloud makes it easy to move Pages, Keynote, and Numbers documents between your computer and your iOS devices. Just sign in to in any modern web browser, and all your iWork for iOS documents will be there — complete with your most recent edits.
    Also, according to Ted Landau (emphasis mine):
    To convert an iOS-formatted iWork document to a Mac-compatible format and transfer it from iCloud to your Mac, you must download the file from the iCloud website via a web browser.
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    Here is an old thread dealing with something similar to this.  There is no way in Numbers to make a needle unless you are will to use and X-Y graph and perform the rotation math on many points.  Said another way you cannot insert an image of a needle, then rotat it based on the value of a cell.
    You CAN enter points for the outline of a needle, then perform the math to rotate the points:
    The formulas are:
    columns D and E are the unrotate coordinates for the arrow
    select F2 and G2, then fill down
    select B2 and C2, then fill down
    make A1 a slider and set the range from 0 to 8 (that'l a little more than twice around, or 2*pi)
    The graph is set so the limits (min and max for X and Y) are -1 to +1
    I hope this is another option

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    Hi rabg,
    I am using OS X 10.8 on a Mac. This may be different if you are using iOS.
    Does Numbers'09 still exist in your Applications folder? Maybe inside a new folder? Perhaps you could use Numbers'09 to open your documents.

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    All of the header items such as  Function, Table, etc., are present but they are dimmed and I'm unable to select them.
    I have other Numbers spreadsheets which allow me to edit just fine. My problem is with this one particular spreadsheet.
    Is there some type of setting that I have unknowingly set whch has locked this particulare spreadsheet?
    Any help is much appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Numbers 3.0.1
    Mac 10.9.1

    Thanks for your suggestion. It did not fix my problem but I continued poking around and fortunately I discovered this solution:
    File > Export to> Numbers '09
    The new file opened ans I was asked if I wanted to upgrade it.
    I answered YES and I now have a fully funtional spreadsheet.

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    If the reset does not work
    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable              
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                     

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    I am having the same problem. Created new spreadsheet on iPad with fresh iOS and Numbers installs (3/2015) and am unable to open this spreadsheet in iCloud in Safari on MacBook Air (all current). I get the following message:
    "Sorry, something went wrong.
    This spreadsheet can't be opened right now. Please try again later."
    Tried reopening on Mac from iCloud and resaving; still cannot open.
    Quick fix: Copying the spreadsheet content from the iPad spreadsheet to one created on the desktop recovers the ability to open it in iCloud in Safari.

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    And here's a way to get some actual information from Contacts into Numbers 3.0.
    1. Copy/paste the script below into AppleScript Editor.
    2. Select the cards in Contacts that you want.
    3. Click the green run button in AppleScript Editor.
    4. Click a cell in Numbers and command-v to paste the data in.
    That should result in something like this:
    Here is the script:
    --Places tab-separated Contacts data on the system clipboard for pasting into a table
    --usage: select one or more contacts in Contacts, run, select a cell in a table and paste
    tell application "Contacts"
              set {tsvData, contacts} to {"", selection}
              if selection is not {} then
                        set tsvData to "Name" & tab & "Phones" & tab & "Street" & tab & "City" & tab & "Zip" & tab & "Emails" & return --header row
                        repeat with thisPerson in contacts
                                  set {thisPhone, thisEmail} to {"", ""}
                                  set {thisName, thisID} to {name, id} of thisPerson
                                  set {thisStreet, thisCity, thisZip} to {street, city, zip} of the first address of thisPerson
                                  set phoneProperties to properties of phones of thisPerson
                                  repeat with j from 1 to (count of phoneProperties)
                                            set thisPhone to thisPhone & value of item j of phoneProperties & "  "
                                  end repeat
                                  set emailProperties to properties of emails of thisPerson
                                  repeat with j from 1 to (count of emailProperties)
                                            set thisEmail to thisEmail & value of item j of emailProperties & "   "
                                  end repeat
                                  set tsvData to tsvData & thisName & tab & thisPhone & tab & thisStreet & tab & thisCity & tab & thisZip & tab & thisEmail & return
                        end repeat
      set the clipboard to text 1 thru -2 of tsvData -- remove trailing return
                        tell application "System Events" to display dialog "Click in cell and <command-v>" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
                        tell application "System Events" to display dialog "Select at least one card in Contacts and run again" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
              end if
    end tell
    This is not as nice as the old vcard drag and drop import. It's a simple example and probably needs some customizing because there are so many different ways people store information in Contacts.  But this approach can meet most needs, if it's not convenient to leave the data in Contacts and link to it.

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