IPad 1 Battery Charge Question

I have my iPad plugged into my iMac and it is showing up within the iTunes BUT it isn't charging.
Anyone else having this issue?
Anyone have any suggestions if there is something that I need to do in order to allow this to charge up?

If on your iPad you see a "Not Charging" sign next to the battery logo, it means either you are using a USB hub (more than one device on a single USB port) or you iMac isn't giving out enough power, because normal USB ports give out Max 500 mA, but iPad needs 1 A. only Macs are so generous to give out more than 500mA on a single port, but even them need you to connect your device directly to them, not through another hub.
Plus, although the sign is saying Not Charging, it is actually charging your iPad, but very slow and gradually! this means if you leave your iPad connected overnight, it will be full charged in the morning!

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    We're iPad users like you, so don't know.
    The quickest way (and really the only way) to charge your iPad is with the included 10W USB Power Adapter. iPad will also charge, although more slowly, when attached to a computer with a high-power USB port (many recent Mac computers) or with an iPhone Power Adapter (5W). When attached to a computer via a standard USB port (most PCs or older Mac computers) iPad will charge very slowly (but iPad indicates not charging). Make sure your computer is on while charging iPad via USB. If iPad is connected to a computer that’s turned off or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPad battery will continue to drain.
    Apple recommends that once a month you let the iPad fully discharge & then recharge to 100%.
    How to Calibrate Your Mac, iPhone, or iPad Battery
    At this link http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/galaxy-tab-android-tablet,3014-11.html , tests show that the iPad 2 battery (25 watt-hours) will charge to 90% in 3 hours 1 minute. It will charge to 100% in 4 hours 2 minutes. The new iPad has a larger capacity battery (42 watt-hours), so using the 10W charger will obviously take longer. If you are using your iPad while charging, it will take even longer. It's best to turn your new iPad OFF and charge over night. Also look at The iPad's charging challenge explained http://www.macworld.com/article/1150356/ipadcharging.html
    Also, if you have a 3rd generation iPad, look at
    Apple: iPad Battery Nothing to Get Charged Up About
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    Apple Explains New iPad's Continued Charging Beyond 100% Battery Level
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    New iPad Takes Much Longer to Charge Than iPad 2
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    Prolong battery lifespan for iPad / iPad 2 / iPad 3: charging tips
     Cheers, Tom

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    It should charge okay.
    It might pop up and say it cannot read, do you want to format. Just click No.
    Also, you may need to configure the USB power.

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    You're welcome.  All the USB cords are the same, so it doesn't matter which USB cable your use.  The difference is in the Charger the USB cable is connected to.
    I don't know if you know this, but the User Guide is conveniently bookmarked in Safari on your iPad.  It might help you to read it and I'll bet you'll learn things about your iPad you didn't know.  Plus, if you ever get into trouble, you can refer to the guide for assistance.
    Take care......

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    Philly_Phan wrote:
    HereIsTom wrote:
    It's not good for the battery to charge so much!
    You can charge the iPad battery as much as you choose with no worry.
    Compleet incorrect.  
    A properly maintained iPad battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 1000 charge and discharge cycles.
    Philly_Phan wrote:
    HereIsTom wrote:
    Best is to empty the battery fully, if the iPad shutdown by itself! Then load fully for about 6 to 8 hours and then work with to it is fully empty again
    That doesn't do diddly for the battery.  It calibrates the charge level meter.
    Not true! It calibrate also the battery self!
    Philly_Phan wrote:
    HereIsTom wrote:
    repeat this for several times
    Because then the battery will not be lazy!
    Philly_Phan wrote:
    HereIsTom wrote:
    Then you need to fully empty the battery once or twice a month.
    Not according to Apple.
    Apple;  "For proper battery’s state, be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month (charging the battery to 100% and then completely running it down)."
    <Link Edited by Host>

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    This is the same irrespective of the USB port or PC used.

    'Not charging' also means 'charging slowly'.
    A lot of computers (especially older ones) generally do not provide enough power to their USB ports to charge the iPad at a sufficient rate - it may still be charging slowly, and should be a bit quicker if the iPad's screen is off, but the wall charger is usually the most efficient way to charge the iPad.

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    but my battery is still working fine
    I'll be you anything it's not. With that many cycles it's not uncommon for weird things to start happening regardless of how well it performs. I would look into getting a new battery as well.
    Have you reset the SMC?

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    Considering the specific way I use my IPad, should I leave it hooked up to the AC adapter on the days it's not in use, or would it be better to simply charge it back to 100% say on Wednesday after using it then take it off the AC and store it fully charged until Friday when I use it again?
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    Many thanks for your advice on this.
    Dudley Henriques

    completely drain and recharge the battery every 30th of the month as directed for Lithium batteries by Apple.
    That's not "directed".
    The only reason it is recommended is so the system knows how much battery is left.
    In fact, draining lithium batteries is not a good idea as they are not meant for deep cycling.
    And completely draining the battery means simply using it till it shuts down (~15%), not till the charge is zero.
    I would not recommend leaving it plugged in all the time.
    Just use it and charge it when you need to. About once a month, don't charge it and just use it till it shuts down then do a full charge. Again, this is only so the system knows how much battery is left. It's not for "conditioning" the battery.

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    The quickest way (and really the only way) to charge your iPad is with the included 10W USB Power Adapter. iPad will also charge, although more slowly, when attached to a computer with a high-power USB port (many recent Mac computers) or with an iPhone Power Adapter (5W). When attached to a computer via a standard USB port (most PCs or older Mac computers) iPad will charge very slowly (but iPad indicates not charging). Make sure your computer is on while charging iPad via USB. If iPad is connected to a computer that’s turned off or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPad battery will continue to drain.
    Apple recommends that once a month you let the iPad fully discharge & then recharge to 100%.
    How to Calibrate Your Mac, iPhone, or iPad Battery
    At this link http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/galaxy-tab-android-tablet,3014-11.html , tests show that the iPad 2 battery (25 watt-hours) will charge to 90% in 3 hours 1 minute. It will charge to 100% in 4 hours 2 minutes. The new iPad has a larger capacity battery (42 watt-hours), so using the 10W charger will obviously take longer. If you are using your iPad while charging, it will take even longer. It's best to turn your new iPad OFF and charge over night. Also look at The iPad's charging challenge explained http://www.macworld.com/article/1150356/ipadcharging.html
    Also, if you have a 3rd generation iPad, look at
    Apple: iPad Battery Nothing to Get Charged Up About
    http://allthingsd.com/20120327/apple-ipad-battery-nothing-to-get-charged-up-abou t/
    Apple Explains New iPad's Continued Charging Beyond 100% Battery Level
    http://www.macrumors.com/2012/03/27/apple-explains-new-ipads-continued-charging- beyond-100-battery-level/
    New iPad Takes Much Longer to Charge Than iPad 2
    http://www.iphonehacks.com/2012/03/new-ipad-takes-much-longer-to-charge-than-ipa d-2.html
    Apple Batteries - iPad http://www.apple.com/batteries/ipad.html
    Extend iPad Battery Life (Look at pjl123 comment)
    New iPad Slow to Recharge, Barely Charges During Use
    http://www.pcworld.com/article/252326/new_ipad_slow_to_recharge_barely_charges_d uring_use.html
    Tips About Charging for New iPad 3
    http://goodscool-electronics.blogspot.com/2012/04/tips-about-charging-for-new-ip ad-3.html
    Prolong battery lifespan for iPad / iPad 2 / iPad 3: charging tips
    iPhone, iPod, Using the iPad Charger
    Install and use Battery Doctor HD
    In rare instances when using the Camera Connection Kit, you may notice that iPad does not charge after using the Camera Connection Kit. Disconnecting and reconnecting the iPad from the charger will resolve this issue.
     Cheers, Tom

  • My iPad won't charge, battery icon comes on when i plug it in but it won't charge any further

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    Hey misskyla88,
    Thanks for the question. If I understand correctly, the iPad will not charge. It looks like you have already done some troubleshooting. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help the issue.
    If you can’t charge your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a good one,

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    For proper reporting of the battery’s state of charge, be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month (charging the battery to 100% and then completely running it down).
    From Here  >  http://www.apple.com/batteries/ipad.html

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    Connect with cable to computer.   Your ipad is in recovery mode.
    Follow directions to fix

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    First, my ipad wasn't charging. Then it shuts down when I have 7% battery, now when I turn it on, it says to charge it. And when I do charge it, it doesn't work. Now, I did it once it worked. Now I can't get past the logo screen and when I do it shuts right off again. Please help!

    Hi InternetHogger,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I know that situations where you cannot boot your iPad and cannot charge your iPad can be very frustrating. In this situation, I would recommend using the attached article as a reference for troubleshooting. 
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on - Apple Support

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