Iphone Family Package

Are there talks about an Iphone family package? We have 4 Iphones currently in my family and hate paying $120/month for the service. I thought I read it was "in the works" and curious if anyone heard this

You will pay the 199 (16gb iPhone 4) for each phone, Activations fees are 36 for first line 26 for remaining. if its an upgrade it will be an upgrade fee of 18.
Just want to let you know ATT changed there pda/blackberry/iphone plans. and no longer have an unlimited plan, there is a 15$ 200mb and a 25$ 2gb, The only way you can keep your unlimited plan 30$, is if you currenly have a 3g/3gs iphone on that line.
Nice thing about the new plans is they stack, ie you go over the 200mb. instead of being charged 2$/per mb over. you will just be charged another 15$ for another 200mb. same goes for the 2g plan.

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    The 1400 FamilyTalk plan is $129.99/month.
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    Unlimited messaging is $19.99/month.
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    Any ideas?

    I experienced this problem, too -- and with the help of an Apple support rep, figured out a way out.
    Go into Settings and turn off automatic date and time, and set your phone back a year. Then go back and turn automating date and time back on, to get back to the present. Now go to Settings > iTunes & App Stores, click on your AppleID, and re-enter it and your password. Finally, go back to the App Store (or iTunes Store) and try to download what you had been trying before -- and if you're like me, it will now pop up with a new set of Terms and Conditions for you to approve. After you approve, you'll be able to download whatever you had been trying to.
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    - enable / disable sharing position
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