IPhoto 9.5.1 Doesn't Load iPhone 6+ Photos

Connected my new phone to my Mac running OX 10.9.5 and iPhoto 9.5.1.  Phone is 6 plus with IOS 8.
iPhoto and iPhone have been trusted.  iPhoto attaches to phone but stays in "loading" status and never displays photos.
iTunes does sync with iPhoto albums.

I am very sorry.  User error.  I only had iCloud pictures on my phone which won't appear.  I did further testing by taking a new picture and they did appear.
This issue is closed.

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    Back up all data.
    Unlock the Network preference pane, if necessary, by clicking the lock icon in the lower left corner and entering your password. Cllck Advanced, open the DNS tab, and change the server addresses to the following:
    That's Google DNS. Click OK, then Apply.
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    I'm not familiar with the uninstall process on MACs so I hope you'll forgive me for referring you to this site: http://guides.macrumors.com/Uninstalling_Applications_in_Mac_OS_X

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    It's possible that the Faces database is damaged, and you can try start over:
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    It's generally recommended not to use a USB hub with the iPhone. I've used one with no problems but many have reported solving sync problems just by eliminating the hub and plugging directly into a USB2.0 port.
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    Hi munaxnight,
    If you are having issues with your iPhone continuing to ask you to accept terms and conditions, you may want to try some things to troubleshoot.
    First, quit all running applications and test again -
    Force an app to close in iOS
    Next, I would try restarting and if needed resetting the iPhone -
    Restart or reset your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    If the issue is still present, you may want to restore the iPhone as a new device -
    How to erase your iOS device and then set it up as a new device or restore it from backups
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L  

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    The short answer:
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    I just want to find out how many other users are experiencing this issue and help narrow it down before I report it to Apple.
    The long answer:
    I'm a CSEE engineer with with a background in QE/QA. It's literally my job to define exactly what a piece of software and hardware products is supposed to do.
    I validate the design of products, and verify the functionality of the product. For the record I do not work for Apple, and my employer is not affiliated with Apple in any way. Your answer blew me away!  LOL.
    Wow.  Where to start? Any answer is not better than none.
    Your answer is completely wrong and it's dangerous because your kind of answer will discourage regular people from asking questions on this forum. It sounds like it's coming form a professional and it sounds decisive, definitive, and final.  Almost like an edict! LOL.  Unfortunately it's also completely incorrect. That's the only reason I felt compelled to respond to your response.
    Terence Devlin wrote:
    Never let your computer erase data without you first checking that the data is safe. Specifically never use iPhoto (or any other app) to delete the photos from your Camera Card or Phone. Disconnect the camera, check the transfer has gone correctly and then erase the data.
    is a ridiculous answer.
    I am saying that as both an engineer with an extensive experience in QA/QE, as well as a lay person who prefers to to use Apple products. Software and hardware should perform as designed and as expected. Apple software and hardware usually does exactly that. When it doesn't it gets fixed very quickly as long as it's reported.
    You' don't trust Apple software and hardware to behave as expected? Why buy Apple then if you have such a low opinion of the reliability, design, and quality assurance of their products? It's the most expensive hardware in the market in it's class; so it's definitely not the "bargain" factor.
    I buy Apple products because they perform as expected, have a superior intuative user interface, and it is all backed by solid customer service. This is the first time in years that I've had to deal with such a glaring malfunction. Somehow in jumping from Mavericks to YosemiteI, and IOS 7.x to  IOS 8.x somehow the ball got dropped and I just want to know if this is a "one in a million case," or is it a more common bug before I report it to Apple. Either way it will be reported.
    I am using two Apple products together and using Apple branded software designed specifically for those products on top of that. It's a MacBook pro, an iPhone 5s, and I'm using Apple's iPhoto as the interface. You actually said:
    Terence Devlin wrote:
    ... Specifically never use iPhoto (or any other app) to delete the photos from your Camera Card or Phone. Disconnect the camera, check the transfer has gone correctly and then erase the data.
    2. You can erase the photos from your Phone with Image Capture (in the Applications Folder)
    So first you say specifically to "never use iPhoto to delete photos."  An app that was specifically designed by Apple for this purpose. Then you up the ante and and add "or any other app." But then step 2 you reverse yourself completely and say "use image capture" to erase photos. Why trust one Apple software, And distrust another? Why not trust the one designed for the purpose? Is it an article of faith? LOL.
    I don't know if you ever noticed this; but, when you connect your iPhone to your MacBook, OSX automatically launches iPhoto as the de facto standard app for dealing with imports and deleting images from your iPhone.  Yes you can customize that; but, the default factory standard is iPhoto. This has been the case for years, and it has worked flawlessly until now.
    To advise people to not trust the app designed by Apple for Apple Products to do the work it was designed to do is funny to say the least.
    The expected behavior of iPhoto is that imported images to the MacBook should be deleted when I tell the software to delete images. When the software tells me that it is deleting images and then I find out that it did not; that is a bug, and critical one at that. Major software functionality is being affected and the software is not behaving as designed, advertised, or expected.
    I verified the bug by:
    1- Saying no to the delete option at import time,
    2- verified that the images have been imported.
    3- disconnected and reconnected the iPhone.
    4- When iPhoto informs me that all images have already been imported. I choose the option to delete images that have already been imported.
    5- IPhoto still fails to delete the images.
    I'm able to reproduce this bug 100% of the time. I want to know if others are experiencing this behavior.
    Where did you ever get the idea that malfunctioning software, or software that is not performing according to design is a "Good" thing or that a bug is not a bug; but, a desirable feature?
    From a lay person's perspective, the dialog box box in the iPhoto "import" function clearly states that import was successful, and asks if the user wishes to delete the photos that have been already imported.  This is the way iPhoto has always worked ever since my iPhone 3gs days. 
    The fact that the iPhotos app asks if you want want the pictures that were just imported DELETED from your iPhone means the expected software and hardware behavior is that the photos that were already imported should be deleted and the storage freed for others uses.  Having to use third-party software is not a real workaround or even desirable. There is something wrong with either the iPhone hardware, iPhoto software, OS X Yosemite, Or IOS 8.1.2. Any one of these issues is important enough that it should be looked at.
    I need to zero in on the cause, and have Apple fix it. It could hardware or software issue.  It could be just me, or hundreds, or thousands of people. Everything I have is under warranty so the repair is free and it is expected. I have been able to consistently reproduce this error and I want to know how widespread this problem is.
    The reason I buy Apple products at a higher premium instead of alternative brands such as Samsung, or Sony, or LG is the Apple reliability and user experience. If as a user I don't report a bug; then over the long-term, that reliability and user experience is going to degrade. I'm not investigating this as an "Apple" hater; but, as a supporter and an enthusiast. Finding out how widespread the problem is would help Apple out. When I'm on the solving end of this kind of an equation; I know I would appreciate all the information that I can get.
    On a more personal level, this bug has already negatively affected my user experience. Recently we were visiting a national Park, I took hundreds of pictures, dozens of videos, and I dutifully imported them into my laptop that night and I elected to delete what has been imported. I assumed that when iPhoto reported the pictures were deleted; that this was indeed the case. The next day we went to another national Park and only a third through the day my iPhone 5s reported that there was no more storage. I then had to then manually delete over 900 photos and videos.
    There is no batch delete in the iPhone "Photos" user app interface. I had to go into the iPhone "Photos" select menu, scroll through hundreds of photos. Find where I had imported the day before, and then delete well over 900 photos and videos manually by individually selecting each one and then clicking delete. It took over an hour.
    Yes, in the select dialog box you can select the multiple images and then click delete once; But, on a moving boat with all sorts of distractions this little exercise took an exceedingly long time. It also took my attention away from my family for well over an hour. I didn't see anything that I now can remember during that time and I couldn't interact with my family the way they deserved. I have no memories of that boat trip either in my brain, or on my camera because I was busy deleting. It wasn't by choice, I had to either do the deleting right then, or miss the show that was after the boat ride. I chose the lesser of two evils.
    The point of my little story is, that the boat ride with my family is an irrecoverable moment in time that is forever lost. It wasn't life-and-death, but it was precious and it is gone forever. There is no way to recover it. There are no time machines.  This simple bug, or hardware malfunction was the cause, and I want to make sure it doesn't happen to me, or anyone ever again.  That was the first time I experienced the bug.  Since then it has been the rule and not the exception.

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    I posted something similar under iPhoto then realized it might be an iPhone 4 problem. Suggestions would be appreciated:
    We are unable to edit photos in iPhoto, but ONLY those photos taken with new iPhone 4. We can upload them to iPhoto, but when we choose a photo, double click to enlarge, then click Edit, the display goes black although thumbnails still show at top, with chosen thumbnail surrounded by yellow border to indicate its selection. While display is black, click on Adjust; Adjust detail shows nothing in the levels area as if photo doesn't exist. Double click black display (photo enlarge area) again and get all thumbnails within the event, including the photo that was blacked out during attempt to edit. It's impossible to edit any of the photos taken with the iPhone 4. Photos from other sources (new photos and old ones): still visible, still editable, still seem OK.

    No solutions. Problem persists. Photos from iPhone 4 camera are not enlargeable (for viewing and editing) in iPhoto 8.1.2.

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