IPod Touch won't recognize Sonos

I am hung up in the Sonos Ipod Touch setup process. I installed Sonos client on my ipod touch. When it searches for a system to join and I press Mute+Vol Up on my zoneplayers, the ipod does not recognize my Sonos whatsoever.
Here is my setup:
Cable Internet to
Motorola Cable Modem to
Linksys Wired Router to
I plugged an Apple Airport Express into the Linksys Wired router and the internet works fine on my ipod touch. Again, doesn't recognize Sonos.
I called Sonos support on Friday and got what sounds like good advice: the Apple Airport Express needs to be configured as a bridge. I have searched forum after forum (many non-Sonos) and I just can't figure out how to make this work.
My configuration is not that unusual -- please help me!!! The main reason I got an ipod touch was to serve as another Sonos remote!
Thanks in advance

Personally, I would retire the Linksys router and use your Airport Express as your primary router. Then if you need additional ethernet ports, you can setup your Linksys router as a bridge and use it as a four port switch (or you can just buy a 4 port switch really cheap).

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    Try the following:
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    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
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    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
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    Try here:
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    Next make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.

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    Maybe this previous discussion will help:
    HT1491 How do i get the security...: Apple Support Communities

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    Connect the iOS device to your computer and restore via iTunes. Place the iPod in Recovery Mode if necessary to allow the restore.
    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    For how to restore:
    iTunes: Backing up, updating, and restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: How to back up
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the iPod backup that iTunes makes.
    You can redownload iTuns purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    I am not clear as to your problem. Maybe:
    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive: Apple Support Communities
    or maybe:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    I would start with               
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    New cable and different USB port?
    Runs this and see if the results help with determine the cause
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    Try on another computer to help determine if computer or iPod problem

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    I appreciate it!

    Wow, Kevin; that's a tantalizing theory! I don't like it (I *never* like to think about logic board damage for any piece of hardware), but it's tantalizing, as it would explain my pod seemingly charging out of thin air, and it'd also explain why my pod doesn't just DIE altogether from a dead battery.
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    Thanks for sticking with me, Kevin; I always like figgering things out, and your theory's interesting. I'll mention it to the Genius. It doesn't give me any hope, but not having any hope, I can always be pleasantly surprised, whereas if I go in all hopeful, someone can dash my dreams. This way, I'll prolly just have my expectations met.
    I appreciate your talking it out with me a lot!

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    I’ve tried different USB ports on the computer.
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    Mac mini
    1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo
    OS 10.4.11
    iTunes 9.2.1
    iPod Touch 32GB, version 3.1.3 (7E18), model PB533LL 

    I found this possible solution on another support thread, so I tried it.
    turn off iPod
    hold Sleep and Home buttons to start it.
    When Apple appears, let go of Sleep button, but keep holding Home button.
    When screen goes blank, let go of Home button.
    Connect cable and check iTunes to see if it has conencted.
    This did not work for me.
    I then turned off the iPod, restarted the Mac, and restarted the iPod normally.
    I connected them with the cable, and it works like normal.  :-)

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    - Try tapping the screen twice with three fingers to get to normal and then go to Settings>General>Accessibility and turn Voice-Over over.
    - If unsuccessful, connect the iPod to its syncing computer and go to the Summary pane for the iPod in iTunes.  Click on Configure Universal Access and turn Voice-Over off.

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    I had the same problem and the sad thing is that you wont find any solution, I left my ipod over night with the apple logo screen and the loading bar almost full but it wouldnt move, next day it was still there, I had to unplug it, and I'm pretty sure this cause irreversible damage to your device in the long term since itunes warn you no to disconnect the ipod while the sync is being done and it also messed up my computer, I had to force it to shut down since it got stuck with itunes trying to restore my ipod, you just need to keep conecting your ipod until itunes recognize it as an ipod in recovery mode then it will sync again and everything should work this time, that is what happened to me. Good luck.

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    Create an iTunes App Store account without a credit card

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    Where are you physically located?
    What country's Store are you using?
    The two have to be the same and the payment method for your account also has to be associated (billing address, where iTunes gift card was purchased) with that country.
    Has the ID(s) worked before for purchases for this country's store?

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