IPod won't stay pluged in

When I connect my iPod mini to my computer, it only has the do not dissconnect screen for about 10 seconds then dissconnects automatically. I don't get the can't mount iPod error though. any suggestions?
gateway   Windows XP  

How long have you had this ipod? I fit is quite old, the battery may be at the end of its life. When that happens, the battery can no longer hold a charge. If this is the case, you may have to replace the battery, or get a new ipod.

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    Hey my iPod won't stay on a game im playing or apps I open and sarfi keeps

    Try closing all apps via the taskbar and then see if they then stay open : from the home screen (i.e. not with any app 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of each app to close them, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    For Safari you could also try clearing its cache, cookies and history via Settings > Safari
    If that doesn't work then you could try a soft-reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the equivalent of a reboot.

  • IPod won't stay mounted to computer, can't load any content

    I've reset it, tried to repair it with disk utility, and it still won't stay mounted. Can't put any content on it.
    iPod classic 160 GB
    Mid-2010 MacBook Pro running 10.8.5
    iTunes 11.1

    Koopie, the bad news is: that's not at all an uncommon problem with the iPod Touch. I have the same problem at work. We have no problems at all connecting to our Wi-Fi with Dell, Sony, HP, Asus, Palm or any other devices except two: my Touch and my boss's iPhone. Apple has the most finicky Wi-Fi known to man.
    But enough ranting. The first thing you'll want to do is to check to be sure that your router's firmware is up-to-date. That may just solve your problem; it does in some cases. I've also found that turning the Touch's Wi-Fi off and on sometimes helps. You may have to do it four or five times to get a reconnect. You might also check your router's instructions to see if there is a way to reset it by going in through your web browser, which may be more convenient than pulling the plug.

  • Ipod won;t stay on!

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    there are only 2 other options
    1. put it in disk mode and restore ipod
    2. if step 1 fails, then get ipod serviced. if the ipod is within its one year warranty, parts and labor are covered. you only have to pay shipping to sent it in. you can also buy an extended 1 yr warranty ($59) that covers the ipod for an additional yr. and it covers shipping

  • My iPod won't stay powered off

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    I have disabled Wi-Fi, turned off notifications and there are no alarms set, so I can't see any reason why it should want to power up by itself.
    I have only recently tried powering it off - for the last couple of years I have generally left it just in sleep mode, and that has been fine. However the battery seems to be on its way out, hence wanting to power it off completely to rateain as much charge as possible
    But why does my iPod refuse to stay powered off? Any thoughts?

    I did power off the iPod when it was in the "reset to factory" state, and it powered itself up again just as before.
    A service sounds expensive, and add on the cost  of a new battery and it is probably more cost effective to purchase a new 4gen iPod or alternative product.  For now I think I'll just wait until the battery completely dies (and I'll know because it will stop trying to power itself up).
    I have actually found a way of getting it to power off, and stay off: 
    Connect it to my MacBook
    Power off
    Disconnect the cable from the Mac
    Remove the cable from the iPod
    If I remove the cable from the iPod first then it immediately powers up again - perhaps because the connections don't disconnect as cleanly as they do with the USB end of the cable.

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    iTunes would open, and it would say error 9, or error 1611, I do apologize for missing that bit, looking up the error, it seems usb related, but all my other USB devices and mp3s work fine on my USB hubs, no matter which I use for the ipod, it does it.
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    Well, I got frustrated enough to try the "whack in on the desk" method of iPod restoration I have read about in a few places. Low and behold IT WORKED! Took two tries. I banged it on my desk fairly hard three times and now it has started fine and is charging as I type this. All songs are still there at first glance. It seems like a dumb thing and your mileage may vary, but it worked for me.

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    I have checked alarm, wasn't on.
    calender was on beep so I turned it off.
    will turn off ipod for the night, and see if it stays off all night.
    will re-post in the morning.

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    Have you seen these troubleshooting articles?
    My iPod is sad.
    What does this picture on my iPod mean?
    Also, there is a pretty comprehensive post written by another forum member which is about the sad iPod icon. Be aware that it's quite involved and contains some info that will almost certainly void the warranty. If your iPod is still within the warranty period, you should use that option first.
    The Sad iPod icon.
    You can arrange online service here.
    Service request.

  • 6th Gen iPod won't stay in standby

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    Hello jfusco,
    It sounds like something may have been misseated when you replaced the battery putting extra pressure somewhere on the inside of the iPod causing it to come out of sleep.  Double check to make sure everything is as exactly as it should be.  Not really much else for suggestions at this point.

  • 80gb Classic iPod won't stay on

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    It seems, further to my previous message, that there is a fault that will, for some reason rectify itself with a COMPLETE 24 hour "resting" of the ipod, then plugging it into the AC adaptor, letting it charge.
    After, "restore" it from your macbook. I had problems with my macbook, and after relaunching finder and itunes several times, it finally recognised it. once recognised and in itunes, "restore".
    I suspect that the new ipods come preloaded with something that the computers do not like (or vice versa) and require a complete and utter rstoring before they successfully sync. I also suspect that - indeed file extensions MAY cause problems. I wonder, as it had "cover flow", it browses through EVERYTHING on it, and anything with an Operating system "alien" file will cause the ipod to restart continuously (e.g. if yer running OSX, a "wmv" file MAY cause exceptions; vice versa, on Windows, it might be a "dmg" file).
    Furthermore, the "enable disk use" may have something to do with the problems??
    Only guesses but any problems, the Apple stores themselves (including their helplines) are superb! Very helpful.

  • IPod won't stay in standby mode

    When I turn off the iPod by holding down the play button, it does go into standby mode, but only for a very short time.
    But if it's off for more than a few minutes, it always restarts whenever I turn it back on, meaning it shows that apple logo for quite a while, and starts at the main menu.
    It's not a huge problem, but I think it's very annoying, and I really miss the standby mode from my previous iPod (also an iPod Classic, it was sent to repairs and I got a new one back - if this one is faulty as well, I'm gonna be really ****** off with the quality of these products)

    The alarm-clock might be turned on, try to turn this off.

  • IPod Nano won't stay mounted

    Hi this is my first post and hope someone can help. My problem is that when I attach my nano to my computer it will mount on the desktop, open iTunes check and see that it is update, which it is and then it umounts from the desktop within a few seconds. It remains in the iTunes window so I can access the nano preferences but then when I hit apply it searches for the nano and since it is not on the desktop says it can not find it. The iPod is not in the finder window but shows up in the system profiler as being attached to the USB. I am up to date on iTunes and the nano updater says it is up to date running 2006-06-28. I have tried everything such as restarting, using different USB ports, etc... to no avail. When I run the updater it stays mounted on the desktop but I can not acces the preferences. I really need to change my nano preferences as it will not update my new playlists because prefs, are set to update only the checked ones and I can not changes this and apply it if the nano won't stay mounted. Can anyone help? Much thanks

    This happened to me when using iTunes 6. Is that the version you are using? I was never able to find a complete answer to the "Preferences not saved" error or any knowledge base articles with an official explanation. I did however find a workaround in a previous discussion. Connect your iPod and in the short time that it is still visible on the desktop just as iTunes is opening, go to Preferences>iPod and tick "enable disk use". You have to be quick but it can be done. Once it is enabled you will be able to go back and update the preferences such as manual update etc. and and you'll not get the error.
    If you are using iTunes 7 try the same technique only tick "enable disk use" in the Summary tab before your iPod unmounts.

  • Do you gotta plug up your iPod 5 gen while it's updatting to ios8? Because I updated mine and it won't stay charged plus it's losing battery life very fast.

    Do you gotta plug up your iPod 5 gen while it's updatting to ios8? Because I updated mine and it won't stay charged plus it's losing battery life very fast.

    You have not provided enough info to really help. How fast is fast?
    What shows it will not stay charged?
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost      
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings                            
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                               
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.                       
    - Wiat for an iOS udate since may be  bug in iOS 8

  • My itunes need a update and i pluged in my ipod awhile doing the updat now my ipod won't turn on and the screen has a itunes ion on it what should i do

    my itunes need a update and i pluged in my ipod awhile doing the updat now my ipod won't turn on and the screen has a itunes ion on it what should i do? i really need the help

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable       
    - Try on another computer                            
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                     

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