Is is possible to email documents to a pc without a converter?

Can attached documents be emailed to a pc without a converter?

What format are the documents in? If it's .pdf, it should be fine. So would .jpeg.

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    Hi Kenneth,
    There is no such interface by default. You would have to implement this on your own, which includes the mail server access etc pp.
    It might make more sense to put these documents in some fileserver store or whatever which, if not included into KM directly (FS repository or CM repository FSDB), is grabbed by some (less sophisticated compared to the mail approach) own implementation and put at the right point into KM.
    Hope it helps

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    No, one needs to convert the image to the PDF format by use of a program that can read the image and then create the data streams used by the PDF.
    I would not use a photo editing program to add text to an image, you might use a page layout program like InDesign. PDF does store text and images in different objects and data streams. This should provide a much better result.

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    This is a user to user forum and nobody knows Apple's motives in not including that feature yet. I suggest you use the following link to provide your suggestion to Apple.
    You can, by the way, add photos or videos when replying, just not other document types. It more than likely relates to the sandboxing of iOS apps to keep things safe and malware free.

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    I am in the process of creating word documents using word document templates (template designer) in the CRM 2007 system. I wanted to find out if its possible to email the word documents generated from the templates using the same screen. if so, are any additional settings required to do so?
    Thanks & regards
    Ritwik Sharma

    1. Please check whether the workflow is running under system account or non-authenticated user.
    2. The following blog for your reference.
    SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflows not sending e-mail messages
    Best regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Why it is not possible to attache documents or photos to mail ??

    Why it is not possible to attache documents/photos/mp3s to mails?it is very much inconvenient!!!

    Why would you send an mp3 via email in the first place?
    The iPhone allows you to attach a single picture to an email. In addition to pictures that you take with your phone's camera, you can also send images that you have synced with iTunes or saved from your iPhone's Safari browser. When you attach a picture, the Mail application allows you to optimize your picture's file size before sending it.
    Step 1
    Tap "Photos" on the Home screen and tap "Camera Roll" under "Albums."
    Step 2
    Tap the photo that you want to attach to an email and tap the "Options" icon on the bottom left corner of the screen. Select "Email Photo" and enter the recipient's email address next to "To." Type any additional information in your email's body, if necessary.
    Step 3
    Tap "Send" and choose the file quality that you want to use for the picture.
    Researching something before purchasing is always a smart step to consumerism. If you dont see the feature, than compromise and use a 3rd party app. with millions of apps available I'm sure you can google it to find something to attach documents.

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    Hi Chipmeister, The option to prevent header information and page numbers from printing on emails would need to be adjusted from within the email program that you are using; the Help menu of the email program that you are using may have details on preventing the data from displaying on printouts.

  • Pages - Share and Print - Email document issue

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    Here is what happened.
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    I tried "copy and paste" of the file after saving as a draft and it only sent the "picture" of the file ICON and not the file itself. I tried multiple times saving it as a draft and then sending and it never worked.
    If I send from within Pages right at the time after "Email Document" is selected, it works every time. It seems to only be when I save the email as a draft from within Pages that it will not send the attachment or something happens to the attachment. I did notice also, that if I edited any "text" from that draft and then saved the draft again, all my edited text wouldn't save either. So any "Draft" saved from Pages I couldn't edit regardless of any attempt.
    Draft saving and editing within the email application works as expected.
    NOTE: Just before submitting this discussion, I tried the above on my wife's iPad2 with the same results. Anything "saved as a draft" from Pages in e-mail, will not send the attachment. Anything sent directly from within Pages and not saving it as a draft, will send the attachment.
    There are times I would like to save it as an attachement, should this work? Thanks everyone!

    I am only vaguely familiar with I know it is a cloud based way to share documents with others, but this is what the send to option does when you work with Pages, Numbers or Keynote on the iPad. I would assume that the function performs the same way in - but it is only an assumption.
    "Send to" is the command that will let you send that file to your computer the next time you sync with iTunes. It is the way the iPad transfers the file to your computer - the iPad method of file sharing. You can sync files back and forth from iPad to computer with file sharing as long as the app on the iPad is compatible with a similar application on your computer. In your case iWorks apps on both the iPad and your Mac.
    This article will explain it in great detail for you.

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    toddisalive wrote:
    Additionally, I have found an AppleWorks file that could be the script, but it is ZERO bytes in size, and Pages won't even open it, saying that it is not a valid AppleWorks file.
    if the size of this file is really ZERO bytes, either the original file contained an empty data fork and a resource fork which was stored elsewhere (*) or the file is too damaged to retrieve anything. Moreover, as AppleWorks never generates file with empty data fork, at least to my knowledge, ....
    Concerning the Movie Magic ScreenWriter files, the application seems to exist for Yosemite ( but it seems "expensive"  and I do not know if it accepts to import old files )....
    (*) maybe in .TOTO or __MACOSX/.TOTO if the filename is TOTO

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    I agree; I should, but I can't :) I have an orange Firefox drop down that I go to to print, and it allows me to select "print", "print preview" and "print setup", where I can change the margins. It always defaults to a full screen shot (I use Yahoo) and does not show just the email. I don't need to print what is on the left side of the screen or anything other than the email (I can achieve these things by using file-print from IE, so I know it is doable, and I am still going into Yahoo and using their email when I do it).
    Hope this helps. I'm not a fan of IE, but I really don't like the print properties I'm getting here (I'm a long time Mozilla user, but I'm losing too much info with this option and can't afford that anymore).
    Thanks for the help!

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    There may be some security issues related to the USPS PDFs.
    I can't help with the scan/print problem. You seem to have done everything I would try.
    I don't know if maybe using a registry cleaner would help.
    John Hoffman
    Conway, NH
    1D Mark IV, Rebel T5i, Pixma PRO-100, MX472

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    Hi, I have 10.6.8 and an HP printer so it may be slightly different but I'll give it my best shot:
    Go to System Preferences.
    Click on "Print & Fax"
    Near the top of that page you should see "Print" and "Scan" options. Click "Scan"
    A button appears that says "open scanner"
    The settings are different between the different scanner models so I'm not sure what the next window will look like, but it should be pretty straightforward from there. It will scan to a JPEG image which you can attach to an email. I hope that helps! Let me know if there's anything ense I can help with.

  • When saving a PDF from a FrameMaker book, is it possible to set document filenames as bookmarks in the PDF?

    When saving a PDF from a FrameMaker book, is it possible to set document filenames as bookmarks in the PDF? Currently when I have a Framemaker book that I want to save as a PDF, I choose Save Book As and then choose PDF for the file format. A dialog box comes up in which I can choose the Bookmarks tab and choose which tagged content I want to be made into bookmarks in the PDF file. What if I would rather have the filename of a document rather than the chapter title be a bookmark in the PDF? Is that possible? Where would I choose that option? Thanks!

    There are two ways that you could do this. You can either use postscript text frames and enter the correct pdfmark entries to show the file name with the corresponding actions (i.e. where to go in the PDF) or you can use hidden text in FM and the "Filename (Short) " variable in a unique paratag to be picked up by FM's bookmark creation.
    To go the pdfmark route, see for details and also consult the Adobe Pdfmark Reference manual (
    The hidden text route would use FM's Color Views to specify a colour as Invisible. This will make the content visually disappear from the screen (and any output), but FM will still be able to read the contents of any text that is coloured with the Invisible colour(s).
    1. Pick or create a colour that you want to be invisible. [Magenta is usually a good bet and stands out visually].
    2. Set that colour to be invisible in View 1 and visible in View 6. [you can use the shortcut <esc> v 1 and <esc> v 6 to toggle between the views.]
    3. Create a paratag to use for the filename and set the font colour to use the invisible colour.
    3. In the title of each chapter file, drop an anchored frame that is set to be outside of the text frame [so it won't interfere with any other content].
    4. In that AFrame, insert a text frame and use the invisible paratag defined in step 3.
    5. Insert the Filename (Short) variable in that text frame.
    6. Repeat steps for all files to be included in the bookmarks.
    When creating the PDF bookmarks, select only the paratag used for the invisible colour.
    Don't forget to toggle the View to be invisible (i.e. <esc> v 1  - this also works at the book level for all files in the book).

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    Yes, use SugarSync, multiple users can open the file at the same time if required.

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    triplembm wrote:
    I downloaded a PDF from an email and have been trying to save the file in my document file.  When using Snow Leopard I used to hit Command S and it would ask me where I wanted to save the document.  i just got an iMac with Lion and when I hit Command S I get nothing.
    Welcome to Lion's new feature: Versions
    How do I save a document using Lion? 
    To save a NEW copy in Preview:
    You said that you d/l'd a PDF in Mail, so why not just click the "Save" button in Mail?
    (Make sure that you click the "Details" button in Mail)
    In Mail:
    BTW, I'm very happy with Lion.  (In regard to all the negative Lion posts, ask yourself if you're more likely post a comment here telling us how happy you are with features of Lion, or to complain about something that's changed).

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