Is MBP optical input stereo?

Hello. I'm a newb when it comes to digital/optical audio and TOSLINK cables. I've got a digital recording interface that has an optical TOSLINK output. The device has two separate preamps/channels and I would like to record them simultaneously into my MBP, yet record each of them to independent tracks in Logic Pro.
My question is, is the optical signal MONO or STEREO? The device I'm using is a Korg TP-2, and I can't seem to find any info on if its a stereo output signal.
I have used a mixing board and the audio input on my mac(s) in the past to record two separate channels by panning the channels (1) LEFT and (2) RIGHT.
I would love it if I could do something similar with this device. If its just a blended MONO signal, I couldn't see investing in a TOSLINK cable and suitable adapter.

Ok, I understand what you were saying about the two rings ON the connector. I wont be dealing with RCA cables anyway.
So one Toslink cable and a MiniJack adapter is all I need. And am I correct to assume then, that the MiniJack connector need not be "stereo" because it is a digital transfer and all the needed info will be transmitted? It will appear to resemble a mono Mini jack end?

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    Well, Google found I think what you were mentioning:
    Thank you for letting me know about these! Pretty cool looking!

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    I must have answered something like that in another thread sometime ago, but here goes:
    A single SPDIF connection, optical or coaxial, will only transfer stereo in analog form; no rear or centre channels!
    There are two ways you can get all speakers playing via such a connection:
    () Get your speakers to upmix the audio source to play on all fi've of them
    (2) Output a Dolby Digital (AC3) or DTS signal. These contain the multichannel information encoded in the stereo signal. A suitable decoder (such as the one contained in the Z-5500) will be able to analyze the signal. Unfortunately, this is something you can mostly find in movies.
    So, to sum it up, no natural everyday multichannel sound over one SPDIF (e.g. no EAX, directsound3d etc.)

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    The optical digital audio input is a good way to get basic digital audio data into the Mac - assuming you have the audio in that format. Most vinyl digitizing folks do not.
    The most common hardware configuration is to use your old vinyl turntable, connected to the proper phono input of a stereo (most modern stereos do not have this and you have to buy an outboard phono preamp). Then the recording (tape) output of the stereo goes to an audio interface that connects to the Mac with Firewire or USB, and not using the Mac optical input at all. There are dozens of famous makers of interfaces from a hundred dollars to thousands. For the casual user, I'd say $250 is a nice spot. You can get a stereo interface that takes analog input from your stereo, digitizes it, and send it to the Mac. It will also accept microphones, should you want. You'll need software to record and edit the audio (Audacity is free and works) and you can use iTunes to make CDs (although cumbersome).
    There are interfaces that do have optical outputs that you could connect to the Mac. But since optical interfaces are rare on computers, and have many limitations, this isn't so common.
    There are many tutorials on the net about digitizing LPs on computers.

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    Hello rjpwp001. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    I suggest trying the following:
    o Connect a pair of stereo headphones to the AX's audio port. Does the audio stream play thru the headphones properly? If it does, this should verify the analog audio circuitry is functioning.
    o Try a different audio source, like iTunes. While connected to the receiver with the TOSlink cable, try different audio selections from iTunes. Are you getting sound at the receiver now?
    o Try a different TOSlink cable. How about now?

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    Thank you.

    The optical digital audio input is a good way to get basic digital audio data into the Mac - assuming you have the audio in that format. Most vinyl digitizing folks do not.
    The most common hardware configuration is to use your old vinyl turntable, connected to the proper phono input of a stereo (most modern stereos do not have this and you have to buy an outboard phono preamp). Then the recording (tape) output of the stereo goes to an audio interface that connects to the Mac with Firewire or USB, and not using the Mac optical input at all. There are dozens of famous makers of interfaces from a hundred dollars to thousands. For the casual user, I'd say $250 is a nice spot. You can get a stereo interface that takes analog input from your stereo, digitizes it, and send it to the Mac. It will also accept microphones, should you want. You'll need software to record and edit the audio (Audacity is free and works) and you can use iTunes to make CDs (although cumbersome).
    There are interfaces that do have optical outputs that you could connect to the Mac. But since optical interfaces are rare on computers, and have many limitations, this isn't so common.
    There are many tutorials on the net about digitizing LPs on computers.

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    Thanks for any assistance...Mark

    I've been going through the same headaches with my extreme gamer. I wanted the quality of an optical connection and was impressed with the improved clarity and gain, but as frustrated that no 5. seemed possible on anything other then dvd's.
    A extreme GAMER card should have GAME support one would think. Then I read about the Dolby Digital Li've Pack, avalible here at the web site, For a fee of course ^&%$&(.
    It convert ALL sound from your card, even stereo if you use the CMSS-3D settings, to Dolby so any reciever can now decode them via an optical cable.
    The only issue I'm having is that with Dolby Digital Li've enabled I'm getting a few millisecond delay that is slightly throwing off the lip syncing while playing video, I can't seem to find out why, with the DDL unticked the delay is gone, but so is the 5..
    I'm not sure if it is because the DDL works in real-time and that causes the slight delay, or not. It isn't a huge problem just a annoying one.
    It seems that Creative sucks at digital, lol. Or just doesn't care very much about it.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Are you sure the content you are playing has Dolby Digital.

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    I am a Logic 8 user, and I'm able to select the optical input in Logic with no problem. I have my MOTU audio setup set so that the optical output is the default output, but Garageband still seems to use the analog output. I can tell by the record level, which is considerably louder for analog than for optical.
    Any suggestions?

    create a new fla, add btn and add the code i suggested.  test.
    var count:int;
    var imageArray:Array=["1.jpg","2.jpg","3.jpg","4.jpg","5.jpg","6.jpg","7. jpg",
    var ldr0:Loader=new Loader();
    var ldr1:Loader=new Loader();
    function clickF(e:MouseEvent):void{
    // initialize count
    // call loadF
    function loadF():void{
    // add one of the loaders to the top of the displaylist and load the next image
    this["ldr"+count%2].load(new URLRequest(imageArray[count]));
    function loadCompleteF(e:Event):void{
    // increment count
    // check if the last has loaded
    // if not clear the content out of the next loader.
    // and call loadF so the next loader can load the next image in the array
    } else {
    // if the last has loaded.
    // last load completed

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    Thanks in advance for any help!

    I run my xbox and xbox 360 to the optical in with good results so im sure the out would give similar results.
    So im gonna say yes, but im not sure.

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    I have one of these (iMic)... Sometimes I need to get a song off of a cassette and this does the job.
    USB Audio Interface: iMic lets Mac and PC users add stereo input and output to USB computers — even computers that lack audio-in or -out ports.
    On Amazon:

  • Can't get optical input to w

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    There is a similar post on this in the forums. Check this out.

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    Does anyone know of a mini sterio with surround sound and optical input in Mac Mini form factor?
    I use a Mini as the family media center and would like to have 5.1 or 7.1 sound for films but don't want a huge piece of eletronic equipment (I have one of those, but it isn't hooked up because it doesn't fit on the bookshelf). Years ago I used a PC and still use the Creative Audigy speaker system (Jimmy rigged to the Mini) that I ran from the PC. The Audigy PCI sound card obviously doesn't work on the Mini, so I just have two chanel plus sub. That has been fine since I switched to the Mini in 2007, but am updating to a new Mini in the summer and would like to upgrade my sound as well.
    I also wouldn't be opposed to a USB soundcard that can drive the speakers. In fact, my wife would prefer smaller and less visible, ergo USB card hidden in the back.

    Hello John, I figured it was a signal issue. All the speakers fire and the sound is great. I was running the speakers thru a Dell PC with a Creative X-Fi Elite Pro, THX Certified, 7.1 soundcard using a fiber optic from the Mac Pro to the Z906's, it worked great until the Dell died!!! When I bought the soundcard from Creative I also bought the GigaWorks S750, THX Certified, 700 watt, 7.1 speaker system, used the speakers for 11 years and then the woofer/amp said "I QUIT" Creative quit making the speaker system and the sound card. The satellite speakers from the Creative GigaWorks speaker system still sound great (rated at 78 watt each) and are a little better speaker than the one's that came with the Z906 and the wattage from the 906 is sufficient to drive the satellites without any distortion. Thank you for addressing my issue, you confirmed what I suspected all along, just needed to hear it from someone with the same setup.
    One last question, I purchased a Diamond Multimedia USB Soundcard, can't use the fiber optic(not supported by Mac) but the green, tan and black RCA's plug in and produces adequetly. When you plug your 906's into the Mac Pro using the fiber optic how do you set your speaker configuration? When I plug into the mac pro with fiber optic the 'Audio Midi Setup' does not seem to see the 5.1 configuration. Any thoughts there?

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