Is the screensaver supposed to run during iTunes playback?

I've been listening to an audiobook for a couple of hours straight today. I've been using a mix of my Apple Remote (the small white one) the dedicated iTunes buttons on my keyboard, and my mouse, to pause and play the audiobook over the course of said time. At no point did the screensaver (Marine Aquarium) ever kick in during playback. The cpu acknowledged that there was activity happening and never allowed the screensaver to run.
At some point, I paused playback for about 15 minutes, then resumed again. Since then, my screensaver kicks in as it would when there is no activity from the cpu, even though there is.
Why is it all of a sudden kicking in? And how do I stop?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
My setup, by the way, is a 27" iMac running 10.6.2 and the latest version of iTunes and all software updates.

Sometimes, the Mac just turns off the display and it stays there, without being into sleep. If you hear fans, it shows that your computer isn't sleeping. Normally it's caused by an app, but a SMC reset may help >

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    I also get a system crash reporter key of c392e98c929aa0b351037af00d75d08aeadc843c    bug type 110
    incident identifier  8ff84a87

    Errors 3000-3999 (3004, 3013, 3014, 3018, 3164, 3194, and so on): Error codes in the 3000 range generally mean that iTunes cannot contact the update server ( on ports 80 or 443.
    Update to the latest version of iTunes.
    Verify the computer's date and time are accurate.
    Check that your security or firewall software is not interfering with ports 80 or 443, or with the server
    Follow Troubleshooting security software. Often, uninstalling third-party security software will resolve these errors.
    An entry in your hosts file may be redirecting requests to (see "Unable to contact the iOS software update server" above).
    Internet proxy settings can cause this issue. If you are using a proxy, try without using one.
    Test restoring while connected to a known-good network.

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    Keep in mind that I haven't actually implemented this yet, but my path is headed right in that direction in the next few days. From wh
    at I have read you can access the database in two modes: synchronous and asynchronous. From your description it sounds like you are accessing the database in synchronous mode, which will stop the application thread until the database thread is completed.
    To get around that limitation you will want to run your database accesses in asynchronous mode, so that the application will continue running while the database is being accessed. What you do then is implement a listener on the database that will call a function that will hide the waiting cursor or image. Then you start the waiting indicator in the application. Once the database is done, it will trigger your listener and remove the waiting indicator, allowing the user to once again interact with your app.
    Hope this helps!

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    Merci pour le truc, j'avais le même problème et cela l'a résolu (sans avoir besoin de désinstaller MS Office). Je suppose que le problème était que le tube fluorescent de l'affichage captait l'énergie émise par le module bluetooth.
    The same in English:
    To solve the "flashing in sleep" problem, desactivate the following bluetooth option in system preferences: "Allow devices to wake this computer".
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    Reinstall  Safari 5.0.6 for Leopard
    Then restart your Mac, try Safari.
    If it crashes again, third party plugins could still be at fault even though they do not show up in the report.
    Follow the troubleshooting help here >  Safari: Unsupported third-party add-ons may cause Safari to unexpectedly quit or have performance issues

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    $phinx19 wrote:
    Hi John,
    I understand your part but i cannnot say the samething to the interviewer. Can I?Why can't you? There is no point of just giving an answer for the sake of giving it when the question doesn't make any sense! If you are asked a question which you think doesn't make sense or may need more explanation , you should(must) ask teh person asking about it. There is nothing wrong in doing so. If I am the one asking such kind of question, my motive would be to check what the person comes up with, an answer just for the sake of it or be more open towards discussion.

  • Plantronics Voyager 855 unable to lower volume during iPod playback

    I wasn't sure if this should be in 3GS or music and video, so I figured I would pick one.
    I have a 3GS 32gb running version 3.1. The problem I have is during iPod playback. My Voyager 855 locks the volume slider on the phone at half way. Using the volume control ON THE HEADSET, I can increase the volume and see the volume slider on the phone increase correspondingly up to the point that the music is very loud. But, when I try to turn the music down, again using the volume controls ON THE HEADSET, the slider on the phone will only go down to the halfway point. I can continue to click the volume down button ON THE HEADSET and the button will beep along with a split second decrease in volume but as soon as the button is released the volume has not changed-it remains at the halfway point. I have this problem with watching youtube videos, everything, EXCEPT for on the rainfall app that I have. I can increase/decrease the volume all the way up or down to the point that I can no longer hear the rain or until it is so loud it hurts my ears. This is very frustrating as I would really like to use this headset while reading and for sleeping, but the iPod function is just too loud. My friend has a 3G 8gb with the exact same headset and he does not have this problem. Is this a feature/limitation of the 3GS?

    Yeah, ha ha, that is my post to Plantronics and their reply to me. I tried what you suggested and no go:
    Un pairing, rebooting, and re pairing did not result in a fix. I still have the same problem. I tried it on my wifes phone-hers is running 3.1.3, and no-go, it had the same problem.
    The volume slider works when the music is not outputed through the headset. When through the iPhone speaker, it works as it should-the volume is able to be adjusted up and down via the slider. Videos behave as they should, any program that needs to be adjusted via the volume slider or the rocker button on the side of the phone works as it should. To expand on what I stated eariler: while using the iPod function I can set the slider all the way to the left (volume 0), press the option for output and set it to the headset. When I do that, there is a split second where you can see the slider move from the left to the middle, and then the slider disappears. It's almost as though the headset is resetting the default/baseline sound level from 0 to 50 (if we are working on a 0-100 scale). I can increase the volume using the buttons on the headset, and I can lower the volume only to half way. If I then select the option for sound output and change it back to speaker, the slider reappears, and it is all the way to the left where I originally set it. This is very frustrating. I can understand Plantronics response. but they are wrong. I can control the loudness of music via the iPod application. I guess maybe this is just a hiccup I will have to deal with. I have placed a request to Apple that they fix this. Maybe in the next upgrade they will, or at least add an option where you can adjust it in the settings.

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    When I try to install the latest version (10.5) of iTunes, the following message appears: "There was a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program running during installation is terminated unexpectedly." Is there somebody who can help me?thanks

    I used this site and it fixed my problems. Hoping it will help with yours too

  • I am using Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS.  I've never had this problem before... today I opened iTunes and it prompted me to download the newest version.  I use iTunes all the time and have updated it multiple times with no issues.  During the installa

    I am using Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS.I've never had this problem before... today I opened iTunes and it prompted me to download the newest version.  I use iTunes all the time and have updated it multiple times with no issues.  During the installation process it gave me an error message that said: 
    Runtime error! 
    Program C:\Program Files\iTunes.exe
    An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
    Please contact the application's support team for more information.
    I quit the installation, uninstalled iTunes and rebooted my computer.  I now receive a similar message with a slight difference:
    Runtime error! 
    Program C:\Program Files (x86)...
    An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
    Please contact the application's support team for more information.
    I did not leave anything out from the error message.  It doesn't point to a specific file, it just ends with "(x86)..."  Every time I boot up my computer, this error message pops up on my desktop.
    How do I repair this issue?  I have found multiple suggested solutions but am unsure which one is the best, and I don't want to try a bunch of different things for fear I may make the problem worse.  I would like to try and fix this myself if possible but I need to know if that is really possible or if I need to take my computer to someone for repairs.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!

    Hi lustyln,
    I'm having a little trouble understanding all of what you are trying to explain. From what I can tell, it sounds like your PC has a lot of software problems and you want to know what is supposed to be there and what isn't.
    For reference, here are your product specifications:
    To get your PC software back to how it was when it was first purchased, run a system recovery:
    I hope this helps. HP employee just trying to help where I can, but not speaking on behalf of HP.

  • I cannot download itunes on my pc.  I get the message "An error occurred during the installation of assembly. "microsoft.VC80.CRT.type=8 0.50727.4053". publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b". processor rArchitecture=amd64".

    i cannot download itunes on my pc.  I get the message "An error occurred during the installation of assembly. "microsoft.VC80.CRT.type=8 0.50727.4053". publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b". processor rArchitecture=amd64".
    Please help. Have just bought a new ipod and cannot use it !!! Thank you.

    Hi Gurmo,
    HRESULT: 0x80073712 means ERROR_SXS_COMPONENT_STORE_CORRUPT, and it is one of the error codes listed at this
    KB article.
    I suggest you run the System Update Readiness tool and check if the error still persists.
    There is a similar thread for your reference.
    Lydia Zhang
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Lydia Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • When I try to download the newest version of iTunes, I get the message : "An error occured during the installation of assembly "policy 8.0 Microsoft VC80.CRT type= "win32-policy".version="8.0.50727.6195.public Key Token="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b.processorArchitct

    When I try to download the newest version of iTunes, I get the message : "An error occured during the installation of assembly "policy 8.0 Microsoft VC80.CRT type= "win32-policy".version="8.0.50727.6195.public Key Token="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b.processorArchitecture = "x86" Please refer to help and support.
    Ok I cant find a way to fix this so I basically cant use my Verizon Iphone 4 because it wont connect on an old version...

    OK.  You may have to reinstall everything from scratch but follow following steps:
    1. Go to Microsoft website to fix install and Unistall problems. Click "Run now" from Fix it to remove all iTunes & related installer files:
    Be aware that Windows Installer CleanUp Utility will not remove the actual program from your computer. However, it will remove the installation files so that you can start the installation, upgrade, or uninstall over.
    2. You should remove all instances of iTunes and the rest of the components listed below:
    it may be necessary to remove all traces of iTunes, QuickTime, and related software components from your computer before reinstalling iTunes.
    Use the Control Panel to uninstall iTunes and related software components in the following order:
    Apple Software Update
    Apple Mobile Device Support
    Apple Application Support (iTunes 9 or later)
    Follow the instructions from Apple article listed here: to remove all components
    3. Reboot your computer. Next, download iTunes from here: and install from scratch

  • I've downloaded Itunes, but my computer says that the app won't run on my PC. What do I do?

    I just recently got a new laptop with Windows 8. However after I downloaded Itunes I clicked on the program and I get a message that says that the app can not run on this PC. I've tried running the  troubleshoot compadibility multiple times and it still does not work. I've tried downloading the newest version and the one before that, and neither are working. What do I do?

    I get an error message saying that this app can't run on my pc and that I need to find a version that will work through my administrator.
    That suggests that the installer is getting damaged during the download.
    I'd first try downloading an installer from the Apple website using a different web browser:
    If you use Firefox instead of IE for the download (or vice versa), do you get a working installer?

  • ITunes could not sync ^0 to the iPhone Unknown Error(-19) during 2.1 update

    iTunes could not sync ^0 to the iPhone Unknown Error (-19) during 2.1 update
    Anybody getting this? On a Win XP iTunes 8/ iPhone 3G
    Thanks for any help!

    I got this message. After several hours of frustration...
    I finally did a successful update by following various recommendations in this thread.
    Maybe all or only a combination were necessary:
    1) Deleted my backups. This DOES appear to be necessary, I noticed that the update was always failing when the update was going through the backup process. It was only after I deleted my backups that the update finally worked. To do this, in iTunes go to Edit > Preferences. Click on the Devices tab. Click on (select) the iPhone in the window. Click on the "Delete Backup" button.
    2) Disable automatic syncing for the iPhone (don't know if this was necessary but it's one of the steps I took)
    3) Make sure all your Apps are updated before trying the iPhone update. (Again I don't know if this was necessary but I did it). I updated my apps over wi-fi from the iPhone rather than via iTunes.
    Important!!!!! After you run the update there will be no backup of your iPhone. You need to create a new one. To do this, right click (option-click) on your iPhone in the "Devices" list of iTunes. Select "Back Up" from the context menu.
    Hope this helps!!!!

  • The windows freezes DURING iTunes installation.

    i have Sony Vaio VGN-N11M, 32Bits. i used to run windows XP and iTunes was working fine, after installing windows 7, i tried to install iTunes but it freezes during installation, and i have to reboot.
    i Created a New User Account but the same problem happened, also Removed iTunes Plug-ins, checked the Conflicting Processes and Disconnected the computer from the Internet whilst installation but still the same thing keep happening.
    i though it maybe because i had old slow RAM so i upgraded to 2GB RAM but still the same problem. i havent updated/backed up my phone for two month and the phone now is being funny too
    i need help

    mmotil wrote:
    I'm having the same issue trying to install a new out of the box copy of XP home.
    It says "session3initializationfailed" I then have to reboot with the power button. It does it every time. The Windows is SP2.
    Ditto for me. BootCamp fails to install XP Home SP2. I have a legal full version bought from Best Buy. Partition is created fine, but get this error when Windows is being loaded: SESSION3INITIALIZATIONFAILED.
    I have no clue what to do, other than purchase Vista Home Edition and give it a go.

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