ISight Blue picture

I am having trouble with using my iSight camera and web based chatvideo. I always get a blue hue to the picture i am broadcasting. I have tried to update java, Quicktime and anything else i can think of.
Any suggestions? I have even changed to quicktime broadcaster.

thank you Ian for the welcome. Unfortunately, I have no problem with Ichat or any other app based video. The only problem is with browser support. The blue is only related to Java Based Web sites. Help! Help Anyone. I know that their are problems out there as mercury has its own solution. I cant figure Mercury as there is no Manual to TFR. Thanks again Ian

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    Kathleenfromks wrote: ...why does face time camera take pixelated pictures? ...
    Because something is wrong.
    You will need to troubleshoot to find out what needs to be fixed.
    One of these suggestions may resolve your trouble. 
    FaceTime (and other video) quality problems can be caused by problems at either end of the connection.  Unless your video callers' FaceTime connections work properly with everyone else but you, both parities to the video call should consider these possibilities.
    (1) Restart your iPad and test again. Sometimes a simple restart fixes things. 
    (2) Use a fast broadband internet connection for best possible FaceTime video.
    Broadband speed matters at BOTH ends, so you use something like to test both ends of your video connections.
    Speeds less than 300 Kbps (up and down) at both ends are unlikely to give best results.
    (3) Try from a different wi-fi connection.
    If the problem is ONLY at your current location, restarting your internet connection may help.  Shut down your iPad or turn Airplane Mode "on".  Then check your cable connections, restart your modem and wireless access point, reconnect iPad to the wi-fi, and test again.
    If the problem remains but ONLY at your current location, there may be a problem with your internet service.  Contact your ISP for help.
    (4) Always use as much light as possible for best images (including video) from your iPad. 
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    iPad2 iOS 5.1    

  • ISight - black picture only

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    Thanks, Brandon

    bmraxim wrote: ... Any suggested troubleshooting steps?...
    How to test your external iSight to ensure it is functional
    If your iSight works properly on other Macs when using the same connectors and/or cables, your mini's video card may need service by an authorized technician.  However, if the video card is the cause, I would think that you would notice the problems in apps other than FaceTime or photo booth, too.
    If the problem turns out to be the iSight itself, you might find having your old external iSight repaired to be more costly than buying a new Mac-compatible webcam.  If your local retailer cannot help you, select a compatible camera from the alternatives listed in  Which you buy will depend on your budget and the camera feature you want.  I suggest USB cameras to avoid Firewire's adapter requirements for recent Macs as well as Possible Hardware or Software Conflicts.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.10.3

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    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Check your settings in Blazer.  Sounds like you've changed it to "Fast Mode" for displays.
    Tap the Lightning bolt icon at the top of Blazer, and see if it's set to Fast Mode.  Change it to "Normal".
    Pictures should load now.
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
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    They all will be very blue. What’s  wrong.
    You probably have changed the ACR defaults for your camera or files. Open a file in ACR and in the basic tab go to right and click in the small menu icon.
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  • ISight standalone picture freezes, choppy

    On a G5, standalone iSight (firewire) using Skype or iChat, testing in Skype Preferences Video mode, image appears then freezes, then, 20-30 seconds later, maybe, the image moves again, and freezes. Once in a while the image is duplicated into a grid of four small images.
    Regardless, haven't had smooth video for 6 months in Skype Preferences or an actual call. I think the bad image started after an Apple software update.
    Isight had been working perfectly. Then, suddenly, everything went bad.
    If Skype does not recognize the iSight, and there is a black screen in Skype Video Preferences mode, unplugging the iSight from it's base and re-plugging it in makes Skype recognize the camera.
    Same bad visuals in Skype and iChat, so I guess the issue is with iSight.
    Repaired permissions, latest updates for 10x installed. Latest version of Skype. Everything is up-to-date. Deleted Perian and tested iSight - still the choppy images. Re-installed Perian.
    Seems to also be trouble in a Skype call- the person on the receiving end does not see video of me, although I see video of the other person (from their PC!) If they do see my video, it is also choppy and freezes.
    Isight is connected via a firewire hub. There is only one other firewire device connected to the hub.
    I've disconnected and reconnected the iSight camera from it's FW connection on the base. (I haven't done anything in the back of the computer - it's a real chore to access there!)
    So, any thoughts?

    Skype, Preferences >Video, takes more than a minute, if at all, to change from black screen and recognize the camera. In most attempts, Skype doesn't recognize the camera, and I need to quit Skype, relaunch, then disconnect and reconnect the camera in order to make Skype recognize it. And then it still takes :30 seconds for Skype to change from a black screen to the camera image.
    All the other apps I used for testing recognize the camera fairly quickly.
    Are you using Apple Remote Desktop as in Tiger this caused a 1 frame per sec issue if active.
    other apps like iMovie that can use your iSight, too?
    IChat 4.0.7 Audio/Video Preference panel- choppy image, freezes, scrolls vertical, freezes.
    iMovie HD - image, becomes choppy, freezes, scrolls vertical once or twice, freezes.
    Quicktime7 .6 (472) - image, becomes choppy, freezes.
    BTVPro - this is probably the smoothest, for about 3 seconds, then gets choppy and freezes.
    Do you use any Add-ons for iChat ?
    No. But anyway, I'm using iChat as one of the apps to test the video only. I otherwise don't use iChat.
    Did you have them before you upgraded to Leopard ?
    I only have been using the iSight with Leopard.
    iSight and Skype had been good for 10 months, then suddenly, in around September or October 2008 the trouble began. It may have followed a Leopard update. I checked the Apple updates, and 10.5.5 was released Sept. 15, 2008.
    I connected a Chumby around that time also. Chumby, and an iBook (Tiger) are wireless via Airport. The iSight is on a desktop, which is wired to a cable modem/Airport.
    Today, I disconnected Chumby from its power source, but it had no effect on the iSight video quality, which continues to break up and freeze.
    Also, there is usually about 2-4 seconds of spinning beach ball after every adjustment in Skype, iChat, Quicktime, BTVPro, and iMovie HD. It takes that long to highlight a function, then after selecting the function for it to take effect.
    This is a application that uses spare processor time to help find protein chains for a University.
    I see about 15 files (no applications) with "PostgreS" in the title. Can they be deleted?
    If you are still having problems I would do Routine Maintenance Tasks as laid out here
    Permissions repair done via Disk Utility.
    The choppy/freezing image continues.
    Next, I will play with the cables.

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    How can i change the background colour to the most frequent
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    (taking the size of the photo, therefore the red is the main
    picture colour) through XML, and the background changes to red,
    then i load a picture through xml of a blue picture and the
    background changes to blue. any help?

    You want to scan each picture and find the most weighted
    color? wow.. good luck on that one.. it is possible but tbh. that
    would be a huge amount of work.. has a bunch of
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    amount of work..
    Don't you want to keep it simple and pass the bg color
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  • Camera Graininess (video noise) on the iSight

    Help- I have some really bad camera noise on the iSight and it seems to be in every application (iMovie, Quicktime, iChat). I'm wondering if my iSight is broken, or I'm doing something wrong?
    I took a screen shot of it, with all the lights in the room on. It was very bright, and I'm still getting a lot of camera noise. help!
    You can click on the image below to see the full sized screen shot.
    Message was edited by: Fausto Fernos1

    Hello Fausto Fernos1
    What application did you use to capture and enlarge this image? Your full-sized image is 991x736 pixels. iSight's native resolution is 640x480. Any camera noise is exaggerated when you enlarge the image beyond the native resolution.
    Considering the size of the webcam image you have made and the quality of your lighting, your picture does not look "really bad" to me. However, if you want higher quality images, consider using a compatible Firewire camcorder for your video webcam needs. Most 2MP or higher digital still cameras will deliver better still images than any webcam.
    If you want to try for better quality than this with your external iSight, try making another image when you can use daylight to illuminate your location. As explained in Use good lighting for the best iSight picture, the KIND of light you use is as important as the AMOUNT.
    For some other suggestions, consider the suggestions in Improving Your iSight's Picture.
    If you want other ideas, consider the How to test your (external) iSight to ensure it is functional suggestions for taking your iSight to a different location or a different Mac to see if the image quality is the same.
    Finally, operating temperature can also effect camera noise. If your location is unusually (uncomfortably) hot, or if your iSight's air vents have been blocked so its temperature has risen, consider a cooler environment or unplugging your iSight for an hour to let it cool before repeating your tests. If your location is subject to atmospheric dust, consider gently vacuuming your iSight to remove any dust that may be restricting the flow of air through the vent holes in iSight's case.
    Please let us know how it goes.
    EZ Jim
    PowerBook 1.67 GHz w/Mac OS X (10.4.11) G5 DP 1.8 w/Mac OS X (10.5.2)  External iSight

  • ISight Updater 1.0.3

    I'm running OSX 10.4.3 on a dual 2 G5.
    When I try to run the iSight updater for 1.0.3 it won't update... saying can't do it on this computer. I currently have 1.0.2.
    My nephew, who has a G5 running 10.4.3. currently DOES have 1.0.3 as his iSight driver, which he downloaded as the update.
    What's up?
    Also.. I notice that his incoming video has a soft look, while others look much crisper. Could this be a bad camera? He has a fast connection, as do I.

     Hello Rick. If your iSight works well on your Mac and your iChat AV does not tell you that you need to update, I would not be concerned about adding this software. When using the Tiger OS, either your Mac's Software Update... or iChat AV will tell you if you need to update.I currently have 1.0.2.Do you know this from your System Profiler information, or are you basing your statement only on the fact that you have a folder named "iSight Updater 1.0.2" in Finder > Go > Utilities?... the iSight updater ... can't do it on this computer. My nephew ... DOES have 1.0.3...What's up?
    My guess is that your nephew installed the 1.0.3 update while he was still using Panther. As explained in iSight Updater (1.0.3), Panther is required for the update, but a later upgrade to the Tiger OS would have left the 1.0.3 Update in place.
    All necessary software is installed with your Tiger install or came pre-installed if your Mac shipped with Tiger.I notice that his incoming video has a soft look, while others look much crisper. Could this be a bad camera?There are many possible causes of a soft image in iChat AV 3. The most common are lack of adequate bandwidth and processor power.
    Because iChat AV 3 dynamically allocates bandwidth between the parties involved in a given chat, both of you should Check your Broadband Speed.
    Because of this dynamic allocation, I suggest that both users who are parties to any problem connection test with more than one other user in order to determine which system is really causing the problem.
    Suggestions for maximizing your Mac's performance with iChat AV 3 are shown in Help for iChat AV 3 Problems.
    The suggestions in Improving Your iSight's Picture may also help all users.
    If your nephew is concerned that he has a bad camera, he can check his iSight using the suggestions in Common PC Chat Applications and iChat.

  • Inverting the iSight Camera Image???

    Does anyone know of a way to invert the iSight camera image?
    Mounting the iSight where I have my G5 is proving a problem because it just fits under a cabinet shelf in our kitchen (This also forced me to buy the 17" version). This prevents me from using the normal options.
    My hope is to be able to flip the included table stand upside down and use the adhesive strip to mount on the underside of the shelf immediately to the left of my G5. The problem is the iSight video image is then upside down. Any ideas?
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Mounts For Your iSight contains links to some alternative mounting suggestions and to the iGlasses software that can rotate your iSight's picture 180 degrees.

  • Black screen on Isight when in IChat

    When my wife contacts me via Ichat with an Imac, I can't see here. Audio is fine. She can see me fine, but her screen of me freezes up.
    When viewing her screen via built in isight camera, it is black.
    I'm using a MBP.
    Any suggestions?

    I have re-read your post several times.
    I still can not work out what you are trying to tell us.
    I seem to understand that when she initiates the call She gets Video and Audio fro you which displays fine.
    However you can not get a picture from her - and if this is from her Built in iSight the picture is in fact black ?
    Can you open the Connection Doctor during a Chat (It is in the Video Menu) and tell us if it says there is any Video feed ?
    Also what is the incoming Bit rate showing as ?
    You seem to also be saying that even though your wife can see you at the start of the chat that your pic that she sees in fact also freezes ?
    Have I understood you correctly ?
    Could you also tell us what your Internet connection speeds are both Up and Downloads at both ends ?
    Have you (both) made the change to System Preferences > Qucktime > Streaming to 1.5Mbps ?
    7:21 PM Saturday; October 27, 2007

  • My ipad will not turn on it will be black then i slide ny finger at the bottom and it will be like purple and red and blue then it will go black again i dont know what to do.

    my ipad will not work it will be black when you hit the power button thn you slide your finger at the bottom like you are unlocking it even though you cant see the screen. then it will show like purple,red, and blue picture for half a second then it will go back to black. I dont know what to do.

    Hi dbailey,
    Try resetting it (nothing will be lost): Hold down the Home and Power buttons and continue to hold them down until the Silver Apple appears (up to 30 seconds). If that works, then within a minute or so, you should see the Home Screen and be able to proceed normally.
    Cheers and good luck!

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