Israel language

i am doing one RFQ for different languages. only for israel, data will come in right to left. so while taking printout its not printing some characters.
for example in address window.
                                                                                Bergman street 2,
                                                                                Park rabi,
its printing as                                                                               
Bergman street                                                                               
Park ra
how to bring this properly with full letters.
my original language is EN. its working for all south east europen country except for israel.
what to do in this. Points will be definite.

hi Ramesh,
thanks for your response.
layout itself will print in right to left. so the all the windows will print reverse from the original language. like if you see in mirror how it looks like that.
so how to solve this .
let me know if not lcear.

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    Hi guys,
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    The DOM Inspector (DOMi) has a menu item (Edit > Select Element By Click) and a toolbar button "Find a node to inspect by clicking on it" (left icon on the toolbar in the DOMi).
    * open the browser window in the DOMi (File > Inspect <b>Chrome</b> Document) and choose the first entry from the drop-down list.
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  • Language selector works fine but just for one language

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    Locale localizacion2 = Locale.ES;
    as if Locale.ES does not exist.
    I listed all the Locales and there it is an ES locale, and i did the same for both languages, can't find what's wrong...
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    TextLabel = Hellooooooooo
    and it works fine
    and I also defined the Datos_es_ES for the spanish translation.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Selector extends javax.swing.JFrame
    private ResourceBundle resources;
    private javax.swing.JLabel jEtSaludo;
    private javax.swing.JButton jBtSaludo;
    private javax.swing.JComboBox langList;
    private javax.swing.JButton jbtAceptar;
    private javax.swing.JLabel jlbGradosC;
      public Selector()      // constructor
      { //loadResources();
        setSize(300, 200);      // tama�o del formulario
        setTitle("Language Selector"); // t�tulo del formulario
        initComponents();       // iniciar controles o componentes
        private void initComponents()//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
          addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter()
              public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt)
          jlbGradosC = new javax.swing.JLabel();
          String[] langStrings = { "Espa�ol", "French", "Dutch", "Chinese", "Ingles" };
       langList = new JComboBox(langStrings);
         jbtAceptar= new javax.swing.JButton();
       jbtAceptar.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
          public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    private void jbtAceptarActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
      Object nombre;
      nombre = langList.getSelectedItem();
            System.out.println("Language--> " + nombre);
                Locale localizacion = Locale.US;  //en ingl�s
                ResourceBundle mensajes = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Datos",localizacion);     
    //else if(nombre.equals("Espa�ol")){
              //  Locale localizacion2 = Locale.ES; 
      //          ResourceBundle mensajes2 = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Datos",localizacion2);     
        //        jlbGradosC.setText(mensajes2.getString("TestLabel"));
      /** Exit the Application */
      private void exitForm(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_exitForm
        System.exit (0);
      public static void main (String args[])
        new Selector().setVisible(true);
    }But when I list all the available Locales using this class, I get the list below where it is es_ES
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class Available {
        static public void main(String[] args) {
         Locale list[] = DateFormat.getAvailableLocales();
         for (Locale aLocale : list) {
             System.out.println( aLocale.toString() +" "+  aLocale.getDisplayName());
    ar �rabe
    ar_AE �rabe (Emiratos �rabes Unidos)
    ar_BH �rabe (Bahr�in)
    ar_DZ �rabe (Argelia)
    ar_EG �rabe (Egipto)
    ar_IQ �rabe (Iraq)
    ar_JO �rabe (Jordania)
    ar_KW �rabe (Kuwait)
    ar_LB �rabe (L�bano)
    ar_LY �rabe (Libia)
    ar_MA �rabe (Marruecos)
    ar_OM �rabe (Om�n)
    ar_QA �rabe (Qatar)
    ar_SA �rabe (Arabia Saudita)
    ar_SD �rabe (Sud�n)
    ar_SY �rabe (Siria)
    ar_TN �rabe (T�nez)
    ar_YE �rabe (Yemen)
    hi_IN hind� (India)
    iw hebreo
    iw_IL hebreo (Israel)
    ja japon�s
    ja_JP japon�s (Jap�n)
    ko coreano
    ko_KR coreano (Corea del Sur)
    th tailand�s
    th_TH tailand�s (Tailandia)
    th_TH_TH tailand�s (Tailandia,TH)
    vi vietnamita
    vi_VN vietnamita (Vietnam)
    zh chino
    zh_CN chino (China)
    zh_HK chino (Hong Kong)
    zh_TW chino (Taiw�n)
    be bielorruso
    be_BY bielorruso (Bielorrusia)
    bg b�lgaro
    bg_BG b�lgaro (Bulgaria)
    ca catal�n
    ca_ES catal�n (Espa�a)
    cs checo
    cs_CZ checo (Chequia)
    da dan�s
    da_DK dan�s (Dinamarca)
    de alem�n
    de_AT alem�n (Austria)
    de_CH alem�n (Suiza)
    de_DE alem�n (Alemania)
    de_LU alem�n (Luxemburgo)
    el griego
    el_GR griego (Grecia)
    en_AU ingl�s (Australia)
    en_CA ingl�s (Canad�)
    en_GB ingl�s (Reino Unido)
    en_IE ingl�s (Irlanda)
    en_IN ingl�s (India)
    en_NZ ingl�s (Nueva Zelanda)
    en_ZA ingl�s (Sud�frica)
    es espa�ol
    es_AR espa�ol (Argentina)
    es_BO espa�ol (Bolivia)
    es_CL espa�ol (Chile)
    es_CO espa�ol (Colombia)
    es_CR espa�ol (Costa Rica)
    es_DO espa�ol (Rep�blica Dominicana)
    es_EC espa�ol (Ecuador)
    es_ES espa�ol (Espa�a)
    es_GT espa�ol (Guatemala)
    es_HN espa�ol (Honduras)
    es_MX espa�ol (M�xico)
    es_NI espa�ol (Nicaragua)
    es_PA espa�ol (Panam�)
    es_PE espa�ol (Per�)
    es_PR espa�ol (Puerto Rico)
    es_PY espa�ol (Paraguay)
    es_SV espa�ol (El Salvador)
    es_UY espa�ol (Uruguay)
    es_VE espa�ol (Venezuela)
    et estonio
    et_EE estonio (Estonia)
    fi fin�s
    fi_FI fin�s (Finlandia)
    fr franc�s
    fr_BE franc�s (B�lgica)
    fr_CA franc�s (Canad�)
    fr_CH franc�s (Suiza)
    fr_FR franc�s (Francia)
    fr_LU franc�s (Luxemburgo)
    hr croata
    hr_HR croata (Croacia)
    hu h�ngaro
    hu_HU h�ngaro (Hungr�a)
    is island�s
    is_IS island�s (Islandia)
    it italiano
    it_CH italiano (Suiza)
    it_IT italiano (Italia)
    lt lituano
    lt_LT lituano (Lituania)
    lv let�n
    lv_LV let�n (Letonia)
    mk macedonio
    mk_MK macedonio (Macedonia)
    nl Neerland�s
    nl_BE Neerland�s (B�lgica)
    nl_NL Neerland�s (Holanda)
    no noruego
    no_NO noruego (Noruega)
    no_NO_NY noruego (Noruega,Nynorsk)
    pl polaco
    pl_PL polaco (Polonia)
    pt portugu�s
    pt_BR portugu�s (Brasil)
    pt_PT portugu�s (Portugal)
    ro rumano
    ro_RO rumano (Rumania)
    ru ruso
    ru_RU ruso (Rusia)
    sk eslovaco
    sk_SK eslovaco (Eslovaquia)
    sl eslovenio
    sl_SI eslovenio (Eslovenia)
    sq alban�s
    sq_AL alban�s (Albania)
    sr serbio
    sr_BA serbio (Bosnia y Hercegovina)
    sr_CS serbio (Serbia y Montenegro)
    sv sueco
    sv_SE sueco (Suecia)
    tr turco
    tr_TR turco (Turqu�a)
    uk ucranio
    uk_UA ucranio (Ucrania)
    en_US ingl�s (Estados Unidos)
    en ingl�s

    Thanks anyway.
    This is a very stupid question and maybe for another post, but I couldn't try the class you posted here
    because I couldn't compile it because I downloaded the library and got the folder in for example here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Mis documentos\softsmithy-v20070520\softsmithy-v20070520\src\org\softsmithy\lib
    From there I added them one by one to my own folder (the one where I have my Java projets and where I downloaded the class you posted) and then I started recompiling each class I was asked for when started compiling the class you posted, but there are so many classes in the library, each one needed to compile the other and I don't know how to compile all at once or include the whole library as a package..
    Message was edited by:

  • Internationalization for Hebrew language

    I made an application, internationalized to be used with some different languages.
    Til now I internationalized it only for languages that have Latin letters (ISO/IEC 10646-1)
    and in this way it is working fine...
    Recently I had a request to put it in Hebrew language, that doesn't use Latin characters.
    Reading the documentation, I implemented the localization for the Hebrew language in the
    follow way:
    Someone wrote the words in Hebrew characters inside a property file ( ,
    afterwards I transformed the Hebrew characters in the UTF-16 mode "\uxxxx", using the
    native2ascii tool that come with jdk ....
    But when the application for the Hebrew language run, it didn't work...
    I should like to know if the procedure that I did for Hebrew
    internationalization is right and, if is not, I would like to know what is the right precedure
    to make internationalization for languages that don't have Latin characters.
    thank you in advance for a kind help

    No one answer me so I try again for some help, explain better my problem.
    I use this class to get strings in different languages:
    public class SupplierOfInternationalizedStrings {
        Locale localUsedIt;
        Locale localUsedEn;
        Locale localUsedHe;
        Locale localizedCurrencyFormat;
        Locale localUsedHere;
        public SupplierOfInternationalizedStrings() { // constructor
            localUsedIt = new Locale("it", "IT"); // specifica il file appartenente alla famiglia
            localUsedEn = new Locale("en", "US"); // specifica il file appartenente alla famiglia
            localUsedHe = new Locale("he", "HE"); // specifica il file appartenente alla famiglia
        } // constructor
        void setInternationalizationCountry(String langToUse) {
            if (langToUse.compareToIgnoreCase("Italiano") == 0) {
                localUsedHere = localUsedIt;
                localizedCurrencyFormat = new Locale("it", "IT");
            } else if (langToUse.compareToIgnoreCase("English")  == 0) {
                localUsedHere = localUsedEn;
                localizedCurrencyFormat = new Locale("iw", "IL");
            } else if (langToUse.compareToIgnoreCase("Hebrew")== 0) {
                localUsedHere = localUsedHe;
                localizedCurrencyFormat = new Locale("iw", "IL");
           System.out.println("linguaggio impostato = " + localUsedHere);
        } // initializeInternationalization()
        public String getInternationalString(String keyForTheWord) {
            ResourceBundle resourceBund = ResourceBundle.getBundle("properiesFile", // il nome del file .properties... la famiglia dei files
            String word = resourceBund.getString(keyForTheWord);
            return word;
        } // getStringForMedidentStartClass()
    } // class SupplierOfInternationalizedStringsOf course I have a iw_IL - Hebrew (Israel) where for each key there is a value wrote with hebrew characters
    the hebrew file property look in this way:
    keyForLabel1= &#1492; &#1506;&#1489;&#1512;&#1497;&#1514; &#1502;&#1497;&#1500;&#1492; &#1513;&#1514;&#1497;&#1502; \n
    keyForLabel2=&#1505;&#1508;&#1492; &#1506;&#1489;&#1512;&#1497;&#1514; &#1502;&#1497;&#1500;&#1492; &#1513;&#1514;&#1497;&#1502; The class SupplierOfInternationalizedStrings works for the translation in english and in other languages that use latins letters ..,
    but when it is setted for be used with the Hebrew language ( localUsedHere = localUsedHe)
    the metod getInternationalString() don't return Hebrew words.
    This didn't worry me, because I read in the documentation that properies file cannot
    read characters that are different from latine... and I also learned that in this case it need to convert the letters
    in Unicode format...
    I made this work putting the hebrew words in an .rtf file and, using native2ascii utility
    with the command native2ascii -encoding UTF8 file.rtf textdoc.txt, I got the unicode format.
    Now the file property for Hebrew language looks in this way:
    keyForLabel1     =       \u00d4  \u00e2\u00d1\u00e8\u00d9\u00ea...
    keyForLabel2     =       \u00e1\u00e4\u00d4  \u00e2\u00d1.....At this point I expected the translation in Hebrew comes good... but instead I still I cannot get the Hebrew words..
    I should like to know why the elaboration still doesn't works
    and I would have too some help in order to do the program works good.
    thank you

  • LabVIEW Developer, Full Time, ISRAEL

    QualiSystems ( is looking for great people who love LabVIEW. We take pride in our code and by taking LabVIEW to its limits we have a need for only the best in the field. Here are the details:
    LabVIEW Developer - Position #4038
    4 years (or more) of experience in LabVIEW
    Experience in Hardware QA.
    Experience in the following fields: Communication, RF, Power, Digital
    Experience with C/C++/C#
    Experience with Scripting Languages
    Experience with Communication Protocols
    Experience with Databases
    LabVIEW certification
    A little bit about the company:
    QualiSystems is a pioneer in the field of Functional Test Automation (FTA).
    The FTA world is evolving from a collection of various tools to an enterprise quality management platform. QualiSystems' mission is to be the leading software company in the new FTA era.
    QualiSystems' TestShell™ unique solutions consist of a suite of integrated applications that enables our customers to test, manage and optimize quality throughout the entire product lifecycle. These solutions enable the creation of complex high quality products, shorten time-to-market and significantly reduce costs. TestShell applications turn the functional testing process into a complete quality optimization solution.
    QualiSystems' TestShell is used by leaders in industries ranging from telecommunications, cellular, aerospace and defense, consumer electronics, medical devices and semiconductors.
    The company headquarters and expert R&D team are located in Israel. QualiSystems growing global presence includes representatives in Northern and Central Europe and North America.
    Please visit our website ( for more information.
    Please send your resumes to: careers (at) qualisystems (dot) com

    Hello Amiram,
    if the position is not yet filled, pm me at coldchemist(at)
    ... And here's where I keep assorted lengths of wires...

  • Indesign prevents the possibility to change the language

    I am using Indesign CS6 and wile opening the application i can switch from English to Hebrew without a problem, but for a reason i cannot understand (i didnt finda common denominator) at some point in time the option to switch to Hebrew is disabled (only in indesign).
    I am using an early 2008 mac pro with 20 Gigs of RAM & OSX 10.7.5.
    attached is a screen shot that shows the problem:
    by the way, closing and reopening re enables language switching but is far from convenient wile having to work on 6-7 indd files on the same time.
    hanks in advance
    Ayal Shapira

    OK, i think i wasnt precise in my descriptions:
    1) The problem happend's only after i am working for a wile and in all the other applications i can still switch to Hebrew just not in indesign.
    (i don't think its an OS bug)
    2) i installed a fresh copy of indesign cs6 on a different machine (macbook pro) that has a fresh copy of the OSX and the same problem acurs.
    i will try to be even more exact wile in indesign i am unable to switch to Hebrew in Photoshop, chrome, safari ... i can still switch to Hebrew & this happend's after some time working with indesign, restarting indesign solves the problem just for a wile but then all of a sudden (after an un known amount of time) the symptom happend's again.

  • Multilingual support - Arabic language help file

    I have to produce a help file (of probably close to 1000 topics) that must get translated into Arabic. Development wants a chm file. We have to send the file out to a 3rd-party translation house. I am pretty much locked into RoboHelp 7 for Word as an upgrade is not on the table.
    Is there some specific arabic character set I have to use to get the index and TOC to generate in arabic?
    Is there some setting or override so that numbered lists show up with the number on the right nargin (since Arabic is read right-to-left)? Word flips the list markers properly, but in the test CHM file we generated today, it appears on the left.
    Would multiple-language support work more easily in a different output format? If so, which one?
    ANY assistance will be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Wendy,
    Sadly, RoboHelp is not the tool to use for right-to-left conversions or help projects. A decision was made and has not yet been changed that bi-directional languages are simply too costly to implement against the expected return. I live in Israel and would love to use RoboHelp for Hebrew - I actually had a funny discussion with the development and sales teams on this one time (I've tried many times) in which I said - look, forget Israel - we're really small, but what about all the Arab countries - trust me, there are a lot of them.
    Bottom line - you can't accomplish this in RoboHelp without MAJOR luck and hacking. Other tools that DO allow you to produce help in Hebrew and/or Arabic are: Webworks, AuthorIT, Flare, and I believe other words - many competitors.
    I would love to work with Adobe to help bring this functionality to RoboHelp - and have offered. I hope some day they will make a marketing decision to implement this functionality.
    Paula R. Stern
    CEO, WritePoint Ltd.
    Adobe Community Professional / eHelp RoboHelp MVP / Macromedia Team Member / RoboGURU

  • Israeli 3G S iPhone (with Hebrew support) + iOS4

    Hi everybody ^_^
    I've got the 3G S iPhone couple of days ago (still don't have 4G in Israel). The sale person in the cell company service center told me NOT TO update a OS (I have 3.1.3 installed), because it could delete Hebrew font support or freeze iPhone while using some Hebrew language applications. He also said that if I'll update and something will go wrong, it'll be my problem, and I could get it fixed\get new phone for a fee (up to 250$, which is not good at all).
    Why can't I upgrade original, not modded hardware, with original not modded software?
    I can cope with not being able to type in Hebrew, since I use English, mostly, but I don't want to brick this expensive piece of electronics and pay for it...
    Please advise ^_^

    Tom Gewecke wrote:
    Are you totally sure your phone was not modded in any way, including apps not from the app store, by the people you bought it from?
    No, I'm not, but since Orange is the biggest cell operator in Israel (I think it's a branch or partner company of France Orange), it's hard to believe that they mess with something like that. Except locking a phone for their Sim card and adding some of their applications.
    Tom Gewecke wrote:
    On the one hand, it's hard to imagine why a standard phone could not be updated, since iOS 4 supports Hebrew, as you can see from the tech specs.
    Hope you right, because I'm paying 860$ for the phone and another 23$ a month for insurance... If I won't be able to even upgrade its firmware, it's just a loss of money. Better to buy 2-3 iPhones from ebay and do whatever, I want with them. It'll be still cheaper and more convenient.

  • Enabling Hebrew as a language choice

    Hey all, I have some Israeli songs and all the information is in Hebrew. I'd like to see hebrew characters on iTunes rather than aeioeiaai type stuff. Does anyone know how to make this possible? Hebrew is not a choice on the language pulldown in preferences.

    If you need any more information concerning your original question, feel free to jump in and tell b noir and myself to shut up.
    BACK TO THE THREADJACK (of sorts):
    oh lordy, i think i know. did you edit the other post?
    I think you hit the nail on the head, b. I probably did edit my first post.
    After editing my second post to say that the link worked, I went back to the message and found out that now the link didn't work. So I went back and edited it again ... this time changing just the link itself.
    I don't recall ever encountering that anomaly before.
    Anyways, hopefully we haven't created any more confusion for Geoff than was absolutely necessary. ; - )
    Message was edited by: The Mimico Kid

  • Being able to see hebrew language on ipod

    I live in NY and i am jewish i i recently put in my ITUNE Library some jewish Music with Hebrew Titles on the Library i am able to see the Hebrew fonts because my Windows supports Hebrew but once i sync it to my IPOD i don't see the hebrew fonts any more seems like the ipod does not support Hebrew how can i change it on my ipod?

    seems like the ipod does not support Hebrew how can i change it on my ipod?
    I don't think you can, the iPod has never supported Hebrew (or Arabic or a number of other languages). What it does support is spelled out in detail in the specs for the product:
    Sometimes the dealers in Israel have something you can add-on, check here:

  • Language specific xml

    Hi all,
    I am just trying out SBO 6.5. Our customers have finally decided to upgrade.
    Since we are loading all of our customized / proprietary forms via xml, I am experiencing trouble in 6.5.
    In order to be able to use german characters in xml we used
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    6.5 does not allow this any longer and produces an error while batchloading. Removing the above will load the form correctly as soon as all special characters are removed.
    However we germans kind of see them as part of our language and cannot really do without them
    Can anybody help on this issue?
    TIA Lutz Morrien

    Starting at version 6.5 - UI API works with XML in <b>"UTF-16"</b> encoding only.
    Common language runtime uses Unicode UTF-16 (Unicode Transformation Format, 16-bit encoding form) to represent characters. This, as Mark said, should support a lot of other characters, as well as german.
    Yaniv G.
    SDK Consultant,
    SAP Manage Israel.

  • HT5025 I need an information about the voiceover utility. In Israel the Iphone comes with the VoiceOver/Siri in hebrew? Would be possible to a blind israeli use the Iphone? How?

    I need an information about VoiceOver/Siri in hebrew...
    Would be possible to a blind israeli use the Iphone? How?
    I ask you because the VoiceOver is not translated to hebrew...

    If what you are asking is whether additional languages can be added to iPhone Voiceover, the answer is "no".
    You can ask Apple to add Hebrew via

  • How to change the language of the Adobe Audition CC 2014?

    How to change the language of the Adobe Audition CC 2014?

    Hello Israel Costa,
    it's laid down there: Adjust the install language | CCM
    Good luck!

  • More Language support in Story.

    Ok so i am from israel and i want to create a script, but there are NO scriptwriting programs for hebrew at all. so i saw story is a great program, so maybe you can integrate hebrew. please. . oh and i have free edition.

    Hello and sorry for the delay.
    We are evaluating supporting more languages in Story but it is going to need a lot more time. We’ll write back when we have a date for supporting more languages. We do not have a definite plan at the moment.

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