Ok, im tired of not having music. Its been... I don't know, ever since 7.2 came out. I've uninstalled, got old ones... Tried it all... Please give me some help THAT WORKS Thanks...

And no quicktime is fine...
If you're getting that message when you launch iTunes, but your QuickTime is launching fine, we'd better check to see if it is a Systemwide problem on your PC, or if it's associated with a specific user account.
(This is not a cure in itself, but it can give us a heads up on possible causes of the problem.)
let's try an experiment.
head into your user accounts control panel and create a new user account with full administrative rights. (there's help documentation on how to do that at the left of the control panel screen.) while you're in that control panel, switch off "fast user switching" in your logging-on preferences.
now log out of the old account and log into the new account.
does itunes launch properly from inside the new account?

Similar Messages

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    When I click on my Itunes icon a big box pops up and says Itunes has encountered a problem and needs to close. Sorry for the inconvenience. And says tell microsoft about the problem, you know. And I've been trying to access the program for three days and it's doing the same thing, I got a trojan horse right before it started doing it, but I've gotten rid of it and scanned many times, it's gone. I also uninstalled and reinstalled both Itunes and quicktime but it still doesen't work, I really need ideas

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    Yes that is my problem. I open Itunes, receive the following message. I have searched all of these forums, following MSconfig, malware removal, quicktime standalone, etc. Yes i've broaden my search on google and it seems to me its around quicktime. If there is another solution that I dont know, pleas help.
    Note: I have AVG anti virus, windows firewall.

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    i tried reinstalling everything, when i try to uninstall quicktime, i never get past the "setup is preparing the installshield wizard" or w/e its called. it comes up but then it goes away, some one please help!

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    You also might find this information helpful:
    AppName: itunes.exe AppVer: ModName: unknown
    ModVer: Offset: 000000dd
    and yes, my quicktime works fine..

    Yup, I've got the same problem although it's installed but now it just won't open and says it has a problem and has to close instantly the second you click a shortcut.
    hi Frenchy!
    you don't say explicitly so i'll ask you too. have you tried this procedure yet?
    b noir, "itunes has encountered a problem. help please?" #8, 04:10pm Sep 18, 2005 CDT
    make sure you follow the instructions precisely. if for any reason you can't complete the cleanup instructions, post back to describe the problem.
    if your itunes still isn't launching after you try that, we'd better check to see if you've got a rare registry problem that can also produce the same error message.
    we diagnose that by creating a new user account (with full administrative privileges). you can do that in your "user accounts" control panel. there's help documentation on it to the left of the screen. while you're in there, also switch off "fast user switching" in your logging-on preferences.
    now log on to the new user account. can you successfully launch itunes from inside there?
    keep us posted on your progress.
    love, b

  • Itunes has encountered a problem and must close..send error report etc.

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    I'm having the same problem.
    I updated to 8.1 and it closes as soon as the shuffle is plugged in.
    So I tried disabling auto-sync. No luck
    So I tried loading an older version of iTunes - says I have to have 8.1
    So I tried uninstalling and removing all itunes related files - and reinstalling. Still closing every time I plug in.

  • ITunes has encountered a problem and needs to close.  PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

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    ModVer: Offset: 000a019a
    I figured that my music files somehow were corrupt and that shi_ happens. Well a week later I was having troubles with the Apple router so I returned it and uninstalled it from my program files C drive. Then I gave iTunes another shot and it opened. Weird, I know. Well my next router was a Net gear it worked fine but it lagged on COD4 while online with my PC, so I returned it. Then I bought a Belkin - N1 Vision Wireless-N Wireless Router and it did not come with an install disc just plug and play. That very same day my iTunes gave me that **** error again. This time I can’t try to uninstall it from my program files because it was plug and play. I already tried to do a system restore and I shut down my PC and start it back up without the router plugged in and still no luck. I also tried to repair iTunes and that didn’t work. I went to the Geek Squad and they tell me the two issues can’t be related (a router not allowing my iTunes to run). My computer is running on Windows XP Pro. I’m now playing my music through Windows Media Player. I’m in ****!!!! Can someone please help me!!!!! I also tried a few things on iTunes support and they didn’t work. I will be more than happy finically facilitate someone for helping me get my iTunes up and running like usual. Dallas @ [email protected] I’ll be checking this thread every day. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ,......"The enstaller encountered errors before the requested operations for Quicktime could not be completed. To retry these operations at a later time, please run the installer again."
    Checking on things that can cause QuickTime launch errors and install/uninstall errors now.
    Have you at any stage installed an ACE or K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, any copies of the programs QT Alternative, QT Lite or Storm Codec, or any media converter programs that can convert files into QuickTime readable formats?
    (I'm checking on these things because depending on the versions of the programs/codec-packs, these can install earlier versions of QuickTime componentry on a PC, which can interfere with the running/installing of a higher version of QuickTime.)

  • "iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close."  Anyone?

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    I have a computer with *Microsoft XP Home Edition* software:
    After spending DAYS trying to uninstall/install itunes for our new Ipod Nano, I read the article about deleting 'Quicktime' from System32. This alone did not work for me, so I did a 'Start/Search' and entered 'Quicktime' and searched all my hard drives. I removed all entries found to the recycle bin. Then I did the same for 'itunes', removing entries to the recycle bin. I think I had a lot of miscellaneous old garbage stored on disk that caused install problems.
    *LOW & BEHOLD*, I was able to install and 'EXECUTE' itunes. Hope this helps.

  • ITunes has encountered a problem...

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    Quicktime failed to initalize. Error #-2095
    Please make sure QuickTime is properly installed on this computer.
    hmmm. that one isn't very specific. sometimes the error message will give us clues as to the nature of the hassle with the QuickTime, but that one didn't in this case.
    so let's try a "diagnostic" standalone QT 7.1 install. at the very least, the error message we get from the QT install will give us some more info about what the underlying problem is.
    from the following link, download and save a fresh copy of the QT 7.1 standalone installer to your hard drive. (we'll run the install from there rather than online.) switch off antivirus and antispyware applications prior to the install.
    Quicktime 7.1 Standalone Installer
    if you get an error message on the QT standalone reinstall, let us know what it says. include error message numbers if you're getting any.

  • I have installed iTunes on my new windows 7 dell laptop every time I start it it comes up with an error saying itunes has encountered a problem and it closes ? any answers have tried command prompt reset and it has not resolved it also un/reinstalled

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    Since the install yesterday I keep getting an error message which itunes has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a soluion is available.
    I have un and re installed and followed a command promt reset.
    I still have the problem. Any ideas?

    Ok. So I created a new account and iTunes did work. I went back into my original account and tried again and just to be more clear, after I open iTunes it asks me to accept or decline the agreement, I do that, then it says "updating library", and then one all the bars are full it closes and says "iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close."
    okay, let's start working through the user-account-specific causes of this message.
    one possibility is damaged itunes preference files in the user account in which you're getting the crash. (there's a different set of those in each different user account, which is how we can get crashes limited to a single user account.)
    if that is what is going on, we can often get past this by rebuilding the preference files in the account that is crashing. for the preference files rebuild technique, see my reply to kusma in this post:
    b noir: Re: iTunes 7.0.1 crashing

  • Help Needed-iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    Hey guys,
    I have had this extremely frustrating problem that just recently started occurring with iTunes. I have read many discussion forums but can’t seem to find a working solution. The problem is every time I try to open iTunes I get an error message that says “iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close.” The same thing happens when I try to open Quicktime as well.
    I have tried every solution suggested in these forums. I have completely uninstalled Quicktime and iTunes along with their components (Bonjour, Apple Mobile Device Support, Apple Software Update, etc.) and then reinstalled each of them but the problem still remains. I do NOT use iTunes for my iPod (I do not own one) I simply use iTunes to listen to my music.
    I have also tried the methods of installing Quicktime by itself and not with iTunes but the problem still remains. I have tried every solution I have seen. The only method I have not tried is completely removing all files and folders that have to do with iTunes because I am worried if I delete those files with all the music I have bought it will have to be downloaded again or lost.
    This is the “Error Signature” that is on the error report when I try to open iTunes.
    AppName: itunes.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll. dll
    ModVer: 5.1.2600.5755 Offset: 0001b21a
    There was A LOT more information in the “Error Report Contents” but it would have taken me all night to type it all accurately. If that is what is needed then I am willing to provide any other information about this problem in hope of getting some useful suggestions or solutions. Any help would be deeply appreciated. Thanks!

    that's been happening to me all day! i hope someone answers soon. bought my daughter an itunes card for christmas and now can't use it

  • Help "iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close..."

    I have windows XP with service pack 2 installed and downloaded iTunes from the apple website, when i click on the iTunes icon on the desk top or from the itunes folder it will not open, I get the following error "iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience" then gives you the option to send error report or don't send. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled it several times and it keeps doing the same thing. Anybody know what I need to do to get it to work???

    Hi -
    I apologize for waiting a couple of days to post - I got sidetracked. Anyway, my "fix" involved a lot of trial and error and stumbling around in the dark, but it does seem to have worked so far. Hopefully I can put together a coherent enough sequence of events to help you out.
    Preface: While you're doing these steps, disable your antiviral/spyware programs just to make sure that's eliminated as a source of problems.
    1) Using the Add/Remove Programs function, uninstall ITunes, Quicktime and any IPod software.
    2) Download the Windows Installer Cleaup utility from Microsoft:
    Install this on your computer. As I understand it, this is basically a program that goes one level deeper to remove software from your computer. Once it's installed, open it and use it to remove anything involving ITunes, Quicktime and IPod.
    3) Unfortunately, you still probably haven't removed all the problem traces of Quicktime from your computer. To edit your registry, select "Run" from the Start menu and type "regedit" or "regedt32" in the box. A window should open with the registry editor. There will be a really long list of files on the left side. Scroll down about 2/3 of the way and you'll see a series of folders with "Quicktime" in the name. Right-click on each of these and select "delete." Do the same for "ITunes" and "IPod" folders in this alphabetical list.
    Not done yet.
    Under the "Edit" menu, select "Find." Do a search on "Quicktime" - unfortunately there is no "find all" function. So the first file with "Quicktime" will come up; right-click and delete it. Press F3 to find another file and delete - repeat until you've gotten rid of all the Quicktime files. Then search on "ITunes" and do the same process; finally do the same for "IPod." This will take some time.
    **Warning: Be very careful not to accidentally delete files not marked with Quicktime, IPod or ITunes. Messing around with the registry is serious stuff that a non-computer expert such as myself should probably not be doing .
    4) Finally, once you've gotten rid of everything Quicktime, ITunes or IPod-related, download the latest versions of Quicktime and ITunes (separately). Install Quicktime first, then install ITunes.
    Note: You have to have adminstrator access on your computer to edit the registry.
    Hope this helps...

  • ITunes has encountered a problem and needs to close when adding movie files

    So.. I haven't done anything recently with installing any new versions of itunes or anything of the such. Just one day whenever I tried to add .mp4 files (videos) on my ipod using Itunes, it crashes with the error message "iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close." and it closes the application. I can add music files just fine.
    anyone else having this issue? If so, can you let me know what you have done to fix this problem?
    Also, I got fed up today and decided to uninstall Itunes and Quicktime and then downloaded the most recent off Apple's site and that still didn't work.
    Please help....
    Ipod Video 80GB   Windows XP  

    One other thing.. all the movies that I currently have in Itunes that once worked no longer work either. It crashes when I attempt to play them as well in Itunes.

  • Right after upgrade: iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    We just allowed the iTunes update, then when we went to start iTunes we keep getting this message: "iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
    I've tried to follow some of the help documents (deleted SCinfo.sidb from:, deleted a local docuemnts temp directory, made sure QuickTime does work on it's own.
    My setup had iTunes on the C drive originally but over a year or two ago now I moved that to an external drive, that is still attached. I'm leary to uninstall and reinstall as I don't know if I'll loose any movies/music/audiobooks/podcasts/apps I have in there (my new iTunes folder was named F:/New-iTunes and has worked without issue since day 1 until this update this week.)
    I need to get our iPod(s) up to date with media before we go out of town later this weekend. Help please.

    In order to see the error repeated, I had to reenable Bonjour. First I just manually started the service, then iTunes and no issue. iTunes worked. Then I set the service to manually start, rebooted, started Bonjour then iTunes. iTunes worked again. Finally, set Bonjour to Automatic, rebooted then tried to start iTunes and ERROR.
    iTunes won't start if Bonjour set to Automatic.
    The error listed in the message box is:
    Error Signature:
    AppName: itunes.exe
    ModName: dnssd.dll
    Offset: 0000246c
    The relevant text from the error file Windows creates is:
    Do we even NEED Bonjour? I've set it the Bonjour service to disabled in the time being. Your comments are welcome.
    - John

  • This pop up: iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    my itunes worked before but i downloaded it in the wrong user and that user got deleted, now when i install it and it installs and i go to run it and it says iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close. so i uninstall i TUNES and iPOD and install it again but it still has the same error. HELP ME. so i goto more infomation and this comes up
    AppName: itunes.exe AppVer: ModName unknown
    ModVer: Offset 10001040
    Reporting details
    This error report includes: information reguarign the condtion the condition of iTunes when the problem occurred; the operating system version and computer hardware in-use...ect ect
    windows xp   Windows XP Pro  

    He's right. Make sure you follow ALL the instructions for uninstalling.
    I think the problem is actually related to a Quicktime error, and not iTunes, but it relies on Quicktime.
    One of these two things fixed this same problem for me:
    -Deleting the Quicktime files in the System32 folder (mentioned in the uninstalling instructions).
    -Installing Quicktime by itself FIRST, then installing iTunes
    I think the Quicktime files in the System32 folder were the culprit, though.

  • Itunes has encountered a problem and needs to close.. please help!

    i used to have the old itunes when i got this message saying "Itunes has encountered a problem and needs to close" and it just wouldn't open! so i tried installing the new itunes and it stil gave the same message! ive done a system update on a date when it did work..and still nothing happened!!!
    ive tried uninstalling itunes, reinstalling it, that msconfig thing..and i just don't know what else i can do?? nothing seems to work. has anyone else had this problem???...if so please can u help me solve this problem!!!
    it would be greatly appreciated!

    hi i have been having the same problem with the same error message, when itunes trys to open and i have tried msconfig, allowing it in my firewall, uninstalling and reinstalling, and restoring my computer, virus scanning, ensuring that windows is up to date, and nothing has worked.
    itunes and qttask are not open in the task manager!!!
    also quicktime will not open and is also giving me the same error message "QuickTime Player has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
    I sent the error report and got told that apple haven't come up with a solution for the problem ..... *how helpful*
    when uninstalling itunes i have just realised that it was not also uninstalling quicktime, so i tried to uninstall quicktime and got the fllowing message
    "unhandled exception
    error number:0x80040707
    description: DLL function call crashed: QTInstallcode.QuickTimeUnInstallProc
    setup will now terminate"
    ???? what do i do ????

  • "Itunes has encountered a problem and needs to close" problem.

    Before you read anything, please understand that I am literally being driven to tears right now and that I am on the brink of insanity.
    On Saturday, I tried to update my iPod with new songs and apps that I got from the iTunes stores since Friday. Itunes would open but in the next 10 seconds following it, the error window that says "Itunes has encountered a problem and needs to close" etc. came up. I let it go for like two hours, thinking it was a small bug or something, and I ran a virus scan too, just to make sure (I just switched to AVG too on Saturday). Two hours later, iTunes STILL wouldn't work and by that time, I was about to become upset. I uninstalled and then reinstalled iTunes about 5 times that day. Now today, iTunes is still giving me the same problem. I know other users have faced similiar problems but someway or another, they found a way to fix it.
    I have tried EVERYTHING to fix iTunes. I even did a Quicktimes and an iTunes run to get rid of any and all files associated with the two programs. When I finally thought the nightmare would end, I downloaded iTunes again. However, not only did it NOT work but now EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY SONGS that I had in my library were GONE. No traces, nothing. Even the movies that I had on it had vanished. Everything single thing that I bought in the iTunes store disappeared. Now, at this point, I am now both incredibly frustrated, and crying my freaking eyes out now. (Understand that I am 15 years old and I grew up with music as my only solace.)
    Somebody, just please help me through this ****. All I wanted was to just update my iPod so I could listen to it in school, and now my music is gone, along with a dead iPod. -_-

    I found my solution! In case you're still having trouble, here's what I did (please pardon the odd grammar, I copy-and-pasted this from another one of my questions!):
    And for those of you who are still experiencing this problem, this is what I did. Although I don't know your details and your own specific problems, I hope this can be at least a helpful guide. (The solution was incredibly simple and easy that I am extremely mad at myself for deleting all of my files now...)
    First, just for safety measures, run a virus scan and a malware scan (so you can get rid of those icky programs lurking in your computer). Once you're done with that, check to see if your computer has an update for you (those automatic updates you get that comes with every Windows computer). If you do, click on it and update your computer. Once it's done, restart your computer and VIOLA! Itunes is fixed, Quicktime is fixed, and Adobe Reader is fixed.
    It's insane. I guess this just goes to show that even the simplest of things can fix such a mind-boggling problem! Before you take extreme and drastic measures, follow through with the simplest of solutions first!

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