Its That Kid With That Project Due Again Help Please,I'll apreciate it

* 11/19/07
* Darron Jones
* 4th Period
* ID 2497430
* I recieved help from the Java Software Solutions Book and the internet
* Initials
public class Initials
     public static void main (String[] args )
System.out.println("DDD                DDD     RRR               RRRR        JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD                 DDD    RRR             RRRRR         JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD                  DD    RRR            RRRRR                  JJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD                   DDD  RRR            RRRRR                  JJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD                  DDD   RRR            RRRRRR                 JJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD                  DDD   RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR                 JJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD                 DDD    RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR                JJJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD                 DDD    RRRR             RRRR         J      JJJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD                 DDD    RRRR             RRRR        JJ     JJJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD              DDD       RRRR             RRRR       JJJ     JJJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD              DDD       RRRR             RRRR       JJJJ    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD             DDD        RRRR             RRRR       JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ");
System.out.println("DDD             DDD        RRRR             RRRR  R    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ");
     Why does my D's on my program have J's in it and why do some of my letters have spaces in it

You're just learning all sorts of posting rules today, but since you are here asking for free advice, you might as well do it by the rules.
Next rule: don't make multiple threads when you've already started one for this very question.
Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with your program. The letters print without extra spaces and without misplaced letters. What specifically is going wrong for you when you run this?

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    Just need to be sure your TC is the new AC model??
    And the OS on the computer is Lion?
    Have you completed the setup of the TC via the utility? You do still need to get internet via the TC so it has to be plugged into the main router..
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    Please close this thread, I have managed to get a hold of a DVD including all the drivers, so I suppose that will work, if not one way then another.
    Thank you for the quick answers.

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    Welcome to the forum!
    When it comes to effects presets, you should be able to right-click on the Presets in the Effects bin and Export Presets...
    The ops can then import the presets using the same method (right-click on the presets in the effects bin and choose Import Presets...)
    For sequence presets, I can't find a way to do it within the software. Someone else will probably have to help you find it, but I'm certain there is a file somewhere in your computer that stores all of your Sequence Presets, so it would be a matter of finding and sharing that file with the ops, and then telling them where to put that file.
    Hopefully this helps out a little bit!

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    I am at my ropes end, and am hoping that someone here can give me some help.
    Here is some stats of what I am using:
    Adobe Production Premuim Suite CS5.5
    Asus Burner
    Windows 7
    I would like to add, since I understand that Adobe looks at these posts, that I have tried to contact customer support and never got anyone.  I was on hold for a total of 4 hours.  I am not trying to make a big problem about it, but I do think that that isn't very good customer service.
    Any help would be much appreciated!
    Message was edited by: JaredM94

    Did you use the link I posted?
    The main Imgburn page can be confusing, and people have reported that some of the 'advertising support' links are not really very friendly
    I use Imgburn for ALL of my burning needs... ISO created by Encore, and general file/folder burning for backups
    I have never had a problem with Imgburn... and many other people in this forum also use it with zero problems
    If you don't want to use Imgburn, create a DVD folder on your hard drive instead of an ISO and use (I think it has one, but not really sure) the Windows burning process
    To find out just what Windows has, search

  • HT1462 my FaceTime says that there is no connected camera? Help Please

    my FaceTime says that there is no connected camera? Help Please

    If restarting Mac does not resolve your trouble, try all the relevant suggestions (including testing more than one Apple camera application in more than one user account) from Apple's How to Troubleshoot iSight support article.
    (Over time, Apple has changed the built-in camera's name on newer Macs from "iSight" to "FaceTime" and then to "FaceTime HD."  Regardless of the name of your Mac's built-in camera, the same info and troubleshooting applies.)
    If your Mac's System Information utility still does not recognize your inbuilt camera as a USB device, you most likely have a hardware problem.  There are no user serviceable parts of the camera.  For hardware help, contact Apple or an Apple-Authorized Service Provider for service.    Unless you have a current backup, make one now.   Then use the final "Troubleshooting" suggestion: "... contact Apple or an Apple-Authorized Service Provider for service."
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.10.2

  • Serius project problems - Need help please

    I'm using adobe premiere and after effects to my last film (this is not the first time). I'm using DV 1280*720 default sound settings (as I did before in other movies). I have an Imac C2D and plenty of hard disk space.
    Yesterday when I import new takes and done some light fx's (blur 10% and tint) when I saved the premiere frozen for 30 minutes and then I had to force quit.
    When I've tried to open that project again, it just don't open. I've tried everything. See if there was any corrupted file, checked for Hard drive problem (it doesn't have any) and I delete the previous rendered files (as I saw on some tutorial).
    At least I could recover that project using autosaved and previous project backup (I take care always of saving backups).
    But when I saved again (the new recovered and rendered project) it freezes on quit and there comes again. (it seems that premiere it is getting something from the old(damaged) project and just stack there !!!!!!
    The project then it just don't open (I don't see any error message) I just see after 1 hour my premiere freezed and there is no way to see the timeline to fix anything.
    I assume that I have to recover again and to all work over and over. I saw some forums talking about adobe "broken links" something related to video files source and corrupted files, but I still don't get it (since premiere doesn't tells me what is going wrong!!!!!!). They talk about deleting MACC file on windows but I'm on a mac. I didn't saw any tutorial about recovering.
    whe this thing happens I see my timeline with video and audio. I can render but when I quit the program doesn't load the project again.
    Please any help...... I'm working since a month ago on this movie and I need to deleiver that asap.
    Is it better to export the video in parts and them join in a new project or there is any other thing that I can do without missing my month of work.
    ohhh man I just want to scream

    For any reason that I can't explain when I arrived home after day work, I've tried last time before looking my backups and Premiere loaded my project
    Before save and quit I've take a look in all file (check the link and where is the source) I found 2 still frames (photos) were lost ( i mean from my hard drive).
    My biggest clue now it is, when I deleted some video file before, when I enter the premiere project 1st thing that show it is a windows asking me to "point" where is that file.
    But when happens with a photo, premiere doesn't say that this files are lost. It just stucks your project. Any tip to prevent this again?
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:    iMac
      Model Identifier:    iMac7,1
      Processor Name:    Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:    2.4 GHz
      Number Of Processors:    1
      Total Number Of Cores:    2
      L2 Cache:    4 MB
      Memory:    4 GB
      Bus Speed:    800 MHz
    Intel ICH8-M AHCI:
      Vendor:    Intel
      Product:    ICH8-M AHCI
      Speed:    3 Gigabit
      Description:    AHCI Version 1.10 Supported
    WDC WD3200AAJS-40VWA1:
      Capacity:    298.09 GB
      Model:    WDC WD3200AAJS-40VWA1
      Revision:    58.01D02
      Native Command Queuing:    Yes
      Queue Depth:    32
      Removable Media:    No
      Detachable Drive:    No
      BSD Name:    disk0
      Mac OS 9 Drivers:    No
      Partition Map Type:    GPT (GUID Partition Table)
      S.M.A.R.T. status:    Verified
      Capacity:    297.77 GB
      Available:    158.68 GB
      Writable:    Yes
      File System:    Journaled HFS+
      BSD Name:    disk0s2
      Mount Point:    /
    ps: about your question "Next, please verify your Project/Sequence Presets. Do they match your footage 100%?" I've changed 2 video files, they were pretty bigger than the part I was taking for this project, so I edit and save just the part that I am using.
    Btw I've heard that Journaled HFS+ it is not good on Imac to use premiere render option. Is that right?
    Many thanks in advance.

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