ITunes 7.3 or 7.3.1 just won't install

Neither iTunes 7.3 or iTunes 7.3.1 will install on my my Mac.
The error message I get is:
There were errors installing the software.
Please try installing again.
I don't have any 3rd party iTunes Plugins nor do I have any haxies. I run the system clean.
My set up is:
G4/450 AGP
Mac OS X (10.4.9)
768MB of RAM - 2 80GB Seagate

Dude, I'm experiencing the same glitch. Weird. Anyone found a fix for this?
Neither iTunes 7.3 or iTunes 7.3.1 will install on my
my Mac.
The error message I get is:
There were errors installing the software.
Please try installing again.
I don't have any 3rd party iTunes Plugins nor do I
have any haxies. I run the system clean.
My set up is:
G4/450 AGP
Mac OS X (10.4.9)
768MB of RAM - 2 80GB Seagate

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  • Again:  iTunes 7.3 or 7.3.1 just won't install now add QT 7.2 issue

    Some people read part of this before, but it is still unresolved and QuickTime crept in with a minor issue as well.
    First issue:
    Neither iTunes 7.3 or iTunes 7.3.1 will install on my my Mac.
    The error message I get is:
    There were errors installing the software.
    Please try installing again.
    I don't have any 3rd party iTunes Plugins nor do I have any haxies. I run the system clean.
    Second issue:
    Quicktime 7.2, for the most part is working fine, but when using the Safari [2.0.4] browser and trying to preview streaming Quicktime movie trailers from the web, all I get is the the player bar with no picture. Which provides sound, but no picture.
    Edit: I realize their is a work around for iTunes 7.3, which is downloading the full version directly from the website and installing it that way. But, I am reporting anyway so that Apple moderators can report issues back to developers. ie: I will download the full version and upgrade that way.
    Edit: Okay, direct download of iTunes installer worked fine to upgrade iTunes. All that is left is the QuickTime 7.2 issue.
    My set up is:
    G4/450 AGP
    Mac OS X (10.4.9)
    768MB of RAM - 2 80GB Seagate

    Sorry, I can't help with resolving your issue, but I thought I'd add my similar difficulties so other readers can add to their knowledge (troubleshooting) base.
    I also run a fairly clean system. Learned long ago not to add bunches of "cool" 3rd party stuff. Anyway...
    I'm running OSX 10.4.10 on both my desktop 1.25 GHz G4 MDD and my 15" G4 Aluminum Powerbook.
    When SOFTWARE UPDATE said a new iTunes was available I promptly downloaded the update. Both machines were running iTunes 7.3 with no problem. The 7..3.1 update installed w/o incident on my Powerbook; and seems to running fine (so far).
    The update DID NOT install on the G4 MDD. I keep getting, "A networking error has occurred: Error NSURLErrorDomain -1005 (-1005). Make sure you can connect to the internet then try again."
    I tried several different methods including moving the UPDATE PACKAGE file from the Powerbook to the desktop and still have the same problem.
    With everything I've read on this forum, I'm not too concerned about getting 7.3.1 installed right now. I don't have an iPhone and have no near-term plans to get one. Maybe when it moves to T-Mobile.
    Hope this comment might help someone else.
    --Norm in Texas

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    Never had trouble in the past but now I have an iPhone it just won't install
    Can someone help me please?
    Thanks in advance

    Click here and follow the instructions. You may need to completely remove and reinstall iTunes and all related components, or run the process multiple times; this won't normally affect its library, but that should be backed up anyway.

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    Try quitting Pages on the iPad, restart the iPad -  and then see if the app works OK.
    To quit Pages - Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Quit/close open apps by double tapping the home button and the task bar will appear with all of you recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner to close the apps. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.

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    Can anyone help with this problem? thanks

    i am having the same problem and have done the uninstall and reinstall 3 times. good luck - maybe you'll find an answer, cuz i cant

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    Hi Polydorus - Happy New Year!!! Thanks for your time and reply.
    Yes i have a 32bit version of windows vista (premium)
    Yes i downloaded itunes from the apple site, saved it and when i try to run it i get the hourglass for 1 second then nothing.
    Looked in the task manager and nothing is running.
    Never had any problem installing anything else or anything windows related.
    I have spybot (rescanning now) and my antivirus is Nod32 so no risk of anything there. I even tried installing in safe mode, but no luck.
    I am running firefox, not I.E. but that shouldn't matter.
    I realize this is where people with problems come to gripe, but there seems to me to be a LOT of problems associated with itunes?
    Spybot found nothing, Nod32 is Hey?????
    While typing this, i was downloading Quicktime from the link you sent to test if that works, the file I've downloaded was named itunes setup(2) shouldn't it be quicktime?????? Guess it automatically called it (2) cause i already got itunes setup in my download folderit's the exact same size as the itunes setup file i've been downloading??????
    Now the apple website actually says thanks for downloading Quicktime 7 not a thing about itunes.
    Click on the download now link on the site you sent me, wants to download me the itunes file not quicktime??? Try it !!
    Maybe the people at apple got on the grog a bit before Christmas???
    NOW itunes is installed AND RUNNING !!!!!!!!!
    WHAT THE ..... ???????????
    This is really weird.
    Will connect ipod and see if this actually works or is a mirage and repost results.
    That might be a fix, download it from the quicktime download link???????????, or rename it with a (2) ????
    Regards MrBlob197 (stunned and confused)

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    See if anything in this MozillaZine support thread helps you: <br />

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    Nope---didn't work. I've owned Macs for about 12 years so although I am brain dead on some things, I do have a working knowledge on most things. I only say that to say this--I did try holding down the mouse and choosing empty trash. It asks if I want to permanently delete what's in there. I say yes--and then I get the same identical message again-----'The operation can't be completed because the item "Firefox 8.0.1.dmg" is in use I can then click stop, or continue.' So apparently that complains the same way it does if I click it up on the menu :)))
    As for item owned by---that's not an issue and isn't coming up. User is not a problem either as I am the only user on this system. There is only ONE file in my trash at the moment at that is this dmg file. Nothing Mac. Nothing owned by anyone other than Firefox. The problem seems to be that the dmg file and the original 4.0 FF file are working in tandem with each other--even though I have already drug the new 8.0 globe into the Apps folder and it updated the FF app with the new stuff. If I could force the dmg file to go away, I would do so, but at every turn the system is telling me it can't be done because it seems to think that dmg file is in use---even though everything is shut down and/or ejected. Hey--I'm getting ready to head out and won't be back till evening. I'll check back in this evening. Thank you again for your help.

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    The error:
    Dec 28 18:45:55 deane-pc installd[820]: PackageKit: ----- Begin install -----
    Dec 28 18:46:32 deane-pc installd[820]: PackageKit: Install Failed: PKG: extracting ""\nError Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=110 UserInfo=0x1001a3020 "An error occurred while extracting files from the package “MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.5.pkg”." Underlying Error=(Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=23 UserInfo=0x105af75d0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Too many open files in system") {\n NSFilePath = "/var/folders/zz/zzzivhrRnAmviuee+++++++++/Cleanup At Startup/PKInstallSandbox-tmp/Root";\n NSLocalizedDescription = "An error occurred while extracting files from the package \U201cMacOSXUpdCombo10.6.5.pkg\U201d.";\n NSURL = "#MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.5.pkg -- file://localhost/Volumes/Mac%20OS%20X%2010.6.5%20Update%20Combo/MacOSXUpdCombo10 .6.5.pkg";\n NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=23 UserInfo=0x105af75d0 \"The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. Too many open files in system\"";\n PKInstallPackageIdentifier = "";\n}
    Dec 28 18:46:32 deane-pc Installer[813]: Install failed: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
    Dec 28 18:46:32 deane-pc Installer[813]: Displaying 'Install Failed' UI.
    Dec 28 18:46:32 deane-pc Installer[813]: 'Install Failed' UI displayed message:'The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.'.

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    I have tried every tip I can find and I still cannot get Flash Player to install on my MacBook Air.  I keep getting the error message "Connection failed.  Unable to complete installation."  I have tried this a dozen times.  Very frustrating!

    Thanks so much, Mike!  I've literally spent hours trying to solve this problem, and your advice worked perfectly.  Finally, I can view You tubes again!
    Happy holidays!

  • Updates just won't install

    error after error after error trying to install updates to apps on this new creative cloud installer app
    someone, please tell me how to fix this.
    and this is for a Mac, btw

    Please Check :
    Please remane the OOBE Folder to OOBE Old, then Run the Cleaner Tool and reinstall the Creative Cloud Installer Software
    Close browser
    Remove AAM Detect Plugin from ~Library/internet plugins/
    Restart browser
    Download and install the Creative Cloud application from
    Mac OS: /User/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE folder  (Rename it to OOBE_OLD)
    To Run the Cleaner tool :
    Check the following Link
    Thank You
    Tejodhar Atreya U

  • ITunes won't install all the way

    I've tryied installing iTunes 7 like 8 different ways and it won't install all the way each time it stops at "Resigtering modules" and I have reboot my computer because it won't let me exit out of the setup. Also I can't ope iTunes through a shortcut, I have to opena music file to get into it.

    I've tryied installing iTunes 7 like 8 different ways and it won't install all the way each time it stops at "Resigtering modules"
    by any chance, do you have SpyCatcher antispyware software installed on that PC? in quite a number of these "registering modules" hangs, modules installed by SpyCatcher have been interfering with the registration of the itunes modules.
    if you do have SpyCatcher, try uninstalling SpyCatcher altogether prior to an itunes install. if the itunes install then goes through properly, you can reinstall SpyCatcher afterwards.

  • I just downloaded iTunes on my new PC and all the music that I have purchased through ITunes that was backed up on the cloud won't play. It is telling I must authorize this computer before it play pre purchased music. how do I authorize my computer.

    I just downloaded iTunes on my new PC and all the music that I have purchased through ITunes that was backed up on the cloud won't play. It is telling me I must authorize this computer before it can play pre purchased music. how do I authorize my computer to play this music?
    Thank you for any assistance.

    Tigon's already got you covered here. But I'll chime in with some English localisation advice.
    There's a couple of ways to get through to the authorisation controls in the 11.0.x versions.
    The control is still in the Store menu, but first (if you're using iTunes versions 11.0.x) you might need to bring up the menu bar to see the Store menu.
    If you're using 11.0.x, click on the wee boxy icon up in the top-left corner of your iTunes to see the "Show Menu Bar" control, as per the following screenshot:
    Then you'll find the control in the Store menu:
    Alternatively, if you don't want to bring up the menu bar, it's still possible to get into the authorise controls via nested menus accessible from the wee boxy icon. Here's a screenshot of where to find them:

  • ITunes 11.0.3 asks for password again and again, have re-done my credit card details, have changed my Apple ID password, tried to log in and out of iTunes, none of thos seem to work, just keeps happening without end, please help

    I have tried to re-install iTunes 11.0.3 at least 6 times.
    I have also downloaded iTunes 11.0.3 at least 5 times.
    I have changed my Apple ID password.
    I have downloaded (again, I've done that many times) iTunes 11.0.3, then I switched off the iMac, then restarted the wi-fi modem.  Switched on the iMac, loaded iTunes, same problem.
    I tried to just switch off the wi-fi, did the same as point above, same problem.
    Even tried to change the system date to 2038, this only seemed (although I doubt it) to fix the "not responding" issue which I had this morning.
    The Apple ID password issue, where it asks me for the password loads and loads of times (probably 50 times or more), one after the other has been happening for about 3 days now.
    Here is a copy of my message problem:
    iTunes Problem, can't seem to find a solution online.
    I am running OS X 10.8.3 on an iMac, have just loaded iTunes 11.0.3 a few days ago.
    Firstly, I'd open iTunes and it would immediately say it was not responding, I'd have to force quit, try again, re-boot, try again etc.  I tried re-installing iTunes, changing password, everything to no avail, then changed my date to 2038, and voila it started responding (no, don't ask me, I just read in online and was desperate enough to try it).  Of course, I don't believe that this actually helped, I would like to know what did help or if there is something specific one needs to do to fix this.
    I have not been able to get rid of this problem:  Whenever I try to make a purchase it asks for my Apple ID password, dozens of times until I give up and press cancel, cancel, cancel.
    Why does it do this?  I don't want to purchase anything because I can't keep typing in my password again and again.  I'm not exaggerating.
    As I mentioned, I have tried to re-install iTunes, about 6 times, and I changed my password.  I still get the same problem.
    Also, my iTunes still looks like the classical iTunes and doesn't have the new interface.
    Has anyone experienced this and was able to fix it, or does anyone know what the problem is?  Please help, I'm at my wits end.

    Because too much time has passed I can't edit this into the prior comment, but here is the info regarding reverting to iTunes 11.0.2 (assuming you do have a time machine backup) from
    W. Raider wrote:
    Repairing permissions doesn't fix it.
    I reverted to the previous version, 11.0.2.
    1. Quit the new crash-prone iTunes.
    2. Delete the app.
    3. Restore v. 11.0.2 with Time Machine.
    4. In your iTunes folder look for a folder called "Previous iTunes Libraries", find the latest one.
    5. In the iTunes folder itself you'll see "iTunes Library.itl", delete it (or compress it and save a copy for later just in case.
    6. Copy the newest .itl file in Previous iTunes Libraries to the iTunes folder and rename it "iTunes Library.itl".
    7. Launch the older version of iTunes.
    My crashing has seemed to have ceased with a revert to an older version. I noticed today that the newer crashing iTunes had been launched for hours but not playing anything, when I played internet radio it crashed within 5mins, fed up I reverted to an older version.
    Btw, a simpler way to do this is to revert to older iTunes app, then hold Option when it launches and choose an older library.

  • ITunes 11.2.2 for Windows x64 will not successfully install.  Removed prior iTunes, and still will not install. 10.7 installs just fine, but constantly asks to upgrade to 11.2.2.  Any Thoughts?

    iTunes 11.2.2 for Windows x64 will not successfully install.  Removed prior iTunes, and still will not install. 10.7 installs just fine, but constantly asks to upgrade to 11.2.2.  Any Thoughts?

    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.
    The section Install missing components has advice on breaking down the iTunes installer into the individual .msi files which might prove useful if one component won't install normally.
    If needs be, the Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Utility (MS Installer "Fixit") may be able to help force through the installation.

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