J2EE License Question

Hello all,
We have installed a Developer Workplace SR2 on our local machines. Before our temporary license was about to expire (Aug 27), we requested for a permanent license. Awkwardly enough, the 'permanent' license's expiration is set to August 28.
Is it always the case that we need to keep on installing temporary/permanent licenses on our machines for Developer Workplace use?
Should Developer Workplace J2EE Engine license should have a longer 'permanent' license validity period?
How do we obtain a license where validity is up to year 9999? If there's a case.

Thanks for the response, Kaleem.
Here are the parameters we used for the request of the license key:
System Type: Development System
Product: SAP NetWeaver
Product Version: SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s)
Technical Usage: Application Server Java
Database: MaxDB
Operating System: NT/INTEL
Planned Production Date: 15/08/2008
Any problem you see on this?
Thanks in advance.

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    Thank you.

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    Hi Michael
    You are right, it is confusing...
    I think it will be better to contact sales to get this explained as opposed to technical support people that monitor this SCN Space.
    Sales ph: 866-681-3435, 1-800-677-7271
    Worldwide Office Locations | SAP
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow me on Twitter (#SAPLumira)
    Got Enhancement ideas? Use the SAP Idea Place 

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    Why don't you call Oracle sales? I guess they'll be happy to answer your question.
    Laurenz Albe

  • How to apply j2ee licensing

    Hi everyone:
    I met a problem about apply J2EE licensing.
    I install NetWeaver 2004s in AIX machine. The j2ee licensing invalid after 28 days and the j2ee will shutdown every 30 minutes. Then I need restart j2ee engine every 30 minutes. So I go to SAP licensing key website to apply a licensing.
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    Hi Lee,
    We have a similar landscape NW2004s EP on AIX, Oracle and I chose the following while ordering the J2EE_ORA license:
    System ID:xxx
    System Name :Development System
    System Type: Development System
    SAP Product : SAP WEB AS
    Production Version: SAP WEB Application Server 6.40
    Technical Usage: Application Server Java,EP core,Enterprise portal
    Database :Oracle
    Operating system:AIX
    Request Type:Stand system,J2EE Engine,portal and/or License server
    We differ only in :
    SAP Product : SAP WEB AS
    Production Version: SAP WEB Application Server 6.40
    Select the above and see if it works.
    Reward points if this helps!
    Thanks and Regards,
    Preetha Rethinam

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    That's into the area of legal interpretation, but you don't need to overthink it. You may have purchased the license, but technically the activation is per computer, is it not? So one could simply assume that this is perfectly intended or at least within the freedom that the EULA provides... It's not like you're letting your neighbors use it for a buck an hour, or is it?

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        4c. Desktop Intelligence report (View, drill down etc)
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    BO licensing is pretty straight forward, but you should speak to a sales rep for particulars. Generally from the server we have 3 types CPU (in which case everything you stated would be supported), Named Users (in which case you would need 1 per user logging in) and concurrent users (which would require enough licenses to support the maximum of concurrently logged on users).
    The slow response is likely due to the US thanksgiving holiday, I'm sure more folks will be back next week.

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    Licensing questions should be directed to trained Microsoft licensing specialists instead of a technical forum. 
    That said, SQL CALs and operating system CALs are sold separately.  Talk with the vendor from whom you are purchasing your licenses.  They should be able to help you sort out the CAL questions.
    . : | : . : | : . tim

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    Hi Ramandeep,
    Licensing questions are best answered directly by the Oracle Sales team - the answer could depend on the products that your company already have licensed, and how they are bundled etc.

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    You should discuss all licensing questions with your Account Executive. They can explain all of your options to you.

  • Licensing question. Buying older components of OS X.

    Licensing question. Buying older components of OS X.
    My first question is where might I find an older version of imovie?
    If you purchase OS 10.4 Tiger, are you entitled to download an earlier version of imovie such as imovie2, imovie 3 or imovie4 for no cost? Or must I also purchase iLife05 in order to instal any version of imovie? The reason I ask is that I remember that OS 10.1.5 use to have imovie included. Now imovie seems to be part of iLife which is a separate software package to purchase.
    How and where might I find an earlier version of imovie? I ask this in terms of older computers that may run the older versions of imovie better than imovieHD.
    Here is why I was asking:
    I once spoke with someone at Apple who explained to me that if you purchase an OS from Apple, you are entitled to the software from earlier OSes. If I remember correctly, the example we were discussing was in terms of fonts. I must be certain to indicate that this is how I perceived the licensing issue and I could be incorrect in my understanding:
    "If a user purchases an operating system from Apple, they are entitled to install any software from previous releases of the Operating system." For example, if a user purchases a second computer such as a portable computer, and then purchases mac os 10 for that computer, he or she may legally install any fonts that may have been bundled with any earlier Apple Operating Systems such as the fonts that came bundled with OS 8.5.
    On Apple's web site is an area where one may download old software (old os systems) for free. These bundled fonts may be installed on as many computers as one would like because Apple offers them for free. You most likely would need to have purchased at least one of Apple's Operating Systems to be able to legally use the software from any earlier versions of your Operating System.
    And so I would like to ask if this could be also considered in terms of OSX. If I buy Tiger, am I legally entitled to Panther on that same computer? This may be helpful for someone who would like to use Tiger as well as some older components of Panther. Maybe for some reason ical version 1.5 (in Panther) might be prefered over ical version 2.0 (in Tiger) due to some computer compatibility issue. Whether this is practical or not I am just outlining a theoretical example to help understand the specifics of Apple OS licensing.
    And so I would like to ask this question in terms of imovie. How might I purchase an older version of imovie? May I purchase Tiger and then find an OEM version of Panther which I would then be legally entitled to install on that same computer? Or is there a place on the Apple website where users of Tiger are able to download older components from older OSX versions?
    Or must I purchase the retail versions of both Tiger and Panther?
    Thank you for any clarification,

    Thank you Allan and Dakota for jumping into this issue.
    Allan, you have been very helpful with your comments and I think you have answered the question which is "no" (unfortunately). To summarize then, if you purchase an OS, you are not entitled to the components of an earlier OS - unless Apple makes it available free on their website. For example, if you purchase Tiger, you are not entitled to any components of Panther or Jaguar - even the older imovie that came with 10.1.5. It would be nice if Apple jumped into the discussion here to confirm this, however I am sure that is what they would say. Unless I hear otherwise I will assume this is also Apple's stance - that if you purchase an OS 9 (or application), you are not entitled to the components of an earlier OS (or application).
    Dakota raises a good point also. However, unfortunately I see a small legal technical flaw with Dakota's procedure. Apple licences software per computer rather than per user. (I believe Adobe's licencing policy is the other way around - which I prefer.) And so technically iMovie 3.0.3 is only licensed to the Powerbook and cannot legally be copied to the iMac even if the iMac is running the latest version of iLife (and Tiger). You see, that was one of the key issues in this original post.
    Personally I wish Apple would lessen the restriction on this policy with a clause in the licencing agreement allowing use of some earlier versions of applications (or OS components) to be used - especially the iLife components such as iMovie or iPhoto.
    Licencing per user rather than per computer seems to be a little more practical for users in terms of promoting people to adopt the digital lifestyle considering many people have a workstation at home and also carry a portable on the road - well a little less costly anyways for the user. It would be nice if we were able to legally copy certain components across devices but that doesn't seem to be the case today with Apple. Perhaps Apple's licencing policy could be a hybrid model and follow some aspects of Adobe's licencing model. Here's an idea: allow users to pay for a "sub" licence for older apps. Everyone would benefit. Apple would earn more income from us and we would legally be able to use more Apple software on more devices. Just a few thoughts to share.

  • WS2012R2 Licensing Question - 95% confident of my understanding, but would appreciate confirmation

    After a huge amount of research, I THINK I understand how WS2012R2 licensing works.
    Since we’re a new business, we’re keeping things pretty simple for the time being.  I would appreciate some confirmation that my understanding of licensing makes sense though.   
    I first describe our architecture, then the four options, and then my understanding of the four options.
    Many many thanks in advance; this forum has been incredibly helpful as I get started with these issues.
    Machine 1 @ Site 1:  
    OS: WS2012R2 (operating at hypervisor only)
    VM1: WS2012R2 (operating as remote desktop session host)
    VM2: WS2012R2 (operating as remote desktop connection broker and remote desktop licensing server)
    Machine 2 @ Site 1:
    OS: WS2012R2 (operating as hypervisor only)
    VM1: WS2012R2 (operating as server for electronic medical record software)
    VM2: WS2012R2 (operating as domain controller, DNS server, and DHCP server)
    Machine 3 @ Site 1:
    OS:  WS2012R2 or HVS2012R2 (operating as hypervisor only)
    Machine1-VM1: replicated here using Hyper-V Replica; not running.
    Machine1-VM2: replicated here using Hyper-V Replica; not running.
    Machine2-VM1: replicated here using Hyper-V Replica; not running.
    Machine2-VM2: replicated here using Hyper-V Replica; not running.
    Machine 4 @ Site 2:
    OS: WS2012R2 (operating at hypervisor only)
    VM1: WS2012R2 (operating as remote desktop session host for remote users)
    VM2: WS2012R2 (operating as remote desktop web access and remote desktop gateway)
    Machine 5 @ Site 2:
    OS:  WS2012R2 or HVS2012R2 (operating as hypervisor only)
    Machine4-VM1: replicated here using Hyper-V Replica; not running.
    Machine4-VM2: replicated here using Hyper-V Replica; not running.
    We've identified the following four options:
    Option 1:
    Primary Machines 1, 2,4 = WS2012R2 Standard OEM Edition
    Backup Machines 3 and 5 = HVS2012R2 Edition
    Option 2:
    Primary Machines 1, 2,4 = WS2012R2 Standard Open License Edition
    Backup Machines 3 and 5 = HVS2012R2 Edition
    Option 3:
    Primary Machines 1, 2,4 = WS2012R2 Standard OEM Edition
    Backup Machines 3 and 5 = WS2012R2 Standard OEM Edition
    Option 4:
    Primary Machines 1, 2,4 = WS2012R2 Standard Open License Edition
    Backup Machines 3 and 5 = WS2012R2 Standard Open License Edition
    My understanding is as follows:
    Option 1 is flawed because we would not be able to boot up the VMs on machines 3 and 5.  This is because a standard OEM edition license cannot be transferred, and so in the event of hardware failure, the license stays with the primary machine and cannot
    be moved to the backup machine.
    Option 2 is somewhat flawed due to the 90 day limit on transferring licenses.  For example, say Machine 1 fails, and I transfer the VMs and the license to Machine 3.   That step is permitted, however, I cannot reverse this transfer for 90 days
    which is obviously suboptimal since Machine 3 is intended to be a temporary backup machine.
    Option 3 is sufficient for my needs, subject to the only caveat that I understand that these OEM licenses are "locked" to the physical machine and cannot be transferred to another physical machine.   There are NO other limitations (e.g. I
    would be able to legally and practically migrate a VM from Machine 1 to Machine 3 without worrying about activation issues, etc...)
    Option 4 is sufficient for my needs, and would be the most flexible as the licenses could be moved if necessary down the road.

    As has been stated many times in this forum, it is best to talk to a trained Microsoft licensing specialist about licensing questions.  Remember that a license is a legal contract between you and Microsoft, and using a forum for legal advice is a tad
    risky.  Free advice is worth every penny.  www.microsoft.com/licensing.
    That said, non-OEM licenses will always give you the most flexibility.  Secondly, you can get a volume license discount with as few as five copies of software, so you might want to investigate that.  Volume contracts provide additional benefits
    outside of the what you get with the licenses.  Lastly, ensure that you have enough licenses to host the maximum number of VMs that will ever be running on a given host.  Hint, you mention Standard on a host that is a replica for four VMs. 
    If all four of those VMs are running, you would need a minimum of two Standard licenses assigned to that host.
    .:|:.:|:. tim

  • J2E License Key File With Changed System Number

    During the last weeks, there had been some trouble according to the sneak preview licensing web site to get a new license key for special SAP systems like J2E, NSP etc.
    In the meantime, I used especially for my J2E instance via visual admin the button "install subsequent temp license" with success.
    Returning anew to the web site today, I saw that now we are able again to renew the license key for our trial systems and ordered successfully license keys for J2E and NSP instance.
    Because both systems have got new system numbers, I deleted the expired license key for NSP via saplicense -delete. Then I installed regularly the given new license key with success.
    After starting the J2E instance, I tried to delete the existing active license (see above) via installed licenses getting a message which let me stop my try to delete the license because I feared for to get trouble with the system afterwards.
    The exact text of the warning trying to delete the existing active license sounds:
    DELETE J2EE-Engine_ADA License:
    You are about to delete the license for the J2EE-Engine. This may lead to a shutdown of the running system. You will not be able to start the J2EE-Engine again without a valid license. Do you really want to proceed?
    Trying to install the given license from file (via General), I got the informational message:
    This system's system number is "xyz", but there is a license key for the system number "abc" in file path\J2E.txt. License key file path\J2E.txt doesn't contain any valid SAP license keys.
    License key(s) not completely installed.
    That was to be expected...
    So my questions are:
    1) What is to do when I want to implement the new given license key file which has another system number as the existing active one.
    2) How often can I use the possibility to prolong my active license via button "Install subsequent temp. license" in future without falling in trouble?
    Thank you for your answers.

    Before deleting the J2EE engine license, check the "Installed Licenses" tab and verify that there is another J2EE-engine license with Validity "Valid" and within a satisfactory date range.  Only under this situation will I feel comfortable with removing the additional/expired licenses.
    Your original message is a bit confusing ... let me see if I got it correctly.  You have been running your J2EE instance with temp licenses, because there was some issues w/ preview licensing on SAP's web site.  Now that you have finally received your preview license, you wish to install it.
    But since then, your system number has changed.  Do you mean system ID?  Since your example used a 3 character ('xyz' vs 'abc').  I think the SID is what you mean.  Because changing system number will not require a new license, but changing the SID will.
    So now you have the following.
    1. J2EE running on temp license with SID 'xyz'
    2. A new preview license for SID 'abc'
    What you need to do is:
    1. Request from SAP preview license for the SID that matches your system 'xyz'.  OR, change the SID of your system from 'xyz' to 'abc', which is not recommended ...especially w/ AS-JAVA.
    2. Install the new preview licenses.
    3. Verify preview licenses are valid.
    4. I don't believe you have to remove the temp licenses, it's overwritten when you install the permanent preview licenses.

  • License Question for SharePoint Foundation 2010

    I have a question as it regards to the user agreement for SharePoint Foundation 2010. 
    When I deploy code to the front-end of the Foundation service which directly modifies the code on the front-end to make the system do anything different out of the box, does this mean I have violated the code agreement. 
    For instance, using JQuery to manipulate the look and feel of a form, use third party tools like SPServices, attach SharePoint Designer workflows, modify the server end by using STSADM command line to turn features on and off, create and deploy site
    collection features using Visual Studio, or create web parts? 
    Also, if I am using this software for business purposes of any kind, does it mean I need to purchase the software?
    I have received a copy of Share Foundation along with a Server 2008 R2 OS which was purchased. 
    IF I use Foundation to run my business processes, am I in violation of the user agreement and do I need to purchase SharePoint Server 2010 with CALs?

    The official answer: "I'm not a licensing person. Please contact Microsoft."
    In general:
    Foundation is a "free" download, but can only be installed on Windows Server. You can install Foundation 2010 on Windows 7, but only for testing/development, not as a production server.
    Foundation is "free" in that it is licensed as part of the Windows Server it is installed on.
    If you have 500 users, then Windows Server will need to be licensed for 500 users. The Windows Server licensing will also depend on if the users are internal or on the internet.
    SQL Server: If you are using SQL Express, then no license costs, but the number of SharePoint users may impact the licensing costs of your SQL Server.
    The choice between Foundation vs. Standard or Enterprise is the list of features needed and scalability (how many users?).
    "JQuery, SPServices, SharePoint Designer workflows, STSADM, Visual Studio..."
    None of those will impact your licensing. Anything that you do to directly query or manipulate the SQL tables will impact your support. SharePoint is a platform and you are expected to configure and customize it.  
    Mike Smith TechTrainingNotes.blogspot.com
    SharePoint 2007 2010 Customization for the Site Owner,
    SharePoint 2010 Security for the Site Owner

  • ASA 5510 VPN Peer License Question

    I just got a new ASA 5510 Base Model and I have some questions I would love some help on.
    1) I was under the impression that the ASA 5510 could support 250 VPN Peers. When I do a show version on this new unit I am told VPN Peers are only 50. I would like to have more than 50 L2L VPN Tunnels and RA clients connected at one. Where did I mess up with this understanding?
    2) I am running ASA Software Version 7.0(6) this is how it was shipped to me. I hear that 7.2 is the latest? Can I get this upgrade from Cisco?

    There a couple of points here which are a bit tricky - the first is the software versioning of PIX/ASA software. If we have a look at how it work in IOS (It would be useful if there was an equivalent paper for PIX/ASA...)
    The basic idea is that if you go from 7.0(1) to 7.0(2) you're getting more software fixes and less new features but if you go from 7.0(1) to 7.1(1) you're getting more major new features but less software fixes. On PIX/ASA there seems to be a fairly clear choice between stability and features. Don't forget that the 3 trains have releases independent of each other so it doesn't necessarily follow that the highest numbered release was the latest one, let alone the most stable one. Before 7.2(2) was released last November the latest release was 7.0(6) and we actually standardised on this because all releases above 7.0(6) were giving us issues (especially the 7.1 versions). We're trialling 7.2(2) at the moment and it seems to be as solid as 7.0(6) so that also looks like a good choice.
    With that in mind we need to look at the feature sets of the various releases, and currently 7.2(2) gives you 250 maximum concurrent IPsec sessions whether or not you have the Security Plus license. I think this change happened during one of the 7.1 releases. If you only have 7.0 then you get 50 as standard and can upgrade to 150 if you have a security plus license. (With 7.2(2) you still need the security plus license to get failover and vpn load balancing - but not to get the 250 sessions.)
    As to upgrading - it's possible 7.0(6) was actually the "latest" release when you purchased your box and unless you specified a particular version when you bought it this is what you normally get (you can ask for any version you like at no charge when you buy it initially). You really need smartnet for the ASA because the standard Cisco warranty is rubbish (90 days only and you wait 10 days for a replacement) so unless it's a test network you're pretty much forced to buy smartnet to be sure of a fast replacement (or any replacement at all after 90 days..) Also, the cost of a smartnet contract for a year if you only need NBD replacement is less than the cost of a one-off software upgrade AND you get to download any version you like for the year AND you can also log calls directly with the TAC.
    So, I'd recommend buying a smartnet contract and then go through the release notes to find a suitable release to download - sounds like 7.2(2) might be what you need - at the very least you should be upgrading to get more sessions rather than sticking to 7.0 and buying a security plus license. (Because both the one-off upgrade and the security plus license are probably more expensive than smartnet!)
    HTH - plz rate if useful

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