JFMerge hangs

Hello all,
I am running into a sporadic problem with the JFMERGE process hanging. Jobs are submitted to our data folder and once in a while the jfmerge process will hang. In trying to trouble shoot this problem I will take the data file that is causing the problem and try and run it through test presentment in the output designer. Sometimes it runs perfectly through test presentment others the page count just continues to increase and the winmerge task hangs until I manually cancel it. If I again try to run the same data file on the server it will run fine about half of the time, the other half jfmerge hangs and when I kill the process it creates the error file saying "Spawn of agent may have failed". I sure would appreciate any ideas on how to trouble shoot this one. I guess I am stuck because the data is the same and I'm not changing the form at all but sometimes it processes smoothly and others not, I'm not sure what other variables may be coming into play here.
Thanks in advance for any help,

hello there,
Thanks so much for the help.
I have managed to capture two logs with the verbosity cranked up. One log I do see the looping in and the other log works correctly.
The one that works looks like...
2009/03/11 14:33:43 WinMerge: [425]Execute:\field$POSITION.
2009/03/11 14:33:43 WinMerge: [425]Execute:\subformExtra_Space.
2009/03/11 14:33:43 WinMerge: [425]Execute:\fieldExtra_Space_Flag.
2009/03/11 14:33:43 WinMerge: [201]Event Extra_Space_Flag!Format looking for event macro.
2009/03/11 14:33:43 WinMerge: [201]Event group:Extra_Space_Flag!OnEntry looking for event macro.
2009/03/11 14:33:43 WinMerge: [204]Event group:Extra_Space_Flag!OnEntry not found.
the one that loops...
2009/03/11 14:34:23 WinMerge: [425]Execute:\field$POSITION.
2009/03/11 14:34:23 WinMerge: [425]Execute:\subformExtra_Space.
2009/03/11 14:34:23 WinMerge: [425]Execute:\fieldExtra_Space_Flag.
2009/03/11 14:34:23 WinMerge: [201]Event group:G_Extra_Space!FldNotAvail looking for event macro.
2009/03/11 14:34:23 WinMerge: [204]Event group:G_Extra_Space!FldNotAvail not found.
2009/03/11 14:34:23 WinMerge: [201]Event group:Extra_Space_Flag!FldNotAvail looking for event macro.
2009/03/11 14:34:23 WinMerge: [202]Event group:Extra_Space_Flag!FldNotAvail queued.
2009/03/11 14:34:23 WinMerge: [190]Event originated in field Extra_Space_Flag.
2009/03/11 14:34:23 WinMerge: [202]Event \groupG_Extra_Space\fieldExtra_Space_Flag. queued.
2009/03/11 14:34:23 WinMerge: [425]Execute:\groupG_Extra_Space
I'm really not sure how to interpret these results, do you still think it's my OnBof event? I have been researching this but I'm not sure how to handle it.
Thanks again,

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  • Central 5.5 hanging/stuck while producing PDF output

    We have been using Central 5.5 has been in use 3+ yrs with 80+ designs producing output to Printer & PDF. Generally speaking things are OK. Recently we have encountered a problem whereby Central appears to be hanging and it has been when processing a .dat to produce a PDF. the problem does not always occur so its hard to pinpoint the problem.
    I have reported the problem to Adobe VAR & Adobe for their support, meanwhile I would appreciate if any forum users could advise as to possible causes of the problems we are encountering.
    the following is the problem description - probably best to start at bottom of this posting and work up thru the mails
    thanks in advance
    [email protected]
    User site are encountering an intermittent problem on the JF Server, first occurred 29/10 and then occurred yesterday and today
    They tell me it seems to be specific to one particular IFD/Design when its used to create a PDF output file. It does not fail each time that the IFD/Design is used.
    Typically when they get errors with .dat .IFD mismatches etc. a file would be created in /error/ and the next file in /data/ would be processed, but in this instance the JF Server is freezing intermittently - when processing particular files - no files created/posted to the /error/ directory
    User site identify the problem file by filename of lowest sequence no. / date-time stamp - they then remove the file from the /data directory and then stop and start the JF service to get going again. When they put the offending .dat back in /data then it fails again, however if they copy the file creating copy_of_filename.dat and put copy_of_filename.dat in /data then the copied file processes ok !!!
    could there be something funny about the original file, some sort of byte corruption that is resolved when the file is copied/saved again.
    have you ever experienced anything like this ?
    User site get an error message on the JF server when the problem file causes the hang/stuck service - its the most immediate e-mail below - there is a complete snail on this problem staring at the bottom of this mail working back up.
    Do Adobe have any information regarding problems that could cause the JF Server to hang/freeze.
    Have you any thoughts/suggestions - could you forward this problem to Adobe
    Additionally, could any problem arise if McAfee Anti-Virus On-Access scan is turned "ON" on the JF Server, could there be any conflict of McAffee and JF both accessing a file at same time.
    -----Original Message-----
    Subject: FW: HostMon Test Failure !!!
    Importance: High
    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: 18 November 2008 12:50
    Subject: HostMon Test Failure !!!
    Importance: High
    Message from HostMonitor (host changed status)
    Test : Application Log - Error on SRV-JET
    Method: check NT Event Log
    Status : Bad
    Date : 18/11/2008 12:49:50
    Reply : Faulting application jfmerge.exe, version, faulting
    module jfmerge.exe, version, fault address 0x000a2960.
    Recurrences : 1
    Last status: Ok
    Total tests: 32822
    Alive ratio : 99.86 %
    Dead ratio: 0.13 %
    Folder: Event Log Errors
    in your original mail when problem 1st occurred, the problem file was the creation of a PDF, in this latest problem is the problem file also the creation of a PDF?
    Jean yes it is pdf related
    the problems seems to be occurring in TEST account when users are creating PDFs - could PDF of same name be already present, created earlier by the LIVE account processing.
    Jean no its not the case if a pdf with the same name is already present it will be overwritten with the latest file (I had already tested this)
    Your Scenarios in the original e-mail, generally
    Scenario 1, 2, 4 :- you amended/copied the file to re-direct the output to the printer and it worked OK
    Scenario 3:- you amended the file to cha

    This problem has been experienced again, although this times its with a different Design/Form, still using version 5.5
    The "business application" creates the dat files using a unique sequential filename and then copies the files to the JF-data directory. While JFserver processing a dat to produce a PDF the following error occurred on the server.
    Message from HostMonitor (host changed status)
    Test : Application Log - JFMERGE Error on PRTSRV-JET
    Method: check NT Event Log
    Status : Bad
    Date : 13/01/2009 14:59:28
    Reply : Faulting application jfmerge.exe, version, faulting module jfmerge.exe, version, fault address 0x000a2960.
    Recurrences : 1
    Last status: Ok
    Total tests: 13939
    Alive ratio : 99.91 %
    Dead ratio: 0.09 %
    Folder: Event Logs
    From a user perspective, when they look in the JF-data directory there could be one or a no. of files present. It would be the earliest of these files that is causing the problem, that JF is failing to process/merge the earliest of the dat files, and the server throws an error.
    from the JFServer.log
    2009/01/13 14:55:56 C:\Central\Bin\jfserver.exe: [305]Scanning for data files, directory 'C:\Central\Server\Data\'.
    2009/01/13 14:55:56 C:\Central\Bin\jfserver.exe: [306]Processing file 'FL299127.dat', '^job MVL31JP03 -afxon -asppdf2 -z"\\prtsrv-jet\PDF\MSV000207332601.pdf"'.
    2009/01/13 14:55:56 C:\Central\Bin\jfserver.exe: [307]Launching task '"C:\Central\Bin\jfmerge" "MVL31JP03" "C:\Central\Server\Data\FL299127.dat" -l -apr"" -all"C:\Central\Server\jfserver.log" -asl1 -amq0 -ams"" -m -z"\\prtsrv-jet\PDF\MSV000207332601.pdf" -afxon -asppdf2 -aii"C:\Central\Server\jfmerge.ini"'.
    2009/01/13 14:55:56 C:\Central\Bin\jfmerge: [125]* Processing data file: 'C:\Central\Server\Data\FL299127.dat'.
    2009/01/13 14:55:56 C:\Central\Bin\jfmerge: [289]MDF file `c:\central\server\forms\MVL31JP03.mdf' opened.
    2009/01/13 14:55:56 C:\Central\Bin\jfmerge: [130]Downloading font 'Arial MT (W1)':
    2009/01/13 14:55:58 C:\Central\Bin\jfserver.exe: [314]Agent exit message: [313]*** Spawn of agent may have failed ***
    2009/01/13 14:55:58 C:\Central\Bin\jfserver.exe: [373]Unable to rename file 'C:\Central\Server\Data\FL299127.dat' to 'C:\Central\Server\Error\FL299127.dat'.
    2009/01/13 14:55:58 C:\Central\Bin\jfserver.exe: [309]Shutting down client agents.
    2009/01/13 14:55:58 C:\Central\Bin\jfserver.exe: [312]Warning: skipping disabled task JfShutDn.
    2009/01/13 14:55:58 C:\Central\Bin\jfserver.exe: [310]Exit.
    When the "problematic" dat file is removed from the data directory the other files process OK.
    There are approx 100 different Designs/forms being produced and these could be either printer or PDF outputs. Remote users of the application receive PDF outputs.
    The Design/MDF file in question has not changed in recent months.
    The Design/Form where the problem occurs would be used a no. of times every day, on same day both ealier and later documents produced OK for the same form. This would therefore indicate that the cause of the problem is specific to the .dat file, that the file is either corrupted or that some value in the .dat is causing the problem.
    Each dat file for PDF generates a new unique PDF filename to be created, to ensure destination-output pdf filename does not already exist on the jfserver.
    The problematic dat file was copied to another machine and the following scenarios tested:-
    1) one of the data field values was changed, the file saved and then re-submitted to the JFserver, the problem still occurred.
    2) amended the job line to just change the destination pdf filename, the file then re-submitted to the JFserver and the problem did not occur, PDF produced OK.
    3) without changing the destination pdf filename, amended the job line to include the logging commands -v-10 -n0 , the file then re-submitted to the JFserver and the problem did not occur, PDF produced OK.
    This seems to indicate that by making a change to the JOB line and saving the file and resubmitting that it works OK.
    System is printing hundreds and sometimes thousands of documents per day and this problem occurs only occasionally, all very strange.
    I have been reluctant to turn on the logging commands -v-10 -n0 fulltime for all the forms as I rekon this may result in an overhead on the JFserver while may affect the production time of documents and have a negative impact on users if print production time is noticably slower.
    I also have available the log file produced with the increased verbosity, but this is from a successful production of the pdf.
    (I can make this available - e-mail me on [email protected]).
    Any suggestions on cause/identification of this problem appreciated

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    In regarding of the issue, please provide us more information to assist you better.
    Do you receive any error message?
    Which Excel version are you using?  Excel 2013 or other?
    Which workbook format are you using? XLS or XLSX?
    Are you performing any specific task?
    According to your description, this issue seems only occur with the special worksheet "Charts".
    Firstly, I recommend we copy all of the content to a new/blank Excel file to test.
    If it works fine, this issue might be caused by the "Charts" workbook itself. We'd better check the "Charts" workbook. Or re-build the file with a new workbook.
    If it still makes Excel hang with a new file, this issue might due to the content. Please check the content first.
    Secondly, we could follow below KB to troubleshoot this issue:
    Thirdly, if the issue still exists, we may try to collect the Event log and App crash dump file to do advanced troubleshooting.
    Event log:
    App crash dump file:
    First enable app crash dump collection by copying following words into notepad, saving it as dump.reg and importing
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\localdumps\EXCEL.EXE]
    Then, open Excel
    to repro the issue. If crash issue appeared, please find the crashdump file under c:\.
    To further help you, please upload this file into Skydrive and shared the link here.
    Also, you can try to analyze dump by yourself if you would like to:
    How to analyze app crash dump file:
    Hope it's helpful.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Just installed Firefox 4. It hangs when I open any website and type in, for example, an ID, or even just click on something, for example, "Compose", in my webmail site.

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    1. Turn on computer and then click on Firefox icon on desktop.
    2. Firefox opens. Everything looks OK. Mr Bunsen's graphic is working fine.
    3. Click on any webpage link. For example, a newspaper or an online webmail page. All looks OK until
    4. Click on anything or type anything, such as in ID in a box, and bingo, the top line of Firefox goes from dark blue to very pale blue and the computer is hung. You cannot get out of Firefox or get Firefox to work.
    5. Switch off computer.
    Is this perhaps due to a clash of Add-ons. I run Avast anti-virus. McAfee came with Firefox 4 and I did not reject it. Is it conflicting wth something in my system and causing it to hang?

    You can modify the pref <b>keyword.URL</b> on the <b>about:config</b> page to use Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" or Google's "Browse By Name".
    * Google "I'm Feeling Lucky": http://www.google.com/search?btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=
    * Google "Browse by Name": http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/keyword.URL
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Location_Bar_search

  • I upgraded to the latest version of Firefox but it hangs when I use a search site such as Google or Bing. How can I fix this?

    putting a search option in the search box to the right of the address bar opens up the full search window but then Firefox hangs.

    Your UserAgent string in Firefox is messed up by another program that you installed, and those websites don't know you are running Firefox 3.6.3 (which is what you do have installed).
    type '''about:config''' in the URL bar and hit Enter
    ''If you see the warning, you can confirm that you want to access that page.''
    Filter = '''general.useragent.'''
    Right-click the preferences that are '''bold''', one line at a time, and select '''''Reset''''',
    Then restart Firefox

  • It hangs when playing games

    My system is Windows 7 - 64 bit operating system
    I've used Firefox for many many years and always praised it compared to EI. I am afraid I wont be able to praise it much more. It stinks. It hangs mostly when I am playing games or looking at pictures or videos. Its worse when on Facebook but also happens on other web site. I did all the troubleshooting, updates, remove old versions and re install, disable add ons all and all Its driving me insane. Can you solve the problem with a new versionof Firefox or do we have to flush the darn browser for good.
    Thank you

    anyone has a solution until a new version comes out?

  • When I boot up it hangs on the login screen for awhile, why?

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    I hope I explained the problem well enough.  Basicly a "wake from sleep" is fine if it hasn't been long since the laptop slept, but if it's been awhile it takes about 15-20 seconds to boot up.

    Here are some suggestions based on my recent issue with unable to get Mavericks up after upgrade - The Apple geniuses just simply couldnt figure this one out...despite it being in their shop for 3 days (They probably did not look at it...and asked if they can just wipe out everything and install fresh...i had said NO):
    Restart computer and hold Cmd+V when you hear chime. This will start the computer in Verbose mode.
    See the messages and see where the system boot fails. In my case, it was some backtrace IOStorageFamily issue with com.paragon-software.
    Google may be able to solve your Apple issues - just type the error message in and see if you get any useful suggestions. in most cases - this would be some faulty 3rd party drivers.....
    In my case, it was something stupid i had probably installed....I had to boot to safe mode (Hold Shift at boot chime) - open Terminal, delete the folder com.paragon-software.kext from System/Library/Extensions....that fixed the problem. Mavericks is working great now....
    Let me know if your debugging thing works...

  • Firefox hangs on opening requiring force quit I have snow leopard mac It hangs when I try safe mode. I need to know how to remove all traces of firefox on my mac so I can reinstall. I have tried terminal as advised on firefox webpage. Please advise m

    Firefox hangs on opening requiring force quit I have snow leopard Mac It even hangs when I try safe mode. I need to know how to remove all traces of firefox on my mac so I can reinstall. I have tried terminal as advised on firefox webpage. Please advise me
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I tried to update firefox add-ons ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7

    Try a new profile. See [[Recovering important data from an old profile]]

  • I am having a problem opening my browser, the broswer is hanging up after slowly opening

    Hello, I have been having trouble with my firefox browser for quite some time now, it just stopped working on me about 5 or 6 months ago. I have switched over to Internet Explorer which has still been working fine. I like using Firefox much more than Explorer these days, but I am unfortunately not good much with fixing computer problems and have pretty much extinguished all my available options for repairing it myself.
    The problem with Firefox is now when I click on the shortcut link on my desktop, it takes a good 5 to 10 minutes to open up the browser now. Once it does finally open, you cannot type or click on anything it is hung up and will not allow you to go to another site(the home page will still load, with current news and other information)
    I cannot remember anything that would have caused it to crash or get hung up like this, but like I said I am not a computer expert by any means. I do know that I am ready to get Mozilla back to running smoothly as before, I had just gotten really used to it(I had been using internet explorer).
    I also uninstalled Firefox completely and reinstalled it, I figured if nothing else I tried worked that usually is the best option...it still did/does the same thing, hangs up everytime you try to run/open it.
    I checked your online solution for what to do on a hanging first page, I saw something about pentium 4's running Windows Vista or XP...my computer runs Windows 7 (was actually purchased running the terribly bug ridden and error-prone Vista, and lucky I was able to obtain a free upgrade to 7). So I was thinking maybe that had something to do with it, I had some problem in the past, with what I cannot remember, but it traced back to something from when Vista was on my computer(even though it was no longer my operating system I'll be darn if it wasn't still causing me headaches! How fitting.)
    My computer in question is a Dell Studio XPS 1640 which I bought new almost two years ago exactly)

    Did you check what I would consider the first place to look:
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Problematic_extensions
    If the site is still down (at least 12 hours) when you read this try [http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http%3A//kb.mozillazine.org/Problematic_extensions Google's cache]
    Link or url would make it easier to see which page you tried rather than "your online solution for ...".
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_hangs ([http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http%3A//kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_hangs cached version])
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_crashes ([http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http%3A//kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_crashes cached version])
    * [https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Firefox%20hangs#os=mac&amp;browser=fx4 Firefox hangs | Troubleshooting | Firefox Help]

  • When I open Pages from the dock, the page comes up but immediately hangs up with the

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    Did you try to delete Pages' preferences file(s) in the folder your-user-name/Library/Preferences ?
    There are one or more (depends on your OS X version) file like "com.apple.iWork.Pages.plist"
    You can also repair permissions with Disk Utility in the folder Applications/Utilities.
    Choose the hard drive were Pages is and click the button "Repair permissions".
    Or you can re-install Pages.
    Hope this will help.

  • Z77A-GD65 Multiple BIOS Issues - B4 Hang, Splash Screen Blinking

    Back in November 2012, I built a home server with a Z77A-GD65.  Lately, I've noticed some strange things happening that I've been trying to research but to no avail.
    First off, I get the B4 code hang-up whenever I'm booting.  This doesn't matter if it's a cold boot or a reboot, it hangs on B4 for about 10-15 seconds, flashes 92 really quick, and then goes to A2 which it stays for another 5 or so seconds.  After that I get the MSI splash screen for about 1 second, then it blinks 5 times.  After that it goes into Windows just fine.
    The blinking is a new issue, the B4 hang is not.  I've read from multiple posts that this is a USB issue.  When I disable USB legacy support, the issue goes away, but of course then I can't have legacy support.  I have yet to figure out what exact device is causing it.  In the process of trying to figure this out, I updated BIOS to A.A0.  After updating to this version of BIOS the splash screen blinks 5 times before going to the "Starting Windows" splash screen.  This is a more difficult issue to figure out why it's doing this because if you search for "BIOS" and "flash" or "flashes" or "flashing", you typically get results for flashing your BIOS.   Hence, why I'm using the term "blinking".  But even then I can't really find a solution out there.
    I also happened to see that the website for the Z77A-GD65 is showing a newer BIOS version, but I'm unable to flash this (at least using M-Flash).  I threw it on a USB, re-enabled USB legacy and whenever I click on it to install, the BIOS screen hard locks.  The screen just freezes exactly where it's at in the BIOS and the mouse is dead.  However, I can CTRL+ALT+DEL on the keyboard and it will reboot the system so I don't need to power cycle the computer.  Not sure why this is happening either.  Perhaps I need to flash this a different way?  Maybe I don't need to flash this at all?
    I could really use some input here on why this is happening.
    As for the specs on my system, they're as follows:
    i7-3770K overclocked to 4.2 Ghz by using the Turbo Mode in BIOS
    32GB Komputerbay DDR3 PC3-12800 1600MHz DIMM with Low Profile Blue Heatspreaders Quad Channel RAM | 9-9-9-24 XMP ready
    AMD PowerColor 7870 Myst Edition GPU - currently not overclocked although overclocking this doesn't seem to affect any issues
    2 - 128 GB Corsair SATA III SSD - one runs the OS, the other I use to load games from
    2 - 500 GB Seagate Barracuda 7200 RPM Sata II HDD's mirrored via Windows 7
    1 - 750 GB Seagate Barracude 7200 RPM Sata II HDD
    1 - 1 TB Western Digital MyBook USB 2.0 external
    2 - 3 TB Seagate USB 3.0 external
    ASUS DVD Burner - not sure which one, it's a cheapy $20 from Newegg
    1 - PCI USB 3.0 expansion card
    Antec TruePower New TP-550 Modular 550W Continuous Power ATX12V V2.3 / EPS12V V2.91 SLI Certified CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC "compatible with Core i7/Core i5" Power Supply
    NZXT Switch 810 gunmetal - currently have 4 fans running but plan on more, also the Switch 810 has the multi-card reader in the front with 1x SD Card, 2x USB 2.0, 2x USB 3.0
    for peripherals
    1 - Microsoft 360 Wireless controller adapter (legit one, not the knockoff although I had a knockoff prior to getting the real deal)
    1 - Logitech Wireless USB Keyboard with Touchpad
    I tried to be thorough.  Thanks in advance for any help!

    Quote from: PirateDog on 26-August-13, 12:45:18
    Probably a USB device problem.
    This is a candidate, as well as mouse and keyboard. Disconnect USB devices one at a time to find the culprit.
    A lot of devices running. PSU a +12V single rail or is it multi rail? A rail going to the graphics or components may not be enough amps. My best guess is the card reader.
    For UEFI/BIOS flashing, select your mainboard here and use the forum flash method;
    I'll definitely try unplugging some of these USB devices to see if that helps with the B4 hang issue.
    As for the PSU, according to the description for it on Newegg:  "Four industry-leading independent +12v rails are provided for more stable and safer power output."  It has two rails going to the GPU.  The GPU is a new addition to the system and so I wasn't running it until recently.  The issues were occurring beforehand, but you're right that this PSU is underpowered for the rig considering PowerColor recommends a minimum of 500w.  I'm going to be buying a larger capacity one sometime in the very near future.  Any recommendations on good modular PSU's?  What's a good way to tell what wattage to get?
    Thanks for letting me know about the forum flash method.  I'll be back later when I have some results.

  • Switched computer cases and now I hang at the MSI splash screen.

    Hey guys. I've never had any problems with building my PC until yesterday on the simplest of tasks.
    I decided to buy a new case and switch everything over but when I did it decided to hang on the MSI motherboard splash screen.
    * MEM 4Gx2|G.SKILL F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL + one more stick.
    * Processor = AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Thuban 2.8GHz Socket AM3 125W Six-Core Desktop Processor HDT55TFBGRBOX
    * Graphics Card = HD 7950
    * Motherboard = MB MSI| 880GM-E41 880G R
    * PSU = CORSAIR CX series CX500 500W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC Power Supply
    * OS = Windows 7 64Bit
    * No overclocking.
    So far I've done the following. 
    * Removed battery/Jumped the bios. 
    * Checked and rechecked each RAM stick. 
    * Removed all connections. 
    * Removed graphics card etc. 
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, Christmas has kind of killed my budget for a new build.
    These are as far as I can get before everything stops working.

    Really strange.
    Have you made sure that there was will be/was no contact between mobo and case (apart from spots where the contact should be made) ? This could've break the motherboard.
    Check ALL of the power supply cable connections between it and mobo.
    Now something weird which doesn't seen to make any sense... Try to put your motherboard back to the old case.
    That's all my suggestions, apart from that, if you're still able, then get it on a warranty and RMA it.
    Good luck.

  • Error while executing a process - it hangs!

    Hi there, please help me with this problem:
    I'm executing a CMD file with the next code and it hangs
    File file = new file("E:\\NDM_TEST\\UPLOAD_ENC\\CA210105.001.zip")
    Vector response = null;
    Log.debugLog("File to transport as a response " + getFileAbsolutePath());
    if (NDM.executeCMD(file.getFileAbsolutePath(), file.getFileName()) == 0) {
    public static int executeCMD(String fileAbsolutePath, String fileName) {
      int exitValue = 1;
      String chainn = "";
      try {
        Log.debugLog("starting CMD execution");
        String arguments[] = new String[1];
        arguments[0] = "\"" + getNDM_BATCH() + "\" " + fileAbsolutePath + " " + fileName;
        exitValue = WindowsExec.execute(arguments);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.log("[ERROR] NDM.ejecutaBatch ==> " + e);
      } finally {
        return exitValue;
    public class WindowsExec {
      public static int execute(String args[]) {
        int exitVal = 1;
        if(args.length < 1) {
          Log.log("USAGE; java WindowsExec <cmd>");
        try {
          String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
          String[] cmd = new String[3];
          Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
          String toExecute = cmd[0] + " " + cmd[1] + " " + cmd[2];
          Process proc = rt.exec(toExecute);
          Streammer errorStreammer = new Streammer(proc.getErrorStream(), "ERROR");
          Streammer outPutStreammer = new Streammer(proc.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT");
          exitVal = proc.waitFor();
        } catch(Throwable t) {
        } finally {
          return exitVal;
    public class Streammer extends Thread {
      InputStream is;
      String type;
      Streammer(InputStream is, String type) {
        this.is = is;
        this.type = type;
      public void run() {
        try {
          InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
          BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
          String line = null;
          while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            Log.log(type + " > " + line);
        } catch (Exception ioe) {
    }The output of the line Log.debugLog(toExecute); is:
    cmd.exe /C "E:\NDM_TEST\PROCESS\TX_TEST.CMD" E:\NDM_TEST\UPLOAD_ENC\CA210105.001.zip CA210105.001.zip
    If i run this output from a command prompt it runs ok, but when invoked from my java program it hangs and never ends

    You are right, at the moment I paste my code, I delete three important lines, here is the right code:
    File file = new file("E:\\NDM_TEST\\UPLOAD_ENC\\CA210105.001.zip")
    Vector response = null;
    Log.debugLog("File to transport as a response " + getFileAbsolutePath());
    if (NDM.executeCMD(file.getFileAbsolutePath(), file.getFileName()) == 0) {
    public static int executeCMD(String fileAbsolutePath, String fileName) {
      int exitValue = 1;
      String chainn = "";
      try {
        Log.debugLog("starting CMD execution");
        String arguments[] = new String[1];
        arguments[0] = "\"" + getNDM_BATCH() + "\" " + fileAbsolutePath + " " + fileName;
        exitValue = WindowsExec.execute(arguments);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.log("[ERROR] NDM.ejecutaBatch ==> " + e);
      } finally {
        return exitValue;
    public class WindowsExec {
      public static int execute(String args[]) {
        int exitVal = 1;
        if(args.length < 1) {
          Log.log("USAGE; java WindowsExec <cmd>");
        try {
          Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
          String[] cmd = new String[3];
          cmd[0] = "cmd.exe";
          cmd[1] = "/C";
          cmd[2] = args[0];
          String toExecute = cmd[0] + " " + cmd[1] + " " + cmd[2];
          Process proc = rt.exec(toExecute);
          Streammer errorStreammer = new Streammer(proc.getErrorStream(), "ERROR");
          Streammer outPutStreammer = new Streammer(proc.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT");
          exitVal = proc.waitFor();
        } catch(Throwable t) {
        } finally {
          return exitVal;
    public class Streammer extends Thread {
      InputStream is;
      String type;
      Streammer(InputStream is, String type) {
        this.is = is;
        this.type = type;
      public void run() {
        try {
          InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
          BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
          String line = null;
          while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            Log.log(type + " > " + line);
        } catch (Exception ioe) {
    }I hope you can help me know... thanks!.

  • IPod suddenly no longer connects to any computer, hangs and clicks/pops

    I recently (within the last two weeks) started using a program called PodUtil ( http://www.kennettnet.co.uk/software/podutil.php ) to manage my music library between my work and home computers. Everything seems to have gone off without a hitch, but as of Friday my iPod started behaving very strangely.
    I was playing a song on it through iTunes on my work computer when all of the sudden the song cut out and iTunes froze up. I was forced to disconnect my iPod manually without disconnecting it through the computer, and when I hooked it back up my entire system locked up until the iPod was once again removed. I plugged it in again and left the system alone and finally fifteen minutes later I got an error message saying that an iPod was detected but the iPod software wasn't installed. Despite this not being true, I uninstalled iTunes and the iPod software, reinstalled them, and finally the iPod worked correctly.
    Until I brought it home and plugged it into my home computer and the exact same problem occurred. I once again uninstalled iTunes and the iPod software but this time it didn't fix the problem. The iPod refuses to connect now to any of the computers I've tried it on (home, work, my roommate's PC and even a work mac) and every time it's plugged in the system hangs until it's disconnected. I have also noticed that when it's plugged in every few minutes there's a loud hum and a clicking/popping sound that reminds me of drive heads failing on a harddrive.
    The iPod itself works fine, I can play everything and it gives me absolutely no trouble. It's when I connect it to a computer that the problems begin.
    I'm at a loss for what to do. I've tried every single thing under the knowledge base including rebooting and reinstalling and nothing's helped. It almost seems like there's a physical problem with the iPod (from the clicking sound) but the clicks never happen during normal operation and I haven't dropped it or anything that would've broken it. It's out of warranty and I'd rather not pay the cost of a new iPod to get this one fixed. Furthermore I took my songs off of my computer to free up space and the last music backup I have isn't entirely recent. But I can't even get it to restore even if I wanted to because it doesn't respond when it's connected. Any help will be great. Thanks!

    - See:      
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
    - Try another cable. iOS 7 made the iPod/computer more sensiteve to cable problems
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                 

  • Hangs using USB connections

    what do you explain it seems to be almost the same as mi case.
    iMAC with anything conected : no problems.
    All tests, onyx,.....all OK!
    If I conect my scanner and/or my USB_extHD and/or my HP laserjet .... then in any moment my iMAC hangs on color circle and it has to be stopped with rear button.
    [0x6a56600] The IOUSBFamily was not able to enumerate a device.
    4648.870 [0x6a56600] The IOUSBFamily is having trouble enumerating a USB device that has been plugged in. It will keep retrying. (Port 3 of hub @ location: 0xfd100000)
    what it means?
    It's a new 5 months iMAC!!
    I'm trying to understand what happens. Could anyone help me please??
    Thank you.

    Hello azimut and welcome to Apple Discussions
    Sounds like either a bad device, a bad USB cord or there something wrong with the way you have the devices connected. Can you give us a little better description of how you have everything plugged in, we can only imagine how you have all those devices connected up to the three ports on the back of your iMac.
    Try connecting things up to the three Ports this way:
    Port 1: Keyboard with only the Mouse connected to Keyboard.
    Port 2: The External HD
    Port 3: A Mac Compatible Powered Hub (examples below) to connect the printer, scanner and any other USB devices into.
    Examples of Mac compatible Hubs:

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