JIT mysteries

public final void testSpeedComplexSelect() throws SQLException {
for (int i=0;i<5000;i++)
long t1=System.currentTimeMillis();
String sql = "select b.E,a.B " + "from TABLE1 a,TABLE2 b "
+ "where a.ID=6 or a.A='5625' and "
+ " a.B='olivier' and a.C=12345 and b.ID=1"
+ " and b.C='45' and b.D='65' and b.E=2";
SelectRequest select=new SelectRequest(sql,BlackBoxTest.SID,BlackBoxTest.login);
if (Application.PROFILE) System.out.println("h-"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-Application.t1));
long t2=System.currentTimeMillis();
long time=t2-t1;
System.out.println("Parsing a complex select takes="+time);
This code between the 2 System.currentTimeMillis is not supposed to take more than 5/10ms.
Execution on AIX (JVM IBM 1.4)
java -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -verbose:gc -Xverbosegclog:./gc.txt -classpath ${CLASSPATH} junit.textui.TestRunner UnitTest.PerformanceTest
Parsing a complex select takes=12
Parsing a complex select takes=11
Parsing a complex select takes=2
Parsing a complex select takes=2
Parsing a complex select takes=2
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=2
Parsing a complex select takes=2
Parsing a complex select takes=5
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=2
Parsing a complex select takes=2
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Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=3
Parsing a complex select takes=2
Parsing a complex select takes=3
Parsing a complex select takes=193
Parsing a complex select takes=203
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=2
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Code is getting faster because of JIT optimizations, isn't it ?
but why the hell the 18h and 19th run always takes 200 ms and after 0 ????
by the way is there a more precise way of taking time than System.currentTimeMillis() ?
I thought it was gc, but gc run never takes more than 2ms
Au niveau du gc
bash-3.00$ cat gc.txt
<GC[0]: Expanded System Heap by 65536 bytes
<GC[0]: Expanded System Heap by 65536 bytes
<GC[0]: Expanded System Heap by 65536 bytes
<AF[1]: Allocation Failure. need 4112 bytes, 0 ms since last AF>
<AF[1]: managing allocation failure, action=1 (1576/3983128) (209640/209640)>
<GC(1): GC cycle started Thu Aug 21 20:48:37 2008
<GC(1): freed 2696384 bytes, 69% free (2907600/4192768), in 2 ms>
<GC(1): mark: 1 ms, sweep: 1 ms, compact: 0 ms>
<GC(1): refs: soft 0 (age >= 32), weak 0, final 11, phantom 0>
<AF[1]: completed in 2 ms>
<AF[2]: Allocation Failure. need 528 bytes, 872 ms since last AF>
<AF[2]: managing allocation failure, action=1 (0/3983128) (209640/209640)>
<GC(2): GC cycle started Thu Aug 21 20:48:38 2008
<GC(2): freed 2612304 bytes, 67% free (2821944/4192768), in 2 ms>
<GC(2): mark: 2 ms, sweep: 0 ms, compact: 0 ms>
<GC(2): refs: soft 0 (age >= 32), weak 0, final 3, phantom 0>
<AF[2]: completed in 2 ms>
<AF[3]: Allocation Failure. need 528 bytes, 35 ms since last AF>
<AF[3]: managing allocation failure, action=1 (0/3983128) (209640/209640)>
<GC(3): GC cycle started Thu Aug 21 20:48:38 2008
<GC(3): freed 2622392 bytes, 67% free (2832032/4192768), in 2 ms>
<GC(3): mark: 2 ms, sweep: 0 ms, compact: 0 ms>
<GC(3): refs: soft 0 (age >= 32), weak 0, final 0, phantom 0>
<AF[3]: completed in 2 ms>
Any idea ??
Same code run on jvm SUN on windows is even more weird to me because it starts with 0 and periodically gives a 16ms
0Parsing a complex select takes=0
1Parsing a complex select takes=0
2Parsing a complex select takes=0
3Parsing a complex select takes=0
4Parsing a complex select takes=0
5Parsing a complex select takes=0
6Parsing a complex select takes=0
7Parsing a complex select takes=0
8Parsing a complex select takes=0
9Parsing a complex select takes=0
*10Parsing a complex select takes=16*
11Parsing a complex select takes=0
12Parsing a complex select takes=0
13Parsing a complex select takes=0
14Parsing a complex select takes=0
15Parsing a complex select takes=0
16Parsing a complex select takes=0
17Parsing a complex select takes=0
18Parsing a complex select takes=0
19Parsing a complex select takes=0
20Parsing a complex select takes=0
21Parsing a complex select takes=0
*22Parsing a complex select takes=15*
23Parsing a complex select takes=0
24Parsing a complex select takes=0
25Parsing a complex select takes=0
26Parsing a complex select takes=0
27Parsing a complex select takes=0
28Parsing a complex select takes=0
29Parsing a complex select takes=0
30Parsing a complex select takes=0
31Parsing a complex select takes=0
32Parsing a complex select takes=0
33Parsing a complex select takes=0
34Parsing a complex select takes=0
35Parsing a complex select takes=0
36Parsing a complex select takes=0
37Parsing a complex select takes=0
38Parsing a complex select takes=0
39Parsing a complex select takes=0
40Parsing a complex select takes=0
41Parsing a complex select takes=0
42Parsing a complex select takes=0
43Parsing a complex select takes=0
44Parsing a complex select takes=0
45Parsing a complex select takes=0
46Parsing a complex select takes=0
47Parsing a complex select takes=0
48Parsing a complex select takes=0
49Parsing a complex select takes=0
50Parsing a complex select takes=0
51Parsing a complex select takes=0
52Parsing a complex select takes=0
53Parsing a complex select takes=0
54Parsing a complex select takes=0
55Parsing a complex select takes=0
56Parsing a complex select takes=0
57Parsing a complex select takes=0
58Parsing a complex select takes=0
59Parsing a complex select takes=0
60Parsing a complex select takes=0
61Parsing a complex select takes=0
62Parsing a complex select takes=0
63Parsing a complex select takes=0
64Parsing a complex select takes=0
65Parsing a complex select takes=0
66Parsing a complex select takes=0
67Parsing a complex select takes=0
68Parsing a complex select takes=0
69Parsing a complex select takes=0
70Parsing a complex select takes=0
71Parsing a complex select takes=0
72Parsing a complex select takes=0
73Parsing a complex select takes=0
74Parsing a complex select takes=0
75Parsing a complex select takes=0
76Parsing a complex select takes=0
77Parsing a complex select takes=0
78Parsing a complex select takes=0
79Parsing a complex select takes=0
80Parsing a complex select takes=0
81Parsing a complex select takes=0
82Parsing a complex select takes=0
83Parsing a complex select takes=0
84Parsing a complex select takes=0
85Parsing a complex select takes=0
86Parsing a complex select takes=0
87Parsing a complex select takes=0
*88Parsing a complex select takes=15*
89Parsing a complex select takes=0
90Parsing a complex select takes=0
91Parsing a complex select takes=0
92Parsing a complex select takes=0
93Parsing a complex select takes=0
94Parsing a complex select takes=0
95Parsing a complex select takes=0
96Parsing a complex select takes=0
97Parsing a complex select takes=0
98Parsing a complex select takes=0
99Parsing a complex select takes=0
100Parsing a complex select takes=0
what is going on ?
can I put a hook on gc ? on JIT compilation ?
thanks !

following swmtgoet_x tip I tried that code but it produces very similar result.
I don't think there is a gc issue here.
          for (int i=0;i<5000;i++)
          long t1=System.currentTimeMillis();
          String sql = "select b.E,a.B " + "from TABLE1 a,TABLE2 b "
          + "where a.ID=6 or a.A='5625' and "
          + " a.B='olivier' and a.C=12345 and b.ID=1"
          + " and b.C='45' and b.D='65' and b.E=2";
          SelectRequest select=new SelectRequest(sql,BlackBoxTest.SID,BlackBoxTest.login);
          if (Application.PROFILE) System.out.println("h-"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-Application.t1));
          long t2=System.currentTimeMillis();
          long time=t2-t1;
          System.out.println("Parsing a complex select takes="+time);
Parsing a complex select takes=12
Parsing a complex select takes=2
Parsing a complex select takes=2
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Parsing a complex select takes=2
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Parsing a complex select takes=2
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Parsing a complex select takes=2
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Parsing a complex select takes=195
Parsing a complex select takes=203
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Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=1
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0
Parsing a complex select takes=0

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    Hi Rohita,
    Instead of changing the standard domain, You have to make the changes in the User Exit.
    Say Qualifier 001,002,003 were already there in the domain.
    001--Purchase Date
    002--Delivery Date
    003--Ordered Date
    In the user exit u have to just add the segment and the qualifier without making any changes to the Standard Domain.
    These Qualifiers are just like other variables and u can add whatever values to them that u want..
    You can add Qualifier 004 for Trnasportation Date or Goods issue date and have to communicate the MiddleWare informing that date with this Qualifier will be Transportation Date and they will do the mapping to the corresponding field in other syste.
    You can have as many message types as u want for the same IDoc type. There is no harm in having multiple message type. And u dont need to change the standard domain. It can be done without changing the domain.
    If u analyse the FM closely u will realise that they have done coding for those values in the domain.
    So instead of adding it to domain u just have to do the coding for this new qualifier.
    Revert back if u need any help on it.
    Message was edited by:
            Utsah Garg

  • ABAP: Developed new Report for Summarized JIT (Just In Time) calls

    Hi to all,
    Can anybody please tell me about the following:
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    Ok, I was able to figure out the functions that were confusing me. For my own record and for those that do not know, I will list how to create the objects necessary to add a new report to a menu.
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    2-Creat function for the new JSP page as System Administrator responsibility
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    4-Using AK Developer responsibility, create an attribute with the label of the attribute being the name of your function you created. Oracle's convention is the name of the attribute has FS in it.
    5-Using AK Developer, lookup the ASF_FUNC_SEC_REG region
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    Hi to all,
    Can anybody kindly tell me how to solve the following:
    This report is for Delco Singapore needs all Summarized JIT calls created between selected dates to be closed. If JIT call quantity is 0 and GR quantity is also 0, then GR flag for JIT call to be checked and JIT call will not be shown open. If the JIT call quantity is greater than zero and GR for JIT call quantity is zero then JIT call quantity made as zero and GR flag for JIT Call to be checked. Once it is checked the JIT call will not be shown in Open.
    Thanks in advance

    I think it is a good feature, but I'd like to make some suggestions.
    1) When the dialog pops up (like your attachment), it would be nice if I could tell it right then that I don't care about that advice. Right now you have to click on the link and then say you don't want the advice in the future. I think it is that extra step that is really annoying. I think, like most people, my instinct is to just close the dialog. Then next time I run LabVIEW I have to deal with it again. After the 5th time dismissing the damn thing I turn it off.
    2) It would be nice to have an easy way to turn JIT advice off for a particular session. For example, I'm called on to help get new employees up to speed in LabVIEW. When I sit down at their computer to help design/debug things, I would really like to turn off JIT advice but just for my session. I don't want to change the other persons settings.
    3) It would also be nice to be able to turn off JIT advice without going to the options.
    So, I guess what I would like is this. When the JIT advice dialog comes up, instead of only having the link to the advice I'd like to see some a button that will turn off this topic in the future, a button that will turn it off for this session of LabVIEW and a button that will turn JIT off for good (with a verification dialog).
    So, experience programmers with a new install will just turn it off for good the first time it pops up. Experience programmers on someone else's machine can turn it off without messing up the other persons ini file and I can leave it on when LV8 comes out and just dismiss the old advice quickly as it comes up.

  • Scheduling agreement Fcst del schedules and JIT question

    We have a requirement of not sending forecast delivery schedules TOR to MRP from SA.
    Instead, we take this forecast delivery schedules and massage the data (add or delete) and then send it to MRP as regular forecast (PIR).
    so when the JIT schedules come, does the forecast get consumed with the JIT's in MD04?
    lets say, I got 100 pc for 2nd week of July 2011 as forecast delivery schedule from customer and I loaded them into MRP as PIR
    and I got JIT for only 90 PC for the 2nd week of july 2011.in MD04 will the 90 get consumed from the PIR??

    so in system it will show on 3/21 monday
    I guess this means that you are entering using a Day format rather than Week format.
    You have answered you own question already.  If the online SAP help, which you have read and reasonably paraphrased, is not clear enough to make you understand this, I cannot help you.
    JIT horizon is 3/23, Forecast is for 3/21. 
    As I stated before, even though it may in your mind represent a week's demand, it is still for one day.  There is no bucketing, nor time-based disaggregation, nor consumption.  It is just a scheduling agreement.
    You wrote
    am using MRP indicator D. that means within jit horizon, consider my jit quanity for requirements. and after jit horizon consider my forecast delivery schedules as requirements.
    .  This is a reasonable paraphrase of the SAP online help.  Do you believe this?
    Forecast schedule is for 3/21.  NOT for W 12/2011.  This is before the JIT horizon, isn't it?  What do you think will happen to the forecast schedule, looking at the last 'rules' you just wrote? and as stated in the SAP help that you read?
    Now you want to enter JIT schedules. 21/22/23/24/25/26.  JIT horizon is 23.  24/25/26 are after JIT horizon.  What do you think will happen, based on the 'rules' you just wrote? 
    I feel my time is being wasted when you keep asking me these questions, already having the answers explicitly stated in SAP oinline help.  Since you do not have access to a system, this cannot be a support issue, it is a evidently a matter of idle curiosity for you.  I therefore believe I will will move onto other forum questions, where there is a possibility that the questioners will get some business benefit from my answers.
    Best Regards,

  • Forecast delivery schedules and JIT deliveries

    Hi Gurus,
    Got a question on sales scheduling agreements schedule lines. Our customer sends 10 weeks of forecast delivery schedules and 2 weeks of JIT deliveries. which one of these two are passed to MD04?
    Assuming only forecast delivery schedules are seen in MD04:
    Assuming customer sends forecast delivery schedule for week2 as 50. but in JIT deliveries he only sent 40 for that week. if only forecast deliveries are see in md04, then my forecast and planning quantity is 50 , but actually my JIT delivery is only 40.  AM I  producing 10 extra? that  means my planning is wrong?

    so in system it will show on 3/21 monday
    I guess this means that you are entering using a Day format rather than Week format.
    You have answered you own question already.  If the online SAP help, which you have read and reasonably paraphrased, is not clear enough to make you understand this, I cannot help you.
    JIT horizon is 3/23, Forecast is for 3/21. 
    As I stated before, even though it may in your mind represent a week's demand, it is still for one day.  There is no bucketing, nor time-based disaggregation, nor consumption.  It is just a scheduling agreement.
    You wrote
    am using MRP indicator D. that means within jit horizon, consider my jit quanity for requirements. and after jit horizon consider my forecast delivery schedules as requirements.
    .  This is a reasonable paraphrase of the SAP online help.  Do you believe this?
    Forecast schedule is for 3/21.  NOT for W 12/2011.  This is before the JIT horizon, isn't it?  What do you think will happen to the forecast schedule, looking at the last 'rules' you just wrote? and as stated in the SAP help that you read?
    Now you want to enter JIT schedules. 21/22/23/24/25/26.  JIT horizon is 23.  24/25/26 are after JIT horizon.  What do you think will happen, based on the 'rules' you just wrote? 
    I feel my time is being wasted when you keep asking me these questions, already having the answers explicitly stated in SAP oinline help.  Since you do not have access to a system, this cannot be a support issue, it is a evidently a matter of idle curiosity for you.  I therefore believe I will will move onto other forum questions, where there is a possibility that the questioners will get some business benefit from my answers.
    Best Regards,

  • JIT and Forecast delivery

    Hi Gurus,
    Got a question on sales scheduling agreements schedule lines. Our customer sends 10 weeks of forecast delivery schedules and 2 weeks of JIT deliveries. which one of these two are passed to MD04?
    Assuming only forecast delivery schedules are seen in MD04:
    Assuming customer sends forecast delivery schedule for week2 as 50. but in JIT deliveries he only sent 40 for that week. if only forecast deliveries are see in md04, then my forecast and planning quantity is 50 , but actually my JIT delivery is only 40. AM I producing 10 extra? that means my planning is wrong?

    so in system it will show on 3/21 monday
    I guess this means that you are entering using a Day format rather than Week format.
    You have answered you own question already.  If the online SAP help, which you have read and reasonably paraphrased, is not clear enough to make you understand this, I cannot help you.
    JIT horizon is 3/23, Forecast is for 3/21. 
    As I stated before, even though it may in your mind represent a week's demand, it is still for one day.  There is no bucketing, nor time-based disaggregation, nor consumption.  It is just a scheduling agreement.
    You wrote
    am using MRP indicator D. that means within jit horizon, consider my jit quanity for requirements. and after jit horizon consider my forecast delivery schedules as requirements.
    .  This is a reasonable paraphrase of the SAP online help.  Do you believe this?
    Forecast schedule is for 3/21.  NOT for W 12/2011.  This is before the JIT horizon, isn't it?  What do you think will happen to the forecast schedule, looking at the last 'rules' you just wrote? and as stated in the SAP help that you read?
    Now you want to enter JIT schedules. 21/22/23/24/25/26.  JIT horizon is 23.  24/25/26 are after JIT horizon.  What do you think will happen, based on the 'rules' you just wrote? 
    I feel my time is being wasted when you keep asking me these questions, already having the answers explicitly stated in SAP oinline help.  Since you do not have access to a system, this cannot be a support issue, it is a evidently a matter of idle curiosity for you.  I therefore believe I will will move onto other forum questions, where there is a possibility that the questioners will get some business benefit from my answers.
    Best Regards,

  • Scheduling Agreement JIT / Forecast calculating wrong

    Hello experts,
    I´m with a problem with JIT / Forecast.
    The forecast are calculating wrong values. For example:
    Cumulative quantity calculated: 584
    JIT schedule:
    DATE             TIME         Order Quantity       Cml. released quantity        Open Quantity
    06.01.2012     00:00     32          32                      
    10.01.2012     00:00     352          384                      
    13.01.2012     00:00     128          512                      
    17.01.2012     00:00     88          600              16
    Forecast schedule
    DATE             TIME         Order Quantity       Cml. released quantity        Open Quantity
    20.01.2012     00:00     112          112                      
    24.01.2012     00:00     224          336                      
    27.01.2012     00:00     128          464                      
    31.01.2012     00:00     200          664          
    The values of forecast are calculating by Cumulative quantity calculated that is 584 and I dont have any Open Quantity and in this case I need to have Open Quantity in Forecast.
    The forecast must not be calculated by the amount in transit
    Help me.

    Hi ashish
    Check the  planning delivery schedule tab and go to item data -> delivery schedule header and check wheather any proper information has been filled or not

  • Forecast delivery schdule and JIT delivery schedule difference

    Hi All,
    What isthe difference between Forecast delivery schdule and JIT delivery schedule in JIT scheduling agreement (LZJ)?? 
    I am doing JIT Inbound process now. Is it necesary to update both the schedule lines(Forecast delivery schedule&JIT delivery schedule)??
    Anbazhagan E

    Forecast Schedule updates your planning , i.e. in MD04 you could see system is planning for quantities updated in forecast schedule.

  • Using a JIT call with stock transport scheduling agreement

    I have a requirement to send forecast schedules for a stock transport scheduling agreement from procuring plant to producing plant. Production would be done in producing plant against these forecast schedules. Producing plant would only ship against a JIT call (pull trigger) from procuring plant and not against a forecast schedule line. Is there a way in standard SAP to achieve this?

    I don't think so.
    You need to transfer the production forecast as demand plan in the production plant. Have a MTS planning strategy (like 10), then manufacturing is triggered by this demand plan, and goods are stocked in the production plant, waiting for the pull call from the sales plant.
    Don't forget to take care of the consumption of demand with STO (I think there's a note on this).

  • How to enable JIT debugging on my Windows 7 (64 bit) computer? I keep getting different Errors popping up on my computer about debugging different programs and that JIT debugging must be enabled!

    How do I enable JIT debugging on my Windows 7 (64 bit) computer? I keep getting different Errors popping up on my computer and the latest one says when I attempted to watch a DVD video with VLC media player but this isn't the first error this week saying
    that JIT debugging must be enabled and I don't know how to do that : ( "Microsoft Visual C++  Runtime Library"  Assertion Failed! Program C:\Program Files (x86) VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe  File: vm.c
    Line: 1765
    Expression: pgcit != NULL
    For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.
    (Press Retry to debug the application- JIT must be enabled)

    Hi Rhondavas77,
    To enable/disable Just-In-Time debugging
    On the Tools menu, click Options.
    In the Options dialog box, select the Debugging folder.
    In the Debugging folder, select the Just-In-Time page.
    In the Enable Just-In-Time debugging of these types of code box, select or clear the relevant program types:
    Managed, Native, or Script.
    To disable Just-In-Time debugging, once it has been enabled, you must be running with Administrator privileges. Enabling Just-In-Time debugging sets a registry key, and Administrator privileges are required to change that key.
    Click OK.
    More information is here.
    Best Regards.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to get the Open qty. in JIT Schedule in VA33 txn.

    How to get the Open qty. in JIT Schedule in VA33 txn.
    The F1 Helps says Structure VBEPD field name is OLFMNG.

    any clues ??

  • VuGen 11.00 script is not getting saved after recording the script.Getting JIT Debugging error

    Hi ,
    I am able record the script successfully through Vugen 11.00. But while i am trying to save the the script the Vugen stops responding for few minutes and gives a error pop up is coming Saying "Unhandled  exception occured in a component in your application.....".
    Below is exception caught:
    See the end of this message for details on invoking
    just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
    ************** Exception Text **************
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at LogicNP.FileViewControl.x536ecdb7386d29a6.x2db8e1a2d8ef1ead(xb2fdad904b77f843 xcbf23e6fdf2aa08b, IntPtr xe2562f0dc0544189, DisplayNameFlags x9432081594ec509d, IntPtr x5e5a9895844ba8d2, x09b9e24e089559b0 x49a64970a3136cae)
       at LogicNP.FileViewControl.x536ecdb7386d29a6.x1dafd189c5465293(xb2fdad904b77f843 xcbf23e6fdf2aa08b, IntPtr xe2562f0dc0544189, DisplayNameFlags x9432081594ec509d, IntPtr x5e5a9895844ba8d2, x09b9e24e089559b0 x49a64970a3136cae)
       at LogicNP.FileViewControl.x536ecdb7386d29a6.x4e2d9d6d7d7d99b0(xb2fdad904b77f843 xcbf23e6fdf2aa08b, IntPtr xe2562f0dc0544189)
       at LogicNP.FileViewControl.ListItem.x77be53ce49261911()
       at LogicNP.FileViewControl.ListItem.get_Path()
       at QTFileDialogs.FSControl.fileView1_AfterItemAdd(Object sender, FileViewEventArgs e)
       at LogicNP.FileViewControl.FileView.x63783b721e2e30d9(Int32 xccb63ca5f63dc470)
       at LogicNP.FileViewControl.FileView.x5921718e79c67372(IntPtr xe2562f0dc0544189)
       at LogicNP.FileViewControl.FileView.x6d54aa19d20a6718(IntPtr x60b03290ec39ff34, Boolean x6aa0fd35fe33c0ce)
       at LogicNP.FileViewControl.FileView.x7cb4bb83abfb9710(String xaead53c3b2567ee7)
       at LogicNP.FileViewControl.FileView.set_CurrentFolder(String value)
       at QTFileDialogs.FSControl.FSControl_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.UserControl.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.UserControl.OnCreateControl()
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
    ************** Loaded Assemblies **************
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5477 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/BPTManagerImpl.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/BPTManager.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/Interop.TDExtendedAPI.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/Interop.SOAMaf.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/VugenIntegration.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5468 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/interop.OTAClient.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/VuGenFileDialog.DLL
        Assembly Version: 11.0.700.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.700.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/QTFileDialogLib.DLL
        Assembly Version: 11.0.721.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.721.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/OTAWrapperLib.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/FileDialogServices.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/QTFileDialogs.DLL
        Assembly Version: 11.0.700.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.700.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/QTFileDialogIfsLib.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/QTOTAWrapper.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5476 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 11.0.700.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/Log4netWrap.DLL
        Assembly Version: 8.0.50727.6195
        Win32 Version: 8.00.50727.6195
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/WinSxS/x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a/msvcm80.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5476 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/
        Assembly Version: 11.0.1465.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.1465.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/QTOTAWrapper.XmlSerializers.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
        Assembly Version: 7.3.20073.1053
        Win32 Version: 7.3.20073.1053
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/Infragistics2.Win.Misc.v7.3.DLL
        Assembly Version: 7.3.20073.1053
        Win32 Version: 7.3.20073.1053
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/Infragistics2.Win.v7.3.DLL
        Assembly Version: 7.3.20073.1053
        Win32 Version: 7.3.20073.1053
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/Infragistics2.Shared.v7.3.DLL
        Assembly Version: 7.3.20073.1053
        Win32 Version: 7.3.20073.1053
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinEditors.v7.3.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Accessibility/
        Assembly Version: 7.3.20073.1053
        Win32 Version: 7.3.20073.1053
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar.v7.3.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/LogicNP.FileView.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/LogicNP.ShComboBox.DLL
        Assembly Version: 11.0.9409.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.9409.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/ScriptContext.DLL
        Assembly Version: 11.0.9409.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.9409.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/CorrelationSDK.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/Interop.VugenBackEnd.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/Interop.VugenDocIfs.DLL
        Assembly Version: 11.0.9409.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.9409.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/CorrelationFramework.DLL
        Assembly Version: 11.0.9409.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.9409.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/FileLogger.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5479 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_32/System.Web/
        Assembly Version: 11.0.9409.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.9409.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/HTTPSnapshot.DLL
        Assembly Version: 11.0.9409.0
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
        Assembly Version: 11.0.9409.0
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
        Assembly Version: 11.0.9409.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.9409.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/PostFilterCorrelationRules.DLL
        Assembly Version: 11.0.9409.0
        Win32 Version: 11.0.9409.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/HP/Virtual%20User%20Generator/bin/PostFilterInScriptFinder.DLL
        Assembly Version: 11.0.9409.0
        Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
        CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
    ************** JIT Debugging **************
    To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
    application or computer (machine.config) must have the
    jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section.
    The application must also be compiled with debugging
    For example:
        <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" />
    When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
    will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
    rather than be handled by this dialog box.
    Please let me know how to resolve this issue. This is causing a major blocking for my testing

    Looking at the error message "The Network Adapter could not establish the connection" , It appears hostname and port may be incorrect. Review the targets.xml under E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\SAP_solman_SDB\emd and
    emoms.properties under E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\SAP_solman_SDB\config folder to make sure host ( sap_solman) and port (1527) are correct.
    As far as setting the environment variables goes, you can go to control panel -> system -> advanced -> environment variables and set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID

  • Next JIT schedule date in  Schedule Agreement

    H, This is reg JIT - in Schedule Agreements
    JIT schedules are created to day 10.02.2010 ..
    In Creation profile for JIT, 'Changed or next date' is given & 'Weekly trans' option is chosen
    I could see system calculated 'Next JIT sched' date as 15.02.2010 [Next week monday] , it is as expected
    I created JIT today and i am not able to release today itself as part of testing solution. Even in production environment cant i release on same day of JIT schedules creation? why so ?
    Help Says  only those scheduling agreement items with respect to which the creation date is earlier than the current date are chosen for release generation."

    I found the issue ...
    output message for JIT was an issue
    when i see JIT out message type properties for this message, Print parameters field was set to blanck
    When i chenged to Purchase Group, it worked ..
    Can some one help me what effect it had in generating message, before that message was green but i was not able to genertae JIT schedules

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