JPanel's Graphics disappears!!

When calling jpanel.getGraphics().drawLine(...), for example, the line is drawn on a panel.
But when another window is dragged over this panel, the graphics is erased(it is in memory, but it's not shown on a panel).
How to avoid this problem?
(Someone said i should use TimerTask for re-draw the content every some period[i], but i think it's not the best idea :)))
Thanks in advance!!

If you want the line to be persistent in your JPanel, you should draw it in the paint method of your subclassed JPanel. Otherwise, there is no reason why it should be repainted on the panel's repaint.

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  • Graphics disappearing from canvas

    I am writing an application with a canvas. But the graphics on the canvas are disappearing when the screen is minimised or another window comes on top of the canvas. The code below is a small part of it but the problem occurs in this part of the application. It will draw lines when mouse pressed and dragged on canvsas. The code should run. If anyone could help me I would be really grateful as I can't seem to find the problem and I think it just needs someone who has'nt seen the code before to find the problem.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestCanvas extends JFrame
       Container c;
       public TestCanvas()
            c = getContentPane();
            TheCanvas can = new TheCanvas();
            JPanel two = new JPanel();
       class TheCanvas extends Canvas implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
           Canvas pad;
           public static final int mode_paint = 0;
           public static final int mode_xor = 1;
           public static final int line = 1;
           public static final int drawType = 1;
           public Color drawColor;
           boolean showingPicture = false;
           protected Image offScreen = null;
           public int drawThickness = 1;
           tempLine draftLine;
           boolean dragging = false;
           int oldx = 0;
           int oldy = 0;
             pad = new Canvas();
             pad.setSize(500, 500);
             drawColor =;
          offScreen = null;
          synchronized public void paint(Graphics g)
         int width = 0;
         int height = 0;
            //offScreen is the image declared at top
         if (offScreen != null)
                  //intislise the widt and heigth depending on if showingpicture is true
              if (!showingPicture)
                       width = offScreen.getWidth(this);
                       height = offScreen.getHeight(this);
                   width = pad.getWidth();
                   height = pad.getHeight();
                    //Draws as much of the specified image as has already
                    //been scaled to fit inside the specified rectangle
                    //The "this" is An asynchronous update interface for receiving
                    //notifications about Image information as the Image is constructed
                    //This is causing problems
              g.drawImage(offScreen, 0, 0, width, height, pad);
           synchronized public void drawLine(Color color, int startx, int starty,
                              int endx, int endy, int thickness,
                              int mode)
         int dx, dy;
         Graphics g1 = pad.getGraphics();
         Graphics g2;
         //if image is not intialised to null
         //the getGraphics is used for freehand drawing
         //Image.getGraphics() is often used for double buffering by rendering
            //into an offscreen buffer.
         if (offScreen != null)
             g2 = offScreen.getGraphics();
             g2 = g1;
            //mode is put into the method and XOR is final and equal to 1
         if (mode == mode_xor)
                  //calls the setXOR mode for g1 and g2
                  //Sets the paint mode of this graphics context to alternate
                    //between this graphics context's current color and the
                    //new specified color.
              g1.setXORMode(Color.white);//This will
                  //Sets this graphics context's current color to the
                    //specified color
         if (endx > startx)
             dx = (endx - startx);
             dx = (startx - endx);
         if (endy > starty)
             dy = (endy - starty);
             dy = (starty - endy);
         if (dx >= dy)
              starty -= (thickness / 2);
              endy -= (thickness / 2);
              startx -= (thickness / 2);
              endx -= (thickness / 2);
         for (int count = 0; count < thickness; count ++)
              g1.drawLine(startx, starty, endx, endy);
              g2.drawLine(startx, starty, endx, endy);
              if (dx >= dy)
                  { starty++; endy++; }
                  { startx++; endx++; }
            //Disposes of this graphics context and releases any system
            //resources that it is using.
          //nothing happens when the mouse is clicked
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
        //When the mouse cursor enters the canvas make it the two
        //straigth lines type
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
         pad.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR));
        //When mouse exits canvas set to default type
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
         pad.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
             // Save the coordinates of the mouse being pressed
         oldx = e.getX();
         oldy = e.getY();
         // If we are doing lines, rectangles, or ovals, we will show
         // draft lines to suggest the final shape of the object
         //Draw type is a publc int which can be changed
            draftLine = new tempLine(drawColor, oldx, oldy, oldx,
                                 oldy, drawThickness);
            // Set the draw mode to XOR and draw it.
            drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx,
            draftLine.starty, draftLine.endx,
            draftLine.endy, drawThickness, this.mode_xor);
        //mouse listener for when the mouse button is released
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
              // Erase the draft line
              drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx, draftLine.starty,
                    draftLine.endx, draftLine.endy, drawThickness,
              // Add the real line to the canvas
              //When the imput changes to "mode_paint" it is drawen
              //on the canvas
              drawLine(drawColor, oldx, oldy, e.getX(), e.getY(),
                    drawThickness, this.mode_paint);
              dragging = false;
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            // Erase the old draft line
            drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx, draftLine.starty,
              draftLine.endx, draftLine.endy, drawThickness,
            // Draw the new draft line
            draftLine.endx = e.getX();
            draftLine.endy = e.getY();
            drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx, draftLine.starty,
              draftLine.endx, draftLine.endy, drawThickness,
         public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
         //declare  a class for the line shown before the is as wanted
        class tempLine
         public Color color;
         public int startx;
         public int starty;
         public int endx;
         public int endy;
         public int thickness;
         public tempLine(Color mycolor, int mystartx, int mystarty,
                      int myendx, int myendy, int mythickness)
             color = mycolor;
             startx = mystartx;
             starty = mystarty;
             endx = myendx;
             endy = myendy;
             thickness = mythickness;
    public static void main(String[] args)
         TestCanvas one = new TestCanvas();

    Thanks for replying, I really appreciate it. I have made the changes but the problem is still occurring. I'll show you the code below. If you have any suggestions I would really appreciate it.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestCanvas extends JFrame
       Container c;
       public TestCanvas()
            c = getContentPane();
            TheCanvas can = new TheCanvas();
            JPanel two = new JPanel();
       class TheCanvas extends Canvas implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
           Canvas pad;
           public static final int mode_paint = 0;
           public static final int mode_xor = 1;
           public static final int line = 1;
           public static final int drawType = 1;
           public Color drawColor;
           boolean showingPicture = false;
           protected Image offScreen = null;
           public int drawThickness = 1;
           tempLine draftLine;
           boolean dragging = false;
           int oldx = 0;
           int oldy = 0;
             //pad = new Canvas();
                setSize(500, 500);
             drawColor =;
          offScreen = null;
          synchronized public void paint(Graphics g)
         int width = 0;
         int height = 0;
            //offScreen is the image declared at top
         if (offScreen != null)
                  //intislise the widt and heigth depending on if showingpicture is true
              if (!showingPicture)
                       width = offScreen.getWidth(this);
                       height = offScreen.getHeight(this);
                       width = getSize().width;
                            height = getSize().height;
                   //width = pad.getWidth();
                   //height = pad.getHeight();
                    //Draws as much of the specified image as has already
                    //been scaled to fit inside the specified rectangle
                    //The "this" is An asynchronous update interface for receiving
                    //notifications about Image information as the Image is constructed
                    //This is causing problems
              g.drawImage(offScreen, 0, 0, width, height, this);
           synchronized public void drawLine(Color color, int startx, int starty,
                              int endx, int endy, int thickness,
                              int mode)
         int dx, dy;
         Graphics g1 = getGraphics();
         Graphics g2;
         //if image is not intialised to null
         //the getGraphics is used for freehand drawing
         //Image.getGraphics() is often used for double buffering by rendering
            //into an offscreen buffer.
         if (offScreen != null)
             g2 = offScreen.getGraphics();
             g2 = g1;
            //mode is put into the method and XOR is final and equal to 1
         if (mode == mode_xor)
                  //calls the setXOR mode for g1 and g2
                  //Sets the paint mode of this graphics context to alternate
                    //between this graphics context's current color and the
                    //new specified color.
              g1.setXORMode(Color.white);//This will
                  //Sets this graphics context's current color to the
                    //specified color
         if (endx > startx)
             dx = (endx - startx);
             dx = (startx - endx);
         if (endy > starty)
             dy = (endy - starty);
             dy = (starty - endy);
         if (dx >= dy)
              starty -= (thickness / 2);
              endy -= (thickness / 2);
              startx -= (thickness / 2);
              endx -= (thickness / 2);
         for (int count = 0; count < thickness; count ++)
              g1.drawLine(startx, starty, endx, endy);
              g2.drawLine(startx, starty, endx, endy);
              if (dx >= dy)
                  { starty++; endy++; }
                  { startx++; endx++; }
            //Disposes of this graphics context and releases any system
            //resources that it is using.
          //nothing happens when the mouse is clicked
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
        //When the mouse cursor enters the canvas make it the two
        //straigth lines type
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
         this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR));
        //When mouse exits canvas set to default type
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
         this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
             // Save the coordinates of the mouse being pressed
         oldx = e.getX();
         oldy = e.getY();
         // If we are doing lines, rectangles, or ovals, we will show
         // draft lines to suggest the final shape of the object
         //Draw type is a publc int which can be changed
            draftLine = new tempLine(drawColor, oldx, oldy, oldx,
                                 oldy, drawThickness);
            // Set the draw mode to XOR and draw it.
            drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx,
            draftLine.starty, draftLine.endx,
            draftLine.endy, drawThickness, this.mode_xor);
        //mouse listener for when the mouse button is released
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
              // Erase the draft line
              drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx, draftLine.starty,
                    draftLine.endx, draftLine.endy, drawThickness,
              // Add the real line to the canvas
              //When the imput changes to "mode_paint" it is drawen
              //on the canvas
              drawLine(drawColor, oldx, oldy, e.getX(), e.getY(),
                    drawThickness, this.mode_paint);
              dragging = false;
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            // Erase the old draft line
            drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx, draftLine.starty,
              draftLine.endx, draftLine.endy, drawThickness,
            // Draw the new draft line
            draftLine.endx = e.getX();
            draftLine.endy = e.getY();
            drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx, draftLine.starty,
              draftLine.endx, draftLine.endy, drawThickness,
         public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
         //declare  a class for the line shown before the is as wanted
        class tempLine
         public Color color;
         public int startx;
         public int starty;
         public int endx;
         public int endy;
         public int thickness;
         public tempLine(Color mycolor, int mystartx, int mystarty,
                      int myendx, int myendy, int mythickness)
             color = mycolor;
             startx = mystartx;
             starty = mystarty;
             endx = myendx;
             endy = myendy;
             thickness = mythickness;
    public static void main(String[] args)
         TestCanvas one = new TestCanvas();

  • When I add text to my CS5 InDesign Classroom In a Book document, the graphic disappears. (Lesson 3)

    As soon as I add the threaded text, the graphic at the bottom of the right hand page vanishes. The book mentions nothing about this. Help! I'm trying to teach myself this program and don't want to move forward until I know the solution to this problem. Anybody? Please? (Thank you for any wisdom you may be able to offer.)

    I dug out my CIB and took a look at lesson 3 (I used to use the CIB as a text in my classes so I know some of the problems you're likely to encounter).
    On page 69 there are instructions to create a frame on the bottom of the right-hand master page and that's the frame that the image should be placed into (and it shold have text wrap applied). It's typical of the CIB that this frame doesn't appear in the illustrations on pages 73 or 75.
    On page 73 you added a text frame on the right page, and that frame, for no really good reason extends across the previously created image frame. They do this in the lesson to show you how text wrap works, but in the real world it would be much better in a template situation like this to to simply stop the text frame at the top of the image frame since your text will never use the bottom portion anyway the way this particular page is laid out.
    In any case, I suspect what happened was that when you placed the image of the fellow on the jet ski you somehow failed to place it in the image frame from the master page. This would have been a relatively easy mistake to make as the only area of the frame that would accept the image is the part that is not covered by the text frame. I can't tell for sure exactly what happened without seeing the file at the point of failure, however, and I quite honestly don't understand why the image would have disappeared unless, as Michael suggests, you had an active text cursor and place the image inline. This seems unlikely, given the instructions in the lesson, and I would have expected an inline image to appear at the start of the thread in the text frames, not at the end, so I don't think this is really what happened.
    One general principle you need to know when placing content into existing frames is you want to click in a clear space inside the frame, not on or near any guides or the frame edges. It doesn't matter where you click, as long as it is inside the frame area -- the frame will fill, or in the case of threaded tex frames the thread will fill from the beginning regardless of where in the thread you click (part of the point of this lesson). Neither the book, nor any documentation I've seen, ever mentions that clicking on a guide, even if it is inside the frame area, will abort the placement into the frame and will instead create a new frame at the point where you clicked. You can tell what is going to happen by watching the cursor closely. If it looks like it has a hard corner in the upper left, it will create a frame, if it seems to be surrounded by parentheses it will use the empty frame you are hovered over.  And, of course, if there are two overlapping frames, you must be sure which one you are using -- if you click in an area of overlap, the top frame will be used.

  • Graphics disappear in Safari 3.1.1

    Just installed Safari 3.1.1
    All Graphic content on websites disappear.
    Apple website has no graphical buttons or pictures. The underlying selection is there and operates correctly but you cannot see where they are.
    My Web Gallery will not display the photos.
    Everything works fine with Firefox.
    Any ideas on how to correct the problem?

    The same thing -- checkbox mysteriously becoming unchecked -- happened here a week ago. Don't remember when I upgraded, but my prefs are set to update weekly, so it's odd the "Ghost" visited our machines so far apart in time -- yours in April, mine in June.
    I've never touched that checkbox (at least not since Netscape 1.0.)

  • How do you have two classes drawing to the same JPanel? Graphics g problem

    Hi all,
    This is probably a five second answer but im really stuck on it!
    How do i have two classes both writing to the same JPanel?
    I have one class that extends JPanel and using Graphics g, draws to the panel ie g.drawString(..);
    But i would like another class to draw to the same panel, so that the two different classes can both draw what they like to the JPanel.
    How do i do this?
    I have tried sending the Graphics g object from the one class to the other but only the original class draws still. I was thinking perhaps if it carn't be done could i have a JPanel on top of the other one that is transparent so there would be a tracing paper effect?
    Many thanks

    I have tried sending the Graphics g object from the
    one class to the other but only the original class
    draws still. I was thinking perhaps if it carn't beThis is the right idea. One problem you may be running into is that JPanel fills in its background with the background color by default. If you switch and use JComponent instead of JPanel you may get better results. Another idea is to use a "painter": a class that has a paint(Graphics g) but is not a component and just paints on a component. I've done this before in implementing Tetris where the dropping piece is a class which can paint itself but is not a component.

  • Loaded image on jPanel won't disappear

    Gents, I have an image on a panel that I am drawing over with another image,
    the problem is the new image will not appear because the previous image
    keeps being displayed. there must be a way to completly erase the previous
    image, thanks for any help.....
    This is the code that I am using to draw the image:
    class ImagePanel extends JPanel
    Image imageX;
    int i;
    int IMAGE_ID;
    public ImagePanel (Image ImageX, int myInt, int IMAGE_ID)
    imageX = theImage;
    i = myInt;
    public void setImage (Image myImage)
    imageX = myImage;
    public void paint (Graphics g)
    if (theTracker.checkID(IMAGE_ID, true))
    g.drawImage(imageX, 0, 0, getSize().width, getSize().height, this);
    if (i == 0) //i = 0 draw text labels on tank image not on FD Logo
    //g.drawString(elevz1.getText(), 20, 45);
    //g.drawString(atmphpress.getText(), 78, 13);
    //g.drawString(pressh.getText(), 68, 48);
    //g.drawString(vappress.getText(), 55, 119);
    //g.drawString(frictf.getText(), 115, 119);
    g.drawString("Loading image: please wait..", 10, 50);
    } //end class

    you might want to override the paintComponent() method
    this method is automatically called every time the JPanel component needs to redraw itself.

  • Title Bar Graphics Disappear

    Sometimes at random, elements of the title bar (the portion of the application window where the title is along with the minimize, maximize buttons are) will disappear. You are unable to view them until you roll over them and even the background turns white... like the graphics are getting corrupt. I see it a lot with the System Preferences panel.

    i've got a similar issue i think, what happens is for some reason, at some point, the dock changes 'texture' and becomes transparent, as in the white surface of it turns black reflecting the icons on it more brightly and the icon title becomes corrupt, worse still, my stacks show only the contour of the files and the titles are unreadable, although noting else seems to be affected, this is annoying.

  • Use the JPanel's graphics to draw something

    I get a Jpanel's Graphcis g and use g to paint something,
    the rectangle show on the JPanel , but it was clear when I resize the JPanel
    or switch between applications. I think I can override the paintComponent()
    method to let the image keep on it. I want to know: Is there some component
    I can get its' graphics like JPanel and whatever I painted on use it can not
    be clear?
    BTW, I want to try some small game programming, anyone know some BEAutiful
    component package?

    the rectangle show on the JPanel , but it was clear when I resize the JPanelThe reason your painting clears when you resize your window (or min/maximize) is because you will need to
    tell your program to repaint the scene after anything happens to the window. The best thing to do is create
    a thread to constantly call your paint routines so that even when the painting clears, it is repainted
    Is there some component I can get its' graphics like JPanel and whatever I painted on use it can not
    be clear?I'm afraid not, all components behave this way. You don't have to worry if you use a thread for painting
    (a thread for painting is infact one of several standards for rendering). Here is some code:
    public void startPainting(){
       Thread paintTimer = new Thread(
          new Runnable(){
             public void run(){
                }catch(InterruptedException e) {break;}

  • Graphics disappearing when publishing to Presenter

    Help! In Powerpoint the graphics show up fine but when I
    publish some of them end up not showing up at all. I have no idea
    why this is happening. I'm not creating the presentations, I get
    them from my clients. I'm using Powerpoint 2007, and presenter plug
    in 6.

    The site seems to be working fine on my end. Please refer to the following screenshot :
    Please try in a different browser.

  • Graphics disappear

    Older-style mini-iPad suddenly does now show graphics in iTunes store.
    Text only appears for each item.
    Anyone know how to fix this?
    Have tried robeeting it.

    do a reboot. press and hold the home and sleep button until the apple logo appears.  ignore the red slider.  then try again.

  • CS5 - Graphic with feathered edge disappears when exported to PDF

    I just ran into an odd problem, and unfortunately the book got printed before we saw the problem … ugh!
    I set up a chapter header for a book. It was a graphic of wood to which I added a 0p9 feathered edge. In a text box on top of this, I put the chapter name in white type. They were both on the same layer, but the text box was on top.
    I didn't notice at the time that when I exported the page to PDF, the graphic disappeared … and since the type was white, the whole chapter header was invisible. If I opened the PDF in Acrobat Pro using Pitstop, I could select a box where it was supposed to be, but couldn't make it show up.
    I tried creating another layer and moving the text up to that; no good. The only way I was eventually able to make that darn wood graphic show up on the PDF was if I shut off the feathered edge.
    Now I know I've used a feathered edge frequently, and have never run into this problem before. Does anyone have any idea why this time should be any different? There's was no color other than black, only one layer, and nothing was set to non-printing. I used the same export settings I always use. Stumped here … and very unhappy that we missed it and printed the book without the headers (my fault for not catching it, but doesn't make me any happier).
    Mac OS 10.5.8
    InDesign CS5 (version 7.0)
    Export setting - set to print to Acrobat 8/9 compatibility (PDF 1.7) with crop marks on
    Hoping someone has some insight here. It's too late for the current job, but I'd like to know why it did it so I can avoid the problem in the future.

    Hi John,
    My InDesign files are too big to upload anywhere, but these two screen shots show an example of this problem.
    This is how the spread looks in InDesign (link and effect info for right image shown):
    ... and this is how the exported PDF spread looks (normal "Press Quality" export setting):
    As you can see, several, but not all, objects with transparent effects have disappeared.

  • AS3, PrintJob, graphics/logo disappearing on multipage printout

    I'm printing a multipage report from a single Movieclip (MC). The parent MC has a minimum of 6 dyanmically created pages.
    What I do is loop thru a data array and create multiple pages from a template MC that I have in my library and that I access thru it's AS linkage. As I loop thru the data each page is added to the parent MC. They are stacked vertically. Each page is 720px high so page 1 starts at 0, page 2 starts at 720, etc.
    Once the report is created I used Printjob to print the MC.
    Here's the loop to print the report.  I use a defined rectangle area to create each page from the report MC. As I loop thru the pages the Rectangle location is move accordingly.
    function doPrintJob(tmpMC:MovieClip):void {
        var yStart:Number = new Number(0);
        var printerror:Boolean = false;
        var my_pj:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
        if ( my_pj.start() ) {
            for ( var k:int = 0; k < pageCnt; k++ ) {   
                yStart = (k * 720);
                try { my_pj.addPage(tmpMC, new Rectangle (0, yStart, 540, 720) ); } catch(e:Error) {
                    printerror = true;
                    trace("############### ERROR SPOOLING DOCUMENT...");
            if (!printerror) { my_pj.send(); }
    The print loop works ok but what is happening is that a logo graphic that is on the top right of the template MC gets dropped after the 1st page. I have a logo on page 1 but no logos on the rest of pages.
    I've been tweaking the .y positioning of every page in the report and it seems to me that if a page is created but the .y location is off by a pixel or 2  that the graphic will not be cropped by a pixel or 2 but instead is dropped outright from the page.
    This is really frustrating me because I've tweaked my code repeatedly to make sure every page is located correctly and that the printjob rectangle is located correctly but I still end up losing the logo.
    Has anyone had a similar experience of graphics disappearing from a PrintJob movieclip?
    Thanks in advance for your replies.

    I eventually found the solution. Making sure the movieclip with the print data was added to the stage fixed the disappearing graphics from the print Movieclip. Because I didn't use the movieclip for anything other than printing I didn't add it to the stage, it just resided in memory.
    Before I called the print function that is in my 1st post I did this and moved the clip offstage:
    pdf_mc.x = 2000;
    pdf_mc.y = 0

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