[JS] CrossReference using Text Anchor of another file

Hello I would like to make a document indesign resume all anchor text for different documents in a book.
Anchors nome example is "26/90", I have posted their names with their contents separated by a TAB.
Ink to create a text, I use the command ". HyperlinkTextDestinations.add (erg [i], {name: erg [i]. Contents}"
but I do not know how to cross reference this anchor.
Thank you for the info
Bonjour je voudrais faire un document indesign reprennent tous les ancre de texte de diffèrent documents d'un livre.
Les Ancres se nome exemple "26/90", je dois affiché leurs noms avec leurs contenus séparé par une TAB.
Pour crée une encre de texte, j'utilise la commande ".hyperlinkTextDestinations.add(erg[i],{name: erg[i].contents}"
mais je ne sais pas comment mettre une référence croisé sur cette ancre.
Merci pour ces info
Here's a first code:
var myBookFilePath = File.openDialog("Choose an InDesign Book File", "Indb files: *.indb");
var myOpenBook = app.open(myBookFilePath);
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
// Open up every file in the currently active Book
app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "25/78";
for (i= 0 ; i < app.documents.length; i++) {
    var myDoc = app.documents[i];
    var myFound = [];
    myFound = myDoc.findGrep();
    $.writeln("Found " + myFound.length + " Main headings.");
    for (var b = 0; b < myFound.length; b++)   {
        myDoc.hyperlinkTextDestinations.add(myFound[b], { name: myFound[b].contents + "_"+i + "_" +b});
    $.writeln("There are now " + myDoc.hyperlinkTextDestinations.count() + " destinations.");
anchors and I get the following non "25/78_1_0, 25/78_2_0, 25/78_2_1 and 25/78_2_2 "
I do not parvien creates cross reference the anchor text in another Master File (app.documents [i]) Book .... examples I found did not help me.

I advance the principle function but I have a problem with the line 51, and my knowledge of code is not very good.
Here is the error message: The selected object is being used by another Hyperlink.
Thank you for help can
J'avance, le principe fonction mais j'ai un problème à la line 51, et ma connaissance des code n'est pas très bonne.
Voici le message d'erreur : L'Objet sélectionné est utilisé par un autre Hyperlien.
Merci pour un peux d'aide
#target indesign
        Ouverture du livre et des fichiers pour les encre
// Variable globales p
var leFichier01 = "106_TVA_OK3.indd";
var leFichier02 = "107 TVA ok1.indd";
var leFichier03 = "108 TVA ok1.indd";
var leFichier04 = "113 TVA chrono.indd";
var lesFichiers01 = [leFichier01,leFichier02,leFichier03];
function main(){
    if(app.documents.length != 0){
        if(app.selection.length != 0 && app.selection[0].constructor.name == 'Table'){
                var nomTableau = app.selection[0];
                    alert("Selection un tableau");
        alert("Ouvrait un document et Mettre son cuseur dans le points de départ");
function dirTVA_2012_deux(leTableau_Chono){
                    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
                    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
                     with (leTableau_Chono.columns[2]) {
                         for (var tab = 0; tab < cells.length; tab++) { // sue toutes la colonnes
                         //for (var tab = 0; tab < 9; tab++) { // sur 10 cell pour le test
                        // faire une boucle par documents
                            if (cells[tab].contents != null) {
                                        app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = cells[tab].contents; // remplacer le 1 par le conteur de colonnes "tab" conteur de cell
                                for (var conteurFich = 0; conteurFich < lesFichiers01.length; conteurFich++){
                                         var leResultat = [];
                                        leResultat = app.documents.itemByName(lesFichiers01[conteurFich]).findGrep();
                                    // pas de IF le test est dans la boucle for!!
                                              for (var b = 0; b < leResultat.length; b++)   {
                                                    var s = leTableau_Chono.columns[3].cells[tab].insertionPoints.firstItem(); // MON Problème est làà!!!!!!
                                                    var cr_destination = app.documents.itemByName(lesFichiers01[conteurFich]).hyperlinkTextDestinations.add(leResu ltat[b], { name: leResultat[b].contents + "_"+  conteurFich + "_" +b});
                                                    var cr_format = app.documents.itemByName(leFichier04).crossReferenceFormats.itemByName('Philou007'); 
                                                    var cr_source = app.documents.itemByName(leFichier04).crossReferenceSources.add({sourceText:s, appliedFormat: cr_format} );
                                                     var cr = app.documents.itemByName(leFichier04).hyperlinks.add ( cr_source, cr_destination);       
                                            } // fin du For su r "leResultat"
                                  } // fin du FOR sur les fichier "lesFichiers01"
                            } // fin du If test cell vide
                        } // fin du For sur les cell
     }// fin du with tableau   
}// fin de la function

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    George Krompacky wrote:
    Thanks for your reply. Yes, the TOC could do this and would be an easier approach. But I hadn't anticipated using it and so didn't have my ducks in a row as far as having the styles consistent for chapter titles, figures and tables. Next time I will do so. I can guess that as a TOC doesn't generate live links, it shouldn't have a performance impact like dozens of cross-references do.
    Yes, the TOC is inert except when it's being generated.
    Regardless of how "creatively chaotic" or "chaotically creative" your chapter, table, and figure title paragraph styles are, as long as all chapter titles are tagged with style names that are not used for figures or tables, and similarly figures and tables are not tagged with styles used for the "other," you can still generate a usable TOC. The idea is to capture all the paragraph styles for each category, and display each category's captured paragraphs as uniform TOC entries - i. e., all chapter title entries are the same, all table title entries are the same, and all table title entries are the same. If you don't want the categories intermixed, create a separate TOC for each category, place each TOC separately, unthreaded to other document frames.
    If you'd like to try a few things to see if it's possible to quickly remake the TOC and regain a responsive working document, before doing anything else, save the whole project to a secure place, and work on the copy. Then:
    * Move the Text tool insertion point to each cross-reference's destination by selecting the reference in the cross-reference panel and clicking  the right-pointing arrow on the panel status bar; then verify that the paragraph is tagged with an appropriate style that doesn't belong to the other category of TOC items.
    * After all the TOC-to-be items are identified and verified that they're tagged correctly, delete the text frame(s) that contain the TOC that's created with cross-references. All the references will break, of course. You've got the secure original project somewhere, right?
    * Set up the TOC roughly; just pick the paragraph styles for each category - chapter, figure, table, and generate a TOC for the book. Drag to place the TOC on a clean new page, and DO NOT THREAD THE TOC TO NON-TOC TEXT FRAMES.
    * If the extracted paragraphs are in their correct categories, you can create new TOC styles for the TOC entries, or, if they exist, assign them in the TOC setup dialog box, and regenerate.
    If this result gives you a sense of what needs fixing, and you have the time, refine the TOC styles so you can get the exact appearance you want. By avoiding changing the source paragraphs in the main document, you'll avoid any risk of reflowing anything. Finally, after the project's completely done and handed off, you can spend time refining the rogue source paragraph styles, IN A COPY, for use going forward.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

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    Thanks for you reply.
    But actually I don't want to show the \ (backslashes) to the user in my text box. 
    Ok let me elaborate this problem little more. 
    I want to show my text box as it is in normal editors e.g. In Matlab editor. There is a text box and on left side the gray bar shows the line numbers corresponding to the text. Further more i want that the user should be able to click on any line number to mark specific line as breakpoint (red circle or any graphical indication for mark). 
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    I think the third line should be:
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    Note though that you don't actually need to select/copy/paste. You can use duplicate().

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    Hi, Seir:
    I agree that it's confusing. Here's how I do it:
    To create a text anchor at the insertion point location:
    * Open the Hyperlinks/Cross-References panel's menu (also called "flyout menu." It's the small icon at the upper-right of the panel, below the double-arrow (>>) icon that collapses the panel.
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    * Choose Type: Text Anchor
    * Name the anchor as you like Click OK.
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    * Choose Link To: Text Anchor
    * Choose the target document
    * Choose the text anchor
    * Choose the Cross-Reference format
    * Choose Appearance properties
    * Click OK
    I'm not sure what could cause the straight/curly quotes problem other than perhaps the font doesn't have curly quotes. Have you tried other fonts?
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    KnowHow ProServices

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    You need to edit the zone file settings in the Web Host Manager of Cpanel (WHM) a very popular web hosting control panel.
    Main > DNS Functions > Edit DNS Zone > Choose Zone to Edit
    Unless you have a reseller hosting account or are a server administrator, you will not be able to access this file directly. Just contact your web hosting support rep and they will gladly change it for you.
    see the screenshot of zone file changes

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    PushBufferStream pbss[] = pbds.getStreams();
    rtpMgrs = new RTPManager[pbss.length];
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    SendStream sendStream;
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    SourceDescription srcDesList[];
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    try {
    rtpMgrs = RTPManager.newInstance();
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    ipAddr = InetAddress.getByName(ipAddress);
    localAddr = new SessionAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
    destAddr = new SessionAddress(ipAddr, port);
    System.err.println( "Created RTP session: " + ipAddress + " " + port);
    sendStream = rtpMgrs.createSendStream(dataOutput, i);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return e.getMessage();
    return null;

    Kalani and Bz,
    Thanks for the reply. Now i can call the function ,
    but when i write sendStream.start(); it indicates
    that, its an error. sendStream.start is in that
    function. but i cant call that
    Any idea ?
    thank you
    Gan.PCan you please inform what is the error ?

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    Thank you very much

    Duplicate. Reply to http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5147890&messageID=9551767#9551767
    When you duplicate a post. do as I did for you, and make the appropriate reference.

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    Thank you Thom for your reply...
    ...Through JavaScript extensions, the viewer application and its plug-ins expose much of their functionality to document authors, form designers, and plug-in developers...
    As it is explicitly mentioned, that the functionality of adobe reader are exposed for plugin development, I thought someone here might have used external javascript to execute some safe methods in adobe reader. The functionality (i.e. external javascript interface-JSObject) is already available for VB programmers to develop IAC. Further, the Acrobat SDK example called "AcroPDFinHML" shows how one can embed a pdf-reader in a html page and execute some safe methods (like gotonextpage(), zooming etc.) in IE as ActiveX plugin. I have checked it myself for adobe reader 9, and it works perfectly, so there is no security issue as such to implement the same for another browser (like in my case, the htmlloader control in flex/air app).
    I intend to create a note taking application in air, where it is very much required that I should be able to copy selected text from various pdf documents, that are open in my app, and subsequently paste/collect/save the collected notes and process them afterwords (offcourse, from the pdfs that allow me copying text). However, it is not happening for me here. As the pdfs are opened through adobe reader plugin, it does not register the copy command executed by my air app. It registers the system level copy command (by keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C), but my air app has no way to execute the system level copy command programmatically. So I am kind of stuck here...
    Thanks again for your reply. Having known what am I intend to accomplish, any other (may be alternative) solutions will be appreciated nonetheless...

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    Pages 5's greatest claim to fame is its general inability to do anything much, aka "simplification".
    So the answer is No! and because this is also Apple, You don't want to do that!
    Luckily however, should you still have Pages '09 in your Applications/iWork folder, you can use that instead.

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    How to extract text from a PDF file using php?

    > Do you know of any other way this can be done?
    There are many ways. But this out of scope of this forum. You can try this forum: http://forum.planetpdf.com/

  • Cannot get text file to print in jtable. Using text file as a database

    Instead of doing JDBC i am using text file as database. I cant get data from text file to print into JTable when i click find button. Goal is to find a record and print that record only, but for now i am trying to print all the records. Once i get that i will change my code to search desired record and print it. when i click the find button nothing happens. Can you please take a look at my code, dbTest() method. thanks.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class GUIdirectory extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {
    // Define the components and the layout
    JLabel inputLabel_lastname = new JLabel("Last Name");
    JTextField inputText_lastname = new JTextField("Last Name",15);
    JLabel inputLabel_firstname = new JLabel("First Name");
    JTextField inputText_firstname = new JTextField(" ",15);
    JLabel inputLabel_middleinitial = new JLabel("Middle Initial");
    JTextField inputText_middleinitial = new JTextField(" ",4);
    JButton inputButton = new JButton("Find");
    JPanel inputLayout = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,5,5));
    JButton jButton1 = new JButton();
    //create a new table and scrollpane
    JTable dataTable = new JTable();
    JScrollPane dataTableScrollPane = new JScrollPane();
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    GUIdirectory gui = new GUIdirectory("Telephone Directory");
    //TokenTest tt = new TokenTest();
    public GUIdirectory(String Title) {
    // Add ourselves as a listener for the window closing
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {
    exitWindow(1); }
    getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout(5,5));
    // A default method, primarily used for testing.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    GUIdirectory gui = new GUIdirectory();
    void dbTest() {
    DataInputStream dis = null;
    String dbRecord = null;
    String hold;
    try {
    File f = new File("customer.txt");
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
    dis = new DataInputStream(bis);
    Vector dataVector = new Vector();
    Vector headVector = new Vector(2);
    Vector row = new Vector();
    // read the record of the text database
    while ( (dbRecord = dis.readLine()) != null) {
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(dbRecord, ",");
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
    System.out.println("Inside nested loop: " + row);
    System.out.println("inside loop: " + row);
    System.out.println("outside loop: " + row);
    dataTable = new JTable(dataVector, headVector);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // catch io errors from FileInputStream or readLine()
    System.out.println("Uh oh, got an IOException error!" + e.getMessage());
    } finally {
    // if the file opened okay, make sure we close it
    if (dis != null) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    } // end if
    } // end finally
    } // end dbTest
    // Exits the program upon closing the window
    public void exitWindow(int i) {
    public GUIdirectory() {
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
    private void jbInit() throws Exception {
    this.getContentPane().add(jButton1, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    Nothing happens because in the actionPerformed() method you are creating a new version of GUIdirectory. You just want to execute the dbTest() method of the current instance of GUIdirectory.
    The code should be:
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
    //GUIdirectory gui = new GUIdirectory();

  • Can I use the value returned from a Text Function in another Formula?

    I'm writing a report in Hyperion System 9 BI + Financial Reporting Studio version 9.2. I have 2 grids in my report.
    Grid1 Column A is set up as a text function using the function type - <<GetCell("Grid2", 1, a, 1)>>. I would like to use the values returned from this text function in Column A (Grid 1) in a formula in Column B (Grid 1).
    Is it possible to use the values returned in Column A of the text function in another formula? My report does not seem to recognize Column A as numerical values, even though the values to be returned are numerical.
    If so, how do I recognize the values in Column A Grid 1 as numerical values and not text?
    Thanks for any help you can offer!

    Hi Edson,
    Yes you need to use the CALC_ERROR macro function to be able to test whether the last macro function returned an error. CALC_ERROR will return an 'X' if there an error occured during the execution of the last macro function.
    You can use a macro similar to the following:
      CALC_ERROR( )
      = 'X'
    Let me explain how this works internally. The SAP system maintains a global variable g_flg_calc_error during the execution of macros in the planning book. The g_flg_calc_error variable will contain the value of f_calc_error that was set by the last macro function which executed. The ABAP coding of a planning book is something like this:
    data: g_flg_calc_error type /SAPAPO/FLAG.
    * SAP will pass g_flg_calc_error variable to all macro
    * functions. When SAP calls a macro function, it does
    * something like this.
    call function '/SAPAPO/MACRO_FUNCTION_HERE'
              plob_values      = i_s_adv_plob_values
              sdp_book         = g_c_advf_sdp_book
              sdp_view         = g_c_advf_sdp_view
              cols_index       = i_t_cols
              value_tab        = l_t_value_tab
              f_calc_error     = g_flg_calc_error
    As you can see, the g_flg_calc_error variable
    is passed in the "changing" part of the call. The macro  function being called can then use the f_calc_error
    variable to change the value of the global
    g_flg_calc_error variable. In fact, the macro function being called can also check (by looking at the f_calc_error variable) if the last macro function reported an error.  The CALC_ERROR macro function just checks the value of f_calc_error parameter (w/c in fact is the value of the g_flg_calc_error variable) and returns "true/X" if the f_calc_error was set to true by the last macro function.
    Hope this helps in clearing things out

  • File Error: The Specified file is open and in use by this or another app...

    I have imported a string of pictures and dragged them into the FCP timeline. I render them and it renders a certain percentage then it stops and says "File Error: The Specified file is open and in use by this or another application."
    After reading this, I quit out of FCP, restarted my computer, opened FCP, nothing other program, tried to render again and same thing happened. It renders part of it then the error message pops up, then I can render again and it will do another percent then it will pop again and so on.
    Suggestions, or does anyone know why this happened? Thank you very much for your time.

    okay - don't know where you've got your scratch disc set but hopefully it's to another drive other than your boot.
    The same drive where your render files should be located, ie some drive other than your boot drive.
    Can you copy the jpegs over to that drive into a folder.
    Delete them from your tl, delete them from your proj. Save your project. Close fcp.
    If they're on your boot drive - delete them.
    Reopen fcp and Reimport them from the new location.
    Sorry for all the steps - but we have no idea how you have configured fcp or your level of experience. Trying to cover all the bases ...

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    Hi, I have passed some session id in the header of a invoke message. In Audit trail I am not able to see those header values, its only showing the body of the request passed. Is there any way I can see passed Header values also ? Regards, En

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    so when i connect the ipod through usb to the laptop, it does not read my "ipod". Therefore i am not able to add or remove songs from the ipod. Yet, with the ipod schuffle, it reads it... would it be the usb cable for the ipod mini, causing the probl

  • How do you insert a CD/DVD into a macbook pro drive?

    Hi, I'm a new user to macbook pro's. I just wanted to ask what should I expect when I first insert a cd into my drive for the first time? I try to put in about 3/4 in with the cd I want to insert, and there are no signs (physical/audible) that the sy

  • Thanx maris and have a query

    in your previous reply to question , i did not make my point clear If EJB can communicate with different clients then is it an alternative for webservice?I asked if EJB which implement IIOP protocol similar to that of CORBA be used as an alternative