JToggleButton - Change background when in pressed form

Could anyone please tell me how to change the colour of a JToggleButton when in a pressed state?
I've got a dew number of JToggleButton in a row but its a little difficult which button is in a pressed state so I thought of changing the colour when pressed. I tried changing the Look and Feel but it doesnt make much improvements.
Any other suggestion?

Say it with icons?
import java.awt.*;
import java.net.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class FrameExample  {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException {
        Icon checked = new ImageIcon(new URL("http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/blaf/specs/icons/statusindicators/completeind_status.gif"));
        Icon empty = new EmptyIcon();
        JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
        for(int i=0; i<8; ++i) {
            JToggleButton btn = new JToggleButton("button #" + i);
        JFrame f = new JFrame();
class EmptyIcon implements Icon {
    public int getIconHeight() {return 16;}
    public int getIconWidth() {return 16;}
    public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g,int x,int y) {}

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    The easiest way is to route your mix to all the outputs you're using. Then set up fader objects in the env that transform toggled cc's from your keyboard switches. Cable those fader objects to the output channel objects. To toggle the Mute on an output channel you'll need to send it a fader message #9, value 0 or 1, on channel 1.
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    These are your options:
    1. Restore the iPhoto library from the most recent backup that predates the issue.
              Advantages: Always works, if library damage is causing the problem and the backup is intact.
              Disadvantages: Impossible if you don't have a backup. All changes made since the backup are lost.
    2. Repair or rebuild the library. Be sure to back it up first.
              Advantages: May solve the problem with no loss of data.
              Disadvantages: May fail. May take a long time if the library is large.
    3. Scavenge the library with a third-party application called "iPhoto Library Manager," which you can find in a web search. From the application's menu bar (not the iPhoto menu bar), select Library ▹ Rebuild.
              Advantages: All images should be preserved.
              Disadvantages: All books, calendars, and slideshows will be lost.

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    see you /forms/server/forms.conf file that contains the virtual directories declared
    # Virtual path mapping for Forms Java jar and class files (codebase)
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/java/(..*) "D:\Oracle9i/forms90/java/$1"
    # Virtual path for JInitiator downloadable executable and download page
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/jinitiator/(..*) "D:\Oracle9i/jinit/$1"
    # Virtual path for runform.htm (used to run a form for testing purposes)
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/html/(..*) "D:\Oracle9i/tools/web90/html/$1"
    # Virtual Path form images
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    AudioPlayMode.Background) or My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.SomeWavFileinyourresources,
    AudioPlayMode.Background) will play .Wav files only. And it will play them directly from resources without having to write them to disk to play them first.
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    Microsoft Visual Basic language forum search results for "WindowsMediaPlayer"
    Microsoft Visual Basic language forum search results for "MediaPlayer"
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    You migh give resetting your NVRAM a try:

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    obj := publicreportserviceclient.new(); DECLARE
    param_name varchar2(200);
    un varchar2(200);
    pw varchar2(200);
    out_file varchar2(200);
    obj := publicreportserviceclient.new();
    param_name := 'EMP';
    un := 'Administrator';
    pw := 'Oracle123';
    out_file := 'D:\DevSuiteHome_1\j2ee\home\default-web-app'||'output';
    web.show_document('http://jmenge-de.de.oracle.com:8889/j2ee/' || 'output');
      --check for ORA-105101
         message('Java Exception : '
          || Exception_.toString(ORA_JAVA.LAST_EXCEPTION));
      --check for ORA-105100
      when ORA_JAVA.JAVA_ERROR then
                   message('Unable to call out to Java, ' ||ORA_JAVA.LAST_ERROR);
    END;This is my java function
        public void callRunReport (String reportPath, String paramName, String  paramValue, String
        username, String password, String format, String template, String outFile) {
        try {
                bip_webservice.proxy.PublicReportServiceClient myPort = new bip_webservice.proxy.PublicReportServiceClient();
                // Calling runReport
                ReportRequest repRequest = new ReportRequest();
               ParamNameValue[] paramNameValue = new ParamNameValue[1];
                paramNameValue[0] = new ParamNameValue();
                String[] values = new String[1];
                values[0] = paramValue;
                ReportResponse repResponse = new ReportResponse();
                repResponse = myPort.runReport(repRequest,username,password);
                byte[] baReport = repResponse.getReportBytes();
                FileOutputStream fio = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
        }Thanks - please help

    If there is a way to make it work with Bi publisher, Please let me know.
    I need to something to make it work with BI publisher.
    Edited by: Rooney on May 27, 2010 1:27 PM

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    Please send me the solution of this problem.
    Best regards,

    If You are using Client server application then to passing to Add all Print Parameter in the Host Command.
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    Just to recap, this is a collection of ports I have collected over time for people who needed this information when setting up the HP ePrint app so that they could view their email from within the app.  I am certain other applications also need this information.  Although lengthy, I could not find a more comprehensive place to retrieve this information.  Feel free to post additional information, faulty information, or other related topics below as this is simply a collection of data and it would be practically impossible to test all of them. Thank you!
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    When a solution is found please mark the post that solves your issue.
    Every problem has a solution!

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