Just ordered an MBP...

Hi everyone. I just ordered a 17" MBP with the high-res screen option. This will be the first Mac I've had since I sold my mini back in 2005. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on any software that you recommend. I've been using a Windows laptop since that day, and I'm really excited to be "coming out of the closet", as my Mac-loving professor says. I'm planing on installing Vista on it because I do game programming, which, unfortunately, still requires Windows. Is there any other essential software I'll need? For anything but programming I'll be in OS X. Thanks a lot.

Hi Kyle,
for Windows of course a decent Anti-Virus-Scanner
Maybe some free one, like AVG: http://free.grisoft.com/ or Avast: http://www.avast.com/eng/avast4home.html
That's essential, for the rest and also for OSX I would say:
The appetite comes while eating.
MacUpdate: http://www.macupdate.com/macintel.php
Versiontracker: http://www.versiontracker.com/macintel/
Mac OSX Downloads: http://www.apple.com/de/downloads/macosx/
For backup and/or bootable backup I would propose getting a good external harddisc of decent size and use SuperDuper: http://www.shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper/SuperDuperDescription.html
For OSX maintenance I use Onyx: http://www.titanium.free.fr/pgs/english.html
Have Fun

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    You will be more stoked once you get it.
    You may want to get "Switching To The Mac" and/or "Tiger Missing Manual" by David Pouge, from O'Reilly Media. These are excellent books to help you with the transition to the Mac.
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    Contact Apple Support - link at the bottom of every page of these forums

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    The button response has changed. 
    Short press : sleep
    Medium press (2-3 sec) : restart, shutdown, sleep dialog
    Long press : force shutdown. (Same as before)

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