Just ordered my new 15" MBP

Hi all,
After having recent windows issues, and now a bad battery that I cannot find a replacement for from Sony and zero support it was time.
2.66 Ghz
250 GB SSD
MS Office 2008
Apple Care

That's exactly the best thing about 15"
but sigh to all the beautiful things available on 17" not on 15" lol, I wish there was a compromise

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    How certain are you the superdrive ONLY is at fault?
    That depends on your skill level, if you grew up tearing things apart and putting them together, its absurd how easy it is.
    For some however its too daunting.   On a general skill level for the "average" person its about a 3 out of 10 in difficulty.
    Can you order same? yes.

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    So besides Final Cut Studio, what else should I tack onto my CC?

    Not sure what you're going to be doing with your time and your equipment, but we do commercials, pop spots and cinema. So, since you're posting in the FCP forums, I'll keep it FCP related.
    FCP Rescue
    Very handy application that backs up your (working) FCP preference files and restores them in the event of a visit from Murphy.
    Video Scopes
    Better, standalone version of digital video scopes which examine the entire picture area.
    MPEG Streamclip
    Extremely useful formats conversion application which above all allows you to demux VOBs.
    JES Deinterlacer
    Handy standalone standards convertor.
    Omni Disk Sweeper
    Useful applicaction that scans your drive by file size and allows you to clean up long forgotten huge files. (Oxymoron?)
    Graphic Converter
    Whilst you can do a lot in Photoshop, GC is a great, scriptable, batchable tool for multiple image conversions etc.
    All of those are free or shareware. Handy full price software:
    Compression Master
    Useful for producing WMV and other content on your Mac which Compressor might not handle.
    I know, I know. But you know what, despite being infinitely profound and complex to work with for the first three days, once you get the hang of it it is an efficient and scalable tool which will let you run:
    From The Foundry. An outrageous set of utilitarian plugins which perform little miracles.
    Oops, forgot to add, you can find more of the shareware stuff at http://www.macupdate.com/

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    Yes. See the information here, particularly the "Important Notes":
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    +There is a delete key and a back arrow... I think thats good enough.+
    Re my post earlier in this thread about the backspace key, I was wrong. On the Apple keyboard, the backspace key is called the "delete" key. It's really the "delete" key that missing IF you're used to using the delete key to delete text/numbers ahead of the cursor. From what I've observed, the only way to delete characters ahead of the cursor is to highlight them and then hit the delete key. Or move the cursor ahead of the characters to be deleted and then backspace them.
    I know it's nit-picking, but I'm used to having separate backspace and delete key from my 25 years of DOS/Windows experience. However, I'm getting used to using the delete key for both functions now.
    Another feature missing from my MacBook is a HD access light to tell me if my HD is being access when I load something.

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    Yes, you'll most likely need an external drive. The standard Mac OS X and bundled software installation isn't small and full installation of Final Cut Studio is quite enormous itself. Just that will chomp through nearly half a 120GB drive.
    You can get external drive from pratically any computer component seller, even probably Walmart, but not all drives are equal. I find those from G-Technology a good buy…
    … and will match your new MBP. Just be sure to buy one with a FireWire 800 connection as it'll perform better than FireWire 400 and way better than USB2.
    As for moving video data, you're best to do it on an external drive. USB flash drives won't be large enough for the data quantities yuo'll have. An iPod Calssic might be an interesting solution if you have one.

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    I don't take offense. The TK isn't new, but had been sitting stationary before a recent move. My son moved it during a visit, then I noticed that the cord kept falling out. I tried several times to reinsert it, but apparently I was too cautious and didn't get it pushed in all of the way.
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    They are all 3.5" the sleds are different length, the drives of course are just same old standard size.
    The OS on new system will have 10.7.4 at least though so that means no Rosetta of course and all that goes withit.
    By default boots 64-bit mode, yours could I am pretty sure (2008) Should notice the difference in very large apps.

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    Many Thanks
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    Lots of people will be so dissapointed when MB introduces the Core 2 Duo. That's so funny - people don't realize that the differences are absolutelly minimal. Doing basic stuff won't make any difference. If you're doing something that's very CPU intensive - you may shave off second or two using Core 2 Duo. It all looks good on paper, but has anyone actually seen the difference in real life?
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    I could have waited to purchase my MB until Core2Duo comes out - but I knew better! There aren't MB useres that could actually notice the difference. Just read the articles on the web CoreDuo vs Core2Duo - you'll laugh

  • I just ordered the new iPad Mini for my husband.

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    how to use gestures etc., settings.
    Since no Mini books out there I would like to know if an iPad ios6 would be okay.  I would think they would be
    similar enough.  My teaching him would not work.

    I'm glad we could help!
    I get that it would be hard to teach your husband. Mine is surrounded by four financial screens all day and can do those computers in his sleep - but doing regular stuff on a computer? (He usually only used it at home to check out golf courses and sports scores.) He only wanted "the cheapest kindle," so he could read at night and when he had to fly, but, in front of him, I suggested we get him an ipad instead and we went through all the reasons. The poor guy sat there clueless which really amused us! He let us make the decision.
    However, I got him started. I actually had him meet me at the Apple store to pick it up so they could set up anything he needed with an Apple guy. That helped. Then my sons helped him. He's pretty good at it now, uses it a lot, and loves it. The Apple guy showed me how to sync his ipad to my imac and I gave him all the music I had in itunes that I had downloaded from our cd's of many years first. That made him really happy! He has lots of music on it and can read the paper at the same time. This from a guy who had no need for an ipad. He now does so much more on it.
    Where in our 50's, so clearly we didn't grow up in the tech world where it all comes so naturally. And the $12. bridge tolls are not worth paying for to get going. (Ours are same and going up soon.)
    I checked lynda.com (great reviews,) but they only have a few ipad lessons, so probably not worth it for you, even just for a month. There are others but I don't think they're worth the price. If your husband checks youtube.com with some questions, he might be amazed at the help he can get.
    If he can use your computer while he works from a tutorial step by step with his ipad mini, he might find it cool enough that learning it will encourage him to do more with it. He does have an e-mail address, doesn't he? (My husband had one on our family computer but never used it - only his office e-mail. So we set one up and he must it because it will be his Apple ID.) 
    I think you made a great decision in buying your husband the ipad mini. And I'm sure he'll enjoy it!

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    No mistake. Since like the 4G iPod, the 5G also has a built-in mic (unlike previous iPod touches), the 4G and 5G only come with standard earphones.,

  • I just ordered an iPad 4 32gb from Amazon but sold by a store called iPadShop.  In the customer reviews there were several reports of this store selling used and refurbished iPads as new.  How can i verify mine is new and not used when it arrives.?

    Ok, first time here, so forgive me if Im repeating the question.  I just ordered a NEW iPad 4 32gb from Amazon, but is actually being sold by a seller called "iPadShop". Although this seller got a high approval rating of 4.9 there were several reports of customers receiving used and refurbished iPads but sold as new.  Once I receive mine how can I verify it is new.  Also, even the ones that were new were purchased by this seller and then resold, which shortened the life of the 1 year warranty offered by Apple..?

    If you just ordered it, I suggest you cancel your order as soon as possible. If you can't contact Amazon, call your credit card company and cancel payment on that. Why go through worrying about the ipad you are paying for as new? If it's to save money, then that can be defeated if you get a used or refurbished ipad with a less than full one year warranty. You'll be dealing with the ipad shop's return policy which could mean that once you open it, it's yours, unlike when you buy from Apple you have a full 14 days to return it even if you've opened it.
    I looked at Amazon and did not see a price difference. If cost led you to buy from Amazon, what are you saving?
    I suggest you buy it directly from Apple. If cost is an issue, consider buying a refurbished ipad from the Apple online Refurbished store. I would not buy a refurbished anything from anywhere but the Apple online refurb store.
    The ipad 4 32 gb is $499.00 refurbished - a savings of $100.00 vs. a new one. We bought two ipads last year and one as a gift this year and they have been great!
    All ipads sold in the Apple refurb store come with new front and back covers, a brand new battery, a full one year warranty, and in case it matters, come in a new white Apple box like all ipads do. Earphones and charger are also included. You can also get the new Apple Care +, which insures up to three breakages (damaged glass, water damage, etc.) in two years.
    Hope this helps.

  • Just ordered new Mini... how do I move my info/programs over

    Good evening.
    I just ordered a new Mini. I already have one of the older models. When I get my new one, how do I move my programs/data to my new mini? Is this a fairly easy process?
    I also have a minimate connected to my current mini. Once I get everything moved over and plug in the mini, will it recognize the minimate and handle everything on it as if nothing had changed (or close to it)?
    Thanks for the help.

    All you need is a FireWire cable to connect the two Macs & the Setup Assistant will walk you through the process. If you don't want to do it during the initial setup of your new Mac mini, you can use the Migration Assistant later to move what you want. You can even do a combination, use the Setup Assistant to move users & settings & move anything else later.

  • Just ordered new Macbook!

    I just ordered a new macbook and I just have a question. I see there are a ton of rsd problems and there are some long waits on repair times. I was just wondering if anyone knows if this is something that is fixed with the new Macbooks that are shipping now, or is this still an issue? Thanks for your help!

    Some rumors said that apple silently replacing the heat sink that when it become hot, it expanded and make contact and short the component and caused Macbook to shutdown. Or the heatsink is not that good to absorb the heat and make the MacBook shut down.
    A lot of theory up there in this forum, some might be true and some just plain speculation (which is actually not propriate and allowed in this forum).
    But from what I see, later Macbook production user is less in this forum to report their MacBook RSD (I'm not saying there isn't any), and I believe apple really listen and try to prevent it happen again in later production or previous one by creating newer firmware updater and maybe replacing parts to prevent the rsd occur anymore.
    So Good Luck and enjoy your MacBook, not to worry with a ton of problem you read for there is a lot more happy user that not bother to post their glorious moment with macbook.

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    I've just ordered a new phone package from BT which includes line rental.
    The activation date isn't until 28th March which is fine but do i need to cancel my old phone package and line rental with sky?

    Hi d80adc,
    I would at least notify your current supplier that your leaving and tell them what date your new service is estimated to be activated.
    jac_95 | BT.com Help Site | BT Service Status
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