K8N Neo Firewall Issues

I know this has probably been asked before, but here goes again.  The firewall is up and running, but every time I try to change any setting, the firewall hangs on its restart and gives a weird errors:
Error in ProfileCustom1Base Set : Invalid selection. Please choose a valid selection
Error in ProfileCustom2Base Set : Invalid selection. Please choose a valid selection.
It doesn't matter which level I try to set or anything else for that matter, I always get the same errors.  Any ideas?

Don't know what kind of ram, two 512 sticks, OS is billy gates xp no service packs. Power supply is whatever came with the case, CPU is dual core 3800, don't know what city. Bios is 1.9 to support the dual core. Look like I am the only one having this problem.
Once I have the money I'll up grade his computer and I'll take his old stuff and install Linux on it and see what happens.

Similar Messages

  • K8N Neo Platinum issue, computer does not boot..

    I’m going to try to be as thorough as possible here… :D
    Recently I reinstalled Windows Xp (32-bit version) on my computer to speed things up again like it used to be. I did an updated on the BIOS while I was at it as well, through the Live Update tool downloaded from the msi.com.tw website. The install went well, no errors. The next day while playing WoW the computer began acting weird and computer froze during gameplay. After that the computer had artefacts, strange disturbance on the screen making it impossible to see anything on the screen. So I thought that maybe since the screen looked all messed up it was definitely the graphics card that was about to die and so I sent the gfx to the retailer and they checked it thoroughly for errors without finding any, while they were at it they also checked my RAM and they also came out clean.
    A few days ago when my Gfx and RAM came back I inserted them back onto the mobo and when turning on the powerswitch nothing happened… I therefore tried to solve the problem myself and began reinserting all the computer parts piece after piece and well the computer started at least with the fans going and all but after a few seconds it shuts down again.
    When I plug in the power cable the PSU makes a clicking sound, don’t know if that’s normal but haven’t noticed it before.
    To maybe help you guys when helping me I installed the d-bracket (the usb thingy with 4 led’s ^^) which shows 4 red lights when starting the computer and lasts until the computer shuts down. According to the d-bracket FAQ it means: “- The D-LED will hang here if the processor is damaged or not installed properly or you have a weak Power Supply Unit.”
    Well I reinstalled the cpu, put on new thermal grease so I don’t think that is the problem and the computer has been working fine for more than one year until now... How do I know if it’s the PSU or if the cpu is damaged? Could the motherboard been damaged after Live update’s flash? And what could have caused the artefacts on my screen the other day? Errors with the newest nVidia gfx drivers?  I’m very confused :S
    What should I do?
    Thank you for your help!
    Computer specs:
    Amd 64 3400+ with Zalman cpu fan(can’t remember which one, one with only Cu heatsink + fanmate)
    1 GB (2x512MB) Corsair 3200
    1x 74GB Western Digital Raptor 10k RPM S-ATA + 1x 200GB P-ATA Maxtor
    Gainward nVidia 6800GT Golden Sample 256 MB
    MSI K8N Neo Platinum Nforce3 250GB
    Antec True 380SP, 380W (came with my enclosure Antec Sonata I, www.antec.com)

    Hi again..
    I've now received a new PSU from Antecs RMA department. A TruePower 2.0 380W. My computer still doesn't work. 4 Red LED's when trying to boot it up. But I have noticed one thing since last time I wrote here. Remember what I was saying that I upgraded my BIOS through LiveUpdate? When I later checked my motherboard I noticed the CMOS pins around JBAT1(I think) was incorrectly placed. Instead of having them on either 1,2(to keep settings) or 1,3(to clear CMOS) they were placed right next to the JBAT1 pins, on something that wasn't named or explained in my manual. Maybe that is the reason my computer is acting strange? I mean the BIOS could maybe not have properly been saved or something. :/
    I'm too inexperienced to know if that had anything to do with my recent computer isssues, but maybe you guys know. Would that screwup by me be covered by my warranty?
    If that pins-placed-wrong-on-the-mobo problem doesn't have anything to do with my problem that leaves me with the 4 LEDs from the D-bracket showing a broken CPU or PSU(it's brand new, shouldn't be any problem with it!). So a damaged CPU it is.
    Anyone of you got an idea? Been away from my computer for too long. This is getting annoying.

  • K8n neo install issues

    My son has a k8n neo2 Platinum with a GF 6600, dual core 3800, 1 gig ram, IDE drives. The problem we are having is when installing software.  Even with XP there were three files it could not read so we had to skip them. The games do the same thing, it took days to get Counter Strike to load. WoW we had to copy to the hard drive then install after many attempts. Now he's trying to load Lord of the Rings and its stopping on a large data file. We have swapped CD drives around and it doesn't matter. I installed new drivers today, still the same. Not sure what to do, any thoughts?    Alan 

    Don't know what kind of ram, two 512 sticks, OS is billy gates xp no service packs. Power supply is whatever came with the case, CPU is dual core 3800, don't know what city. Bios is 1.9 to support the dual core. Look like I am the only one having this problem.
    Once I have the money I'll up grade his computer and I'll take his old stuff and install Linux on it and see what happens.

  • MSI K8N NEO Memory Issue!! @200MHZ??

    Well Im having Errors again.. Disappointment yet again Though Im pretty sure what the problem is but Dont really know how to fix it through bios with this Motherboard.. It says My Memory is @ 200.. and I get this Messege in windows ''PNF_LIST_CORRUPT'' ... happens occasionally not very often now.. it was the same problem i was having a while ago.. Now Im pretty sure its memory.. Is it because its at 200 and not 400? or am i wrong? LMK Thanks!

    Formalentity, if your having to run the memory on CAS 3 and slow timings then it's really going to have a negative effect on your system. The ram could be faulty do as Tiresmoke suggested (if you haven't already) and run memtest86+. If there are no errors then it means your memory is.. well crap  
    Oh Pinochio, I wouldn't worry about your memory problem I had the EXACT same thing and had to put my 1 stick of 512 ram into dimm 3 in order for it to work right (originally tried Dimm 1). I got another 512 stick a few days back and put it into dimm 1 (with the other stick still in dimm 3) and my system is running flawlessly.
    Seems you have to have memory in dimm 3 and then you can add more to dimm 1 without problems.

  • Question for those with memory issues on k8n neo plat

    I have been having issues with my memory on the k8n neo platinum board since i built the system last month and i just recently discovered a fact I had overlooked.
    I Have discovered that  if i test the system while it is cool (having sat turned off overnight for example), then memtest will pass the ram just fine and the system will be stable for a short period of time, generally longer if no intensive applications are used, ie. doom3 vs. websurfing).
    This system, once it heats up ( seems mostly to be the nvidia 3 nb that needs to be "hot"- that is, a probe placed in contact with the module reaches about 58+ degrees c) then the system becomes unstable and memtest, if used, fails.
    Prime95, if used on it when its cool, will usually take about an hour or so to fail, but if its used on the system when its been running a bit ( temps from nb at 58c+ and memory module hot to the touch) then it fails after about 20-30 seconds.
    I have placed an active hs on the nb in an attempt to correct this, but temps still remain high with failures occuring.
    I have spent the better part of three days testing the sytem this way and the above facts have held true in all these tests.
    I have  tested at stock ratings ( not using "auto" in bios, but using "approved ratings" of 10 x 200 for fsb and timings of 2-3-3-7 for my ram at 1:1 (which is recommended as well) since i am testing for base stability at this point;Voltages have been left at auto settings, however.
    I was wondering if anyone else with memory issues could try this out and post if this seems to be the case for you as well.
    Perhaps the memory issues on these boards are directly related to a problem with the nvidia 3 chipset running too hot?
    Does anyone have a memory issue with these boards who is using water cooling on the NB ?
     Lack of issues from people using 'problem" memory, but having no failures with water cooled nb's would support my assumption.

    Yes i did mean chipset.  
    I am using a stock hs/fan from amd, which seems to run a tad hot but, considering that I wont overclock until I can get board stable, its not an issue. (runs 35-40 idle and up to 72 intensive). I need the warranty more then the extra mhz at present.
    I removed the stock heatsink from the nvidia chipset and bought a generic chipset cooler (green, very little in the way of fins and seems to be aluminum) with a small fan.
     I used a generic silver paste from Compusa to adhere both the cpu hs and the chipset.
    I didnt lap either hs, just installed each as per instructions on artic silvers website (figured it had to go on the same way even generic).
    I also bought a kingwin thermal center which i ran probes from to the cpu, case, and nb chipset.
     I am not using it to adjust fans so those arent connected - its just a reference temp I can see at a glance, esp considering the funky bios reading this boards been known to give.
    I assume from these responces that even a nvidia 3 250 chipset shouldnt get as hot as mine?
    I asked about that from the retailer i bought this from but he seemed to think it was "ok" at 50ish celcius, but then again he didnt look too confident when he said it, lol.
    Idle right now reads on Corecenter at 28 celcius for cpu and 33 celcius for the chipset, although, I have readings of 37 c and 43 c from the kingwin thermal center, which i believe to be more accurate.
    My voltage reads at 11.67 for the 12v line at idle right now.
    The psu i got is stick from the xblade case i bought in store. (http://www.xoxide.com/xblade2.html)
    I have a dvd burner, cd drive, and two maxtor ide hd's attached to the system;The only card is the agp.
    Is there a way to check and see if the cpu ispower starved? software monitor or even an external probe perhaps?
    I havent put a probe on it, but the ram came in its own heatspreader, which gets very hot to the touch as well.
    What temps should I be looking for on these items?

  • MSI K8N NEO PLATINUM BlueScreen Issue! Help!

    I'm having an issue with my MSI K8N NEO i get the blue screens occasionally.. A friend of mine says its a IDE driver issue.. LMK Here are the system specifications.
    ATHLON64 3000+ @2.01 (stock)
    SAMSUNG 512MB PC3200 CAS 2.5
    PNY MX440 64MB DDR AGP8X
    LMK whats wrong if you have ideas, i dont know if you have sufficient information to come up with a conclusion.. im not too sure whats going on either.. But A friend of mine is getting exact same issues he says its IDE conflicts.. now when the Blue screen comes up it doesnt stay long enough to give a moment to read it.. lmk if you have ideas thx..

    which drivers are you using?
    Right click MY computer -> properties -> Advance -> start up and recovery -> system failure -> uncheck "automatically restart"
    this way it will stop at the blue screen and get an stop error number
    Or view the error log
    Help and support -> Pick a Task ->Use Tools to view your computer information and diagnose problems  ->under Tools ->  my computer Information-> View Advanced System Information  -> View error log
    it shows all errors by date migh provide you error numbers ie. 0x000008e

  • K8N Neo and SATA overclocking issues?

    I'm thinking of getting some SATA Adapters for my PATA drives to help improve airflow in my K8N Neo Platinum.
    I do have a few questions though.
    I've been reading some threads about various issues regarding SATA like corruption of data when overclocking FSB.
    I'm currently running 245 FSB 1:1 with the 1.42b2 BIOS.
    First of all, will the SATA adpaters slow down my drives?
    Will I experience any corruption or any other issues with using SATA (and adapters) with my drives?
    Thx for sharing.

    Don't bother doing what you are thinking...
    as for SATA, it has the ability to be faster than IDE, but because of the drivers it doesn't have a speed advantage so much right now.  The only SATA drives I would get would be raptors, which I have one...otherwise I would go IDE

  • K8N Neo 4 Platnium SLI mobo issues **DEAD**

    My first K8N Neo 4 Platnium SLI mobo got RMA'ed due to the fan on the nvidia chip stopping. This replaced board is now getting RMA'ed as it just fried on me. No idea what is gone on it, but I had a local shop diagnose that it was the mobo.
    So is anyone else having issues with the K8N Neo 4 Platnium SLI mobo? I've asked MSI RMA dept to replace it with a Diamond Plus mobo as the K8N Neo 4 Platnium SLI mobo is oviously crap.
    Do they still make the K8N Neo 4 Platnium SLI mobo or is it now discontinued?

    Quote from: mrking.id on 02-May-06, 07:46:14
    OK, I'm starting to understand this dual rail thingy.
    Bass, did you mean THIS or THIS Powerstream?
    Also, since I have your attention, what about this Enermax
    I ask as it is cheaper.
    Those OCZs are the same, just a different color.....
    Look at the spec's for the 520W, 33A @ 12V.
    As for that Enermax, it's one of those Dual-rails ones....I would not go there.
    The Enermax EG651-VE is way better, but beware, it doesn't have the SLI videocard connectors, so you may need special inbetween-cables.
    If you planning to build an SLI system, better go for the OCZ Powerstream 520W, the blue one, as that one has the SLI connectors.
    Other then that, they are both the same

  • Msi k8n neo 4 platinum sli sata issue?

    hi i am planning to buy a new motherboard and i decided to buy k8n neo 4 platinum sli board. but recently i heard that it has an issue with
    silicon image SIL3132 controller that If there was no drive connected to the controller, the system wouldn't complete the POST. does that issue resolved now? please tell me. any new bios update for that?

    hi satya123 ,
    silicon image SIL3132 controller that If there was no drive connected to the controller, the system wouldn't complete the POST
    not heard of that one.
    But it's easily sorted :-
    Bios - Onboard Devices
    OnBoard Sil3132 RAID
    This setting controls the onboard Sil3132 RAID chip. Setting options: [Enabled],
    OnBoard Sil3132 Mode
    This setting allows you to select either SATA and RAID mode for the onboard
    Sil3132 RAID chip. Setting options: [SATA], [RAID].
    just set OnBoard Sil3132 RAID to disabled.

  • K8N Neo Platinum - Wake from Hibernate, WOL & MB Backplate - Issues

    What can I say. This board has so many frustratingly annoying issues I'm wondering if I've just made a horrible mistake. I got this board for my HTPC hoping it would prove more stable than my Abit KV8 Pro. But stability has become the least of my concerns.
    1. A HTPC must be quiet. I have a Zalman 7000B AlCu which is excellent. But the CPU mount backplate on the K8N is *glued* to the motherboard! I can't imagine why anyone would think glueing this thing instead of going with the standard method (held in place by the screws) was a good idea, because it's not. Now I have to void the warranty by taking the backplate off to install the Zalman, because even with the Fanmate at the lowest setting, the stock AMD cooler is too loud (in a whiny sort of way).
    If I use a fan forced heater (on minimal heat) to heat up the backplate (this will also heat up the rest of the motherboard), will the glue just melt and the backplate come off cleanly? Or will I be stripping off PCB tracks all over the place?
    2. A HTPC must be ready to wake up quickly to deal with program recording. The Webscheduler program can wake up a PC from sleep to commence recording. But the K8N Neo Platinum can't seem to wake up from hibernate (or when shutdown) with a keypress or mouse click even though I've enabled these options in the BIOS. I use a wireless KB & Mouse, but the receiver plugs in to the KB & Mouse PS2 ports (not USB). This worked flawlessly with the Abit board.
    Any ideas? Having to get up, go to the HTPC, and press the power button just to wake it up from hibernate is stupid.
    3. The HTPC must wake up when somebody tries to connect remotely to the Webscheduler program. I have port forwarding setup on the router. When I connected to the HTPC remotely using my previous Abit KV8 Pro board, the HTPC would wakeup (from hibernate) and within a short time I would be connected. But allowing the MSI board network to wake the PC results in the thing waking up every minute or so (I assume it's either router activity or some other quirk of the MSI board). This didn't happen with the Abit board.
    How do I set up the board to behave like my Abit KV8 board did?
    4. In fact, there seems to be so little in the way of power management options in the BIOS that I'm wondering if perhaps the BIOS is half cooked or something. I have version 1.4 (so LiveUpdate tells me). Would a BIOS update help? LiveUpdate says I can download 1.6.

    Quote from: Supershanks on 23-May-05, 13:59:17
    i've no particular interest in wake up technology but my neo platinum wakes up immediately i touch key or mouse, always has so i guess i'ts not bios based.
    Is this wake from S1 or S3 state, or wake from hibernate? As I understand it, the PC is off when it is hibernating. The BIOS options only provide for the ability to wake up from sleep using the mouse/keyboard. There are no options to turn on the PC using the mouse/keyboard. I know the nForce3 250GB can do it, because I have a Soltek K8AN2E+ board in my other machine, which does allow me to wake from the off-state.
    At the moment, continuous pressing of keys and clicking the mouse does absolutely nothing. It wakes the machine up from sleep (non hibernate) but not from hibernate or power off.
    Do any MSI reps frequent these forums? Can they tell me specifically whether the MSI Neo Platinum does have the ability to turn on the PC using the mouse or keyboard, as opposed to merely waking it up from sleep? If this board cannot do this (and it would be one of the very few that can't), then it's useless to me. Having to walk up to the HTPC machine in the lounge room just to turn it on is counterproductive.

  • K8N Neo USB Problem + Boot/Shutdown issues

    I just bought the K8N Neo and I am having problems with it.
    First problem is usb. Sometimes when I boot up my mouse and keyboard won't work. That only happens sometimes though. The bigger problem is, that usb devices (mouse and keyboard) fail randomly. Like I'd be playing a game, then I suddenly hear the sound that windows makes when you disconnect a usb device, keyboard and mouse are dead, and then 10 seconds later I hear the sound for plugging an usb device in and all is back to normal.
    I've read some of the older threads where other people are having that problem too but I have not found a solution to this yet. I'm using the two usb ports that are attached to the mainboard. Also I tried to disable "allow windows to shut down this device to save power" (or whatever it says) in the hardware device manager for the usb hubs as somebody on this forum suggested. Didn't help.
    Usb keyboard/mouse support is turned on in the bios and I have the newest drivers installed for everything.
    My second problem is that when I start windows (XP) I would see the loading screen but it's very very dark and nothing is happening (like it's frozen). About 15 seconds later it suddenly is brighter and I see the "loading bar" moving. Also, whenever I try to restart or turn the pc off I get a similar freeze. After clicking on Start->Shutdown the mouse cursor turns into the sandclock and I can't do anything. Can't click on any icon nor the taskbar. Takes about 5 minutes for anythingto happen. That's when I get the "turn off, restart" screen. After clicking on something I'd see "please wait while windows is shutting down" for another 5 minutes to so. Any ideas as to what could be causing this behaviour?
    K8N Neo
    Amd64 3400+
    1024 MB Ram (2*512), DDR333
    Club 3D Radeon 9800 Pro
    Logitech USB Keyboard and Logitech USB MX510 (Mouse)
    IBM 80 GB Harddrive (IDE)
    Codecom 400W PSU (+3.3V -> 28A, +5V ->30A, +12V -> 15A, -5V -> 0.5A, -12V -> 0.8A, +5V sb(?) -> 2A)
    Samsung SP614C 160 GB Harddrive (SATA)
    Windows XP Home

    Originally posted by stranger4u
    @falsedown: Thank you once again for your help. I've ordered the PSU and hopefully it'll fix the usb issue (even though now it seems as if only the usb keyboard would be failing randomly and the mouse is ok).
    @gamecock: How do I get the drivers for IDE back to the Microsoft version? Do I have to run the Nvidia Setup again and remove the driver or is there a different way? (btw I'm booting from the IDE drive)
    Go to your device manager, then IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers, and double click on the NVIDIA nForce3 250 Parallel ATA Controller (v2.6).  You can try to roll back driver and see if it puts you back to Microsoft.  If you've upgraded from 2.5 then you will only go back with an Nvidia driver again.  If so, then choose to Update Driver instead,  at Welcome etc choose No, not this time, Next, Install from a list or specific location (Advanced), Next, and then click Don't Search, I will choose the driver to install and Next.  At the Select device driver, you should have checked Show compatible hardware and several drivers should show in the Model window, at least the Nvidia and the Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller.  The standard is the Microsoft driver.  Choose the standard driver and Next.  You will have to reboot  and hopefully things will be better.  To put it back to Nvidia you only have to repeat process about but select Nvidia or run their install again.  Later....
    MSI K8N Neo Platinum (BIOS 1.5B5)
    Athlon 64 3200+ w/Zalman CNPS7000A-ALCU @ 1.55V
    1GB Corsair XMS TWINX PC3200C2PT Memory (Slot 1 & 3)
    ( 3-3-3-11, 2T) @ 2.8V
    2x160 RAID0
    1x160 Maxtor IDE 133 (Secondary Slave)
    NEC 3500a DVD Dual Layer 16x (Primary Master)
    NEC 2510a DVD 8x (Primary Slave)
    ATI AIW Radeon 9600XT
    HSF on Nvidia/NB (29c)
    Antec TruePower 550 =  +3.3V@32A, +5V@40A, +12V@24A

  • Sata Drive lockup Issue K8N Neo Platinum

    Issue started with Bios update to 1.8.   Stable system for the previous 10 months until Bios update, now appears I have all kinds of failing hardware(although I'll explain why I don't).   After finally flashing back to 1.7 and reloading operating system, fighiting with sata drives, network card connection, mouse, and USB connections - I am out of ideas.   My latest problem is I have 2 WD raptor 74GIG hardrives, which I can't run at the same time.   No raid configuration, running on Sata 3 and 4(yes tried 1 and 2).   Anytime I write or access drive 2(d) my computer locks up.   If I change the drives around and load operating system on other drive, still have same issue only 1 drive works at a time.   Not a hardware issue with the drives(maybe motherboard?)  Running AMD 64 3400, K8N Neo Platinum Board with 1 gig corsair recommended memory, 6800 GT Nvidia card, soundblaster audigy.   Bios set to defaults, XP professional SP2.   Anyone seen had this issue that can recommend what to do from here?

    I have had similar BIOS issues This Thread. I believe that flashing back to 1.5 will help you, then try 1.6, I have tried going back to 1.7 after 1.8 and 1.9 and continued to have problems, so for me going back to 1.5 has been the best so far. Good Luck.

  • K8N Neo DVD drive issues

    I am having problems getting my liteon 811s dvd drive to work on my MSI K8N neo. Im pretty sure the problem is the motherboard. I did have the drive working for a while but one day it stopped working. It will show a cd and you can get into the folders, but when it tried to copy data the program that is trying to acess the cd just freezes. Another weird thing is that i can burn dvds ok. I have tried installing windows (in dos) on to a dinfrent hard drive and the installation just froze. I poped the drive into my older computer and it worked with no probelms. Another thing i tried was clearing the CMOS. That improved things temporarly, it would copy a dvd and after 40% it would crap out. After a restart it would not work like normal. I have also tried switching IDE cables.

    Just to finish what I posted above:
    With BIOS "Standard CMOS Features" for the Secondary Slave switched from "Auto" to "Manual", I can select the DMA Mode using Windows' Device Manager, it stays where I put it, and allows full function of the DVD/CD Rom drive. With BIOS set to "Auto", it wants to select Ultra DMA 5, which the drive is said to support, but this causes problems reading CDs.  I can change the DMA Mode in Device Manager, but it finds its way back to Ultra DMA 5 after a reboot/use or two.
    It may very well be that this could be fixed by getting the two DVD/CD drives off the same Channel -- when I feel like rearranging everything in my box to do this, I'll try it.
    The funny thing is that with this virgin system, everything ran fine for a while.  There may be incompatible software involved  -- incompatible with either the drive or combination of drives, the mobo chipset, or the BIOS.  I probably can't blame the nvidia IDE drivers, since I get the CD-reading problem even with Windows IDE drivers.  I'm tempted to reformat the drive and start over, paying closer attention to this as I install software.  
    I first noticed the CD-reading when I updated the firmware on the drive -- I can't blame it on that since I reflashed it to original, and the drive works fine with either firmware version when connected to another machine.
    My specific problem was that the drive refused to read any type of CD -- DVDs were OK.  Windows could identify the files on a disk, but could not read them.  (Changing DMA Mode fixes this, but getting the DMA Mode change to stick requires the BIOS change described above.)
    Anyway, to 6th Extinction: I realize this thread has wandered away from your specific problem -- hope you get it solved -- maybe some of what's been posted here, and elsewhere, will help.

  • K8n Neo 2 Platinum Board Booting issues

    # CPU brand, model and speed (E.G. AMD Athlon64 3000+ 'Venice' core) AMD 3800+ Not sure of Core
    # Motherboard model (E.G. K7N2 Delta2 Platinum, NOT just MS-6570!!) K8N Neo 2 Platinum
    # Memory brand, type/speed, size, number of sticks (E.G. 2x Crucial 512MB DDR400) Kingston KVR400x64c3a/512 x2
    # Video card brand, chipset type, memory size (E.G. Gainward Geforce 6800GS 512MB AGP) ATI Radeon 850 Pro 256MB AGP
    # Hard drive(s) brand, size, type, speed (E.G. 2x Seagate 200GB SATA150) 2x Hitachi 80GB SATA150
    # Any other peripheral cards and devices (E.G. MSI TV@nywhere Plus TV card, MSI DigiVOX USB2 TV tuner) D-Bracket 2
    # Operating system and version (E.G. Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP2) Windows XP Sp2 / Ubuntu 7.10 / Vista Ultimate
    # Power Supply Unit brand and output in watts and DC output (amps) TurboCool 510 ATC-PFC ( Taken from a Vapochill SE Chassis ) Originally had been Tagan TG480-U01 however it just blips the power on and off so thinking it is faulty.
    I have replaced my motherboard as I had thought it originally was a duff BIOS chip as despite reflashing it, it would rarely pass the POST.
    All parts apart from the PSU are the original Kit which had been working for 13 months ish.
    Problem i am experiencing is the D-Bracket 2 Diagnostic LEDs are coming up Red/Amber as opposed to Red/Green and the machine just sits there and never displays anything, hence why BIOS isn't mentioned as I have no idea what version is currently on the BIOS chip.
    I have stripped out down to just CPU and still get the same problem, I then swapped it for a FX53 which I had lying around which I know worked as it came out of my Vapochill chassis and also swapped out for some OCZ PC3700 512MB EB Dual Channel Platinum 3-3-2-8.. still no joy.
    Any ideas greatly appreciated as I don't want to rebuild my machine as it is exactly how I wanted it I feel I have checked everything but maybe someone can shed a little light.
    Anyone want a spare mboard or two ?? I now have three !

    Your Tagan's behavior was typical of a failing PSU... but the Turb-Cool model you mention doesn't exist at the PCP&C web site; in fact there are a total of five other 510 models, some of which have only an 8-pin CPU power connector, so it's impossible to figure which one you have.  Does your PSU have a 4- or 8-pin CPU power connector and, if the latter, how do you have it connected to the mbrd?  The only 8-pin CPU power connector I've seen could not be connected to a 4-pin socket, which your mbrd has... or does your mbrd have both 4- and 8-pin?
    The only other thing I'd remark is that Vista will not run satisfactorily with your nForce3 mbrd and an ATI video card.

  • K8N Neo-F Power Issues

    I hope you guys can help. Here are Specs first off:
    K8N Neo-F (UNfortuantely, I forgot to take note of the BIOS Rev. I will contact the system owner tonight and try to get it.)
    AMD 3800+ X2
    Kingston ValuRam 1GB DDR3200
    Enermax Whisper II 535w PSU
    This system was built for a co-worker. Got everything in place, go to power on the system. Switch the power switch on the PS to on and all the fans, (PS, CPU, Chipset, 2 case fans,) power on. The system isn't on mind you, but the fans have come on. Hit the power button on the front of the case and the PC turns on ok. Everything looks to be alright, but the fact the fans are turning on before I've powered on the system is bothering me. I have the same PS, so I switch them out, put his in my PC, mine in his, and the same thing, the fans turn on in his PC with only the PS switch turned to on, but not the case switch. His PS in my PC works normally, PS turned to on, the fans do not power up until the case switch is hit. So I've determined his PS is fine. I try removing the MSI board from his case and placing it on a non-conductive surface  to see if maybe its shorting out. Try it with his PS, same thing, fans turn on with only the PS switched to on. Nothing in the case is shorting it out, so I'm still confused here.
    I even disconnected the header connecters from the case and the fans still power on with the PSU set to on.
    In short, is this board supposed to do this? Is there a toggle in BIOS somewhere so I can keep those fans off unless the case power switch is hit?
    Windows installed fine, no problems, got everything installed, drivers and whatnot, even got Oblivion installed and it ran great, so I am assuming the system is fairly stable.
    The other problem is that if you shutdown windows, you cannot turn the PC back on unless you turn off the PS switch first. The case switch does nothing.
    In all my years, I've never seen system fans turn on with only the PS turned to on and the main system not powered up.

    why are fans powering on with just the PSU switched turned to on.
    It usually does this once , when there is no valid cmos setup data saved ( users have used the F1 to continue).
    Try "Load Optimized Defaults" followed by F10 , save , exit and power off by flipping the PSU switch during the following restart/post .

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