K8T FIS2R Raid Problems

Okay I got my RAID_0 stiping service up on my AMD K8 build using the Promise SATA RAID Controller (FastTrak 378) on the MSI K8T FIS2R. Okay so I get XP working and installed XP.
So I install the drivers for it already and when I do HDD Tach, I get uber low scores and a high CPU Utilization score. In Sandra I get like 1 HDD scores. Now how do I fix this mess up?
Something tells me I should have used the damn VIA SATA Raid Controller instead to have avioded this mess.
Can you help me folks? Thanks
Update: From looking at the VIA SATA bios/setup, it doesnt look like the VIA can do Raid 0...Am I right?
The Promise does have a separate BIOS and it's really easy to use. It has a AUTO service and has basically two options. Performance: Which is Raid 0 and Security: Which is Raid 1. So I choose Performance and then a box appears. That box says Create and Iniatize OR Create Only. So far I have chose both and they dont make a difference. After that, its pretty much done asking me to reboot. HOWEVER...In the manual...It says Step 4: You should FDSIK like it were a new drive.
What is FDISK? Did you have to FDISK? I thought Fdisk is in the MS DOS Disk and lets you partition the drive or something. Anyways, all I did was create the partition and then right after install Windows XP WITH the Raid controller drivers selected in XP setup...
Any ideas?

Originally posted by pxmedia
I had a similar experience. Tried my two SATA drives in RAID0 on the Promise controller as boot drive and the scores were very low (similar to one IDE drive) and the CPU utilization was up around 30%.  
I moved it over the the VIA as a RAID0 and everything looked and ran great. CPU ultilization around 8-12%.
I hooked up two more SATA drives on the Promise controller (not as boot) in RAID0 and low and behold, the scores were great! What is going on here?
You will get even better scores using 10k rpm sata drives WITHOUT raid.  Your boot drive is the only one which is ALWAYS live; therefore CPU utilisation from a second virtual drive will not effect benchmarks unless it is being accessed.
As I've said many times, software raid is a Bad Thing.

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    Which driver i'm supposed to install? to INSTALL winxp64 on a SATA RAID and make it boot from there?
    Thaks a lot             

    HI! i'm the one wih the raid problem on a k8n neo2....
    That's what a i Did.. i unpacked the exe and copy the files in a floppy... question is: if i do that, windows instaler askme for some files that aren't in the .exe, anway it reconices the raid and everithing goes fine until the first BOOT on windos... it shows a blue screen, butremoves it so fast that i cant read it or pause the system. But i know it's a raid problem because if i install it on a ide disk it works.
    The nforce3 drivers are almost a year old, and i'm not sure if nforce4 is compatible...
    I think the're compatible because if you enter in msi driver download page and select my model, they put the Nforce3 and nforce4 for win64 and my model is only nforce3. The thing is they havent released the nforce3 for WIN 64.... So.. It's normal that win asks me for some files that ain't in the .zip file (i extracted the files o course) and Which driver should i put the Nvidia one year old nforce3 or the new nforce4. (the nforce3 for 32 bits is rejected by windows) or... i have to wait the new nforce3?
    thanks for helps

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    2 asus 8800gts in sli
    i have 4 HDD WD 200 gigs sata2
    (will go into detail about those lovely HDDS)
    dvd burning sata (currently unplug)
    dvd rom IDE plug in
    2 gigs of ram 4x512
    core duo 2.66 ghz
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    awesome a spell checker :D

    i dont know how two memory stick whould make a diffrent but to answer your question no i havent the goal is to have all 4 sticks and yes they work great i put them in my old system as well and was able to see incrase of performance even though it two gigs all my other hardwares are working find cause when the mainboard was sent in for repaires i move some parts over so i can play SOME games while i wait...now for the power supply it has MORE then enough power it is a 1200 watt thermaltake with 4 12v rails 2 are 20 amps and the other 2 or 36 amps.. 5v rail is 30 or more but the 12 v rail are acurate i was studding it so i can properly connect the 36 amp to my video cards all power cord are plug in like i said all hardwares are working fine causes they were tested befor and none of them were at faults..
    however i will try the memtest86 now dose it need to have an OS installed (dont have it causes it wont see my HDDS in sata 6 and 7) i have to head out in a bit but when i come back ill check it out causes the orginal rams were working find and everythign was happy untill the motherboard blew out and took out 4 ram sticks so i brought a new one from a diffrent brand wich fell into the compatible list of ram for this board the other one was not "comptiable" thank you be back shortly...
    i forgot to mention befor i whould like a good list of directions beside the one in my manuel of how to set up the sata 6 and 7 raid if wores come to wores im going to back up my old HDDS wich have been working great and move it over to the HARDWARE raid and see if it works i will post what i find out but in the mean time the proper set up of the raid hardware will be nice in case i did something wrong thank you

  • NEO4 Plat Sli SIL3231 Raid problem - Can't boot after BIOS Flash!

    Hi, I have and Neo4 Platinum SLI. I had "the problem" a while back with the nVida raid where there was a hang on shutdown. I then created a RAID0 using my two Rators on the SIL3132 controller, and have three hitachi drives hooked up to SATA1 - SATA3. Back then, I had trouble getting my SIL3132 array to be the main boot volume. I could boot when no other drives were attached, but as soon as I attached them, I get the boot disk error after post. Somehow I got it to work, but not think this time, I flashed the BIOS and ran into the same problems, as the BIOS got reset.
    First, I went in and re-enabled RAID on the sil3132 controller, and change the boot order to have the RAID voluime be the first boot device, and my other drivers be the next on down the line. Upon rebooting, my system hangs after verifying DMI pool at a blanksscreen for 5 - 10 minutes then gives my the "missing HAL.dll error". if I go back into the BIOS and disable SATA1/SATA2 and SATA3/SATA4 my computer boots just fine. I even completley disconnected my three drives an my system boots just fine. I have searched these forums and could not find anything close to my issue and wondered if it is something I am just missing in the setup. I will say that at POST my IDE devices has always read:
    IDE Primary Master [None]
    IDE Secondary Master [None]
    IDE Primary Slave (my first DVD/R drive)
    IDE Secondary Slave (My second DVD/R drive)
    IDE Third Master (a 250gb drive)
    IDE Fourth Master (a 250gb drive)
    IDE Fifth Master (a 250gb drive)
    IDE Sixth Master [None]
    Is this normal? all my hard drives are SATA. the raptors and three SATAII drives.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Since the Nvida raid problem seems to have been fixed (as far as I read) I would like to go back to using the nVidia raid controller. I just need to back up my system first!
    Thanks in advance.

    I have noted the same problem, with a USB Pen drive.
    If I leave it plugged in and shut down, the next time I cold boot it tries to boot for the pen drive.  What I found out the any time you add a drive before booting the BIOS places it at the top of the Hard Drive Priority list making it the boot drive.  Same thing happens when I plug in a new SATA and does not mater where it is connected.  So, what I have to do any time you add a drive with the power off you have to boot to BIOS reset the Hard drive priority list, then save, exit and reboot to boot from you windows drive.
    I am sure this is a BIOS Bug, but MSI states that the way it should would work.
    When submitting a problem, include a complete list of your system components; include part numbers, all Power Supply Voltages, and their output ratings.  It is almost impossible to estimate what your problem is without knowing something about it. Here is the link to the web site.

  • K9A2 CF cold boot and RAID problem

    I am struggling with my mobo regarding recent cold boot issues and the problem to set up RAID on the SB600 chipset.
    Here's my rig's description:
    MSI K9A2 CF rev 2 (I believe because of the red heatsink) with the latest available bios flashed using the forum's tool.
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    2x Radeon 4850 1 Gb crossfire
    4 Gigs of RAM (Nandya Technology)
    HDD WD velociraptor 150 go, WD black caviar 640 go, 2x WD 1 To green caviar all drives are SATA-2
    1 PCI SiI 3512 sata controller for the sata ODD drives (DVD + DVD burner)
    PSU is advent 750 W
    OS: Vista 64 bits home premium working with AHCI drivers
    So here is the deal: the system has been running fine for about a year.
    I recently bought two 1 To HDD to set up a RAID 1 for backup purpose. The goal is to run the velociraptor as system disk (which it is currently) in raid 0+1 jobd (say standalone), the WD 640 go as data disk raid 0+1 jobd (say standalone) and the two 1To as raid one array from the SB600 onboard controller.
    So I flashed the bios to make sure I would have the latest raid rom. The flash was performed with the forum's flasher without a problem, followed by a load defaults and a clear CMOS to be on the safe side.
    Since then, I have random cold boot problems. I fire it up, all leds and drives are on, but no post and nothing on screen, not to mention no beeps whatsoever. I already checked the connections, mobo condensators... everything looks ok. The system was bought pre-built and was working flawlessly beforehand. I need to power it off manually and restart it once to a few times and then it post and boots to the OS without a problem.
    Is there any specific option I should look for in the bios to change that? I assume I might have made a wrong configuration at some point.
    Concerning the RAID problem I cannot access the SB600 onboard Fastbuild utility as long as the PCI sata controller is plugged in --> I get the "Not enough space to load PCI rom" error message. Without the PCI card I can access Fastbuild and define arrays without a glitch. But if I disconnect the card, I no longer have optical drives 
    Does anyone have a clue how to use the SB600 in raid mode along with a PCI sata controller?
    Also, when RAID is setup, arrays defined and all HDDs recognized by the bios, is there a way to make Vista load the raid driver without reinstalling from scratch? For now I can use SATA drives in AHCI mode but get a BSOD whenever I try booting from RAID. 
    I know that's a lot of questions but I could really use some help. I have been roaming the web and could not find anything.
    Thanks in advance for your insight.

    Concerning the RAID problem I cannot access the SB600 onboard Fastbuild utility as long as the PCI sata controller is plugged in --> I get the "Not enough space to load PCI rom" error message. Without the PCI card I can access Fastbuild and define arrays without a glitch.
    This is common problem with boot-roms, the BIOS can't handle multiple of them, only 1 if you use raid.
    So disable the PCI-Sata bootrom or disable the RAID.
    This is a BIOS limitation, nothing you can do about it.
    AHCI is a type of RAID also.
    What you see is normal, the BIOS doesn't have enough hooks to put a Boot-rom in, and exspecially the RAID MUST need one to function.
    Other solution is to use Windows software raid and put the RAID controller in normal-mode.
    You won't notice the speed difference anyway as the onboard is a soft-raid as well, but then done in the BIOS, however in both cases it's the CPU that must handle them.

  • Raid problem on Neo2 Platinum

    Have just bougtht a Neo2 Platinum.
    Have also bought 2 x WD 80 Gb SATA HD, because I want to run Raid 0
    In the bios I enable Raid on both chanel 1, 2, 3 and 4 and in the Bios it detects the hd. But when I leave the bios and push F10 to go into the Raid configurations it detects the drivers, but freezes up and I can do nothing. It shovs Mirrored in the menu, and the 2 hd in the "add" colum.
    Any input would be appriciatet.

    HI! i'm the one wih the raid problem on a k8n neo2....
    That's what a i Did.. i unpacked the exe and copy the files in a floppy... question is: if i do that, windows instaler askme for some files that aren't in the .exe, anway it reconices the raid and everithing goes fine until the first BOOT on windos... it shows a blue screen, butremoves it so fast that i cant read it or pause the system. But i know it's a raid problem because if i install it on a ide disk it works.
    The nforce3 drivers are almost a year old, and i'm not sure if nforce4 is compatible...
    I think the're compatible because if you enter in msi driver download page and select my model, they put the Nforce3 and nforce4 for win64 and my model is only nforce3. The thing is they havent released the nforce3 for WIN 64.... So.. It's normal that win asks me for some files that ain't in the .zip file (i extracted the files o course) and Which driver should i put the Nvidia one year old nforce3 or the new nforce4. (the nforce3 for 32 bits is rejected by windows) or... i have to wait the new nforce3?
    thanks for helps

  • K8T Neo - FIS2R (model 6702) SATA and RAID Problems = Hair Loss

    Hi All,
    new to the forum, have searched but nothing like my problem exist.
    I have a K8T Neo FIS2R M/B and trying to get a single SATA HDD working for my secondary drive. primary is a IDE which works well and I want to leave it.
    I have plugged in the SATA HDD into the SER 1 port ( Promise 237 ?)  anyhow the bois at startup or post recognises the drive, but then says soemthing like you have set up raid before F1 for setup F2 to continue to boot.
    I have pressed both f1 and F2 at various time, but it appears that it want to turn the single drive into a RAID system, which is not possible with one drive !!....
    Anyhow windows XP then boots up and loads a RAID driver and also the promise RAID drivers.  the real problem is that XP sits and waits for the raid which never comes and during startup on XP. it is extremely slow.
    Does anyone have any ideas. I am not that computer techy as you can see by the description, but it appears that I cannot get into the RAID bios to turn it off.. I have zapped the bios to try and reset it. basically i am loosing my hair ove this.
    if anyone had some step by step instructions how to prevent raid from switching on at the bios and then in XP it would be greatly appreciated

    Hi All,
    Sorry for the slow reply, retrieving the box from the bottom of the swimming pool !!!
    I set it to SATA as you have indicated Hans, I did check that setting. Thankyou for checking.
    Spray, I have tried the P20378 setting as well. You indicate that you need to press F6 when installing the OS. I have WinXP running already on an IDE master and am trying to set the SATA up as a secondary disk drive.
    As I indicated above, the machine runs slowly to the point of it being a 486 when I use either promise or Via controllers.
    I have since removed the drive and are now having problems with XP on boot up/startup. The thing seems to hang or go slowly when the horizontal bar runs across under the Windows XP logo. I have turned everything off in the bios both Promise and Via.  I am at a loss as to why:
    1 it runs slowly with the SATA drive in ( also does not show all the auto loading icons near the clock)
    2. why it hangs when I remove it and turn both SATA controllers off in the bios.
    I have a feeling that I may have corrupted part of the registry playing around. Any thoughts... going bald :-)
    I really appreciate the feedback so far

  • K8T Neo-FIS2R - raid 1 refused by Win2K

    I had K8T Neo-FIS2R for some time, working flawless. I had 1 ATA drive (Maxtor 120GB, 8MB) on a VIA controller. Then I decided to buy another similar one ATA HD, and create a raid 1 array (ATA+ATA) on Promise controler, with existing Win2K SP4 instalation.
    Everything went smoothly, creation of array and image on second HD. Then reboot, Windows start loading... and suddenly BSOD. Message: "If this is your first time seeing this message...check for viruses...corrupted HD...blah blah".
    Tried loading again and again - same situation.
    Then I discarded array, rebooted, and created it again. Same problems. And headache & rage.
    Few days later, I had a possibility to borrow a new SATA Maxtor 120GB drive, and try with ATA + SATA raid 1 combination. Done everything from the beggining, creating of array and image, at the end...again BSOD with the same message. 100% identical like in 2xATA combination.
    I thought that maybe the problem is in "original" ATA HD, so i tried with another combination: second (new) ATA HD from first situation (image of original HD was still on it, but with discarded array), anda SATA from second as a "slave" (so, this one is deleted in creating of this array). Same, same, same... Needless to say, at the end I tried with SATA as "master" and ATA as "slave". No progress.
    BIOS and all drivers were/are up-to-date. All HD`s work OK in a "no raid" situation, on both controllers.
    I have searched this forum, but didn`t find similar problem. If you have some ideas/suggestions/solutions, you will be a hero, for saving a one young man`s life
    Thanks in advance,
    Belgrade, Serbia

    Originally posted by Tiresmoke
    Promise ATA raid can only work though the Promise ports which in the case of ATA or Ultra ATA drives would be IDE3 port. Then you must have Promise Raid turn on in the Pheriferals menu in Bios as well as set up under the Promise Raid section that will come up directly after post.
    You will need to read the Promise Ademdum manual that came along with the regular user manual for setup details.
    Thanks for trying to help, but I have done that all. I can create a raid array with ATA drives only on Promise...

  • MSI K8t Neo FIS2R RAID Question

    I've just put together my new system. If it weren't for this forum, I might not have succeeded. Thanks for all the info out there.
    Currently, I'm running raid 0, using (2) raptor 74's. The next thing I want to do is mirror. I bought a 160 gig maxtor ata drive for this purpose. But, after seeing the table in the MSI raid manual, it looks like I have to use (2) drives the same size as the raptor 74's inorder to use the raid 0+1 configuration. Any help on this would be apreciated.
    MSI K8t Neo FIS2R
    Athlon 64 3200
    Kingston (2) 512mg Hyper X DDR500
    Western Digital 74 gig Raptors (2) raid 0
    Nvidia Geforce Ti 4200 128mg graphics

    but mirror raid wont save you from oc crash's , virus, bad installs, acidently, deleteing or any useful recovery..it only protects from hd failure to mechanical or electrical malfunction.
    you are far better off imagine the drives or mking backups, and using the drives as storage for that, you will come out ahead.
    but if you still want raid 1, you can
    partition the drives?
    use the smaller ones for system restore , and internet cache, mp3's . for example
    for rich performance freaks buy 2 more satas and raid them on the other chip
    just a few ideas

  • K8T Neo-FIS2R Old Problem, New Issue

    I made my system back in 2003 using a K8T Neo-FIS2R motherboard and a Barracuda 7200 SATA 160GB drive (ST3160023AS). If you don't remember, back then motherboards that supported SATA drives for main drives, sometimes needed extra drivers in order for the windows installation process to work. At first this threw me, but since then I have reformatted my drive a few times using the same disk with no issues.
    5 years of file sharing can do a number on your harddrives, and it seems my Barracuda has finally died. It came time to replace my drive with a Western Digital Caviar 320GB drive SE16 (WD3200AAKS). I did not predict there would be any issue with replacing my SATA drive. I have another 500GB drive connected to my system used for only storage and the computer recognized it at once.
    So I formatted my WD HD, to NTFS and made it active. Then I installed it in my computer disconnecting my other 500GB drive. I ran windows installation with my Windows CD (which I have used many times and I keep it in pristine condition).
    I found that after I hit F6, and it gave me a selection of SATA drivers to use (used xp), it did not not see that drive was there when asking which drive to format (I repeated this many times).  I set about making a new SATA boot disk thinking that my pre-used one had gone bad.
    VIA VT8237(R) SATA RAID Driver (For floppy driver)
    I followed the disk directions having already done it before. When I tried to install with my new drivers, I got this error.
    "File\I386\NT5\viamraid.sys caused an unexpected error (4096) at line 2108 in d:\xpclient\base\boot\setup\oemdisk.c."
    Now i KNOW my windows instillation CD is good, but just in case I used another windows CD and got the same error.
    The only idea I can come up with is that I upgraded the bios to much and now it is having issues. My bios version is:
    AMIBIOS A6702VMS V2.2 030405
    SATA378 TX2plus(tm) Bios Version 1.00.103026
    Does anyone have any ideas of what I can try? I have done all the easy stuff I could think off like try different cables, and plug in my SATA to the second sata port and not the first. I have run out of ideas.
    The only list thing I could try was connecting my sata drive to the computer using a SATA to USB adapter, and finding the partition in windows through that way. For some weird reason windows will see USBs in the computer but not installed Sata drives. I am thinking I will install windows using the USB device and then try plugging in the drive directly. I have no idea if it will work.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Quote from: sombernote on 11-July-08, 09:15:36
    Thank you so much for your help.
    I tried your two versions of your drivers, "VIA PIDE&SATA RAID.rar" "Promise 20378 S-ATA RAID.rar" neither of them worked well (I selected the "VIA RAID Controller(Windows XP"). I received a slightly different version of the last error "File\I386\NT5\viamraid.sys caused an unexpected error (4096) at line 2108 in d:\xpclient\base\boot\setup\oemdisk.c."
    The (4096) was a different number.
    I had used 4 different (yet old) disks, trying to get it to work. None of them did so until i tried it once more. This last time worked, it saw and used the drivers. I was able to get into the disk selection screen, and set to format the disk. As it started formatting (Quick), windows said that there was something wrong with the "Disk or CD". It then asked for me to install the SATA combo drivers. I let it detect the drivers I was using, and it kept saying something was wrong. I tried it 3 more times, and the last time it held and copied the files from the CD, to start windows.
    It is obvious to me that I have either a bad disk, CD, Disk drive, or CD drive. This is quite possiblly my last format before I make my new computer. Thank you very much for your help. I would have had to start my voodoo magic tricks to get it to work.
    Crappy floppy cause that
    Happend to me many times as well, when you receive the error take out diskette and re-insert it, then load drivers again until works.
    Of course simple solution is just replace the floppy drive to avoid "voodoo magic tricks"
    Or best solution do a slipstream XP installation and integrate the drivers which you need in XP installation.
    >>> Slipstreaming Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Create Bootable CD<<<
    >>> Slipstreamed Windows XP CD Using SP2<<<
    "Thank you very much for your help. I would have had to start my voodoo magic tricks to get it to work."
    You are done well

  • K8t neo fis2r framerate problem

    i have an athlon 64 3400+, msi k8t neo fis2r, 120 gb seagate barracuda, corsair xms series pc3200 512MB ram(with black heatspreader), gainward geforce fx5700ultra, 500w allied power supply.  I'm having terrible framerate problems when i'm playing games.  It doesn't matter what game i'm playing...i've been playing unreal tournament as a tester game.  At first I thought i had a bad video card so i sent that back.  I'm still having the same problem.  I've flashed my bios, sp1a, all the newest chipset drivers, set my RAM timings, newest video card drivers (53.03), everything.  I don't know what is going on.  My games run at the same frame rate at 640x480 then when they are on 1024x768.  When I turn vsynch on, i'd say about half or maybe more of the time i'd have bad frame rate, when I turn vsynch off my games play reallllly fast.  It seems to jump in and out of normal rate of play.  I was talking to my friend and he thought it was the timing chip on my motherboard.  I'm on my last straw and i'm about to send this board back for a replacement.

    I dont know what you mean by am i letting windows install it...but i'm using live update to download it then it automatically installs itself.  I'll try that uninstall the agp thing on the 4 in 1 but I doubt it'll do anything seeing as how i've probably reinstalled windows 4 or 5 times and installed the 4 in 1 drivers each time to no avail.  I really think my mobo's agp slot is bad or something on my mobo is bad.  I was using a 300W psu for awhile, that might have done something to the board.

  • K8t fis2r problems

    the funniest thing happened to me.  I installed powerstrip by recommendation from a buddy (for those of you that don't know, it allows you to edit video settings easily, and apply them to certain programs exclusively).  when I started up the program and noted what it said my agp aperture size was, it said 128.  this is a problem, seeing as how I have an nvidia geforce 6800GT in my system.  I restarted, entered bios, and corrected the problem (set agp aperture to 256).  when I tried to restart the computer, I got nothing.  no POST whatsoever.  I do have an LED message on the back: the upper-left hand is green, the others are red.  my motherboard is a k8n neo-fis2r,  I have a gig of RAM (never had probs with it before), an athlon 3000+, and a thermaltake purepower 420 watt psu.  anyone know what is the problem and what I can do about it?

    You should be running 1.9 Bios or newer with that rig. However I suspect that it is a quirk that a few other guys have had with running 256 Apature. I was able to do so but I have the bigger card and the cards that have been reported giving the same with the 256 apature have been mostly the GT's. Pull the power, reset the Bios and back off the apature a tad and see if it won't come back to like. If it does make sure your running the latest Bios and do click on bios setup Defaults when you get it back up again. Do not use the High Performance Defaults as that can give you some extra problems due to it overclocking some of the setting a tad and does not always work well for folks.

  • MSI K8T NEO-FIS2R: RAM problems

    I have the motherboard K8T NEO-FIS2R with AMIBIOS 2VMS V2.0 010505.
    I tried these DDR-RAM:
    DDR-RAM 512MB PC400 CL3 Kingston KVR400X64C3A/512
    DDR-RAM 512MB PC400 CL3 Samsung
    but the motherboard recognizes only 256 MB for both. The RAM are good: I tried them in an other pc!
    Now I have installed an A-DATA ram 256 MB and the motherboard recognizes 256 MB!
    Do you think that my motherboard is defective?
    Thank you in advance.
    P.S. I'm sorry for my bad english.

    No the memory controller is onboard the CPU so in any case the MB is not defective. However the CPU revision may hold you back on some RAM especially if you mix make and model RAM on the same channel. A socket 754 CPU only has one channel so all RAM must be matched to work properly.
    If those Sticks can only be seen as a wrong value when used by themselves it is likely that either they have errors or the timings in Bios are improperly set to azllow them to work. In this case you can normally find out what is going on by running memtest86. If you get errors on test 5 or 7 then you have timgs timed improperly and any other errors would show bad RAM.
    Another case is not having enough power for everything to work properly together. Usually this happens when you don't have enough 12v amps for these newer rigs.
    Post complete specs and test results and maybe we can help you further.

  • MSI K8T Neo FIS2R - Memory problem???

    I have bought myself a second stick of ram for my computer, being careful to make sure it was exactly the same brand and model.
    In spite of this I now get random bluescreen errors of varying types, the first was PFN_LIST_CORRUPT and the latest:
    STOP: 0x00000050 (0xC5AD0D7C, 0x0000000, 0x8050298A, 0x0000000)
    Is the new ram incompatible?? this makes no sense though.....   ???

    I have tried switching ram sticks around but no luck there
    Got three BSOD's yesterday, no specific error just STOP: blah blah blah when trying to burn a CD and then after that just when using IE.....
    ........and then I played call of duty 2 for 3hours without a single problem 
    Today when trying to run FS2 open I got two IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL errors (with no driver mentioned)
    Anyway, I have been doing some research on socket 754 athlon 64's, and I found some interesting info from AMD:
    Where MSI says that the board supports that config at DDR400. so the board supports it but the CPU doesn't! what is the point of that??
    I tried running at DDR333 but the CPU stuck at 1.8GHZ (150FSBx12) according to everest 
    Is it possible at all to run two sticks of Double sided ram at DDR400? surely someone has done it and has it working....
    Another thing, after the first IRQL error my computer hung at detecting the CD-RW drive and I had to turn off and on again  ???


    hie everyone
    with my hard disk now , how can i setup raid ?
    detail plsee

    Your signature shows 3 drives, all different sizes. If you are going to raid a pair, they should preferrably be the same size and preferrably the same type. If you raid a mismatched pair then your new raid "drive" will the the size of the smallest, losing the remaining space on the largest.

Maybe you are looking for

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