K8t master 2 far - Bios PChealth 2nd cpu no temp reading?

Hi ya all, Ive just got myself the MS 9130 (was supposed to be the Master 2 far 7, but was sent the older Master 2 far) anyways, great to be here. 
Its currently populated with 2 opty 240's and also with 2x1 gig of ecc ddr400 ram. Boots fine and all that.
Couple of questions...
1. when boots, it displays the Bios as being V1.3 071304 which is fine, i know the latest bios is 1.4 (as on the MSI site) however, is it worthwile updating to the latest bios (i have 2x250 optys coming in the post later on in the week) Does the V1.3 bios have the micro code to support the 250?
2. In the bios itself, under "PC heath" it doesnt show me what the temp for CPU2 is, it does however nicely show what it is for CPU1 (stable at 40 degrees c) surely it should show what the temp for cpu2 is right?
Could this have something to do with how tight you screw down the cpu2 cooler? (next to the AGP slot) how much should you screw that one down?
3. Also, Vin2 is shows as -12.77v is that right?
Iam using an enermax Liberty 620W psu to power the show, 24pin in the Powerplug and a combo 8 pin plug in Jpwr1
kind regards and thanks for any help

Quote from: vanne on 17-October-08, 10:29:55
1. when boots, it displays the Bios as being V1.3 071304 which is fine, i know the latest bios is 1.4 (as on the MSI site) however, is it worthwile updating to the latest bios (i have 2x250 optys coming in the post later on in the week) Does the V1.3 bios have the micro code to support the 250?
Best BIOS is 1.3B5, however, this board only support the 130nm Opterons...if those 250's are 90nm they will not work...
Not a BIOS matter but a regulator matter.
2. In the bios itself, under "PC heath" it doesnt show me what the temp for CPU2 is, it does however nicely show what it is for CPU1 (stable at 40 degrees c) surely it should show what the temp for cpu2 is right?
Yes it should, maybe the CPU's heatsensor is broken.
Could this have something to do with how tight you screw down the cpu2 cooler? (next to the AGP slot) how much should you screw that one down?
Might be, but normaly not, unless you use coolers that bend the board.
Bending a board is a bad thing.
3. Also, Vin2 is shows as -12.77v is that right?
Sorry don't know, the board does use -12V from the powersupply so looks ok to me.
I am using an enermax Liberty 620W psu to power the show, 24pin in the Powerplug and a combo 8 pin plug in Jpwr1
Good powersupply.

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    Quote from: Bas on 01-April-06, 17:36:25
    That bios has the function....
    Hi Bas,
    Thanks for your reply. I know you said in that thread that the 1.47 Bios has the memory mapping function, but there are also many warnings about the fact that this version is not necessarily ready for use beyond testing. Also, nobody confirmed that the 4GB memory mapping was actually working.
    Some of your cautions in that BIOS thread included:
    Quote from: Bas on 17-November-05, 01:01:09
    Hi guy's,
    I hereby post the latest MS-9130, I have tested this and for me it worked and was stable.
    Beware, this beta is more alpha then beta, but stable.
    This BIOS has quirks, do not use or flash it on a production machine or complaint that it does have problems
    It's entirely your own fault if something happens as YOU decided to help testing[/color]
    A couple of remarks:
    When you download this BIOS, you confirm you did know this is a testing-bios, not a bugg-free one.
    As I said, this is test-BIOS, not to use if you don't wan't to help testing, nor the forum or MSI is responsible if something does go wrong!
    Have there been additional improvements made since you gave those cautions about the Version 1.47 Bios?
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    Thanks, Bas! As always, your assistance is greatly appreciated

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    MSI K8t Master 2 FAR
    ECC ram 2GB
    Dual Opteron 250 replaced the dual Opteron 242 one week ago
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    No options after slash "/"?
    Quote from: BOSSKILLER on 14-August-08, 19:42:45
    Does it worked before to update BIOS to 1.4?
    Quote from: Wai on 15-August-08, 06:55:42
    With BIOS 1.1 and dual Opteron 242, I have both CPU work as shown by Device manager and task manager (two CPU graphs). I can only get one CPU work since I upgrade to Opteron 250 and BIOS 1.4. Unfortunately BIOS 1.1 do not support Opteron 250.
    Check this topic:
    "Running 2 CPU's will show just 1 CPU in the Opterating system, was reported by a user."
    Quote from: Lord Anubis on 01-June-08, 21:22:00
    has anyone tried the new v1.40 bios released 2008-04-10 for this board? 
    Quote from: slava_b on 17-June-08, 16:02:30
    I tried. More stable then 1.47, but not fully workable. Second CPU dont work, Smart fan dont work, if 4Gb installed -> CPU kernel time load 60-70% permanently. Last stable workable release is 1.35, but i have slow down if install LSI 21320R.
    1.35 appear to be last stable version reported by users
    Quote from: Wai on 10-August-08, 23:21:53
    It appear from the forum that BIOS 1.35B5? would work but I could not find it.
    Here is it:
    Change Log, your CPU is supported as well:
    2. Added  Feature:   
    (a)support new Opteron 250 CPUs
    Flash at own risk

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    CH 1/0 - Data drive
    CH 1/1 - Data drive
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    Can't say, this is the first time I hear about SATA caddies....
    Maybe a bad contact or so?
    Sata is pretty sensitive to connection problems, or even folded cables for that matter...

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    Thanks for your time,

    Nope, those BIOS'ses are NOT the same, do not go there!
    Anyway, what else is in your system, as it could be anything, doesn't have to be the drive's.
    Could be well the powersupply or something else.
    Also, why do you thing the sata drive's lockup?
    Please list the system as detailed as you can.

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    As usual I'm the first......
    You can download it here or wait for MSI to realease it:

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    Any thoughts?  I'm a little annoyed that I can't find a definitive source for how many amps on each of the rails the main board and CPU need.  I've found widely varying advice on all of the boards I've read.

    1) The PSU that you have is quite weak on the +12v Rail & could be the cause of your problems, most people on here recommend 20a on the +12v Rail.
    I've seen people on various boards throw numbers anywhere from 15A to 30A for the 12V rail.  However, I haven't seen anyone quote any hard sources.  My back of the envelope computations:
    CPU: 89 W (max power from AMD's web site)
    MEM: uses 3.3V
    Floppy: uses 5V
    CD: 20W
    RAM: uses 3.3V
    HD: 15W
    Geforce2 GTS graphics card: 8W
    which gives me about 132W on the 12V rail at maximum power usage (which - since I haven't done anything I doubt I've hit).  This would be about 11 amps which is easily covered by my power supply.  And - the 89W number form AMD is for all the Athlon64 chips of which the 3000 is the very low end so it's probably less than that.
    2) You may have faulty RAM & i would recommend running a memory testing program just to check that is ok.
    Could the RAM be faulty even though I had a windows 2000 setup running reasonably well?  The BIOS did do a memory check on each startup (I turned that on when I first installed the board).
    As for the system not booting now, sounds like you have a bad BIOS flash & that you will need to get the BIOS reflashed or RMA your motherboard.
    I don't think this board supports reflashing - the chip is soldered onto the board.  Any idea why the rescue procedure isn't working?

  • K8T Master-2 Far - Dual Channel Memeory???

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    I also know that theWindbonf Temp probes are off on this/my board, as my cpu temp probe reads 64C, but taking a thermal prob to it, read just a bit over half of that. However in Sandra, when I switch between my cpu's (2x Opteron 244's) 1 shows a vcore of about 3.00 or so while the other shows 1.49... and often switches back and fourth with the other processor, or occassionally, they both will read at 1.49. Is this normal?
    And for my final question, is it normal for this board to catch on fire?... j/k!

    Quote from: SiliconEmbryo on 24-December-05, 17:23:42
    Hello, I have a few questions about this board. Is this board Dual Channel supported for memory modules? I have 4 ECC Registered  512 (333) Transcend memory modules installed, but no dual channel!
    I also know that theWindbonf Temp probes are off on this/my board, as my cpu temp probe reads 64C, but taking a thermal prob to it, read just a bit over half of that. However in Sandra, when I switch between my cpu's (2x Opteron 244's) 1 shows a vcore of about 3.00 or so while the other shows 1.49... and often switches back and fourth with the other processor, or occassionally, they both will read at 1.49. Is this normal?
    And for my final question, is it normal for this board to catch on fire?... j/k!
    The memory controller is built in the CPU's so its not depend on the board, however you have to put your memory in pairs in to the Mobo. The CPU does support dual channel. You mentioned you have 4 ( same?) sticks so you should be fine. Did you run a memory test in Sandra? What is the results compare with some references? ( try with 2 sticks ( 1MB) only ) One more thing try run the Memtest86. What is your bios version? Try update if too old. If only one program shows 3.00 volt for VCore then dont worry.. some bug... 
    When you inserted the cpus did you put some conductive grease on the cpus (silver grease is better, then the original conductive (pink) tape). Maybe the contact between the heat sink and cpu is not so good, try replace it. I have 248 opterons with max 45 C. (and  2X 512 MB  + 2X 256 MB and dual channel is working fine).

  • K8T Master 1.20 BIOS

    I downloaded it from Bas' link and flashed, all worked fine.
    Only thing I've noticed is that the HDD led doesn't work as it's supposed anymore. On the 1.10 BIOS it worked fine but now it doesn't turn off, it just shines all the time.
    Is this a result of MSI trying to fix the HDD led problem for those with one CPU?

    It's a misleading name, as it's for the K7 (SocketA) CPU's:
    "Our customers are demanding dual channel DDR memory performance and the latest connectivity technologies," said Joe Hsieh, Vice President, ASUS Motherboard Business Unit, "The VIA KT880 chipset delivers on all counts and is set to power our flagship Socket A motherboards."

  • WARNING... K8T Master 2 FAR Dual Opteron upgrade

    Anyone owning this board who has set up with one processor with a view to upgrading to dual beware.
    I recently assembled a machine in MAY 2004 using one AMD 242 Opteron, the system works fine and as Opteron prices have dropped i ordered the second one. Despite the short period of time between the two orders the processors are incompatible. I include an extract from an e-mail from AMD tech support
    Based on the part numbers that you provided me for your Opteron 242
    processors please note that based on their revisions they are not
    compatible so will not work together.
    OSA242CC05  AH --> AH part # is a B3 revision
    OSA242CEP5  AU --> AU part # is a CG revision
    Please ensure that when putting these processors on a dual processor
    motherboard both processors revision #s are the same.  I have included
    a link for you below with information on how to determine the revision
    # for your processor.
    I am assuming that it would be fairly difficult to track down a match for the first processor so i will probabltyhave to order a third processor to match the new one which leaves one spare...for what?
    I hope that this information will help to avoid you wasting money and valuable time trying to set up a basic dual opteron system.

    Have you tried looking at the serial numbers through the packaging on the retail boxed version, it is difficult enough to read with the processor out of the packaging and there is nothing on the outside of the packaging to diferentiate one batch from another. Pretty pathetic considering AMD designed the 242 series for dual boards.
    no i havent but i know its possible to get athlon xp with a certain number in sweden.
    and if its like this it will give amd bad reputation.

  • MOVED: MS-9130 K8T Master 2 FAR - Windows x64 SATA drivers???

    This topic has been moved to Server/workstation.

    You need to download them here: VIA Drivers
    They have all the 64 bit drivers listed you need for the chipset.
    Win64 will not take any 32bit drivers, don't even try that road

  • Trouble booting k8t master far2

    When I boot the PC gives 1 long beep and the is no image on the monitor (and it is on)
    I got this system :
    - MIST, 500W, 20/24 pins, S-ATA
    - k8t master far2 (org. bios)
    - 2 * opteron244 (au)
    - 2* 1 gb Apacher pc 3200 400 RAM
    - 2*sata western 200gb + 1 western 120gb
    - nvida quadro 980xl
    - Sound Blaster Audigy 2

    And what about that PSU.
    You need at least 30A on a single 12v rail !

  • K8T Master & Nvidia Quadro4 NVS 400??

    I was just wondering if anyone here is using an Nvidia Quadro4 NVS 400 (4 display PCI video card) with the K8T Master-2 FAR motherboard?? After having nothing but problems trying to get two dual-head video cards to work on this mobo (one AGP, 1 PCI) I've decided to maybe try a single quad-display PCI card, but was hoping for some input before I make any purchases.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi and thanks for the reply,
    I did use a different switch and it did the same thing.
    I haven't tried a higher wattage one but I doubt it needs that much juice,
    especially without anything plugged , ie. hdd, cdrom...

  • K8d or k8t master far?

    Hello to all, looking at a server mobo what do you all think would be the better board?
    k8d master far ms-9131  amd chipped
    k8t master far ms-9130  via chipped
    Ive looked and cant seem to find out if the k8d can use a dual core, I know the k8t is single core Dual processer mobo..
    second suggest a PSU
    are either boards very picky on ram pc2700
    going to be the server for my shop. trouble free and last a long time!!

    Pay attention now!!!!
    The MS-9130 is the K8T-Master-2FAR does NOT support Dual-core or new CPU's the FAR7 does, see below !
    You are mixing numbers and boards here.
    Let me show you the pages of the right boards:
    >>K8T Master 2FAR-7<< = MS-9617 and does support ALL new CPU's, incl dual-core. Workstation board socket 940.
    >>K8D Master3-133<< = MS-9161 ver2 and does support ALL new CPU's, incl dual-core. Server board socket 940.
    As you are looking at the K8T Master 2FAR (MS-9130) and the K8D Master3 (MS-9161 ver1) boards, they are NOT the same and do not support the latest CPU's.
    Please pay attention to this, as you are looking at the old boards, not the new ones.

  • K8T Master2-FAR Bios v1.4 (9130) Help

    Hello of people
    I have the following problem
    My board is a MSI K8T Master2-FAR Bios v1.4 (9130)
    Property me 2x Opteron 248 bought.With this Bios when starting 2 CPU' s is indicated to me
    But with Vista Ultimate and Vienna XP pro in the task manager only one CPU is indicated,
    in the equipment manager however two are indicated.
    Property installs already again however without success.
    I have the Msi support already written down however without success.
    To US support says I is to the German support to turn, that I made
    Say the board is not any longer manufactured I is for my problem to the forum to turn.
    Someone has a solution possibly another Bios.
    I already tried these versions out
    1.0, 1,1 thereby does not run the CPU' s
    1.35 thereby go it are however very unstable.
    Apology for my bad English
    Motherboard ID   11/26/2003-K8HTB-8237-6A7L0M4DC-00
    Motherboard Name   MSI K8T Master1/2-FAR (MS-9130)
    CPU    2x AMD  Opteron 248, 2200 MHz (11x 200)
    CPU Nr:   OSA248FAA5BL, CAB1E D637APMW
    Memory Module 2 x 1 GB Micron 36VDDT12872G-265C2, ECC. REG   133 MHz
    AGP 8x: nVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT
    Creative Audigy 2 ZS (SB0350) Sound Card   
    Drive -    SATA RAID 0 2 x 160 GB MAXTOR STM3160813AS
    LC-POWER LC8850 Arkange
    Max. 850 Watt   max.
     (DC Output) +3.3V30 A 
     (DC Output) +5V 28 A 
     (DC Output) +12V 18 A 
     (DC Output) +12V 218 A 
     (DC Output) +12V 318 A  max.
     (DC Output) +12V 418 A
    OS Name   Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit
    Microsoft Windows XP Pro 32bit

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